Parameter |
Dependencies |
Type/Unit |
Property / Stat |
Description |
Expandxml-tag / hierarchy
0. Testing
set property |
optional |
boolean |
– |
Boolean value for whether the template should set properties. This defaults to true on main namespace pages, and false on all other namespace pages. Only use it when absolutely neccesary. |
1. Head
<1> |
One of:
- furniture, medicine = c_01
- structure = c_02
- resource = c_03
- weapon = c_06
- animal, food = c_08
- fabric = c_09
- security = c_10
- area, exotic = c_11
- metallic, stony = c_12
- plant = c_14
- leathery = c_22
- drug = c_24
- production = c_25
- psycast = c_09
– |
Sets the color of the infobox. |
name |
optional |
pagename |
Property:Name |
Title of the infobox. Defaults to current page name if not specified.
image |
optional |
Picture name.png |
Property:Image |
Defaults to name.png.
imagesize |
optional, image |
px |
– |
See |
audio |
optional |
Audio name.wav |
Property:Audio |
So far only used for musical instruments.
description |
optional |
text |
Property:Description |
In-game description of the item.
2. Base Stats
type |
mandatory |
pagename |
Property:Type |
Sets main category. |
type2 |
optional |
pagename |
Property:Type2 |
Sets subcategory. |
stuff category |
One of:
- Leathery
- Fabric
- Woody
- Metallic
- Stony
- Bioferrite
Property:Stuff Category |
Used by materials.
<stuffProps> <categories>
color |
optional |
- |
<stuffProps> <color>
tech level |
One of:
- Neolithic
- Medieval
- Industrial
- Spacer
- Ultra
- Archotech
Property:Tech Level |
class |
One of:
- Neolithic Weapons
- Medieval Weapons
- Industrial Weapons
- Spacer Weapons
- Ultra Weapons
- Mechanoid Weapons
Property:Class |
Used by weapons.
stack limit |
optional |
integer |
Property:Stack Limit |
Maximum stach size.
style |
optional, styledominance
One of:
- Hindu
- Christian
- Islamic
- Buddhist
- Morbid
- Totemic
- Spikecore
- Rustic
- Animalist
- Techist
- Horaxian
Property:Style |
days to rot |
optional |
days |
Property:Days To Start Rot Base |
Used for items that spoil when not frozen.
min safe temperature |
optional |
°C |
Property:Min Safe Temperature |
Used for fertilzed eggs.
max safe temperature |
optional |
°C |
Property:Max Safe Temperature |
Used for fertilzed eggs.
spoiling rate per degree per tick |
optional |
number (displayed as %) |
Property:Spoiling Rate |
Used for fertilzed eggs.
rotatable |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Rotatable |
Whether this item spoils when not frozen.
path cost |
optional |
Integer |
Property:Path Cost |
burnable |
optional |
Property:Burnable |
Whether this item can be burned as a bill
smeltable |
optional |
Property:Smeltable |
Whether this item can be smelted as a bill
possession count |
optional |
Property:Possession Count |
The amount of this item a pawn carries when it is used as a possession
combatPower |
optional |
Number |
Property:Combat Power |
Combat power of a pawn, used for raid points and calculating the size / composition of threats.
<building> <combatPower>
fuel filter |
optional |
Text |
Property:Fuel Filter |
The applicable item(s) that can refuel a building
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Refuelable"> <fuelFilter>
fuel capacity |
optional |
Number |
Property:Fuel Capacity |
The maximum quantity of applicable fuel items a building can be fueled with
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Refuelable"> <fuelCapacity>
fuel consumption rate |
optional |
Number |
Property:Fuel Consumption Rate |
Units of fuel consumed per day
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Refuelable"> <fuelConsumptionRate>
mineable thing |
optional |
Page |
Property:Mineable Thing |
The item that is dropped upon an ore being mined
mineable yield |
optional |
Number |
Property:Mineable Yield |
The amount of an item that is dropped upon an ore being mined
mineable scatter commonality |
optional |
Number |
Property:Mineable Scatter Commonality |
The frequency of an ore spawning in an applicable map
mineable scatter lump size range |
optional |
Text |
Property:Mineable Scatter Lump Size Range |
The range of size in cells of an ore vein
7. Ingestion
taste |
One of:
- Raw
- Bad
- Tasty
- Terrible
- Awful
- Simple
- Fine
- Lavish
From FoodPreferability:
- Undefined
- NeverForNutrition
- DesperateOnly
- DesperateOnlyForHumanlikes
- RawBad
- RawTasty
- MealTerrible
- MealAwful
- MealSimple
- MealFine
- MealLavish
Property:Taste |
<ingestible> <preferability>
ingested direct thought |
optional |
Property:Ingested Direct Thought |
<ingestible> <tasteThought>
joy offset |
optional |
Number |
Property:Joy Offset |
<ingestible> <joy>
joy kind |
One of:
- Meditative
- Social
- Gaming_Dexterity
- Gaming_Cerebral
- Television
- Telescope
- Chemical
- Gluttonous
- Reading
- HighCulture

Property:Joy Kind |
<ingestible> <joyKind>
addictiveness |
optional |
Property:Addictiveness |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Drug"> <addictiveness>
max num to ingest at once |
optional |
Property:Max Num To Ingest At Once |
<ingestible> <maxNumToIngestAtOnce>
ingestion time |
optional |
Property:Ingestion Time |
<ingestible> <baseIngestTicks>
10. Plant Stats
grow days |
optional |
Number (Days) |
Property:Grow Days |
<plant> <growDays>
lifespanDaysPerGrowDays |
optional |
Number (Days) |
Property:Lifespan Days Per Grow Days |
<plant> <lifespanDaysPerGrowDays>
sow work |
optional |
Number (Ticks) |
Property:Sow Work |
<plant> <sowWork>
harvest work |
optional |
Number (Ticks) |
Property:Harvest Work |
<plant> <harvestWork>
product |
optional |
Page |
Property:Harvest Product |
<plant> <harvestedThingDef>
yield |
optional |
Number |
Property:Harvest Yield |
<plant> <harvestYield>
min sowing skill |
optional |
Number (0~20) |
Property:Minimum Required Growing Skill |
<plant> <sowMinSkill>
min fertility |
optional |
Number |
Property:Fertility Min |
<plant> <fertilityMin>
fertility sensitivity |
optional |
Number |
Property:Fertility Sensitivity |
<plant> <fertilitySensitivity>
min grow light |
optional |
Number |
Property:Min Grow Light |
<plant> <growMinGlow>
damage type |
optional |
- |
<verbs> <defaultProjectile> <ThingDef> <projectile> <damageDef>
mode |
One of:
- Melee
- Single-Shot
- Burst
- Single Thrown
- Single-Use
- Beam
Property:Mode |
damage |
optional |
Number |
Property:Damage Base |
<verbs> <defaultProjectile> <ThingDef> <projectile> <damageAmountBase>
armorPenetration |
optional |
Number |
Property:Armor Penetration |
<verbs> <defaultProjectile> <ThingDef> <projectile> <armorPenetrationBase>
warmup |
optional |
Number |
Property:Aiming Time Base |
<verbs> <warmupTime>
<building> <turretBurstWarmupTime>
cooldown |
optional |
Number |
Property:Ranged Cooldown Base |
<statBases> <RangedWeapon_Cooldown>
range |
optional |
Number (Cells) |
Property:Range |
<verbs> <range>
minrange |
optional |
Number (Cells) |
Property:Minimum Range |
<verbs> <minRange>
accuracy |
optional |
Shooting Accuracy (Turrets)
<statBases> <ShootingAccuracyTurret>
accuracyTouch |
optional |
Number (0~1)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 3 cells or less. An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
<statBases> <AccuracyTouch>
accuracyShort |
optional |
Number (0~1)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 12 cells. An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
<statBases> <AccuracyShort>
accuracyMedium |
optional |
Number (0~1)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 25 cells. An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
<statBases> <AccuracyMedium>
accuracyLong |
optional |
Number (0~1)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 40 cells or more. An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
<statBases> <AccuracyLong>
velocity |
optional |
Number |
Property:Velocity |
<verbs> <defaultProjectile> <ThingDef> <projectile> <speed>
burst |
optional |
Number |
Property:Burst Count |
Burst shot count
<verbs> <burstShotCount>
burstTicks |
optional |
Number (Ticks) |
Property:Burst Ticks |
<verbs> <ticksBetweenBurstShots>
missRadius |
optional |
Number |
Property:Miss Radius |
Miss radius
<verbs> <forcedMissRadius>
<verbs> <forcedMissRadiusClassicMortars>
blastRadius |
optional |
Number |
Property:Blast Radius |
<ThingDef> <projectile> <explosionRadius>
optional |
Number |
Property:Maximum DPS |
Damage Per Second
stoppingPower |
optional |
Number |
Property:Stopping Power
Stopping power
Hits from this weapon will stagger targets, slowing their movement for several seconds.
Targets with a body size larger than the stopping power will be unaffected.
<ThingDef> <projectile> <stoppingPower>
12. Melee Combat
- attack1label
- attack2label
- attack3label
- attack4label
- attack5label
- attack6label
- attack7label
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Label
- Property:Attack 2 Label
- Property:Attack 3 Label
- Property:Attack 4 Label
- Property:Attack 5 Label
- Property:Attack 6 Label
- Property:Attack 7 Label
Label for this attack
<tools> <label>
- attack1labelNoLocation
- attack2labelNoLocation
- attack3labelNoLocation
- attack4labelNoLocation
- attack5labelNoLocation
- attack6labelNoLocation
- attack7labelNoLocation
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Label No Location
- Property:Attack 2 Label No Location
- Property:Attack 3 Label No Location
- Property:Attack 4 Label No Location
- Property:Attack 5 Label No Location
- Property:Attack 6 Label No Location
- Property:Attack 7 Label No Location
Non-specific label for this attack
<tools> <labelNoLocation>
- attack1dmg
- attack2dmg
- attack3dmg
- attack4dmg
- attack5dmg
- attack6dmg
- attack7dmg
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Damage
- Property:Attack 2 Damage
- Property:Attack 3 Damage
- Property:Attack 4 Damage
- Property:Attack 5 Damage
- Property:Attack 6 Damage
- Property:Attack 7 Damage
Damage that this attack deals
<tools> <power>
- attack1ap
- attack2ap
- attack3ap
- attack4ap
- attack5ap
- attack6ap
- attack7ap
optional |
Number (0~2)
- Property:Attack 1 AP
- Property:Attack 2 AP
- Property:Attack 3 AP
- Property:Attack 4 AP
- Property:Attack 5 AP
- Property:Attack 6 AP
- Property:Attack 7 AP
Armor penetration
Armor penetration is the amount of armor this weapon will ignore each time it hits the target.
If armor penetration is greater than the target's armor, it is as though the target is unarmored. Otherwise, the armor penetration is subtracted from the target's armor.
<tools> <armorPenetration>
- attack1type
- attack2type
- attack3type
- attack4type
- attack5type
- attack6type
- attack7type
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Type
- Property:Attack 2 Type
- Property:Attack 3 Type
- Property:Attack 4 Type
- Property:Attack 5 Type
- Property:Attack 6 Type
- Property:Attack 7 Type
Damage Type of this attack
<tools> <capacities>
- attack1part
- attack2part
- attack3part
- attack4part
- attack5part
- attack6part
- attack7part
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Part
- Property:Attack 2 Part
- Property:Attack 3 Part
- Property:Attack 4 Part
- Property:Attack 5 Part
- Property:Attack 6 Part
- Property:Attack 7 Part
Body part group associated with this attack
<tools> <linkedBodyPartsGroup>
- attack1cool
- attack2cool
- attack3cool
- attack4cool
- attack5cool
- attack6cool
- attack7cool
optional |
Number (Seconds)
- Property:Attack 1 Cooldown
- Property:Attack 2 Cooldown
- Property:Attack 3 Cooldown
- Property:Attack 4 Cooldown
- Property:Attack 5 Cooldown
- Property:Attack 6 Cooldown
- Property:Attack 7 Cooldown
Cooldown of this attack in seconds
<tools> <cooldownTime>
- attack1chancefactor
- attack2chancefactor
- attack3chancefactor
- attack4chancefactor
- attack5chancefactor
- attack6chancefactor
- attack7chancefactor
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Chance Factor
- Property:Attack 2 Chance Factor
- Property:Attack 3 Chance Factor
- Property:Attack 4 Chance Factor
- Property:Attack 5 Chance Factor
- Property:Attack 6 Chance Factor
- Property:Attack 7 Chance Factor
Multiplier on the chance that this attack will be used
<tools> <chanceFactor>
- attack1stun
- attack2stun
- attack3stun
- attack4stun
- attack5stun
- attack6stun
- attack7stun
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Stun
- Property:Attack 2 Stun
- Property:Attack 3 Stun
- Property:Attack 4 Stun
- Property:Attack 5 Stun
- Property:Attack 6 Stun
- Property:Attack 7 Stun
Amount of stun damage received from the first attack
<tools> <surpriseAttack> <extraMeleeDamages> <def></def> <amount>
- attack1ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable
- attack2ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable
- attack3ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable
- attack4ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable
- attack5ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable
- attack6ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable
- attack7ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Ensure Linked Body Parts Group Always Usable
- Property:Attack 2 Ensure Linked Body Parts Group Always Usable
- Property:Attack 3 Ensure Linked Body Parts Group Always Usable
- Property:Attack 4 Ensure Linked Body Parts Group Always Usable
- Property:Attack 5 Ensure Linked Body Parts Group Always Usable
- Property:Attack 6 Ensure Linked Body Parts Group Always Usable
- Property:Attack 7 Ensure Linked Body Parts Group Always Usable
<tools> <ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable>
- attack1alwaysTreatAsWeapon
- attack2alwaysTreatAsWeapon
- attack3alwaysTreatAsWeapon
- attack4alwaysTreatAsWeapon
- attack5alwaysTreatAsWeapon
- attack6alwaysTreatAsWeapon
- attack7alwaysTreatAsWeapon
optional |
- Property:Attack 1 Always Treat As Weapon
- Property:Attack 2 Always Treat As Weapon
- Property:Attack 3 Always Treat As Weapon
- Property:Attack 4 Always Treat As Weapon
- Property:Attack 5 Always Treat As Weapon
- Property:Attack 6 Always Treat As Weapon
- Property:Attack 7 Always Treat As Weapon
<tools> <alwaysTreatAsWeapon>
MeleeWeaponAverageDPS |
optional |
MeleeWeaponAverageAP |
optional |
body part |
optional |
- |
13. Creation
research |
optional |
Property:Required Research |
- production facility 1
- production facility 2
- production facility 3
- production facility 4
optional |
Where this item can be crafted at
resources to make |
optional |
- |
- resource 1
- resource 2
- resource 3
- resource 4
- resource 5
- resource 6
optional |
- Property:Resource 1
- Property:Resource 2
- Property:Resource 3
- Property:Resource 4
- Property:Resource 5
- Property:Resource 6
- resource 1 amount
- resource 2 amount
- resource 3 amount
- resource 4 amount
- resource 5 amount
- resource 6 amount
optional |
- Property:Resource 1 Amount
- Property:Resource 2 Amount
- Property:Resource 3 Amount
- Property:Resource 4 Amount
- Property:Resource 5 Amount
- Property:Resource 6 Amount
- skill 1
- skill 2
optional |
- Property:Skill 1
- Property:Skill 2
- skill 1 level
- skill 2 level
optional |
Number (0-20)
- Property:Skill 1 Level
- Property:Skill 2 Level
constructable |
optional |
- |
work speed stat |
optional |
Property:Work Speed Stat |
gestation cycles |
optional |
Property:Gestation Cycles |
stuff tags |
optional |
Property:Stuff Tags |
product amount |
optional |
Property:Product Amount |
deconstruct yield |
optional |
- |
destroyyield |
optional |
- |
leavesresourceswhendestroyed |
optional |
- |
bonusdestroyleavings |
optional |
- |
marketvalue |
optional |
The amount of silver the item is worth. Defaults to Template:Market Value Calculator.
<statBases> <MarketValue>
honor value |
optional |
The amount of honor your trader will earn for giving this to a tribute collector.
Non Pawn Important
nutrition |
optional |
How nutritious this food is.
<statBases> <Nutrition>
medical potency base |
optional |
number (displayed as %)
How effective this is when used to tend wounds and diseases, or do surgery. Higher medical potency improves the quality of tending, and acts as a multiplier on the chance of success during surgery. Medical potency is just one factor in medical outcomes, among many others, including doctor ability, equipment, cleanliness, and luck.
<statBases> <MedicalPotency>
medical quality max |
optional |
number (displayed as %)
The maximum quality of medical tending that can be achieved while using this. Better tend quality allows skilled doctors to treat wounds better, as well as more reliably.
<statBases> <MedicalQualityMax>
hp |
optional |
integer |
Property:Max Hit Points Base |
The amount of damage an object can take.
<statBases> <MaxHitPoints>
mass base |
optional |
Mass in kilograms - DO NOT USE FOR ANIMALS.
The physical mass of an object.
<statBases> <Mass>
flammability |
optional |
number (displayed as %)
How easily an object catches fire and how quickly a fire will grow as it burns.
<statBases> <Flammability>
psychic sensitivity factor |
optional |
A factor applied to the user's psychic sensitivity.
<statFactorsQuality> <stat>PsychicSensitivityFactor</stat>
psychic sensitivity offset |
optional |
An offset applied to the user's psychic sensitivity.
<equippedStatOffsets> <PsychicSensitivityOffset>
neural heat limit offset |
optional |
An offset applied to the user's neural heat limit.
<statOffsetsQuality> <stat>PsychicEntropyMaxOffset</stat>
neural heat recovery rate offset |
optional |
An offset applied to the user's neural heat recovery rate.
<statOffsetsQuality> <stat>PsychicEntropyRecoveryRateOffset</stat>
slave suppression offset |
optional |
An offset applied to the wearer's slave suppression. Higher values suppress slaves longer, while lower values make slaves rebel more often.
<equippedStatOffsets> <SlaveSuppressionOffset>
terror source |
optional |
The intensity of terror this object induces when viewed.
<statBases> <TerrorSource>
max install count |
optional |
How many times this can be installed. Each additional installation increases or upgrades the base effect.
<statBases> <MaxInstallCount>
5. Pawn Stats
movespeed |
optional |
Number |
Property:Move Speed Base |
healthscale |
optional |
Number |
Property:Health Scale |
<race> <baseHealthScale>
bodysize |
optional |
Number |
Property:Body Size |
<race> <baseBodySize>
massyoung |
optional |
Number |
Property:Mass - Young |
massjuvenile |
optional |
Number |
Property:Mass - Juvenile |
massadult |
optional |
Number |
Property:Mass - Adult |
ridingspeed |
optional |
Number |
Property:Riding Speed |
filth rate |
optional |
Number |
Property:Animal Filth Rate |
<statBases> <FilthRate>
hungerrate |
optional |
Number |
Property:Base Hunger Rate |
<race> <baseHungerRate>
diet |
One of:
Food Types:
- None
- VegetableOrFruit
- Meat
- Fluid
- Corpse
- Seed
- AnimalProduct
- Plant
- Tree
- Meal
- Processed
- Liquor
- Kibble
- Fungus
- VegetarianAnimal
- VegetarianRoughAnimal
- herbivorous
- CarnivoreAnimal
- CarnivoreAnimalStrict
- OmnivoreAnimal
- OmnivoreRoughAnimal
- DendrovoreAnimal
- OvivoreAnimal
- OmnivoreHuman
Diet Categories:
- NeverEats
- Herbivorous
- Dendrovorous
- Ovivorous
- Omnivorous
- Carnivorous
Property:Diet |
<race> <foodType>
lifespan |
optional |
Number (Years) |
Property:Life Expectancy |
Lifespan (Years)
<race> <lifeExpectancy>
manhunter |
optional |
Number |
Property:Turn Manhunter Chance When Attacked |
<race> <manhunterOnDamageChance>
manhuntertame |
optional |
Number |
Property:Turn Manhunter Chance When Taming |
<race> <manhunterOnTameFailChance>
trainable |
optional |
Text |
Property:Trainable Intelligence
<race> <trainability>
wildness |
optional |
Number |
Property:Wildness |
<race> <wildness>
min handling skill |
optional |
Number (0~20) |
Property:Minimum Handling Skill |
petness |
optional |
Number |
Property:Petness |
<race> <petness>
predator |
optional |
Boolean |
- |
<race> <predator>
roamMtb |
optional |
Number |
Property:Roam Mtb Days |
<race> <roamMtbDays>
nuzzleMtb |
optional |
Number |
Property:Nuzzle Mtb Hours |
<race> <nuzzleMtbHours>
mateMtb |
optional |
Number |
Property:Mate Mtb Hours |
<race> <mateMtbHours>
maturityage |
optional |
Number |
Property:Maturity Age |
<lifeStageAges> <def></def> <minAge>
juvenileage |
optional |
Number |
Property:Juvenile Age |
<lifeStageAges> <def></def> <minAge>
psychic sensitivity |
optional |
More sensitive people suffer more from negative psychic effects, and benefit more from positive ones. Higher psychic sensitivity also increases neural heat limit.
toxic resistance |
optional |
Number (0~1)
How well this creature resists toxic buildup.
toxic environment resistance |
optional |
Number (0~1)
How resistant this creature is to the effects of environmental toxins. This protects against toxic fallout and rot stink exposure, but not against direct attacks with venom or injected poison.
min comfortable temperature |
optional |
Below this temperature, characters will be unhappy. Significantly below this temperature, they will develop hypothermia and frostbite and eventually die.
<statBases> <ComfyTemperatureMin>
max comfortable temperature |
optional |
Above this temperature, characters will be unhappy. Significantly above this temperature, they will develop heatstroke and eventually die.
<statBases> <ComfyTemperatureMax>
livesin_temperateforest |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Temperate Forest |
The density of this animal in a Temperate forest biome |
livesin_temperateswamp |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Temperate Swamp |
The density of this animal in a Temperate swamp biome |
livesin_tropicalrainforest |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Tropical Rainforest |
The density of this animal in a Tropical rainforest biome |
livesin_tropicalswamp |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Tropical Swamp |
The density of this animal in a Tropical swamp biome |
livesin_aridshrubland |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Arid Shrubland |
The density of this animal in an Arid shrubland biome |
livesin_desert |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Desert |
The density of this animal in a Desert biome |
livesin_extremedesert |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Extreme Desert |
The density of this animal in an Extreme desert biome |
livesin_borealforest |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Boreal Forest |
The density of this animal in a Boreal forest biome |
livesin_coldbog |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Cold Bog |
The density of this animal in a Cold bog biome |
livesin_tundra |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Tundra |
The density of this animal in a Tundra biome |
livesin_icesheet |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Ice Sheet |
The density of this animal in an Ice sheet biome |
livesin_seaice |
optional |
Number |
Property:Lives In Sea Ice |
The density of this animal in a Sea ice biome |
Non Pawn
deterioration |
optional |
The rate at which this item deteriorates when left outside, in average hit points per day. Deterioration rate is also affected by things like weather, roofs, toxic fallout, or being left in shallow water.
<statBases> <DeteriorationRate>
beauty |
optional |
How enjoyable an object is to look at. Beautiful objects fulfill characters' need for beauty.
<statBases> <Beauty>
beauty outdoors |
optional |
How enjoyable something is to look at if it's outside. Beautiful objects fulfill peoples' need for beauty.
<statBases> <BeautyOutdoors>
cleanliness |
optional |
How much an object contributes to an area's cleanliness score.
<statBases> <Cleanliness>
comfort |
optional |
How comfortable an object is to sit or lay on. Using comfortable objects fulfills a character's need for comfort.
<statBases> <Comfort>
work to make |
optional |
Number, Ticks
work to make
The base amount of work it takes to make an item, once all materials are gathered.
work to build
The base amount of work it takes to build a structure, once all materials are gathered. The work required to deconstruct the structure is also based on this.
<statBases> <WorkToMake> (Items)
<statBases> <WorkToBuild> (Buildings)
food poison chance |
optional |
Number (0~1)
The chance this food will cause food poisoning.
<statBases> <FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman>
styledominance |
optional |
How much this object contributes to overall style dominance in an area.
<statBases> <StyleDominance>
Animal Productivity
meatyield |
optional |
The amount of meat yielded when butchering this creature. This value is reduced if the creature is not slaughtered cleanly, or if it is wounded when killed.
<statBases> <MeatAmount>
basemeatamount |
optional |
- |
meatname |
optional |
Property:Meat Name |
<race> <meatLabel>
<race> <specificMeatDef>
leathername |
optional |
Property:Leather Name |
<race> <leatherDef>
leatheryield |
optional |
The amount of leather yielded when butchering this creature. This value is reduced if the creature is not slaughtered cleanly, or if it is wounded when killed.
<statBases> <LeatherAmount>
baseleatheramount |
optional |
- |
milk |
optional |
Number |
Property:Milk Amount |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Milkable"> <milkAmount>
mlikname |
optional |
Text |
Property:Milk Name |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Milkable"> <milkDef>
milktime |
optional |
Number (Days)
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Milkable"> <milkIntervalDays>
wool |
optional |
Property:Wool Amount |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Shearable"> <woolDef>
woolname |
optional |
Property:Wool Name |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Shearable"> <woolAmount>
sheartime |
optional |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Shearable"> <shearIntervalDays>
eggsmin |
optional |
Number |
Property:Eggs Per Clutch Minimum |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_EggLayer"> <eggCountRange>
eggsmax |
optional |
Number |
Property:Eggs Per Clutch Maximum |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_EggLayer"> <eggCountRange>
eggtime |
optional |
Number (Days)
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_EggLayer"> <eggLayIntervalDays>
eggs_avg |
optional |
Number |
Property:Eggs Per Clutch Average |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_EggLayer"> <eggCountRange>
egg_unfertilized |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Can Lay Unfertilized Eggs |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_EggLayer"> <eggUnfertilizedDef>
gestation |
optional |
Number (Days) |
Property:Gestation Period Days |
<race> <gestationPeriodDays>
offspring |
optional |
Number |
Property:Offspring Per Birth |
<race> <litterSizeCurve>
avg offspring |
optional |
Number |
Property:Average Offspring Per Birth |
<race> <litterSizeCurve>
cleaning time factor |
optional |
A multiplier on how long it takes to clean filth from this surface.
<statBases> <CleaningTimeFactor>
filth multiplier |
optional |
How susceptible this surface is to filth. If this is less than 100%, some of the filth deposited here will disappear on contact. This only applies to organic filth.
<statBases> <FilthMultiplier>
natural terrain |
optional |
Property:Natural Terrain
Whether this terrain is considered natural
filth acceptance mask |
One of:
- Terrain
- Natural
- Unnatural
- Pawn
- Any
Property:Filth Acceptance Mask
Types of filth able to be deposited onto this surface
generated filth |
One of:
Property:Generated Filth
Filth type generated by this surface
fertility |
optional |
The fertility of this object
artificial for meditation purposes |
optional |
Property:Artificial For Meditation Purposes
Whether this building affects structures sensitive to artificial buildings
<building> <artificialForMeditationPurposes>
EMP resistance |
optional |
Number (0~1)
This mechanoid has special shielding and shock-dissipation filaments that reduce the effect of EMP damage by this percentage. This reduces the duration of stuns caused by EMP.
<statBases> <EMPResistance>
bandwidth cost |
optional |
Number (Integer)
How much bandwidth this mech consumes when under mechanitor control.
<statBases> <BandwidthCost>
wastepacks per recharge |
optional |
How many toxic wastepacks this mechanoid will generate at a mech recharger when going from 0 to 100% energy. Larger mechanoids will generally create more toxic wastepacks.
<statBases> <WastepacksPerRecharge>
control taking time |
optional |
Number (Seconds)
How many seconds it will take for a mechanitor to take control of this mech.
<statBases> <ControlTakingTime>
repair energy cost |
optional |
The amount of energy that this mechanoid loses for every 100 damage repaired.
<statBases> <MechEnergyLossPerHP>
insulationcold |
optional |
How much this apparel improves a wearer's minimum comfortable temperature. Greater values allow surviving in colder temperatures.
<statBases> <Insulation_Cold>
insulationheat |
optional |
How much this apparel improves a wearer's maximum comfortable temperature. Greater values allow surviving in warmer temperatures.
<statBases> <Insulation_Heat>
insulationcoldfactor |
optional |
<statBases> <StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Cold>
insulationheatfactor |
optional |
<statBases> <StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Heat>
armorsharp |
optional |
Number (0~200)%
The protection given against sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, explosions, and animal bites.
Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.
The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.
00- If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
00- If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
00- If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.
For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.
Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.
<statBases> <ArmorRating_Sharp>
armorblunt |
optional |
Number (0~200)%
The protection given against blunt damage like fists, club impacts and rock falls.
Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.
The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.
00- If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
00- If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
00- If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.
For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.
Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.
<statBases> <ArmorRating_Blunt>
armorheat |
optional |
Number (0~200)%
The protection given against temperature-related damage like burns.
Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value.
The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100.
00- If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly.
00- If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt.
00- If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect.
For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage.
Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.
<statBases> <ArmorRating_Heat>
armorsharpfactor |
optional |
<statBases> <StuffEffectMultiplierArmor>
armorbluntfactor |
optional |
<statBases> <StuffEffectMultiplierArmor>
armorheatfactor |
optional |
<statBases> <StuffEffectMultiplierArmor>
painshockthreshold |
optional |
Number |
Property:Pain Shock Threshold |
<equippedStatOffsets> <PainShockThreshold>
lifestage |
Any of:
- None
- Newborn
- Baby
- Child
- Adult
The life / developmental stages that can wear this apparel
<apparel> <developmentalStageFilter>
coverage |
The body parts that this apparel covers
<apparel> <bodyPartGroups>
layer |
Any of:
skin (Skin) |
middle |
outer (Outer) |
utility (Utility) |
headgear (Headgear) |
eyes (Eyes) |
This wiki also uses "internal" for technical reasons but is not used in game.
The layer(s) that this apparel occupies
<apparel> <layers>
weapon classes |
One of:
melee piercer
melee blunt
long shots
short shots
ranged heavy
ranged light
Property:Weapon Classes
The weapon classes this belongs to
Weapon (Ranged)
Weapon (Melee)
building tags |
One of:
- Artillery
- Artillery_BaseDestroyer
- Artillery_MannedMortar
- Bed
- Production
- MechClusterActivator

- MechClusterCombatThreat

- MechClusterMember

- MechClusterMemberGood

- MechClusterMemberLamp

- MechClusterProblemCauser

- RitualFocus

- RitualSeat

- Biotech

- Anomaly

Property:Building Tags
Identifying tag for the general purpose of this building
designation category |
One of:
- Structure
- Production
- Furniture
- Power
- Security
- Misc
- Floors
- Joy
- Ship
- Temperature
- Ideology

- Biotech

- Anomaly

Property:Designation Category
What architect designation category this building belongs to
building size category |
One of:
Property:Building Size Category
The size category of this building
<building> <buildingSizeCategory>
paintable |
optional |
Property:Paintable |
Whether this building can be painted
<building> <paintable>
claimable |
optional |
Property:Claimable |
Whether this building can be claimed
<building> <claimable>
expand home area |
optional |
Property:Expand Home Area
Whether this building will expand the home area, when expand home area with newly constructed buildings is toggled on
<building> <expandHomeArea>
repairable |
optional |
Whether this building can be repaired
<building> <repairable>
is inert |
optional |
Property:Is Inert
<building> <isInert>
destroyable |
optional |
Whether this building can be destroyed
deconstructable |
optional |
Whether this building can be deconstructed
<building> <deconstructible>
can overlap zones |
optional |
Property:Can Overlap Zones
Whether zones can overlap this building
size |
optional |
Text (x × y)
The dimensions of this object
minifiable |
optional |
Whether this building is minifiable
passability |
One of:
Allowed Value |
Code Name
pass through only
Whether an object can be stood on, can only be walked over, or is impassable
cover |
optional |
Number (0~1: > 0.75 = 0.75)
Property:Cover Effectiveness
Cover effectiveness
How effective this is when used as cover in a gunfight.
Higher percentages will block more shots.
edifice |
optional |
boolean |
Property:Edifice |
Whether this building has height.
<building> <isEdifice>
blockswind |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Blocks Wind |
Whether this building blocks wind[Elaborate]
terrain affordance |
optional |
What buildings / functions this terrain can support, or what affordances this building requires
<terrainAffordanceNeeded> (Buildings)
<affordances> (Terrain)
power |
optional |
The maximum power that this generator can output in ideal conditions.
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Power"> <basePowerConsumption>
facility |
optional |
Property:Facility |
glowcolor |
optional |
Property:Glow Color |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Glower"> <glowColor>
glowradius |
optional |
Property:Glow Radius |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Glower"> <glowRadius>
heatpersecond |
optional |
Property:Heat Per Second |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_HeatPusher"> <heatPerSecond>
maxheattemperature |
optional |
Property:Max Heat Temperature |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_HeatPusher"> <heatPushMaxTemperature>
mincooltemperature |
optional |
Property:Min Cool Temperature |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_HeatPusher"> <heatPushMinTemperature>
surgery success chance factor |
optional |
A multiplier to the chance that a surgery will succeed when performed here. Surgery success chances are also affected by many other factors, including the surgeon's ability and medicine used.
<statBases> <SurgerySuccessChanceFactor>
immunity gain speed factor |
optional |
Immunity gain speed is multiplied by this value.
<statBases> <ImmunityGainSpeedFactor>
rest effectiveness |
optional |
How fast people sleeping on this gain rest.
comfort offset |
optional |
Property:Comfort Offset |
recreation power |
optional |
How effectively this item entertains people and fulfills the need for recreation.
<statBases> <JoyGainFactor>
recreation type |
optional |
- |
work speed factor |
optional |
Work speed is multiplied by this value.
<statBases> <WorkTableWorkSpeedFactor>
work efficiency factor |
optional |
Work efficiency is multiplied by this value.
<statBases> <WorkTableEfficiencyFactor>
unpowered work speed factor |
optional |
Property:Unpowered Work Speed Factor |
<building> <unpoweredWorkTableWorkSpeedFactor>
work speed offset |
optional |
Property:Work Speed Offset |
max simultaneous facilities |
optional |
Property:Max Simultaneous Facilities |
efficiency |
optional |
Property:Efficiency |
goodwill impact |
optional |
How casting this ability on someone will impact relations with their faction.
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_AbilityEffectWithDuration"> <goodwillImpact>
effect radius |
optional |
The radius of the area of effect of this ability.
<statBases> <Ability_EffectRadius>
duration |
optional |
How long the effects of this ability last.
<statBases> <Ability_Duration>
duration multiplier |
optional |
Number |
- |
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_AbilityGiveHediff"> <durationMultiplier>
ability range |
optional |
The maximum distance to a target of this ability, or to the center of the target location.
<verbProperties> <range>
psyfocus cost |
optional |
How much psyfocus must be spent to perform this ability.
<statBases> <Ability_PsyfocusCost>
neural heat gain |
optional |
How much neural heat will be added as a result of performing this ability.
<statBases> <Ability_EntropyGain>
casting time |
optional |
How long it takes to perform this ability.
<verbProperties> <warmupTime>
psylink level |
optional |
Number (1-6)
The minimum psylink level required to use this ability.
caster must be capable of violence |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Caster Must Be Capable Of Violence |
8. Stat Modifiers (for materials)
beauty factor |
optional |
number |
Property:Beauty Factor |
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <Beauty>
beauty offset |
optional |
number |
Property:Beauty Offset |
<stuffProps> <statOffsets> <Beauty>
work to make factor |
optional |
number |
Property:Work To Make Factor |
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <WorkToMake>
work to build factor |
optional |
number |
Property:Work To Build Factor |
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <WorkToBuild>
work to build offset |
optional |
ticks |
Property:Work To Build Offset |
<stuffProps> <statOffsets> <WorkToBuild>
max hit points factor |
optional |
number |
Property:Max Hit Points Factor |
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <MaxHitPoints>
flammability factor |
optional |
number |
Property:Flammability Factor |
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <Flammability>
armor - sharp factor |
optional |
Armor against sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, and animal bites.
<statBases> <StuffPower_Armor_Sharp>
armor - blunt factor |
optional |
Armor against blunt damage like club impacts, rock falls, and explosions.
<statBases> <StuffPower_Armor_Blunt>
armor - heat factor |
optional |
Armor against temperature-related damage like burns.
<statBases> <StuffPower_Armor_Heat>
insulation - cold factor |
optional |
How much an apparel made of this material improves a wearer's minimum comfortable temperature when worn.
<statBases> <StuffPower_Insulation_Cold>
insulation - heat factor |
optional |
How much an apparel made of this material improves a wearer's maximum comfortable temperature when worn.
<statBases> <StuffPower_Insulation_Heat>
melee blunt damage factor |
optional |
A multiplier on damage from blunt-type attacks for weapons made of this material.
<statBases> <BluntDamageMultiplier>
melee sharp damage factor |
optional |
A multiplier on damage from sharp-type attacks for weapons made of this material.
<statBases> <SharpDamageMultiplier>
melee cooldown factor |
optional |
A multiplier on attack delay for weapons made of this material.
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <MeleeWeapon_CooldownMultiplier>
door opening speed factor |
optional |
number |
Property:Door Opening Speed Factor |
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <DoorOpenSpeed>
rest effectiveness factor |
optional |
number |
Property:Rest Effectiveness Factor |
<stuffProps> <statFactors> <BedRestEffectiveness>
Capacity Effects
mech bandwidth |
optional |
How much bandwidth a mechanitor has. More bandwidth allows a mechanitor to produce and control more mechs at the same time. Losing bandwidth means losing control of mechs, leaving them without an overseer. Such mechs can eventually become feral if not re-dominated.
<statOffsets> <MechBandwidth>
<equippedStatOffsets> <MechBandwidth>
mech control groups |
optional |
How many control groups this mechanitor can direct independently. Each control group can be given its own separate orders.
<statOffsets> <MechControlGroups>
<equippedStatOffsets> <MechControlGroups>
mech gestation speed |
optional |
A multiplier on the speed at which this mechanitor can form new mechanoids at a gestator.
<statOffsets> <MechFormingSpeed>
mech remote repair distance |
optional |
How far away a mech can be during remote repair.
<statOffsets> <MechRemoteRepairDistance>
mech remote shield distance |
optional |
The maximum range at which a mechanitor can place a shield on a mechanoid.
<statOffsets> <MechRemoteShieldDistance>
mech remote shield energy |
optional |
The energy a remote shield will have when created by a mechanitor.
<statOffsets> <MechRemoteShieldEnergy>
mech repair speed |
optional |
A multiplier on how fast a mechanitor can repair mechanoids.
<statOffsets> <MechRepairSpeed>
mech work speed offset |
optional |
A work speed offset applied to a mechanitor's mechs.
<statOffsets> <WorkSpeedGlobalOffsetMech>
Drug Addiction
Pawn Combat
Pawn Social
Pawn Misc
Pawn Work
Psychic Ritual
containment strength |
optional |
How securely this can contain an entity. This is improved by stronger walls and doors, more light, fewer other entities in the room, and special containment devices. Some entities are easier to contain in cold temperatures.
<statBases> <ContainmentStrength>
minimum containment strength |
optional |
The containment strength needed to contain this entity properly. An entity in a chamber below its minimum containment strength will have a very high chance to escape.
<statBases> <MinimumContainmentStrength>
anomaly knowledge |
optional |
Number |
Property:Anomaly Knowledge |
The base amount of Property:Knowledge Category gained when studied
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Studiable"> <knowledgeCategory>
<race> <anomalyKnowledge>
knowledge category |
optional |
Text (Basic, Advanced) |
Property:Knowledge Category |
The category of knowledge gained when studying applicable pawns
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Studiable"> <knowledgeCategory>
<race> <knowledgeCategory>
study interval |
optional |
Number |
Property:Studiable Frequency Ticks |
The cooldown before a thing can be studied again. This value is typically 120,000 ticks (2 in-game days)
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Studiable"> <frequencyTicks>
bioferrite density |
optional |
Number |
Property:Bioferrite Density |
A multiplier on the base Bioferrite generation of an entity
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_ProducesBioferrite"> <bioferriteDensity>
gets cold containment bonus |
optional |
This entity is less likely to escape if kept in a very cold room.
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_HoldingPlatformTarget"> <getsColdContainmentBonus>
min monolith level for study |
optional |
Number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) |
Property:Minimum Monolith Level For Study |
The Monolith activation level required to study applicable things
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Studiable"> <minMonolithLevelForStudy>
requires holding platform |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Requires Holding Platform |
Whether or not a pawn needs to be contained by a Holding spot or Holding platform in order to be studied
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Studiable"> <requiresHoldingPlatform>
requires imprisonment |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Requires Imprisonment |
Whether or not a pawn needs to be imprisoned in order to be studied
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_Studiable"> <requiresImprisonment>
base escape interval MTB days |
optional |
Number |
Property:Base Escape Interval Mtb Days |
The base average number of days a holdable pawn will try to escape
<comps> <Class="CompProperties_HoldingPlatformTarget"> <baseEscapeIntervalMtbDays>
Content Source
14. Technical
- page verified for version
- Verified
optional |
Page |
Property:Verified For |
defName |
optional |
Text |
Property:Def Name |
label |
optional |
Text |
Property:Label |
has quality |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Has Quality |
<comps> <compClass>CompQuality</compClass>
color |
optional |
- |
thingCategories |
optional |
- |
file |
optional |
- |
weaponTags |
optional |
Text |
Property:weaponTags |
thingSetMakerTags |
optional |
Property:Thing Set Maker Tags
thingSetMakerTagsToAllow |
optional |
Text |
- |
thingSetMakerTagsToDisallow |
optional |
Text |
- |
defaultOutfitTags |
optional |
Text |
Property:Default Outfit Tags |
What default apparel policies this apparel will be assigned to
<apparel> <defaultOutfitTags>
factionPrerequisiteTags |
optional |
Text |
- |
optional |
Text |
- |
<plant> <harvestTag>
recipePrerequisitetags |
optional |
Text |
- |
ResearchProjectTagDef |
optional |
Text |
- |
optional |
Text |
Property:sowTags |
<plant> <sowTags>
<building> <sowTag>
optional |
Text |
Property:tags |
techHediffsTags |
optional |
Text |
Property:techHediffsTags |
One of:
- AnimalCommon
- AnimalDryad
- AnimalExotic
- AnimalFarm
- AnimalFighter
- AnimalInsect
- AnimalPet
- AnimalUncommon
- Armor
- Art
- Artifact
- BasicClothing
- Bionic
- Clothing
- Drugs
- ExoticBuilding
- ExoticMisc
- HiTechArmor
- HoraxArmor
- HoraxWeapon
- ImplantEmpireCommon
- ImplantEmpireRoyal
- MortarShell
- MusicalInstrument
- PsychicApparel
- PsychicWeapon
- PsylinkNeuroformer
- Serum
- TechHediff
- Television
- UtilitySpecial
- WeaponMelee
- WeaponRanged
Property:TradeTags |
tradeTagsBuy |
optional |
Text |
- |
tradeTagsSell |
optional |
Text |
- |
tradeTagsToAllow |
optional |
Text |
- |
tutorHighlightTag |
optional |
Text |
- |
apparelTags |
optional |
Text |
Property:apparelTags |
stuff adjective |
optional |
Property:Stuff Adjective |
<stuffProps> <stuffAdjective>
small volume |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Small Volume |
preferability |
One of:
- Plant
- Raw
- Awful
- Simple
- Fine
- Lavish
- Desperate
FoodPreferability Enum:
- Undefined
- NeverForNutrition
- DesperateOnly
- DesperateOnlyForHumanlikes
- RawBad
- RawTasty
- MealTerrible
- MealAwful
- MealSimple
- MealFine
- MealLavish
Property:Preferability |
food preference |
optional |
Property:Food Preference |
drug category |
One of:
- None
- Medical
- Social
- Hard
- Any
Property:Drug Category |
is pleasure drug |
optional |
Boolean |
Property:Is Pleasure Drug |
work efficiency factor |
optional |
- |
work efficiency offset |
optional |
- |
max simultaneous facilities |
optional |
Number |
- |
unpowered work speed factor |
optional |
- |
bulk product amount |
optional |
Property:Bulk Product Amount |