Mech Remote Repair Distance

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Mech Remote Repair Distance is a stat: How far away a mech can be during remote repair. Its minimum allowed value is 0. Its default value is 0.


Level Offset
1 7.9
2 13.9
3 19.9
  1. See Remote repairer (Item)


This stat is only shown on mechanitors (i.e. they have an installed mechlink). . It is effectively limited to a maximum of 19.9 cells/tiles: A mechanitor with a level 3 control sublink (+19.9).

This stat is only shown on mechanitors (i.e. they have an installed mechlink). Furthermore, it is only affected by the Remote repairer. The value is 0 by default and the final value is simply equal to the offset from the current level (installed count) of the Remote repairer. It represents the maximum distance in cells or tiles that a pawn can use the remote repair ability on player controlled mechanoids (excluding War urchins, which cannot be repaired). It is effectively limited to a maximum of 19.9 cells/tiles: A mechanitor with a level 3 control sublink (+19.9).

Stat Def Data

Def Name
Label For Full Stat List
Offset Label
Description Category Parameters Complex
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mech remote repair distance
How far away a mech can be during remote repair.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_Mechanitor
  • Default Base Value: 0
  • Min Value: 0
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Humanlikes: true
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 2000

Version history