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Stuff is a concept in RimWorld's code by which a material can be chosen before creation of an item or building, used in the item's construction and the stats of the chosen material affect the stats of the end product. An item that can do this is called "stuffable". Examples of stuffable things include most structures, furniture, melee weapons and apparel.

Note that this icon is used only on this wiki to symbolise "stuff". It is not used in-game.

Stuff is categorized. For example, an item can be made of "Leathery" stuff, i.e. that part of the recipe can be fill by the correct amount of any given leather. Some recipes give you a choice, for example beds' stuff is tagged "Metallic, Wood, Stony", allowing the player to choose between those. There are often better/worse choices, especially given the practical availability of different material for different colonies, but also different "stuff" can have differing effects on the final product (e.g. "wood" is more flammable than stone, and "stony" beds are not as comfortable as wood or steel, except for jade). Such details are available in articles for specific items.

The stuff categories are:

Stuff category Materials
Leathery Bearskin, Birdskin, Bluefur, Camelhide, Chinchilla fur, Dog leather, Elephant leather, Foxfur, Guinea pig fur, Heavy fur, Human leather, Lightleather, Lizardskin, Panthera fur, Patchleather, Pigskin, Plainleather, Rhinoceros leather, Thrumbofur, Wolfskin, Dread leather Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Fabric Alpaca wool, Bison wool, Cloth, Devilstrand, Hyperweave, Megasloth wool, Muffalo wool, Sheep wool, Synthread
Woody Wood
Metallic Gold, Plasteel, Silver, Steel, Uranium, Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Stony Granite blocks, Jade, Limestone blocks, Marble blocks, Sandstone blocks, Slate blocks
Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC

Note that, despite being full categories of their own, currently the only material in the Woody category is Wood and the only material in the Bioferrite category is Bioferrite. Notably, Bioferrite is also in the Metallic category.

List of stuffable things

Version history

  • 0.7.581 - Stuff system added. Prior to this, objects equivalent to stuffed objects had to be distinctly defined i.e. wood wall and metal wall.

See also