I'm not convinced it's a good idea to add a list of all things that don't block the wind, as there are a lot of them. I think we should either reverse the list to al things that block wind, or only name the groups of things that don't block wind (e.g. all plants except trees, all floors etc.):
For reference:
Things that specifically (as of the game files) don't block wind:
- Ancient fence
- Animal bed
- Animal sleeping spot
- Armchair
- Band node
- Bedroll
- Bioferrite generator
- Bioferrite harvester
- Bonsai tree
- Caravan hitching spot
- Cotton plant
- Couch
- Deathrest accelerator
- Electric smelter
- Fence
- Fence gate
- Gene processor
- Glucosoid pump
- Growing zone
- Hemogen amplifier
- Hemopump
- Hydroponics basin
- Marriage spot
- Party spot
- Psychofluid pump
- Sandbags
- Shard inhibitor
- Solar generator
- Stockpile zone
- Subcore ripscanner
- Toxifier generator
All buildings and plants and whether Blocks Wind is specified or not: