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| insulationheat = 1
| insulationheat = 1
| mass base = 4
| mass base = 4
| lifestage = Adult
| clothing for nudity = True
| coverage = Left Leg, Right Leg
| coverage = Left Leg, Right Leg
| layer = Skin, Middle
| layer = Skin, Middle

Revision as of 05:37, 26 October 2023

Flak pants

Flak pants

A pair of pants with armor plates sewn in. While it's not as good as solid armor, it offers effective protection against all manner of attacks while remaining quite comfortable.

Base Stats

Tech Level
Market Value
225 Silver
4 kg


Insulation - Cold
3.5 °C (6.3 °F)
Insulation - Heat
°C (1.8 °F)
Armor - Sharp
Armor - Blunt
Armor - Heat
Clothing For Nudity
Left Leg, Right Leg
Skin, Middle


Crafted At
Machining table
Required Research
Flak armor
Skill Required
Crafting 4
Work To Make
9,000 ticks (2.5 mins)
Resources to make
Steel 60 + Cloth 30 + Component 1

Flak pants is a piece of armor that provides protection to the legs at the cost a penalty to move speed.


Flak pants can be crafted at a Machining table once the Flak armor research project has been completed. They require Steel 60 Steel, Cloth 30 Cloth, Component 1 Component, 9,000 ticks (2.5 mins) of work, and a Crafting skill of 4.

Flak pants can also be commonly found on Outlanders, Pirates, Ancients, and Imperial Troopers. Content added by the Royalty DLC


When equipped, a flak pants reduces the pawn's base move speed by −0.12 c/s. As offsets such as these apply before multiplicative effects such as from Moving capacity, the actual impact on move speed can be larger or smaller than this value. For example, a pawn with 125% Moving would have their speed decreased by −0.15 c/s, while a pawn with only 50% Moving would only have their speed decreased by −0.06 c/s. See Move Speed for details.


Overall, flak pants can provide useful protection in the early- to mid- game. Low resource costs, accessible research, and the ability to be worn with a duster all give it merit. While not vital, permanent leg damage can severely impair colonists before bionic legs are available. The penalty of -0.12 c/s to movement speed can make it less valuable for day to day life on pawns that need to walk around often (e.g. Growers).

Generally, you should prioritize getting flak vests and possibly flak jackets or flak helmets first. Flak vests have the same material cost while protecting many vital organs, like the torso, neck, and heart. The legs, while important, can be replaced.

Unlike flak jackets, they are not made totally obsolete by devilstrand. Regular pants only equal flak pants with rare, late-game materials in hyperweave and thrumbofur. However, devilstrand pants offer a significant amount of Heat armor, equal to a 45% reduction in damage from fire even at Normal quality.

Note that flak pants are unable to be worn with plate armor or any form of power armor. The exact protection of the legs offered by flak pants vs pants of varying materials and power armor is reliant on the interactions between Armor Rating calculations and is currently unclear. However, devilstrand pants and any power provide superior protection.

Stats table

  • Flak pants Flak pants Sharp Blunt Heat HP Insulation
    - Cold
    - Heat
    Market Value
    Awful 24% 4.8% 6% 140 -2.8 °C (-5 °F) +0.8 °C (1.4 °F) 113 Silver
    Poor 32% 6.4% 8% 140 -3.15 °C (-5.7 °F) +0.9 °C (1.6 °F) 169 Silver
    Normal 40% 8% 10% 140 -3.5 °C (-6.3 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) 225 Silver
    Good 46% 9.2% 11.5% 140 -3.85 °C (-6.9 °F) +1.1 °C (2 °F) 280 Silver
    Excellent 52% 10.4% 13% 140 -4.2 °C (-7.6 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 335 Silver
    Masterwork 58% 11.6% 14.5% 140 -5.25 °C (-9.5 °F) +1.5 °C (2.7 °F) 560 Silver
    Legendary 72% 14.4% 18% 140 -6.3 °C (-11.3 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 1125 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

  • Protection Charts

    Sharp Armor Blunt Armor

    Version history