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== Explanation ==
== Explanation ==
[[Work To Build]] is used for [[Buildings]], defining the amount of work in [[Ticks]] required to build a structure. It is the functionally equivalent counterpart to the stat used for items: [[Work To Make]]. Note that the wiki merges these two stats into the [[Property:Work To Make|Work To Make]] Property, although they can be easily separated by the [[Property:Type|Type]] and [[Property:Type2|Type2]] Properties.
Work To Build is used for [[Buildings]], defining the amount of work in [[Ticks]] required to build a structure. It is the functionally equivalent counterpart to the stat used for items: [[Work To Make]]. Note that the wiki merges these two stats into the [[Property:Work To Make|Work To Make]] Property, although they can be easily separated by the [[Property:Type|Type]] and [[Property:Type2|Type2]] Properties.
== Bases ==
== Bases ==

Revision as of 04:02, 10 December 2024

Work To Build is a stat: The base amount of work it takes to build a structure, once all materials are gathered.
The work required to deconstruct the structure is also based on this. Its minimum allowed value is 0 ticks (0 secs). Its default value is 1 tick (0.02 secs).


Work To Build is used for Buildings, defining the amount of work in Ticks required to build a structure. It is the functionally equivalent counterpart to the stat used for items: Work To Make. Note that the wiki merges these two stats into the Work To Make Property, although they can be easily separated by the Type and Type2 Properties.


Here is a table of the Work To Build for all buildings (excluding Ruins, since they cannot be built by players):

  • Click to
    Building Work To Build (Ticks) Category
    Animal bed 400 Furniture
    Animal flap 850 Structure
    Animal sleeping box 180 Furniture
    Animal sleeping spot 0 Furniture
    Armchair 14,000 Furniture
    Art bench 2,500 Production
    Autocannon turret 15,000 Security
    Autodoor 1,100 Structure
    Barricade 320 Security
    Battery 800 Power
    Bed 800 Furniture
    Bedroll 600 Furniture
    Billiards table 12,000 Recreation
    Biofuel refinery 2,000 Production
    Bookcase 500 Furniture
    Brewery 2,000 Production
    Bridge 1,500 Structure
    Butcher spot 0 Production
    Butcher table 2,000 Production
    Campfire 200 Temperature
    Caravan hitching spot 0 Misc
    Chemfuel powered generator 2,500 Power
    Chess table 8,000 Recreation
    Column 750 Structure
    Comms console 2,200 Misc
    Cooler 1,600 Temperature
    Couch 20,000 Furniture
    Crafting spot 0 Production
    Cryptosleep casket 3,200 Misc
    Deep drill 10,000 Production
    Dining chair 8,000 Furniture
    Door 850 Structure
    Double bed 1,500 Furniture
    Double bedroll 1,100 Furniture
    Double sleeping spot 0 Furniture
    Dresser 2,000 Furniture
    Drug lab 3,500 Production
    Egg box 2,000 Misc
    Electric crematorium 4,500 Production
    Electric smelter 3,500 Production
    Electric smithy 3,000 Production
    Electric stove 2,000 Production
    Electric tailor bench 2,500 Production
    End table 1,000 Furniture
    Fabrication bench 5,000 Production
    Fence 70 Structure
    Fence gate 500 Structure
    Fermenting barrel 600 Production
    Firefoam popper 1,500 Misc
    Flatscreen television 40,000 Recreation
    Flood light 600 Furniture
    Foam turret 1,800 Security
    Fueled smithy 3,000 Production
    Fueled stove 2,000 Production
    Game-of-Ur board 6,000 Recreation
    Geothermal generator 12,000 Power
    Grand stele 16,000 Misc
    Grave 800 Misc
    Ground-penetrating scanner 12,000 Misc
    Hand tailor bench 2,000 Production
    Heater 1,000 Temperature
    Hi-tech research bench 5,000 Production
    Hidden conduit 280 Power
    Hoopstone ring 100 Recreation
    Hopper 300 Production
    Horseshoes pin 100 Recreation
    Hospital bed 2,800 Furniture
    Hydroponics basin 2,800 Production
    IED EMP trap 1,400 Security
    IED antigrain warhead trap 1,400 Security
    IED firefoam trap 1,400 Security
    IED incendiary trap 1,400 Security
    IED smoke trap 1,400 Security
    IED trap 1,400 Security
    Large stele 8,000 Misc
    Long-range mineral scanner 10,000 Misc
    Machining table 3,000 Production
    Marriage spot 0 Misc
    Mini-turret 1,800 Security
    Moisture pump 1,500 Misc
    Mortar 2,000 Security
    Multi-analyzer 10,000 Misc
    Nutrient paste dispenser 2,200 Production
    Orbital trade beacon 800 Misc
    Ornate door 15,000 Structure
    Party spot 0 Misc
    Passive cooler 200 Temperature
    Pen marker 600 Misc
    Plant pot 250 Furniture
    Pod launcher 3,000 Misc
    Poker table 10,000 Recreation
    Power conduit 35 Power
    Power switch 200 Power
    Rocketswarm launcher 10,000 Security
    Royal bed 50,000 Furniture
    Sandbags 180 Security
    Sarcophagus 2,400 Misc
    Sensor cluster 30,000 Ship
    Shelf 500 Furniture
    Ship computer core 16,000 Ship
    Ship cryptosleep casket 8,000 Ship
    Ship engine 50,000 Ship
    Ship reactor 65,000 Ship
    Ship structural beam 8,000 Ship
    Simple research bench 2,800 Production
    Sleeping spot 0 Furniture
    Small bookcase 250 Furniture
    Small shelf 250 Furniture
    Snowman 1,000 Recreation
    Solar generator 2,500 Power
    Spike trap 3,200 Security
    Standing lamp 300 Furniture
    Stonecutter's table 2,000 Production
    Stool 450 Furniture
    Sun lamp 330 Furniture
    Table (1x2) 750 Furniture
    Table (2x2) 1,500 Furniture
    Table (2x4) 3,000 Furniture
    Table (3x3) 3,300 Furniture
    Tool cabinet 1,800 Misc
    Torch lamp 100 Furniture
    Transport pod 1,600 Misc
    Tube television 10,000 Recreation
    Uranium slug turret 15,000 Security
    Urn 500 Misc
    Vent 400 Temperature
    Vitals monitor 6,000 Misc
    Wall 135 Structure
    Wall lamp 330 Furniture
    Wall torch lamp 100 Furniture
    Watermill generator 4,000 Power
    Waterproof conduit 35 Power
    Wind turbine 3,300 Power
    Wood-fired generator 2,500 Power
    Atmospheric heater Content added by the Anomaly DLC 12,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Bioferrite generator Content added by the Anomaly DLC 12,000 Power
    Bioferrite harvester Content added by the Anomaly DLC 4,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Bioferrite shaper Content added by the Anomaly DLC 3,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Electric inhibitor Content added by the Anomaly DLC 100 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Electroharvester Content added by the Anomaly DLC 4,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Frenzy inducer Content added by the Anomaly DLC 6,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Holding platform Content added by the Anomaly DLC 2,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Holding spot Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 Anomaly (Buildings)
    IED deadlife trap Content added by the Anomaly DLC 1,400 Security
    Proximity detector Content added by the Anomaly DLC 6,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Psychic ritual spot Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Security door Content added by the Anomaly DLC 6,000 Structure
    Serum lab Content added by the Anomaly DLC 3,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Shard beacon Content added by the Anomaly DLC 1,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Shard inhibitor Content added by the Anomaly DLC 1,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Sleep suppressor Content added by the Anomaly DLC 6,000 Anomaly (Buildings)
    Tactical turret Content added by the Anomaly DLC 1,800 Security
    Baby decoration Content added by the Biotech DLC 800 Furniture
    Baby sleeping spot Content added by the Biotech DLC 0 Furniture
    Band node Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Blackboard Content added by the Biotech DLC 1,000 Furniture
    Crashed mechanitor ship Content added by the Biotech DLC 800 Misc
    Crib Content added by the Biotech DLC 400 Furniture
    Deathrest accelerator Content added by the Biotech DLC 4,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Deathrest casket Content added by the Biotech DLC 2,500 Biotech (Buildings)
    Gene assembler Content added by the Biotech DLC 12,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Gene bank Content added by the Biotech DLC 5,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Gene extractor Content added by the Biotech DLC 9,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Gene processor Content added by the Biotech DLC 9,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Glucosoid pump Content added by the Biotech DLC 4,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Growth vat Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Hemogen amplifier Content added by the Biotech DLC 5,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Hemopump Content added by the Biotech DLC 5,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    IED tox trap Content added by the Biotech DLC 1,400 Security
    Large mech gestator Content added by the Biotech DLC 16,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Large mech recharger Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Mech booster Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,040 Biotech (Buildings)
    Mech gestator Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Mech recharger Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Mechband antenna Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Mechband dish Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Pollution pump Content added by the Biotech DLC 4,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Psychofluid pump Content added by the Biotech DLC 4,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    School desk Content added by the Biotech DLC 750 Furniture
    Subcore encoder Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Subcore ripscanner Content added by the Biotech DLC 1,200 Biotech (Buildings)
    Subcore softscanner Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Toxifier generator Content added by the Biotech DLC 8,000 Power
    Toy box Content added by the Biotech DLC 1,200 Furniture
    Wastepack atomizer Content added by the Biotech DLC 30,000 Biotech (Buildings)
    Animalist slab (broad) Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,000 Floor
    Animalist slab (medium) Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Floor
    Autobong Content added by the Ideology DLC 800 Ideology (Buildings)
    Biosculpter pod Content added by the Ideology DLC 28,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Bonsai pot Content added by the Ideology DLC 275 Furniture
    Burnbong Content added by the Ideology DLC 10,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Cannibal platter Content added by the Ideology DLC 10,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Christmas tree Content added by the Ideology DLC 10,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Darklight brazier Content added by the Royalty DLCContent added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Furniture
    Darktorch Content added by the Ideology DLC 100 Furniture
    Drum Content added by the Ideology DLC 800 Ideology (Buildings)
    Effigy Content added by the Ideology DLC 3,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Fungus darktorch Content added by the Ideology DLC 100 Furniture
    Gibbet cage Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,600 Ideology (Buildings)
    Grand altar Content added by the Ideology DLC 30,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Ideogram Content added by the Ideology DLC 25,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Incense shrine Content added by the Ideology DLC 12,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Kneel pillow Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,400 Ideology (Buildings)
    Kneel sheet Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,400 Ideology (Buildings)
    Large altar Content added by the Ideology DLC 20,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Lectern Content added by the Ideology DLC 10,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Lightball Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Loudspeaker Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Medium altar Content added by the Ideology DLC 15,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Morbid slab (broad) Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,000 Floor
    Morbid slab (medium) Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Floor
    Neural supercharger Content added by the Ideology DLC 6,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Pew Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,400 Ideology (Buildings)
    Pyre Content added by the Ideology DLC 5,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Reliquary Content added by the Ideology DLC 40,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Ritual spot Content added by the Ideology DLC 0 Ideology (Buildings)
    Rustic rug (broad) Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,000 Floor
    Rustic rug (medium) Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Floor
    Sacrificial flag Content added by the Ideology DLC 3,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Skullspike Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,600 Ideology (Buildings)
    Slab bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 400 Furniture
    Slab double bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 750 Furniture
    Sleep accelerator Content added by the Ideology DLC 6,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Small altar Content added by the Ideology DLC 5,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Spikecore floor-star (broad) Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,000 Floor
    Spikecore floor-star (medium) Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Floor
    Styling station Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,000 Ideology (Buildings)
    Totemic slab (broad) Content added by the Ideology DLC 2,000 Floor
    Totemic slab (medium) Content added by the Ideology DLC 1,000 Floor
    Brazier Content added by the Royalty DLC 1,000 Furniture
    Drape Content added by the Royalty DLC 2,000 Furniture
    Grand meditation throne Content added by the Royalty DLC 40,000 Furniture
    Harp Content added by the Royalty DLC 18,000 Recreation
    Harpsichord Content added by the Royalty DLC 32,000 Recreation
    Large nature shrine Content added by the Royalty DLC 30,000 Misc
    Meditation spot Content added by the Royalty DLC 0 Misc
    Meditation throne Content added by the Royalty DLC 10,000 Furniture
    Piano Content added by the Royalty DLC 50,000 Recreation
    Ship landing beacon Content added by the Royalty DLC 800 Misc
    Small nature shrine Content added by the Royalty DLC 15,000 Misc
  • Stat Def Data

    Def Name
    Label For Full Stat List
    Offset Label
    Description Category Parameters Complex
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
      work to build
    The base amount of work it takes to build a structure, once all materials are gathered.

    The work required to deconstruct the structure is also based on this.
    • Display Order:
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
    • Display All By Default:
    • Default Base Value: 1
    • Min Value: 0
    • To String Style: WorkAmount
    • Round To Five Over: 300
    • Show If Undefined: false
    • Scenario Randomizable: true
    - 3101