Construct Success Chance

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Construct Success Chance is a stat: The chance that this person will succeed in constructing something. Failing means wasting time and resources. Its default value is 100%.

Construction Success Chance is capped at 100%.


Skill Table

Construction Skill Chance
0 75%
1 80%
2 85%
3 87.5%
4 90%
5 92.5%
6 95%
7 97.5%
8 100%
9 100% (101%)[A]
10 100% (102%)[A]
11 100% (103%)[A]
12 100% (104%)[A]
13 100% (105%)[A]
14 100% (106%)[A]
15 100% (107%)[A]
16 100% (108%)[A]
17 100% (109%)[A]
18 100% (110%)[A]
19 100% (112%)[A]
20 100% (113%)[A]
A Construction Success Chance is capped at 100%, but the value added by increased construction skill continues to improve. This only becomes relevant when the pawn has impaired Sight or Manipulation as higher skill can make up the difference.