Tribal headdress

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Tribal headdress

Tribal headdress

Elegant traditional garb, often with religious significance. Improves social impact.

Base Stats

Tech Level
.11 kg
Deterioration Rate


Insulation Factor - Cold
Insulation Factor - Heat
Armor Factor - Sharp
Armor Factor - Blunt
Armor Factor - Heat
Clothing For Nudity
Head, Left Ear, Right Ear
Child, Adult


Crafted At
Crafting spot / Hand tailor bench / Electric tailor bench
Skill Required
Crafting 4
Work To Make
6,000 ticks (1.67 mins)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Stuff Tags
Resources to make
Stuff 50

The tribal headdress is a tribal clothing item that covers the head. It provides a +15% increase to Social Impact, minimal armor for the head and ears, and modest insulation.


For New Tribes, Tribal headdresses can be crafted at a crafting spot, hand tailor bench, or electric tailor bench, each requiring Stuff 50 Stuff (Fabric), 6,000 ticks (1.67 mins) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter and the work to make factor of the material, and a crafting skill of 4. New Arrivals can never craft tribal headdresses. Leathers can't be used to craft tribal headdresses.

They can also be purchased from Tribal traders, or obtained from the following raider kinds:

Raider Kind Chance Average Quality Health
Trader 100% Normal 50-180%
Archer chief 100% Normal 100%
Berserker chief 100% Normal 100%


A tribal headdress offers a +15% increase to Social Impact. Note: Social impact predominantly affects the Opinion bonuses and maluses pawn interactions can create, the success chance of SpeechesContent added by the Royalty DLC and some rituals.Content added by the Ideology DLC It does NOT affect trade prices, as that is instead dependent on Trade Price Improvement. Nor does it affect prisoner recruitment, beyond slightly hastening how quickly the prisoners like the warden, as that is instead dependent on Negotiation Ability.

A tribal headdress has a slave suppression offset of −10%. When worn by a slave,Content added by the Ideology DLC this acts as an offset to the rate at which the slave loses suppression.Content added by the Ideology DLC Note that by default, slaves lose between −5% and −20% suppression per day depending on their current level of suppression. This loss rate stacks additively with all sources of slave suppression offset, with a minimum of 0% loss per day.


Tribal headdresses can be used to increase Social Impact in the very early game, before you have access to a hand tailor bench. Veils cost less material, they take less work to make, they protect just as much against bullets, insulate better against temperature, and they cover the entire face, whilst the tribal headdress only covers the head and ears. Social Impact increases opinion impact (positive and negative), and boosts the qualify of certain ritualsContent added by the Ideology DLC. When used for rituals, only 1 person needs a headdress, and it can be taken off as soon as the ritual is over.

Once you have researched Complex clothing, there is even less purpose for this item. The hood offers the same protection, somewhat better heat insulation, costs the same amount of material and work to make, and offers +20% Social Impact instead of +15%.

Ideally, you should not be using a tribal headdress for combat, but if you have no other materials, then it offers some sort of protection. It is better to swap to some sort of helmet when engaging in battle. A steel simple helmet beats a hyperweave headdress, the best material of headdress, of the same quality. If you have spare hyperweave leftover, it's likely better to use it on the more protective veil instead.

Thus, the tribal headdress has a very small niche: when you have access to fabric AND when you need a Social Impact boost, but before you have access to Complex Clothing. You may also want to use a tribal headdress if you obtain a particularly great / high quality one for protection in the early game.

Stats table

Feature Toggle
QualityRitual Quality Check Off.png
  • Tribal headdress Tribal headdress Sharp Blunt Heat HP Insulation
    - Cold
    - Heat
    Market Value
    Normal Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -3 °C (-5.4 °F) +2.4 °C (4.3 °F) 210 Silver
    Normal Bison wool Bison wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -2.6 °C (-4.7 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 157 Silver
    Normal Cloth Cloth 7.2% 0% 3.6% 100 -1.8 °C (-3.2 °F) +2.7 °C (4.9 °F) 97 Silver
    Normal Devilstrand Devilstrand 28% 7.2% 60% 130 -2 °C (-3.6 °F) +3.6 °C (6.5 °F) 295 Silver
    Normal Hyperweave Hyperweave 40% 10.8% 57.6% 240 -2.6 °C (-4.7 °F) +3.9 °C (7 °F) 470 Silver
    Normal Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 16% 0% 22% 100 -3.4 °C (-6.1 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 157 Silver
    Normal Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -2.8 °C (-5 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 157 Silver
    Normal Sheep wool Sheep wool 7.2% 0% 22% 100 -2.6 °C (-4.7 °F) +1.5 °C (2.7 °F) 157 Silver
    Normal Synthread Synthread 18.8% 5.2% 18% 130 -2.2 °C (-4 °F) +3.3 °C (5.9 °F) 220 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

  • Version history[edit]