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Gear Menu Weapons Apparel Clothing Armor Utility

Apparel preview.png

Apparel is worn by your colonists to protect them from extreme temperatures or from damage in combat. See a pawn's Gear tab to see what apparel they are wearing.

Clothing vs Armor

There are two main types of apparel, clothing and armor. Both clothing and armor use the same basic mechanics and the distinction is largely arbitrary beyond its use in sorting items. They can be mixed and matched, as far as Apparel layers allow.

Clothing usually:

  • is made from light materials (fabrics and leathers);
  • offers good insulation from extreme temperatures;
  • offers lower protection from damage (with the right materials, clothing can be a worthwhile "light" armor).

Armor usually:

  • is made from solid materials (metal);
  • offers less insulation from extreme temperatures;
  • offers good protection from damage;
  • gives penalties to movement speed (from wearing the armor) and to carrying capacity (from the weight of the armor).
Examples of different apparel, including both clothing and armor

Layers and coverage

Each item of apparel or utility gear is worn on a specific location of the wearer's body. That location is determined by two things:

  1. The body part groups it covers.
  2. The layer or layers it occupies.

Apparel combinations are limited by layer and coverage - an item cannot be worn with another item that covers the same body parts and on the same layer. Thus, items covering the same parts but on different layers are compatible, as are items on the same layer but with no overlap in coverage. Items that cover multiple layers conflict with items on all layers.

Layers are also used to determine the order in which armor calculations are performed, with the outermost layer's armor applying first, and progressing through the layers until the attack is stopped or there are no more layers.

The layers, from innermost to outermost, are:

  • Skin: The closest layer to the body, and mostly used for apparel below the head.
  • Middle: The second closest layer to the body, and mostly used for apparel below the head.
  • Outer: The third layer from the body, and mostly used for apparel below the head. Note that it will be displayed on the pawn's sprite above all other layers, even though it is considered below the following layers for actual mechanical effects.
  • Belt: Technically the fourth layer. A distinct layer for utility items to allow them to be worn alongside any other apparel but not with each other.
  • Headgear: The fifth layer, and used for headwear. There are several items that cover body parts typically covered by the other layers however, in which case this will be above them.
  • Eyes: The outermost layer. A distinct layer only used for the blindfoldContent added by the Ideology DLC to allow it to be worn alongside headwear.

Which body parts currently have items that occupy each of the layers is shown in the table on the below; layers and body parts which are not currently used by gear were omitted. As such, the hands and feet which are not covered by any apparel or any layer, are omitted.

  • Body Part Group Coverage Skin Middle Outer Headgear Eyes Belt Image
    Full Head Head, Ears, Nose, Jaw, Eyes × Human Body Areas Located.png
    Upper Head Head, Ears ×
    Eyes Eyes ×
    Shoulders Left & Right Shoulders × × ×
    Arms Left & Right Arm × × ×
    Torso Torso × × ×
    Waist Waist ×
    Neck Neck × × × ×
    Legs Left & Right Leg × × ×
  • Examples

    • You can't wear pants as well as tribalwear, since both cover the "skin" layer and cover the legs.
    • You can wear pants and a button-down shirt, since while they both use the "skin" layer they don't cover the same parts.
    • You can wear pants and a duster, since while they both cover the legs pants use the "skin" layer while a duster uses the "outer" layer.


    Colonists wearing protective apparel have a chance of outright avoiding all damage from an attack, as the item can sometimes utterly deflect a bullet or a Melee strike. This will be represented by a "tink" sound and a spark particle effect. They may also receive a mitigated blow, for only half of the damage.

    There are several types of armor ratings. They are expressed as percentages. The maximum armor rating per type is 200%.

  • Name Label Description
    Sharp Armor - Sharp Protection against piercing damage like bullets, knife stabs, and animal bites. These attacks will cause cuts, stabs or gunshot wounds, which in turn are prone to cause Bleeding. Even the lightest clothing material seems to offer some protection against sharp damage.
    Blunt Armor - Blunt Protection against blunt damage like fist and club attacks, rock falls, explosions, and strikes with ranged weapons at melee range. This protection is generally limited, and blunt weapons will generally have to deal with less armor than an equivalent tier sharp weapon.
    Heat Armor - Heat Protection against fire damage from natural fires and fire weapons such as molotov cocktails, as well as lightning strikes. Heat damage seems to never have armor penetration. Not to be mistaken with Heat Insulation.
  • Calculation

    Each pawn body part has its own armor rating, which is affected by every layer of worn apparel covering that body part. Incoming attack damage is first applied to the outermost layer of apparel at a body part and proceeds sequentially through all layers of apparel before finally damaging the pawn. Damage passes through a layer completely if no armor is found there. Note that some attacks can damage multiple body parts at once.

    So if a pawn wearing only a duster, flak vest, and tribalwear were struck in the torso, the final damage to the torso would be calculated thus:

    1. First, the armor effects of the outermost apparel layer (in this example, the duster) are applied to the total damage of the attack.
    2. If there is residual attack damage, then the effects of the next layer (the flak vest on the middle layer) are applied to the attack damage.
    3. If there is still residual damage, the armor of the next layer, the tribalwear, is applied.
    4. If no layers of apparel remain, any residual damage is applied to the skin of the body part.

    If this same pawn were hit in the arm, the only armor effects would come from their duster, as neither the vest nor tribalwear cover the arm. If they were struck in the head, then the damage would be directly applied to the head, as they aren't wearing anything that covers their head.

    Some items occupy multiple apparel layers, such as Marine armor which occupies both the middle and outer layer. In such cases, damage is only calculated against the item one time, leaving the other occupied layer(s) technically unarmored. A strike to the torso would be calculated against the marine armor only once, with residual damage passing to the next apparel item. Armor that occupies multiple layers typically has much higher armor values and armor penetration resistance, though, to more than make up for the loss of an apparel layer.

    See the Analysis section below for details.

    In-game, Armor rating is calculated as follows:

    1. The armor rating is reduced by the armor penetration value, dependent on the weapon. This gives the "effective armor rating".

    Note: While armor penetration is given as a percentage, it is subtracted from the target's armor, not used as a multiplier. E.g. if a target with 150% armor is attacked using a weapon with 50% armor penetration, the result is 150% - 50% = 100% effective armor rating, not 150% * (1 - 50%) = 75% effective armor rating.

    1. The effective armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100:
      • If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
      • If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is halved.
      • If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.
    2. If any damage remains, then the same process is applied to the next item on a lower layer using the new damage (if halved) or full damage (if the armor had no effect) and retaining the full AP of the attack. Damage halving is applied multiplicatively - so if the two layers both half the damage, the pawn receives one quarter of the damage.

    Sharp damage

    If the damage is Sharp and any layer halves the damage, then any remaining damage to the pawn will be changed to Blunt damage.

    Note: Despite the common misconception, the armor effect of layers below will still be calculated against the sharp armor rating of those layers, not against the blunt armor rating. For example, if a pawn wears a duster over a flak vest, and the duster halves the damage of an incoming sharp attack converting, it to blunt damage in the process, the flak vest will still use its sharp armor rating for its attempt at mitigating the damage.

    Flame damage

    Heat armor works to prevent Flame damage from injuring the pawn using the same process as any other armor and damage type, but any Flame damage that actually deals damage to the pawn has a chance to set the pawn on fire. This ignition chance is the same regardless of the damage dealt to the pawn, so long as some damage is actually dealt. Thus if the Heat Armor does not outright negate the damage, it otherwise does nothing to prevent the pawn from being ignited.

    While Burn damage is otherwise identical to Flame damage, including its interaction with heat armor, it cannot ignite pawns.


    Thus each effective point of armor gives 0.5% to harmlessly deflect damage, and another 0.5% chance to mitigate it, instead receiving half the damage as blunt damage. Each effective armor point below 100% results in a net 0.75% reduction in damage, while each point above results in a 0.25% reduction. This means that at 200% effective armor rating, colonists will be completely immune to damage; this currently works only on heat damage which lacks armor penetration, and can be seen on mechanoids. Cataphract armor at Legendary quality comes at a close second, reaching 200% sharp rating, but all sharp attacks have armor penetration meaning that even a pawn hit too many times will fall.

    Armor is calculated per item of apparel, from the item occupying the outermost layer in. Armor mitigation does stack multiplicatively, e.g. two pieces of armor layered on top of each other can each mitigate the damage by 50%, reducing it to 25% of the base damage. Each layer also has an independent chance to entirely negate the damage, using the above calculation steps.

    Armor Penetration is applied identically to each layer. This means that, while multiple layers of armor each have more chances to mitigate the damage, layering apparel with low armor values may do little or nothing against projectiles with high armor penetration, while a single layer of high armor value may be able to mitigate it.

    For example a pawn with both a devilstrand shirt with sharp armor of 28% and a toughskin gland with sharp armor 35% would always receive full damage from a charge rifle, as its armor penetration of 35% completely nullifies the protection of both items. This is why higher armor values may be preferable over multiple layers of much lower armor values. However there is little reason not to stack the best protection on your pawns when the items not mutually exclusive. A hyperweave shirt might still stop an assault rifle bullet that penetrates a flak vest, and it could be the only thing protecting the pawns arm.

    Note that armor does not stop weapons with sufficient stopping power from staggering colonists, even if the damage is deflected.


    Apparel, including armor, takes damage from several factors. It takes 1 HP of damage for every 4 points of damage dealt to the wearer, provided the damage is applied to that layer and location. Thus, if an attack hits a pawn's torso and is stopped by apparel on the Outer layer, such as a Duster, the duster will receive damage, but a torso-covering item on Middle layer, such as a Flak vest will receive no damage. If the duster were to halve the damage instead, then the flak vest would receive half of the durability damage, while the duster would receive full damage.

    The damage to the item is the same regardless of whether it deflects all the damage, half the damage, or no damage, just so long as the attack is calculated against that item. The durability damage is calculated off of the raw damage as it reaches that layer, before that layer's mitigation is applied. Therefore, as quality does not affect an item's HP, high-quality armor lasts about as long as low-quality armor in combat, but will better protect lower layers from damage.

    Apparel also takes damage when the pawn wearing it is on fire. Each time the fire deals damage to the pawn, it deals the same amount of damage to a random piece of worn apparel.

    All apparel worn by a pawn has a 40% chance to take 1 HP of damage each day (so on average, each piece of apparel takes about 0.4 HP of damage per day). This effect is only applied to pawns in a map - pawns in caravans, transport pods etc do not suffer apparel damage in this way.

    Finally, when a pawn is killed by an attack, all worn apparel takes anywhere between 15% and 40% of its current hit points in damage.

    Damaged apparel

    A colonist wearing badly damaged apparel will have one of the following thoughts. These debuffs do not stack, only one is given based on the apparel with the worst condition.

    HP Thought Debuff
    20% - 50% "Wearing worn-out apparel" -3
    below 20% "Wearing tattered apparel" -5

    Durability does not affect stats such as protection and insulation.


    In-game insulation stats from a legendary muffalo wool parka

    Insulation offers protection against extreme temperatures like freezing cold and scorching heat. Every pawn and every animal has a natural range of acceptable temperatures. By default a naked human has a very narrow acceptable temperature range of 16 °C – 26 °C (60.8 °F – 78.8 °F), so you'll need to wear apparel to survive in the harsh environment of a rimworld.

    Insulation from a single piece of apparel

    Apparel can offer "Insulation - Cold", which protects from extremely cold temperatures, and "Insulation - Heat" which protects from extremely hot temperatures. The amount of insulation a piece of apparel offers is equal to:

     Insulation = Material insulation * Apparel insulation_factor * Quality multiplier
    • Material insulation: the material used to create an article of apparel has a large impact on how much insulation a piece of apparel offers. For example, muffalo wool offers 28 °C (50.4 °F) of insulation from cold, while birdskin only offers 10 °C (18 °F). See textiles for a full comparison of clothing options.
    • Apparel insulation factor: each type of apparel has an insulation factor associated with it. For example, parkas have an insulation factor - cold of 2, so a normal muffalo wool parka offers 56 °C (100.8 °F) of insulation from cold. See clothing for a full comparison.
    • Quality multiplier: the quality of an item influences it's insulation as well. For example, legendary quality offers a 1.8x increase in insulation, so a legendary muffalo wool parka offers 100.8 °C (181.4 °F) of insulation from cold. See quality for a full comparison.

    Total insulation for a pawn

    Total cold insulation for a pawn wearing a legendary muffalo wool parka and a poor quality cloth button-down shirt

    The total insulation for a pawn is the sum of the insulation from each piece of apparel. A pawn's minimum comfortable temperature is reduced by their total Insulation - Cold, while their maximum comfortable temperature is increased by their Insulation - Heat.

    For example, consider a pawn wearing a legendary muffalo wool parka and a poor quality cloth button-down shirt. By default, humans have an acceptable temperature range of 16 °C – 26 °C (60.8 °F – 78.8 °F). We can find the new temperature range by computing the insulation from the clothing, then adding to the base insulation:

    Computing insulation from clothing

     Parka cold insulation = muffalo wool cold insulation * parka cold insulation factor * legendary modifier
     = 28°C * 200% * 1.8
     = 100.8°C
     Parka heat insulation = muffalo wool heat insulation * parka heat insulation factor * legendary modifier
     = 12°C * 0% * 1.8
     = 0°C
     Shirt cold insulation = cloth cold insulation * shirt modifier * poor modifier
     = 18°C * 26% * 0.9
     = 4.2°C
     Shirt heat insulation = cloth heat insulation * shirt modifier * poor modifier
     = 18°C * 10% * 0.9
     = 1.6°C

    Adding to base insulation

     Minimum acceptable temperature = default minimum acceptable temperature - parka cold insulation - shirt cold insulation
     = 16 - 100.8 - 4.2
     = -89°C
     Maximum acceptable temperature = default maximum acceptable temperature + parka heat insulation + shirt heat insulation
     = 26 + 0 + 1.6
     = 27.6°C

    So the new comfortable range is: -89°C to 27.6°C


    How likely the item is to burst into flames while in storage. Often Heat Protection and this value are related. It is entirely dependent on the material.

    It has no effect on the chance of a pawn to catch fire while wearing the item.

    Quality effects

    Quality Armor
    Market Value Max Market Value Gain Deterioration Rate Beauty
    Awful 0.6 0.8 0.5 - 2 -0.1
    Poor 0.8 0.9 0.75 - 1.5 0.5
    Normal 1.0 1.0 1.0 - 1 1
    Good 1.15 1.1 1.25 500 0.8 2
    Excellent 1.3 1.2 1.5 1000 0.6 3
    Masterwork 1.45 1.5 2.5 2000 0.3 5
    Legendary 1.8 1.8 5 3000 0.1 8


    In RimWorld Core, male colonists are considered naked when their legs are not covered, while female colonists are considered naked when either their legs or chest are not covered. Most colonists will receive a -6 mood penalty from being naked, triggering an alert prompting the player to seek suitable clothing.

    For Nudists the opposite is true - they receive a +20 mood bonus while naked and a -3 mood penalty while clothed.

    With the Ideology (DLC) installed and active, Nudity, both in required coverage and the reaction to it, instead depend on the IdeoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC of the pawn and its precepts.

    Special values

    Clothing can have very specific secondary values. The more common ones are:

    • Negative movement Speed. This is mostly seen with armor
    • Bonus to social skills. This is a extremely common stat for any form of headwear that is not armor
    • Pain Threshold. Specific to Tribal clothing, this increases when a character will collapses from damage

    Tainted apparel

    Apparel that is worn by a human as they die becomes tainted. The clothing must be worn, not merely carried, to become tainted. All tainted items have names suffixed with single letter T. Utility items never become tainted.

    Most pawns wearing tainted apparel gain a persistent mood debuff as long as they're wearing it that scales with the number of items worn - colonists with Bloodlust trait are unaffected by tainted clothing. Tainted clothes also have their market value decreased by 90%. Traders and faction bases do not buy tainted apparel nor accept them as gifts, but tainted clothing may be sent to them via transport pod for goodwill at their reduced market value.

    The apparel that is worn by a pawn as they are resurrected by a resurrector mech serum become untainted. There is no other way to untaint apparel.

    While tainted apparel does give a mood debuff, insulation, protection, and nudity concerns may take precedence over the comparatively minor penalty.

    If truly unwanted, tainted apparel can be disposed of via a variety of means.

    Num. Items Debuff
    1 −3
    2 −5
    3 −7
    4+ −8


    Apparel can also be destroyed via a "Burn apparel" bill at a crematorium or a campfire or destroyed at an electric smelter. Apparel containing metallic resources can instead be smelted at an electric smelter, for a return of 25% of the metallic resources used to create them. Note that things such as components will similarly be reduced to their base metals. In either case care must be taken in selecting the allowed items to destroyed.

    A burn pit provides a quick way to dispose of large quantities of burnable apparel. Place a stockpile zone on non-flammable terrain or flooring, designate the zone for all apparel you wish to dispose of - suggested settings are tainted and non-smeltable apparel only, remove the automatically created home zone around the stockpile to prevent colonists extinguishing the fire, and manually attack the pile with an incendiary weapon such as a Molotov cocktail. Fire will spread from item to item and the unwanted apparel will be destroyed with minimal colonist work.

    Another alternative is to simply dump all unwanted apparel onto water or marsh tiles, which will rapidly speed up its deterioration rate.

    Finally, unwanted apparel can be sold or gifted for goodwill if untainted. If disposing of apparel because it becomes worn, disposal at 60% HP will retain significantly more market value than waiting for 50% and the first worn moodlet to apply. Any item, including tainted items, can be sent as gifts via transport pods to faction bases. For the majority of items, the reduction in market value from tainting makes this not worth the resources to make and launch the transport pod. For items with high base values, like hyperweave clothes occasionally found on raiders, it can still be worthwhile.

    Outfit selection

    Colonists can be instructed to automatically equip specific items from a list selected in the Assign menu. The will choose items based on their insulation, armor values and possibly other factors. Colonists will automatically equip apparel suitable for the season or temperature. The full details of how this selection mechanic works is currently unknown.


    A number of Materials is available for Clothing and Armor. Not every piece supports every material and a lot of the protective power of armor and insulation of clothing actually comes from the used material, rather than something unique to the item.

    Armor materials

    These materials are primarily used for armor. It includes any metal and in rare cases, even wood. (Note that even though jade has armor and insulation modifiers, it can't be used for any type of apparel.)

    MaterialStuff CategoryMarket ValueBeauty FactorBeauty OffsetWork To Make FactorMax Hit Points FactorFlammability FactorArmor - Sharp FactorArmor - Blunt FactorArmor - Heat FactorInsulation - Cold (°C)Insulation - Heat (°C)

    Clothing materials

    See Textiles#Material Effects.

    Common combinations

    Apparel combinations are limited by layer and coverage, and this selective incompatibility leads to trends in combinations that are discussed and compared here.

    Skin Layer

    In the early game, this layer is dominated by two options: tribalwear or button-down shirt + pants. The t-shirt is an inferior (and negligibly cheaper) version of the button-down shirt and should be avoided.

    Tribalwear offers the best thermal insulation and is cheaper. Button-down shirt + pants has the same armor values but also covers the shoulders, arms, and neck. When made of the weakest textiles like cloth, the armor is so low that enemy weapons' AP completely nullifies it, making the coverage irrelevant, so you might as well use the cheaper tribalwear. But as you acquire stronger textiles, the armor coverage becomes more valuable, and insulation becomes more plentiful as you give everyone a full set of clothing, so the button-down combo becomes the better choice usually early to mid game. Note that, if you're using dusters/capes/jackets—which have higher armor values—then your strongest textiles are best spent on upgrading the outerwear first. (For example, a thrumbofur duster and plainleather shirt+pants protects better than a plainleather duster and thrumbofur shirt+pants.)

    Flak pants are available mid-game; they give 40% sharp protection, about the same as hyperweave and thrumbofur pants, but are cheaper and easier to source (note again that you should spend those textiles on dusters first—hyperweave dusters give 60% sharp protection to legs)—at the cost of -0.12 move speed. Whether this is worthwhile depends on your combat style. Flak pants also occupy the Middle layer for legs, making them incompatible with power armor, and therefore not used in the late game.

    The formal shirtContent added by the Royalty DLC will replace the button-down for noblesContent added by the Royalty DLC of a certain rank, but provides no benefit to other pawns. The rare eltex shirtContent added by the Royalty DLC is useful for psycastersContent added by the Royalty DLC but provides little protection.

    ChildrenContent added by the Biotech DLC have three options: kid tribalwear, kid shirt + kid pants, and kid romper. All have the same armor values; kid tribalwear provides the best insulation and the least armor coverage, kid romper is the opposite, and shirt+pants is in between; material costs are 30, 40, 30 respectively. So it's a similar tradeoff as for adults, but children's needs are somewhat different. First, heat insulation is more difficult for children because there is (currently) no kid duster or jacket, although there is a kid parka. Second, players will usually keep children out of combat situations to the extent possible (though unusual events and social fights do happen), so the armor values on their clothing will matter much more rarely than for adults. Thus, the case for tribalwear is stronger in children's clothing, especially in hot climates.


    The middle layer is primarily the realm of Armor, with the Eltex vest Content added by the Royalty DLC and Corset/Formal vest Content added by the Royalty DLC being the only Clothing items that use it. What option is selected here will depend on the stage of the game and military strategies employed.

    Head Layer

    This layer can mostly be divided into three categories: hats (textile), masks (wood/metal), and helmets.

    Among textile-based hats, the hood gives the best social impact of +20%, as well as 0.2x armor. The broadwrapContent added by the Ideology DLC offers the highest armor value among textile hats (0.25x, tied with headwrapContent added by the Ideology DLC), and also gives the widest coverage of all headwear, protecting even the neck and shoulders.

    The visage maskContent added by the Ideology DLC has generally higher armor values than textile hats (although devilstrand or hyperweave broadwrap beats it in sharp protection). The war mask is a more expensive version of a wooden visage mask, but also gives +10% pain shock threshold.

    Helmets have the highest armor values; even the most basic steel simple helmet is stronger than plasteel visage masks, and is comparable to hyperweave broadwrap; though they don't cover the eyes, nose, or jaw. Power armor helmets do cover the full head, and, once you have the tech and the resources, the marine helmet—or cataphract helmetContent added by the Royalty DLC, if you can get it—is the best. (Broadwrap still provides wider coverage than power helmets—to the neck and shoulders—but that can be addressed with a flak vest or other armor.) The prestige versions of the power helmets are useful for psycasters.

    Temperature-wise, the tuque, its equivalent flophatContent added by the Ideology DLC, and its leather-based equivalent tailcapContent added by the Ideology DLC protect best against cold, while the cowboy hat and shadeconeContent added by the Ideology DLC protect best against heat. The cowboy hat is better than the shadecone for colonists, though since it decreases slave suppression you might give slaves the shadecone.

    For pawns that require noble apparel, the prestige power helmets give the best armor, while if you want a social impact bonus you may need to use the top hat/ladies hat, or the coronet for royal pawns.

    There's a variety of special-purpose hats, most of which provide little to no armor (and all of which are weaker than recon helmets). EltexContent added by the Royalty DLC hats boost psychic abilities, psychic foil helmets reduce them, the gunlinkContent added by the Royalty DLC increases shooting, there are several mech-bandwidth-enhancing hats, etc. Whether the special abilities are worth the armor reduction depends on the situation.


    The Outer layer is primarily for armor and additional clothing layers. They can be combined with shirts, flak pants, and flak vests.

    The Parka is the perfect option for Cold Resistance, as it outright doubles the material values. Accordingly, it should be always made from whatever material has the highest base values.

    The Duster is a cowboy attire. Aside from good heat insulation, it also offers decent protection. The cape is the Noble apparel statistical equal of the duster.

    The Jacket is a common item. Crashlanded survivors start with one. It is a good balance between protection and insulation.

    For slaves, the slave body strap occupies this slot, unless the biome is extremely cold or hot, due to it increasing the slaves suppression, while providing nearly no protection.

    Suggested apparel progression

    What constitutes the "correct" apparel for pawns depends on a variety of factors including game-stage, biome both for available materials and temperature concerns, difficulty, strategies employed, the presence or absence of DLC and even what a player considers acceptable risk. The suggested loadouts presented below represent a rough timeline suitable for comfortable biomes and moderate difficulty, and with some common sense modifications will fit most playstyles.

    Industrial - Early: The synthread apparel you start with should suffice for the early game. Start hunting and begin crafting button-down shirts and dusters.

    Industrial - Mid: The best apparel combo for this stage of the game is button-down shirt and a pair of pants on the skin layer, a flak vest in the middle, and a duster on the top. This combination offers good amounts of protection without compromising the movement speed of a pawn.

    Industrial - Late: The best combo for the late game is a pair of pants and a button down shirt on the bottom layer, a marine armor set for ranged pawns, or a set of recon armor with a shield belt for melee pawns. For Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC owners, cataphract armor is recommended for ranged fighters, and a set of locust armor and a shield belt is suggested for melee brawlers because of the installed jump pack that frees up an utility slot for the shield belt.

    Royal Fighter Content added by the Royalty DLC: Royal pawns that are also fighters should wear the prestige versions of the Industrial - Late combo.

    Royal Psycaster Content added by the Royalty DLC: Pawns that are nobles and have fighting as a secondary priority, equip the pawn with full eltex gear. The recommended combo is: an eltex skullcap, an eltex robe, an eltex vest, and an eltex shirt. This is full eltex set is hard to acquire, so they can use the Royal Fighter combo or just the normal clothing requirements for the title, such as the prestige robe and formal vest.

    Comparison tables

    Apparel combinations are limited by layer and coverage - an item cannot be worn with another item covering the same body parts and on the same layer. Thus, items covering the same parts but on different layers are compatible, as are items on the same layer but with no overlap in coverage. Items that cover multiple layers conflict with items on all layers.

    As such the following tables are divided by layer, but note that individual items on that layer may not be incompatible if their coverage does not overlap. For example, flak pants and the flak vest which both occupy the middle layer do not cover the same body parts, and thus can be worn together.

    The hands and feet, across all layers, are NOT covered by any apparel present in base game.

    Since some armor covers multiple layers, they are present in multiple tables as well.


    Name Type Armor - Sharp Armor - Blunt Armor - Heat HP Coverage Insulation - Cold Insulation - Heat Special Properties Research requirement Work to Make Material Cost Base Market Value Value/Work Value/Material
    Bowler hat Bowler hat Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 40% +15% Social impact Complex clothing 1,800 ticks (30 secs) Stuff 20 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 29 0.016 1.45
    Cowboy hat Cowboy hat Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 50% +10% Social impact Complex clothing 1,800 ticks (30 secs) Stuff 25 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 35 0.019 1.4
    Flak helmet Flak helmet Armor ×70% ×70% ×70% 120 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 15% 0% Flak armor 8,000 ticks (2.22 mins) Stuff 40 (Metallic, 400 for SMVs), Component 2, Plasteel 10 Silver 220 0.028 5.5
    Hood Hood Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 25% +20% Social impact 6,000 ticks (1.67 mins) Stuff 50 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 75 0.013 1.5
    Marine helmet Marine helmet Armor 106% 45% 54% 160 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw -4 °C (7.2 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) Marine armor 21,000 ticks (5.83 mins) Plasteel 40, Advanced component 1 Silver 635 0.03 15.88
    Psychic foil helmet Psychic foil helmet Clothing 9% 9% 27% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear -2 °C (3.6 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) −90% Psychic sensitivity Silver 250
    Recon helmet Recon helmet Armor 92% 40% 46% 120 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw -4 °C (7.2 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) Recon armor 15,750 ticks (4.38 mins) Plasteel 30, Advanced component 1 Silver 525 0.033 17.5
    Simple helmet Simple helmet Armor ×50% ×50% ×50% 100 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 15% 0% Smithing 3,200 ticks (53.33 secs) Stuff 40 (Metallic, 400 for SMVs) Silver 56 0.018 1.4
    Tribal headdress Tribal headdress Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 15% +15% Social impact 6,000 ticks (1.67 mins) Stuff 50 (Fabric) Silver 75 0.013 1.5
    Tuque Tuque Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 50% 0% Complex clothing 1,200 ticks (20 secs) Stuff 20 (Fabric) Silver 27 0.023 1.35
    Veil Veil Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw 5% 5% +5% Pain shock threshold 1,400 ticks (23.33 secs) Stuff 20 (Fabric) Silver 28 0.02 1.4
    War mask War mask Clothing ×30% ×30% ×30% 65 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw 5% 5% +10% Pain shock threshold 3,000 ticks (50 secs) Stuff 25 (Woody) Silver 38 0.013 1.52
    Ceremonial hood Ceremonial hood Content added by the Anomaly DLC Clothing ×40% ×40% ×40% 90 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw 50% 10% Bioferrite shaping 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Stuff 20 (Fabric), Bioferrite 10 Silver 37 0.019 1.85
    Ritual mask Ritual mask Content added by the Anomaly DLC Clothing ×30% ×30% ×30% 80 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw 20% 10% Bioferrite shaping 3,000 ticks (50 secs) Bioferrite 25 Silver 46 0.015 1.84
    Airwire headset Airwire headset Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing 0% 0% 0% 60 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) +3 Bandwidth Basic mechtech 2,100 ticks (35 secs) Steel 50, Component 4 Silver 230 0.11 4.6
    Array headset Array headset Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing 0% 0% 0% 60 Upper Head -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) +6 Bandwidth Standard mechtech 2,100 ticks (35 secs) Steel 50, Component 8 Silver 360 0.171 7.2
    Face mask Face mask Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 40 Jaw 2% 2% +50% Toxic environment resistance Complex clothing 800 ticks (13.33 secs) Stuff 10 (Fabric) Silver 14 0.018 1.4
    Gas mask Gas mask Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing 18% 30% 0% 80 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw -1.5 °C (2.7 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) +80% Toxic environment resistance Machining 6,000 ticks (1.67 mins) Steel 20, Chemfuel 20 Silver 106 0.018 5.3
    Integrator headset Integrator headset Content added by the Biotech DLC Armor 0% 0% 0% 120 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) +9 Bandwidth High mechtech 15,750 ticks (4.38 mins) Plasteel 50, Component 4, Advanced component 4, Powerfocus chip 1 Silver 2435 0.155 48.7
    Kid helmet Kid helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC Armor ×50% ×50% ×50% 60 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 15% 0% Smithing 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Stuff 20 (Metallic, 200 for SMVs) Silver 29 0.015 1.45
    Mechcommander helmet Mechcommander helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC Armor 69% 30% 34.5% 150 Head, Left eye, Right eye, Left ear, Right ear, Nose, Jaw -3 °C (5.4 °F) +1.5 °C (2.7 °F) +6 Bandwidth Standard mechtech 15,750 ticks (4.38 mins) Plasteel 60, Component 6, Signal chip 1 Silver 1290 0.082 21.5
    Mechlord helmet Mechlord helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC Armor 92% 40% 46% 240 Head, Left eye, Right eye, Left ear, Right ear, Nose, Jaw -4 °C (7.2 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) +12 Bandwidth
    −5 Shooting accuracy
    −0.5 Melee hit chance
    Ultra mechtech 15,750 ticks (4.38 mins) Plasteel 120, Advanced component 6, Nano structuring chip 2 Silver 5335 0.339 44.46
    Authority cap Authority cap Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 10% +10% Slave suppression offset 1,500 ticks (25 secs) Stuff 25 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 34 0.023 1.36
    Broadwrap Broadwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×25% ×25% ×25% 80 Neck, Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder 20% 20% 1,800 ticks (30 secs) Stuff 30 (Fabric) Silver 41 0.023 1.37
    Flophat Flophat Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 50% 0% Complex clothing 1,200 ticks (20 secs) Stuff 20 (Fabric) Silver 27 0.023 1.35
    Headwrap Headwrap Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×25% ×25% ×25% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 10% 1,400 ticks (23.33 secs) Stuff 20 (Fabric) Silver 28 0.02 1.4
    Shadecone Shadecone Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 50% Complex clothing 1,800 ticks (30 secs) Stuff 25 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 35 0.019 1.4
    Slave collar Slave collar Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×0% ×0% ×0% 80 Neck 0% 0% +15% Slave suppression offset 1,800 ticks (30 secs) Stuff 25 (Metallic/Leathery, 250 for SMVs) Silver 35 0.019 1.4
    Slicecap Slicecap Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×10% ×10% ×10% 80 Head 0% 10% 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Stuff 15 (Woody/Metallic, 150 for SMVs) Silver 23 0.012 1.53
    Tailcap Tailcap Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 50% 0% Complex clothing 1,400 ticks (23.33 secs) Stuff 20 (Leathery) Silver 28 0.02 1.4
    Torture crown Torture crown Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×15% ×15% ×15% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 0% 0% +5% Pain 1,200 ticks (20 secs) Stuff 25 (Metallic/Woody, 250 for SMVs) Silver 33 0.028 1.32
    Visage mask Visage mask Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×30% ×30% ×30% 90 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw 5% 5% 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Stuff 15 (Woody/Metallic, 150 for SMVs) Silver 23 0.012 1.53
    Beret Beret Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×0% ×0% ×0% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 7% 15% +10% Social impact Noble apparel 4,000 ticks (1.11 mins) Stuff 35 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 52 0.013 1.49
    Cataphract helmet Cataphract helmet Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 120% 50% 60% 180 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw -4 °C (7.2 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) Cataphract armor 26,250 ticks (7.29 mins) Plasteel 50, Advanced component 1 Silver 745 0.028 14.9
    Coronet Coronet Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×0% ×0% ×0% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 0% 0% +20% Social impact Royal apparel 8,000 ticks (2.22 mins) Stuff 50 (Metallic, 500 for SMVs) Silver 80 0.01 1.6
    Crown Crown Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×0% ×0% ×0% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 0% 0% +20% Social impact Royal apparel 12,000 ticks (3.33 mins) Stuff 75 (Metallic, 750 for SMVs) Silver 120 0.01 1.6
    Eltex helmet Eltex helmet Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing 9% 9% 27% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear -4 °C (7.2 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) Quality dependent increase to Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.066 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Silver 500
    Eltex skullcap Eltex skullcap Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing 0% 0% 0% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) Quality dependent increase to Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.091 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Silver 500
    Gunlink Gunlink Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 0% 0% 0% 100 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear -0 °C (0 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) +3 Shooting accuracy Gunlink 15,750 ticks (4.38 mins) Plasteel 10, Advanced component 1 Silver 345 0.022 34.5
    Ladies hat Ladies hat Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×0% ×0% ×0% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 10% 25% +20% Social impact Noble apparel 6,000 ticks (1.67 mins) Stuff 50 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 75 0.013 1.5
    Prestige cataphract helmet Prestige cataphract helmet Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 120% 50% 60% 180 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw -4 °C (7.2 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Cataphract armor 52,500 ticks (14.58 mins) Plasteel 75, Advanced component 1, Gold 90 Silver 1155 0.022 15.4
    Prestige marine helmet Prestige marine helmet Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 106% 45% 54% 160 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw -4 °C (7.2 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Marine armor 42,000 ticks (11.67 mins) Plasteel 50, Advanced component 1, Gold 50 Silver 850 0.02 17
    Prestige recon helmet Prestige recon helmet Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 92% 40% 46% 120 Head, Left Eye, Right Eye, Left Ear, Right Ear, Nose, Jaw -4 °C (7.2 °F) +2 °C (3.6 °F) +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Recon armor 15,750 ticks (4.38 mins) Plasteel 40, Advanced component 1, Gold 40 Silver 715 0.045 17.88
    Stellic crown Stellic crown Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×0% ×0% ×0% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 0% 0% +20% Social impact ticks (0 secs) Stuff 85 (Metallic, 850 for SMVs) Silver 102 1.2
    Top hat Top hat Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×0% ×0% ×0% 80 Head, Left Ear, Right Ear 25% 10% +20% Social impact Noble apparel 6,000 ticks (1.67 mins) Stuff 50 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 75 0.013 1.5


    Name Type Armor - Sharp Armor - Blunt Armor - Heat HP Coverage Insulation - Cold Insulation - Heat Special Properties Research requirement Work to Make Material Cost Base Market Value Value/Work Value/Material
    Blindfold Blindfold Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×10% ×10% ×10% 80 Left Eye, Right Eye 35% 0% max 20% Sight 1,200 ticks (20 secs) Stuff 20 (Fabric) Silver 27 0.023 1.35


    Name Type Armor - Sharp Armor - Blunt Armor - Heat HP Coverage Insulation - Cold Insulation - Heat Special Properties Research requirement Work to Make Material Cost Base Market Value Value/Work Value/Material
    Button-down shirt Button-down shirt Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm 26% 10% Complex clothing 2,700 ticks (45 secs) Stuff 45 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 61 0.023 1.36
    Flak pants Flak pants Armor 40% 8% 10% 140 Left Leg, Right Leg -3.5 °C (6.3 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) −0.12 c/s Move speed Flak armor 9,000 ticks (2.5 mins) Steel 60, Cloth 30, Component 1 Silver 225 0.025 3.75
    Pants Pants Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Left Leg, Right Leg 20% 8% Complex clothing 1,600 ticks (26.67 secs) Stuff 40 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 52 0.033 1.3
    T-shirt T-shirt Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder 22% 10% Complex clothing 1,600 ticks (26.67 secs) Stuff 40 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 52 0.033 1.3
    Tribalwear Tribalwear Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Left Leg, Right Leg 55% 55% 1,800 ticks (30 secs) Stuff 60 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 77 0.043 1.28
    Kid pants Kid pants Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 50 Left Leg, Right Leg 20% 8% Complex clothing 1,280 ticks (21.33 secs) Stuff 20 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 27 0.021 1.35
    Kid romper Kid romper Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 50 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 22% 10% Complex clothing 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Stuff 30 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 41 0.021 1.37
    Kid shirt Kid shirt Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 50 Torso, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder 22% 10% Complex clothing 1,280 ticks (21.33 secs) Stuff 20 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 27 0.021 1.35
    Kid tribalwear Kid tribalwear Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 60 Torso, Left Leg, Right Leg 50% 50% 1,400 ticks (23.33 secs) Stuff 30 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 40 0.029 1.33
    Eltex shirt Eltex shirt Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing 7% 0% 4% 100 Torso, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder -5 °C (9 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) Quality dependent increase to Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Silver 400
    Formal shirt Formal shirt Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm 22% 10% Noble apparel 6,000 ticks (1.67 mins) Stuff 65 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 93 0.016 1.43


    Name Type Armor - Sharp Armor - Blunt Armor - Heat HP Coverage Insulation - Cold Insulation - Heat Special Properties Research requirement Work to Make Material Cost Base Market Value Value/Work Value/Material
    Flak pants Flak pants Armor 40% 8% 10% 140 Left Leg, Right Leg -3.5 °C (6.3 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) −0.12 c/s Move speed Flak armor 9,000 ticks (2.5 mins) Steel 60, Cloth 30, Component 1 Silver 225 0.025 3.75
    Flak vest Flak vest Armor 100% 36% 27% 200 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder -1 °C (1.8 °F) +0 °C (0 °F) −0.12 c/s Move speed Flak armor 9,000 ticks (2.5 mins) Steel 60, Cloth 30, Component 1 Silver 225 0.025 3.75
    Marine armor Marine armor Armor 106% 45% 54% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) −0.4 c/s Move speed Marine armor 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) Plasteel 100, Uranium 20, Advanced component 4 Silver 2035 0.034 20.35
    Plate armor Plate armor Armor ×73% ×73% ×73% 290 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 100% 0% −0.8 c/s Move speed Plate armor 38,000 ticks (10.56 mins) Stuff 170 (Metallic/Woody, 1700 for SMVs) Silver 300 0.008 1.76
    Recon armor Recon armor Armor 92% 40% 46% 280 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) Recon armor 45,000 ticks (12.5 mins) Plasteel 80, Uranium 10, Advanced component 3 Silver 1540 0.034 19.25
    Mechlord suit Mechlord suit Content added by the Biotech DLC Armor 92% 40% 46% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) +12 Bandwidth
    −5 Shooting accuracy
    −0.5 Melee hit chance
    Ultra mechtech 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) Plasteel 120, Advanced component 8, Nano structuring chip 2, Powerfocus chip 1 Silver 6895 0.115 57.46
    Sash Sash Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×10% ×10% ×10% 50 Torso 10% 10% Complex clothing 1,000 ticks (16.67 secs) Stuff 25 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 33 0.033 1.32
    Cataphract armor Cataphract armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 120% 50% 60% 400 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -36 °C (64.8 °F) +12 °C (21.6 °F) −0.8 c/s Move speed Cataphract armor 75,000 ticks (20.83 mins) Plasteel 150, Uranium 50, Advanced component 6 Silver 3120 0.042 20.8
    Corset Corset Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso 40% 10% Noble apparel 12,000 ticks (3.33 mins) Stuff 45 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 84 0.007 1.87
    Eltex vest Eltex vest Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing 7% 0% 4% 100 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder -6 °C (10.8 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) Quality dependent increase to Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.05 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Silver 500
    Formal vest Formal vest Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso 40% 10% Noble apparel 12,000 ticks (3.33 mins) Stuff 45 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 84 0.007 1.87
    Grenadier armor Grenadier armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 101% 40% 49% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) −0.4 c/s Move speed,
    built-in frag grenade launcher
    Marine armor 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) Plasteel 100, Uranium 20, Advanced component 4, Steel 75, Component 4 Silver 2305 0.038 23.05
    Locust armor Locust armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 87% 35% 41% 280 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) built-in burst rocket Jump packs, Recon armor 45,000 ticks (12.5 mins) Plasteel 120, Uranium 10, Advanced component 3, Component 3, Chemfuel 100 Silver 2230 0.05 18.58
    Phoenix armor Phoenix armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 115% 45% 75% 400 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -36 °C (64.8 °F) +100 °C (180 °F) −0.8 c/s Move speed,
    −68% Flammability,
    built-in flamebolt launcher
    Cataphract armor 75,000 ticks (20.83 mins) Plasteel 150, Uranium 50, Advanced component 6, Steel 75, Component 4, Chemfuel 40 Silver 3480 0.046 23.2
    Prestige cataphract armor Prestige cataphract armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 120% 50% 60% 400 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -36 °C (64.8 °F) +12 °C (21.6 °F) −0.8 c/s Move speed,
    +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Cataphract armor 150,000 ticks (41.67 mins) Plasteel 190, Uranium 50, Advanced component 6, Gold 180 Silver 3930 0.026 20.68
    Prestige marine armor Prestige marine armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 106% 45% 54% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) −0.4 c/s Move speed,
    +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Marine armor 120,000 ticks (33.33 mins) Plasteel 120, Uranium 20, Advanced component 4, Gold 100 Silver 2530 0.021 21.08
    Prestige recon armor Prestige recon armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 92% 40% 46% 280 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Recon armor 90,000 ticks (25 mins) Plasteel 100, Uranium 10, Advanced component 3, Gold 90 Silver 1975 0.022 19.75


    Name Type Armor - Sharp Armor - Blunt Armor - Heat HP Coverage Insulation - Cold Insulation - Heat Special Properties Research requirement Work to Make Material Cost Base Market Value Value/Work Value/Material
    Duster Duster Clothing ×30% ×30% ×30% 200 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 60% 85% Complex clothing 10,000 ticks (2.78 mins) Stuff 80 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 121 0.012 1.51
    Flak jacket Flak jacket Armor 40% 8% 10% 260 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm -14.4 °C (25.9 °F) +3 °C (5.4 °F) −0.12 c/s Move speed Flak armor 14,000 ticks (3.89 mins) Steel 70, Cloth 50, Component 1 Silver 290 0.021 4.14
    Jacket Jacket Clothing ×30% ×30% ×30% 160 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm 80% 30% Complex clothing 7,000 ticks (1.94 mins) Stuff 70 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 102 0.015 1.46
    Marine armor Marine armor Armor 106% 45% 54% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) −0.4 c/s Move speed Marine armor 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) Plasteel 100, Uranium 20, Advanced component 4 Silver 2035 0.034 20.35
    Parka Parka Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 140 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm 200% 0% Complex clothing 8,000 ticks (2.22 mins) Stuff 80 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 116 0.015 1.45
    Plate armor Plate armor Armor ×73% ×73% ×73% 290 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 100% 0% −0.8 c/s Move speed Plate armor 38,000 ticks (10.56 mins) Stuff 170 (Metallic/Woody, 1700 for SMVs) Silver 300 0.008 1.76
    Recon armor Recon armor Armor 92% 40% 46% 280 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) Recon armor 45,000 ticks (12.5 mins) Plasteel 80, Uranium 10, Advanced component 3 Silver 1540 0.034 19.25
    Robe Robe Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 80% 25% 5,000 ticks (1.39 mins) Stuff 80 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 109 0.022 1.36
    Lab coat Lab coat Content added by the Anomaly DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 140 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm 50% 60% Complex clothing 5,000 ticks (1.39 mins) Stuff 70 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 97 0.019 1.39
    Heavy bandolier Heavy bandolier Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×10% ×10% ×10% 50 Torso 10% 10% −20% Ranged cooldown multiplier Complex clothing 3,500 ticks (58.33 secs) Stuff 75 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 99 0.028 1.32
    Kid parka Kid parka Content added by the Biotech DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm 150% 0% Complex clothing 6,400 ticks (1.78 mins) Stuff 40 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 64 0.01 1.6
    Mechlord suit Mechlord suit Content added by the Biotech DLC Armor 92% 40% 46% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) +12 Bandwidth
    −5 Shooting accuracy
    −0.5 Melee hit chance
    Ultra mechtech 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) Plasteel 120, Advanced component 8, Nano structuring chip 2, Powerfocus chip 1 Silver 6895 0.115 57.46
    Burka Burka Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Head, Left eye, Right eye, Left ear, Right ear, Nose, Jaw, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 10% 20% −0.4 c/s Move speed 4,000 ticks (1.11 mins) Stuff 60 (Fabric) Silver 82 0.021 1.37
    Slave body strap Slave body strap Content added by the Ideology DLC Clothing ×10% ×10% ×10% 160 Torso 10% 10% +15% Slave suppression offset 7,000 ticks (1.94 mins) Stuff 70 (Fabric/Leathery) Silver 102 0.015 1.46
    Cape Cape Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×30% ×30% ×30% 200 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 60% 85% 16,000 ticks (4.44 mins) Stuff 80 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 136 0.009 1.7
    Cataphract armor Cataphract armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 120% 50% 60% 400 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -36 °C (64.8 °F) +12 °C (21.6 °F) −0.8 c/s Move speed Cataphract armor 75,000 ticks (20.83 mins) Plasteel 150, Uranium 50, Advanced component 6 Silver 3120 0.042 20.8
    Eltex robe Eltex robe Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing 7% 0% 4% 100 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -15 °C (27 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) Quality dependent increase to Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.091 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Silver 600
    Grenadier armor Grenadier armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 101% 40% 49% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) −0.4 c/s Move speed,
    built-in frag grenade launcher
    Marine armor 60,000 ticks (16.67 mins) Plasteel 100, Uranium 20, Advanced component 4, Steel 75, Component 4 Silver 2305 0.038 23.05
    Locust armor Locust armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 87% 35% 41% 280 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) built-in burst rocket Jump packs, Recon armor 45,000 ticks (12.5 mins) Plasteel 120, Uranium 10, Advanced component 3, Component 3, Chemfuel 100 Silver 2230 0.05 18.58
    Phoenix armor Phoenix armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 115% 45% 75% 400 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -36 °C (64.8 °F) +100 °C (180 °F) −0.8 c/s Move speed,
    −68% Flammability,
    built-in flamebolt launcher
    Cataphract armor 75,000 ticks (20.83 mins) Plasteel 150, Uranium 50, Advanced component 6, Steel 75, Component 4, Chemfuel 40 Silver 3480 0.046 23.2
    Prestige cataphract armor Prestige cataphract armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 120% 50% 60% 400 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -36 °C (64.8 °F) +12 °C (21.6 °F) −0.8 c/s Move speed,
    +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Cataphract armor 150,000 ticks (41.67 mins) Plasteel 190, Uranium 50, Advanced component 6, Gold 180 Silver 3930 0.026 20.68
    Prestige marine armor Prestige marine armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 106% 45% 54% 340 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) −0.4 c/s Move speed,
    +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Marine armor 120,000 ticks (33.33 mins) Plasteel 120, Uranium 20, Advanced component 4, Gold 100 Silver 2530 0.021 21.08
    Prestige recon armor Prestige recon armor Content added by the Royalty DLC Armor 92% 40% 46% 280 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg -32 °C (57.6 °F) +9 °C (16.2 °F) +5% Psychic sensitivity,
    +0.033 h/s Neural heat recovery rate
    Recon armor 90,000 ticks (25 mins) Plasteel 100, Uranium 10, Advanced component 3, Gold 90 Silver 1975 0.022 19.75
    Prestige robe Prestige robe Content added by the Royalty DLC Clothing ×20% ×20% ×20% 100 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg 80% 25% Royal apparel 20,000 ticks (5.56 mins) Stuff 100 (Leathery/Fabric) Silver 170 0.009 1.7


    Name Armor - Sharp Armor - Blunt Armor - Heat HP Coverage Insulation - Cold Insulation - Heat Special Properties Research requirement Work to Make Material Cost Base Market Value Value/Work Value/Material
    Armorskin gland Armorskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLC 52% 20% 40% Head, Left Ear, Right Ear, Left Eye, Right Eye, Nose, Jaw, Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Left Hand, Left Fingers, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Right Hand, Right Fingers, Left Leg, Left Foot, Left Toes, Right Leg, Right Foot, Right Toes ×90% Moving,
    −1 Beauty
    Skin hardening 26,000 ticks (7.22 mins) Plasteel 20, Advanced component 6 Silver 1475 0.057 73.75
    Stoneskin gland Stoneskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLC 70% 30% 50% Head, Left Ear, Right Ear, Left Eye, Right Eye, Nose, Jaw, Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Left Hand, Left Fingers, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Right Hand, Right Fingers, Left Leg, Left Foot, Left Toes, Right Leg, Right Foot, Right Toes ×85% Moving,
    −2 Beauty
    Skin hardening 26,000 ticks (7.22 mins) Plasteel 25, Advanced component 8 Silver 1920 0.074 76.8
    Toughskin gland Toughskin gland Content added by the Royalty DLC 35% 10% 30% Head, Left Ear, Right Ear, Left Eye, Right Eye, Nose, Jaw, Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Left Hand, Left Fingers, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Right Hand, Right Fingers, Left Leg, Left Foot, Left Toes, Right Leg, Right Foot, Right Toes ×95% Moving Skin hardening 26,000 ticks (7.22 mins) Plasteel 15, Advanced component 4 Silver 1030 0.04 68.67

    Version history

    • 0.8.657 - Apparel insulation introduced with temperature system.
    • 0.9.722 - Apparel becomes damaged when owner dies from violence, takes the damage it absorbs as armor and wears out over very long periods of use. Tattered apparel thought added.
    • Beta 19 or earlier - Traders will no longer accept tainted apparel.
    • Beta 19 - System changed d100 system. Previously each point of armor from 1 - 50% reduced damage by 1%, each point of armor between 51 - 100% provided a 1% chance to not take damage, each point of armor beyond 100% reduced damage by 0.25% and gives a 0.25% chance to not take damage. Total protection capped at 90% damage reduction and 90% deflect chance (i.e. 260% armor rating).
    • 1.2.2753 - Apparel scoring algorithm no longer ignores heat armor, significantly shifting upgrading priorities e.g. pawns "upgrading" to Devilstrand dusters over Thrumbofur, despite the significant detriment to Sharp protection.