Mech Bandwidth

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Revision as of 21:49, 19 September 2024 by JuliaCat (talk | contribs) (Mech Bandwidth Stat)
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Mech Bandwidth is a stat: How much bandwidth a mechanitor has. More bandwidth allows a mechanitor to produce and control more mechs at the same time.

Losing bandwidth means losing control of mechs, leaving them without an overseer. Such mechs can eventually become feral if not re-dominated. Its minimum allowed value is 0. Its default value is 0.


  1. See Mechlink (Item)

Equipped Gear:

Apparel Offset
Airwire headset Airwire headset Content added by the Biotech DLC +3
Array headset Array headset Content added by the Biotech DLC +6
Integrator headset Integrator headset Content added by the Biotech DLC +9
Mechcommander helmet Mechcommander helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC +6
Mechlord helmet Mechlord helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC +12
Mechlord suit Mechlord suit Content added by the Biotech DLC +12
Bandwidth pack Bandwidth pack Content added by the Biotech DLC +9


This stat is only shown on pawns with the hediff of the same name from an installed Mechlink, and thus the +6 bandwidth added by the mechlink can be considered the default value. This stat is simply irrelevant if a pawn is without a mechlink, which is what allows a pawn to be a mechanitor in the first place.

Calculating Mech Bandwidth[edit]

The Airwire headset (+3), Array headset (+6), Integrator headset (+9), Mechcommander helmet (+6), and Mechlord helmet (+12) all occupy the headgear layer, and so only one offset can be benefitted from at a time. The Mechlord suit (+12) and Bandwidth pack (+9) occupy non overlapping areas and thus can be worn together with any headgear of choice. An unlimited number of Band nodes (+1) can be tuned to a mechanitor, although space, power, and resource cost are limiting factors.

Here is a table considering all available apparel options and their combined Mech Bandwidth:

Bandwidth Mechlord suit Mechlord suit Content added by the Biotech DLC Bandwidth pack Bandwidth pack Content added by the Biotech DLC Headgear
6 Ex.png Ex.png None/Other
18 Check.png Ex.png None/Other
15 Ex.png Check.png None/Other
27 Check.png Check.png None/Other
9 Ex.png Ex.png Airwire headset Airwire headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
21 Check.png Ex.png Airwire headset Airwire headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
18 Ex.png Check.png Airwire headset Airwire headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
30 Check.png Check.png Airwire headset Airwire headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
12 Ex.png Ex.png Array headset Array headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
24 Check.png Ex.png Array headset Array headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
21 Ex.png Check.png Array headset Array headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
33 Check.png Check.png Array headset Array headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
15 Ex.png Ex.png Integrator headset Integrator headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
27 Check.png Ex.png Integrator headset Integrator headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
24 Ex.png Check.png Integrator headset Integrator headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
36 Check.png Check.png Integrator headset Integrator headset Content added by the Biotech DLC
12 Ex.png Ex.png Mechcommander helmet Mechcommander helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC
24 Check.png Ex.png Mechcommander helmet Mechcommander helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC
21 Ex.png Check.png Mechcommander helmet Mechcommander helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC
33 Check.png Check.png Mechcommander helmet Mechcommander helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC
18 Ex.png Ex.png Mechlord helmet Mechlord helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC
30 Check.png Ex.png Mechlord helmet Mechlord helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC
27 Ex.png Check.png Mechlord helmet Mechlord helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC
39 Check.png Check.png Mechlord helmet Mechlord helmet Content added by the Biotech DLC

Stat Def Data[edit]

Def Name
Label For Full Stat List
Offset Label
Description Category Parameters Complex
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mech bandwidth
How much bandwidth a mechanitor has. More bandwidth allows a mechanitor to produce and control more mechs at the same time.

Losing bandwidth means losing control of mechs, leaving them without an overseer. Such mechs can eventually become feral if not re-dominated.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_Mechanitor
  • Default Base Value: 0
  • Min Value: 0
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Humanlikes: true
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show If Undefined: true
- 2000

Version history[edit]