Outdoor Beauty

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Revision as of 08:04, 16 September 2024 by Harakoni (talk | contribs)
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Outdoor Beauty is a stat: How enjoyable something is to look at if it's outside.
Beautiful objects fulfill peoples' need for beauty. Its minimum allowed value is -1000. Its default value is 0.


Thing Base
Glowstool 2
Agarilux 4
Bryolux 1
Rose 14
Daylily 18
Rice plant 1
Potato plant 1
Corn plant 1
Strawberry plant 1
Haygrass 1
Cotton plant 1
Devilstrand 1
Healroot 1
Hop plant 1
Smokeleaf plant 1
Psychoid plant 1
Cocoa tree 2
Ambrosia bush 1
Tinctoria 1
Agave 1
Pincushion cactus 1
Saguaro cactus 1
Drago tree 1
Grass 1
Tall grass 1
Bush 1
Brambles 1
Wild healroot 1
Willow tree 2
Cypress tree 1
Maple tree 2
Chokevine 1
Dandelions 4
Astragalus 4
Moss 1
Berry bush 1
Oak tree 2
Poplar tree 1
Pine tree 2
Birch tree 2
Low shrubs 1
Alocasia 1
Clivia 2
Giant rafflesia −6
Teak tree 2
Cecropia tree 1
Palm tree 1
Bamboo tree 1
Soil 0
Lichen-covered soil 0
Marshy soil 0
Rich soil 0
Stony soil 0
Sand 0
Soft sand 0
Mud 0
Ice 0
Marsh 0
Stone chunk 0
Anima treeContent added by the Royalty DLC 5
Anima grassContent added by the Royalty DLC 1
NutrifungusContent added by the Ideology DLC 1
Bonsai treeContent added by the Ideology DLC 15
FibercornContent added by the Ideology DLC 1
TimbershroomContent added by the Ideology DLC 1
Gauranlen treeContent added by the Ideology DLC 6
Gauranlen mossContent added by the Ideology DLC 10
Gauranlen podContent added by the Ideology DLC 1
Toxipotato plantContent added by the Biotech DLC 1
Polux treeContent added by the Biotech DLC 6
Gray grassContent added by the Biotech DLC 1
RipthornContent added by the Biotech DLC 1
Pebble cactusContent added by the Biotech DLC 0
Gray pine treeContent added by the Biotech DLC 0
Witchwood treeContent added by the Biotech DLC 0
Rat palm treeContent added by the Biotech DLC 0
Harbinger treeContent added by the Anomaly DLC −10
FleshContent added by the Anomaly DLC −5


Quality Factor
Awful ×−10%
Poor ×50%
Normal ×100%
Good ×200%
Excellent ×300%
Masterwork ×500%
Legendary ×800%

Stat Def Data[edit]

Def Name
Label For Full Stat List
Offset Label
Description Category Parameters Complex
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    outdoor beauty
How enjoyable something is to look at if it's outside.

Beautiful objects fulfill peoples' need for beauty.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0
  • Min Value: -1000
  • Hide At Value: 0
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Round To Five Over: 100
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: −10%
      • Factor Poor: 50%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 200%
      • Factor Excellent: 300%
      • Factor Masterwork: 500%
      • Factor Legendary: 800%
    • StatPart_ContentsBeauty