Hunting Stealth

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Revision as of 12:15, 25 September 2021 by Cheldra (talk | contribs) (added table)
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Hunting Stealth is a stat: This stat reduces the chance of hunted animals attacking the hunter. A 0% score means no reduction. A 100% score means animals never attack. Its default value is 100%.


  • Shooting: 0% plus 5% per skill level.
  • Animals: 0% plus 5% per skill level.
  • Moving: 100% importance. No max

Post-Processing Curve

Hunting stealth is affected by a post-processing curve that has points:

  • (0.0, 0.0)
  • (0.1, 0.5)
  • (0.2, 0.75)
  • (0.5, 0.8)
  • (1.0, 0.9)

In effect, this caps hunting stealth at 90%.

Shooting + Animals skill Hunting Stealth (100% Moving)
0 0%
4 50%
8 75%
20 80%
40 90%