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| to string style = PercentZero
| to string style = PercentZero
| description = Chance to dodge a melee attack that would've otherwise hit. Characters will not dodge while aiming or firing a ranged weapon.
| description = Chance to dodge a melee attack that would've otherwise hit. Characters will not dodge while aiming or firing a ranged weapon.
| category = PawnCombat

Latest revision as of 19:58, 6 September 2024

Melee Dodge Chance is a stat: Chance to dodge a melee attack that would've otherwise hit. Characters will not dodge while aiming or firing a ranged weapon. Its minimum allowed value is 0%. Its maximum allowed value is 80%. Its default value is 100%.

Base score[edit]

First, a base score, which we'll call M, is computed by adding up Melee skill and a few other modifiers:

Post-processing curve[edit]

Base score to Dodge Chance

The above graph shows how your base score M corresponds to the final Dodge Chance.

  • From a base score of M ≤ 5, Dodge Chance is 0%
  • From a base score of 5 < M ≤ 20, Dodge Chance increases by 2% per increase in base score.
  • From a base score of 20 < M ≤ 60, Dodge Chance increases by 0.5% per increase in base score.
  • Beyond a base score of 60, there is no increase in Dodge Chance (will be capped at 50%).

In other words, there are diminishing returns beyond 20 dodge chance base score (30% dodge chance): each point exceeding that yields 1/4 the benefit, before reaching a hard cap at 60 (50% dodge chance). For a normal pawn with melee 5, replacing a leg with an archotech leg would yield +4.5 base score and +9% dodge chance; but if it had melee 20, then the new leg would yield only +2.25% dodge chance.

A maxed-out pawn with two archotech eyes (150% Sight, capped at 140% -> +3.2 base chance), two archotech legs and a bionic heart (158% Moving -> +10.44 base chance), the Nimble trait (+15), and level 20 melee has a base dodge chance of M=48.64 and a resulting Melee Dodge Chance of 44.32%. Go-juice raises it to 49%. Adding in luciferium, wake-up, and fibrous mechanites yields M=73.5, which would translate into a 56.75% dodge chance if not for the hard cap at 50%.

Chance to dodge[edit]

Skill Level Standard Nimble Skill Level Standard Nimble
0 0% 20% - - -
1 0% 22% 11 12% 33%
2 0% 24% 12 14% 33.5%
3 0% 26% 13 16% 34%
4 0% 28% 14 18% 34.5%
5 0% 30% 15 20% 35%
6 2% 30.5% 16 22% 35.5%
7 4% 31% 17 24% 36%
8 6% 31.5% 18 26% 36.5%
9 8% 32% 19 28% 37%
10 10% 32.5% 20 30% 37.5%

Version history[edit]