Biosculpter Occupant Speed is a stat: multiplier on the length of time a pawn will take to complete biosculpter cycles. Its default value is 100%.
Bioscupleter Occupant Speed determines how long a pawn will stay in a Biosculpter pod in order to complete the cycle. This has a base value of 100% and is affected by factors such as the transhumanist meme and it's respective biosculpting precept which will increase the occupant speed to 150%. Additionally, 0.6 room cleanliness (achieved via Sterile tile flooring) in the room containing the pod will further increase the speed by an accumulative 15% this means a transhumanist pawn in a sterile floored, clean environment will have a Biosculpter Occupant Speed of 165%
Circumstances |
Cycle Days (Tuned Time)
Medic |
Bioregeneration |
Age reversal |
6 (4.5) |
25 (18.75) |
8 (6) |
4 (3)
5.22 (3.91) |
21.74 (16.3) |
6.96 (5.22) |
3.48 (2.61)
3 (2.25) |
12.5 (9.38) |
4 (3) |
2 (1.5)
Transhumanist and Sterile
2.61 (1.96) |
10.87 (8.15) |
3.48 (2.61) |
1.74 (1.3)
Version history