Control Taking Time

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Revision as of 19:12, 18 September 2024 by JuliaCat (talk | contribs) (Control Taking Time Stat)
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Control Taking Time is a stat: How many seconds it will take for a mechanitor to take control of this mech. Its minimum allowed value is 0. Its default value is 12.


Mechanoid Control Taking Time
Centipede blaster Centipede blaster 12s
Centipede gunner Centipede gunner 12s
Centipede burner Centipede burner 12s
Lancer Lancer 12s
Scyther Scyther 12s
Pikeman Pikeman 12s
Termite Termite 12s[1]
Militor Militor Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
Lifter Lifter Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
Constructoid Constructoid Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
Fabricor Fabricor Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
Agrihand Agrihand Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
Cleansweeper Cleansweeper Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
War urchin War urchin Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s[2]
Paramedic Paramedic Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
Legionary Legionary Content added by the Biotech DLC 18s
Tesseron Tesseron Content added by the Biotech DLC 18s
Scorcher Scorcher Content added by the Biotech DLC 12s
Tunneler Tunneler Content added by the Biotech DLC 24s
Apocriton Apocriton Content added by the Biotech DLC 18s[1]
Centurion Centurion Content added by the Biotech DLC 30s
War queen War queen Content added by the Biotech DLC 30s
Diabolus Diabolus Content added by the Biotech DLC 30s
  1. 1.0 1.1 This mech cannot be gestated by a mechanitor, so this is irrelevant
  2. This mech cannot be directly controlled by an overseer, so this is irrelevant

Stat Def Data

Def Name
Label For Full Stat List
Offset Label
Description Category Parameters Complex
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    control taking time
How many seconds it will take for a mechanitor to take control of this mech.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Humanlikes: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: true
  • Default Base Value: 12
  • Min Value: 0
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Format String: {0}s
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 2010

Version history