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== Singular Traits ==
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
These traits are generalized into groups, organized roughly by topic but there are no such groupings laid out formally in the game. There are no relations or prohibitions between traits grouped together here unless noted (e.g. a colonist cannot be both "ascetic", wanting a minimal bedroom, ''and'' "jealous" of those with better bedrooms).
== Virtual Stats, Properties / Parameters, and Categories ==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
=== List of Categories for reference ===
{| id="Stat Categories" {{STDT|sortable}}
! Def Name !! Label !! Display<br />Order !! Display<br />All By<br />Default !! # Of StatDefs !! Source
<!-- Core StatCategories -->
<!--================ General ================-->
| Basics
! Basics
| 10
| {{Good|true}}
| 9
| Core - General
| BasicsImportant
! Basics
| 1
| {{Good|true}}
| 3
| Core - General
| BasicsPawnImportant
! Basics
| 2
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - General
| BasicsNonPawnImportant
! Basics
| 2
| {{Bad|false}}
| 4
| Core - General
| BasicsPawn
! Basics
| 11
| {{Bad|false}}
| 38
| Core - General
| BasicsNonPawn
! Basics
| 12
| {{Bad|false}}
| 11
| Core - General
| AnimalProductivity
! animal productivity
| 13
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - General
| Source
! content source
| 999
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - General
<!--================ Non-pawn ================-->
| Apparel
! Apparel
| 30
| {{Bad|false}}
| 13
| Core - Non-pawn
| Implant
! Implant
| 30
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| Weapon
! Weapon
| 40
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| Weapon_Ranged
! Weapon (ranged)
| 44
| {{Bad|false}}
| 6
| Core - Non-pawn
| Weapon_Melee
! Weapon (melee)
| 48
| {{Bad|false}}
| 3
| Core - Non-pawn
| Building
! Building
| 50
| {{Bad|false}}
| 19
| Core - Non-pawn
| Ability
! Ability
| 60
| {{Bad|false}}
| 9
| Core - Non-pawn
| Drug
! Drug
| 30
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| DrugAddiction
! drug addiction
| 110
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| Terrain
! terrain
| 13
| {{Bad|false}}
| 2
| Core - Non-pawn
<!--=============== Virtual categories ==============-->
| EquippedStatOffsets
! Offsets when equipped
| 70
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| StuffStatFactors
! Multipliers when made of this
| 74
| {{Good|true}}
| 8
| Core - Virtual category
| StuffStatOffsets
! Offsets when made of this
| 77
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| StuffOfEquipmentStatFactors
! Multipliers when equipment made of this
| 80
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| Surgery
! Surgical
| 90
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| CapacityEffects
! effects
| 100
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
<!--================ Pawn ================-->
| PawnCombat
! Combat
| 110
| {{Bad|false}}
| 31
| Core - Pawn
| PawnSocial
! Social
| 120
| {{Bad|false}}
| 13
| Core - Pawn
| PawnMisc
! Misc
| 130
| {{Bad|false}}
| 2
| Core - Pawn
| PawnWork
! Work
| 140
| {{Bad|false}}
| 36
| Core - Pawn
<!--================ Misc ================-->
| Meditation
! Meditation
| 13
| {{Good|true}}
| 2
| Core - Misc
| Genetics
! Genetics
| 200
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Misc
| Mechanoid
! Mechanoid
| 13
| {{Good|true}}
| 6
| Core - Misc
<!-- Biotech StatCategories -->
| Mechanitor
! Mechanitor
| 105
| {{Good|true}}
| 9
| Biotech
<!-- Anomaly Stats_PsychicRituals -->
| PsychicRituals
! Psychic ritual
| 500
| {{Bad|false}}
| 2
| Anomaly
<!-- Anomaly Stats_Containment -->
| Containment
! Containment
| 600
| {{Bad|false}}
| 3
| Anomaly
<!-- Anomaly Stats_Serum -->
| Serum
! Serum
| 700
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Anomaly
=== Lifestyle ===
Categories are listed by order of appearance in xml, and labeled as "defName - (label)" unless the two are identical:
One likes what one likes...
=== General ===
{| id="Lifestyle" {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
==== Basics ====
! Name
===== Basics - (Basics) =====
! Commonality
===== BasicsImportant - (Basics) =====
! Description
===== BasicsPawnImportant - (Basics) =====
! Effect
===== BasicsNonPawnImportant - (Basics) =====
! Possessions
===== BasicsPawn - (Basics) =====
! Conflicting Traits
===== BasicsNonPawn - (Basics) =====
|- id="Night owl" <!-- defName="NightOwl" -->
=== AnimalProductivity - (animal productivity) ===
! Night owl
=== Source - (content source) ===
| 1.3
=== Non-pawn ===
| {PAWN_nameDef} likes to be up during the night, and sleep during the day.<br /><br />{PAWN_pronoun} gets a mood bonus if awake at night (23h-6h) and mood loss if awake during the day (11h-18h).<br /><br />{PAWN_pronoun} doesn't get a mood penalty for being in the dark.
==== Apparel ====
| {{--|10}} [[mood]] penalty if awake during day (11:00 - 18:00)<br><!--
==== Weapon ====
-->{{+|16}} mood bonus if awake during night (23:00 - 06:00)<br><!--
==== Weapon_Ranged - (Weapon (ranged)) ====
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No mood penalty from being in the dark
==== Weapon_Melee - (Weapon (melee)) ====
| 5~10x {{Icon Small|Wake-up|24}} [[Wake-up]]
==== Building ====
| None
==== Ability ====
|- id="Undergrounder" <!-- defName="Undergrounder" -->
==== Drug ====
! Undergrounder
==== DrugAddiction - (drug addiction) ====
| 0.2 <!-- Note: There are several backstories that force this trait-->
==== Terrain - (terrain) ====
| {PAWN_nameDef} has no need to experience the outdoors or light. {PAWN_pronoun} will never feel cooped up or get cabin fever and is not bothered by darkness. However, {PAWN_nameDef} will be unhappy while outdoors.
=== Virtual categories ===
| {{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br /><br /><!--
==== EquippedStatOffsets - (Offsets when equipped) ====
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' Mood not affected by Darkness<br><!--
==== StuffStatFactors - (Multipliers when made of this) ====
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No [[Outdoors]] or Space [[need]]<br><!--
==== StuffOfEquipmentStatFactors - (Multipliers when equipment made of this) ====
-->{{Bad|−}} ''':''' Added [[Indoors (need)|Indoors]] need<br><!--
==== Surgery - (Surgical) ====
-->{{+|3}} mood when indoors / {{+|4}} when underground<br><!--
==== CapacityEffects - (effects) ====
-->{{--|3}} mood when outdoors
=== Pawn ===
| 30~60x {{Icon Small|Raw fungus|24}} [[Raw fungus]]
==== PawnCombat - (Combat) ====
| None
==== PawnSocial - (Social) ====
|- id="Nudist" <!-- defName="Nudist" -->
==== PawnMisc - (Misc) ====
! Nudist
==== PawnWork - (Work) ====
| 0.7
=== Misc ===
| {PAWN_nameDef} enjoys the feeling of freedom that comes from being nude. {PAWN_pronoun} can handle clothing, but will be happier without it.
==== Meditation ====
| {{+|20}} mood bonus when naked<br><!--
==== Genetics ====
-->{{--|3}} mood penalty for wearing any apparel, except headgear and [[utility]] items
==== Mechanoid ====
| -
=== Biotech {{BiotechIcon}} ===
| None
==== Mechanitor ====
|- id="Masochist" <!-- defName="Masochist" -->
=== Anomaly {{AnomalyIcon}} ===
! Masochist
==== PsychicRituals - (Psychic ritual) ====
| 0.5
==== Containment ====
| For {PAWN_nameDef}, there's something exciting about getting hurt. {PAWN_pronoun} doesn't know why, {PAWN_pronoun}'s just wired differently.
==== Serum ====
| {{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br /><br /><!--
-->{{+|5}} [[mood]] bonus for being in a little [[pain]], replacing default {{--|5}} and {{+|3}} from [[Ideoligion#Pain|Pain:Idealized]]{{IdeologyIcon}}.<br><!--
-->{{+|10}} mood bonus for being in medium pain, replacing default {{--|10}} and {{+|5}} from [[Ideoligion#Pain|Pain:Idealized]]{{IdeologyIcon}}.<br><!--
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
-->{{+|15}} mood bonus for being in severe pain, replacing default {{--|15}} and {{+|7}} from [[Ideoligion#Pain|Pain:Idealized]]{{IdeologyIcon}}.<br><!--
== Room Stats ==
-->{{+|20}} mood bonus for being in mind-shattering pain, replacing default {{--|20}} and {{+|9}} from [[Ideoligion#Pain|Pain:Idealized]]{{IdeologyIcon}}. '''Note:''' Mind-shattering pain causes pain shock at the default [[pain shock threshold]]<br><!--
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
-->{{+|3}} mood bonus for wearing a [[slave body strap]]{{IdeologyIcon}}<br><!--
-->{{+|2}} mood bonus for wearing a [[slave collar]]{{IdeologyIcon}}<br><!--
<!-- Core RoomStats.xml -->
-->Negates all mood effects for both [[Ideoligion#Skullspike|Skullspike:Desired and Disapproved]]{{IdeologyIcon}}<br><!--
{| {{STDT}}
-->Negates the {{--|5}} mood penalty and -20 [[social|opinion]] malus for being fed on by a [[Bloodfeeder]]{{BiotechIcon}}
! Name !! Details !! Score Stages / Curve
| -
<!--======= Primary stats (calcualated from physical conditions) =======-->
| [[Wimp]]
|- id="Impressiveness" <!-- defName="Impressiveness" -->
|- id="Body modder" <!-- defName="Transhumanist" -->
! Impressiveness
! Body modder
|<!-- Details -->
| 0.9
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_Impressiveness'''
| {PAWN_nameDef} feels limited in {PAWN_possessive} feeble human body. {PAWN_pronoun} often dreams of being enhanced with artificial body parts or xenogenetics.
* Update Priority: '''1'''
| {{+|4}} to {{+|13}} [[mood]] for having [[artificial body parts]] and [[xenogenes]]{{BiotechIcon}}<br><!--
* Display Rounded: {{Good|true}}
-->{{--|4}} mood penalty for not having an artificial body part<br><!--
* Roomless Score: '''0'''
-->{{+|8}} to {{+|40}} opinion of other colonists for each part installed on them
| '''Score Stages:'''
| -
{| {{STDT}}
| [[Body purist]]
! Min Score !! Label
|- id="Body purist" <!-- defName="BodyPurist" -->
! Body purist
!   -
| 0.7
| awful
| {PAWN_nameDef} believes the human body is limited for a reason. To {PAWN_objective}, artificial body parts and xenogenes are unethical and disgusting.
| {{--|10}} to {{--|35}} [[mood]] for having [[artificial body parts]] and [[xenogenes]]{{BiotechIcon}}<br><!--
!  20
-->{{--|8}} to {{--|40}} opinion of other colonists for each part installed on them
| dull
| -
| [[Body modder]]
! 30
|- id="Gourmand" <!-- defName="Gourmand" -->
| mediocre
! Gourmand
| 1.0
! 40
| {PAWN_nameDef}'s life revolves around food. {PAWN_pronoun} gets hungry quickly, and will occasionally be overcome with the urge to eat ravenously, even when not hungry.
| decent
| '''The Only Allowed Mental Breaks:''' [[Mental break#Food binge|Food binge]]<br />'''Random Mental State:''' [[Mental break#Food binge|Food binge]]<br />'''Random Mental State {{MTB}} Days Mood Curve:''' (0, 50)<Ref>Food binges randomly occur with an MTB of 50 days</Ref><br />'''[[Skills#Cooking|Cooking Skill]]:''' {{+|4}}<br />'''[[Hunger Rate Factor]]:''' {{++|50%}}<br /><br /><!--
-->'''+/- :''' So long as there is >10 human-edible nutrition worth of food in storage, the only possible minor mental break is food binge
!  50
| 1~3x {{Icon Small|Fine meal|24}} [[Fine meal]]s
| slightly impressive
| [[Ascetic]]
! 65
| somewhat impressive
! 85
| very impressive
! 120
| extremely impressive
! 170
| unbelievably impressive
! 240
| wondrously impressive
<References />
|- id="Wealth" <!-- defName="Wealth" -->
! Wealth
=== Living space ===
|<!-- Details -->
{{Stub|section=1|reason=Pyromaniac "beautiful fire" mechanical details. Once found and collated, templatize a summary of the effect and add it [[fire]], [[torch lamp]]s, [[campfire]] and any other sources of the buff (potentially: [[Brazier]], [[Darklight brazier]], [[Blood torch]], [[Darktorch]], [[Fungus darktorch]])}}
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_Wealth'''
How a colonist perceives the walls that they call "home"...
* Update Priority: '''2'''
* Display Rounded: {{Good|true}}
{| id="Living space" {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
* Roomless Score: '''0'''
! Name
| '''Score Stages:'''
! Commonality
{| {{STDT}}
! Description
! Min Score !! Label
! Effect
! Possessions
!       -
! Conflicting Traits
| impoverished
|- id="Ascetic" <!-- defName="Ascetic" -->
! Ascetic
!    500
| 0.7
| somewhat poor
| {PAWN_nameDef} has forsaken physical comforts and enjoyments in favor of a simple, pure lifestyle. {PAWN_pronoun} will become unhappy if {PAWN_pronoun} has a bedroom that's too impressive. {PAWN_pronoun} also dislikes fancy food and prefers to eat raw. {PAWN_pronoun} never judges others by their appearance.
| '''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' 50%<br />{{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Minimal|Minimal]]<br />{{Bad|'''Disallowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Bad|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Artistic|Artistic]]<br /><br /><!--
!     700
-->{{+|5}} mood bonus for having an awful bedroom<br><!--
| mediocre
-->{{--|5}} mood penalty for having a somewhat impressive or better bedroom<br><!--
!    2000
{{Good|+}}''':''' No mood penalty for ate without table<br><!--
| somewhat rich
--> '''+/- :''' Mood not affected by quality of [[meal]], including [[raw food]], [[nutrient paste meal]]s, and [[baby food]]{{BiotechIcon}}<br><!--
-->'''+/- :''' Pawn beauty of others does not change pawn's social opinion on that pawn<br><!--
!   4000
-->'''+/- :''' Mood unaffected by quality of crib (as a baby){{BiotechIcon}}<br><!--
| rich
-->'''+/- :''' Mood unaffected by gaining a royal title; losing a title; or, if currently titled, whether or not apparel, bedroom, and/or throneroom is appropriate to the title {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| -
!  10000
| [[Greedy]], [[Jealous]], [[Gourmand]]
| luxurious
|- id="Greedy" <!-- defName="Greedy" -->
! Greedy
!   40000
| -
| very luxurious
| {PAWN_nameDef} needs a really impressive bedroom. {PAWN_pronoun} gets a mood loss if {PAWN_pronoun} doesn't get what {PAWN_pronoun} wants.
| {{--|8}}/{{--|8}}/{{--|8}}/{{--|6}}/{{--|4}} [[mood]] penalty for not having a bedroom of [[Room stats#Levels of impressiveness|Slightly Impressive]] or better
! 100000
| 10~20x {{Icon Small|Gold|24}} [[Gold]]
| extremely luxurious
| [[Ascetic]], [[Jealous]]
|- id="Jealous" <!-- defName="Jealous" -->
! 1000000
! Jealous
| unbelievably luxurious
| -
| For {PAWN_nameDef}, it's degrading to have a less impressive bedroom than someone else. {PAWN_pronoun} gets a mood loss if any colonist has a more impressive bedroom.
| {{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br />{{--|8}} [[mood]] penalty for not having the best bedroom.
| -
| None
|- id="Pyromaniac" <!-- defName="Pyromaniac" -->
! Pyromaniac
| 0.8
| {PAWN_nameDef} loves fire. {PAWN_pronoun} will never extinguish fires, and will occasionally go on random fire starting sprees. {PAWN_pronoun} will be happy around flames, and happier when wielding an incendiary weapon.
| '''[[Market Value]] Factor Offset:''' {{--|20%}}<br />'''The Only Allowed Mental Breaks:''' [[Mental break#Fire starting spree|Fire starting spree]]<br />'''Random Mental State:''' [[Mental break#Fire starting spree|Fire starting spree]]<br />{{Bad|'''Disabled Work Tags:'''}} Firefighting<br />'''Random Mental State {{MTB}} Days Mood Curve:''' (0, 50)<Ref>Fire starting sprees randomly occur with an MTB of 50 days</Ref><br />{{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Flame|Flame]]<br /><br /><!--
-->{{+|2}} mood bonus for having an incendiary weapon equipped<br><!--
--> {{+|8}} mood bonus for using an incendiary weapon on an enemy.{{Check Tag|Detail}}<!--
-->{{Thought|desc=The sinuous flame dances, warm like love, bright like freedom, all-consuming.|label=beautiful fire|value=+2|stack=4}} Grants +2 mood per [[fire]] or lit buildings capable of having a 'fire overlay' ([[torch lamp]], [[campfire]]; {{BiotechIcon}}[[blood torch]]; {{IdeologyIcon}}[[darktorch]], [[fungus darktorch]], [[effigy]], [[pyre]], [[sacrificial flag]]; {{RoyaltyIcon}}[[brazier]]; or {{IdeologyIcon}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}[[darklight brazier]]) within 8 cells, within the same room, and not in a 'fogged' region of the map invisible to the player. Fire not from a lit building, and not on a pawn, grants 2 stacks of this mood bonus; each cell occupied by a lit pyre counts as 1 fire, granting up to 4 stacks in total.
| {{Icon Small|Molotov cocktail|24}} [[Molotov cocktail]]<br />10~20x {{Icon Small|Chemfuel|24}} [[Chemfuel]]
| None
<References />
|- id="Space" <!-- defName="Space" -->
! Space
=== Social views ===
|<!-- Details -->
In a brutal world, what otherwise might be socially unacceptable or even unthinkable can be a positive survival trait for both you and your fellow colonists... See [[Human resources]] for comparative analysis.
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_Space'''
* Update Priority: '''2'''
{| id="Social views" {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
* Display Rounded: {{Good|true}}
! Name
* Roomless Score: '''350'''
! Commonality
| '''Score Stages:'''
! Description
{| {{STDT}}
! Effect
! Min Score !! Label
! Possessions
! Conflicting Traits
!     -
|- id="Bloodlust" <!-- defName="Bloodlust" -->
| cramped
! Bloodlust
| 0.8
!  12.5
| {PAWN_nameDef} gets a rush from hurting people, and never minds the sight of blood or death. {PAWN_pronoun} is four times as likely to start a social fight as others.
| rather tight
| '''Social Fight Chance Factor:''' {{Bad|x400%}}<br />{{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br />'''Required Work Tags:''' Violent<br /><br /><!--
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No mood penalty for: Observing fresh corpses, Observing rotting corpses, Human butchering, Organ harvesting, Executions, Colonist/innocent prisoner deaths, Wearing tainted clothes; {{IdeologyIcon}}Blinding ceremonies from [[Ideoligion#Blindness|Blindness:Horrible]], or Scarification ceremonies from [[Ideoligion#Scarification|Scarification:Horrible]]<br><!--
! 29 
-->{{+|3}}/{{+|5}}/{{+|7}}/{{+|8}} mood bonus for wearing clothing made out of human skin<br><!--
| average-sized
-->{{+|8}} mood bonus for witnessing a stranger's death<br><!--
-->{{+|13}} mood bonus for killing strangers<br><!--
! 55 
-->{{Bad|−}} ''':''' Four times as likely to start a social fight<br><!--
| somewhat spacious
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No opinion loss of someone who Harvests an organ, Executes a prisoner, or {{BiotechIcon}}Kills a child<br><!--
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from executing prisoners {{IdeologyIcon}}
! 70 
| {{Icon Small|Axe|24}} [[Axe]]{{IdeologyIcon}}<br />{{Icon Small|Longsword|24}} [[Longsword]]
| quite spacious
| None
|- id="Psychopath" <!-- defName="Psychopath" -->
! 130 
! Psychopath
| very spacious
| -
| {PAWN_nameDef} has no empathy. The suffering of others doesn't bother {PAWN_objective} at all. {PAWN_pronoun} doesn't mind if others are butchered, left unburied, imprisoned, or sold to slavery - unless it affects {PAWN_objective}. {PAWN_pronoun} also feels no mood boost from socializing.
! 349.5
| '''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Good|x50%}}<br />{{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br /><br /><!--
| extremely spacious
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No mood penalty for: Observing fresh corpses, Human butchering, Organ harvesting, Executions, Unburied colonists, Prisoners sold into slavery, Relative/colonist/friend/innocent prisoner deaths, Not being a bonded animal's master, Loss/death/release of bonded pets, Wearing [[human leather]] or [[dread leather]]{{AnomalyIcon}}; [[Child]]{{BiotechIcon}} killing, Being in a colony with sad youngsters, Having a sad/enslaved/sick/growth vat-interred child, Not having had enough play (as a baby); {{IdeologyIcon}}Blinding ceremonies from [[Ideoligion#Blindness|Blindness:Horrible]], Scarification ceremonies from [[Ideoligion#Scarification|Scarification:Horrible]], or Killing innocent animals from [[Ideoligion#Killing_innocent_animals|Killing innocent animals:Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved]]<br><!--
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No opinion loss of someone who {{BiotechIcon}}Kills a child or {{IdeologyIcon}}Kills an innocent animal ([[Ideoligion#Killing_innocent_animals|Killing innocent animals:Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved]])<br><!--
-->{{Bad|−}} ''':''' No mood bonuses from: Being nuzzled, Being a bonded animal's master; {{BiotechIcon}}Being in a colony with happy youngsters, Having happy children, Having happy parents (as a child), or Having had lots of play (as a baby)<br><!--
-->{{Bad|−}} ''':''' No opinion gain from Chitchat, Deep talk (still loses opinion from hostile interactions); {{BiotechIcon}}Teaching a child, or Taking a lesson (as a child)<br><!--
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from executing prisoners or attacking innocent animals {{IdeologyIcon}}
| {{Icon Small|Skull|24}} [[Skull]]<br />{{Icon Small|Heart|24}} [[Heart]]
| None
|- id="Cannibal" <!-- defName="Cannibal" -->
! Cannibal
| 0.6
| {PAWN_nameDef} was taught that eating human meat is wrong and horrible. But one time, long ago, {PAWN_pronoun} tried it... and {PAWN_pronoun} liked it.
| {{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br />{{Good|'''Disallowed Thoughts From Ingestion:'''}} Humanlike: AteRawFood, AteHumanlikeMeatDirect, AteHumanlikeMeatAsIngredient<br />{{Good|'''Extra Thoughts From Ingestion:'''}} Humanlike: AteHumanlikeMeatDirectCannibal, AteHumanlikeMeatAsIngredientCannibal<br /><br /><!--
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No mood penalty for: Observing fresh corpses, Human butchering, Guest or guilty prisoner deaths, Cannibalism; {{BiotechIcon}}Ingesting hemogen packs; or {{IdeologyIcon}} Eating meat from [[Ideoligion#Meat_eating|Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved]]<br><!--
-->{{+|3}}/{{+|5}}/{{+|7}}/{{+|8}} mood bonus for wearing clothing made out of human skin<br><!--
-->{{+|15}} mood bonus after eating meal made with human flesh<br><!--
-->{{+|20}} mood bonus after eating raw [[human meat]] (but eating a corpse will cause {{--|12}} [[Mood#Ate corpse|Ate corpse]] [[mood]]let and 5% chance of [[food poisoning]])<br><!--
-->All mood buffs stack<br><!--
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' No opinion loss of someone who Eats meat ([[Ideoligion#Meat_eating|Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved]]) {{IdeologyIcon}}<br><!--
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' Gains the [[Psycasts#Morbid|Morbid]] meditation focus type {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| 30~60x {{Icon Small|Human meat|24}} [[Human meat]]
| None
<references />
|- id="Beauty" <!-- defName="Beauty" -->
! Beauty
=== Combat ===
|<!-- Details -->
When it's us or them...
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_Beauty'''
* Update Priority: '''2'''
{| id="Combat" {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
* Roomless Score: '''0'''
! Name
| '''Score Stages:'''
! Commonality
{| {{STDT}}
! Description
! Min Score !! Label
! Effect
! Possessions
!     -
! Conflicting Traits
| hideous
|- id="Brawler" <!-- defName="Brawler" -->
! Brawler
| -
| ugly
| {PAWN_nameDef} likes to fight up close and personal. {PAWN_possessive} accuracy is greatly increased in melee combat, but {PAWN_pronoun}'ll be very unhappy if asked to carry a ranged weapon.
| '''[[Melee Hit Chance]]:''' {{+|4}}<br />'''[[Skills#Melee|Melee Skill]]:''' {{+|4}}<br />'''[[Skills#Shooting|Shooting Skill]]:''' {{--|10}}<br />'''Social Fight Chance Factor:''' {{Bad|x400%}}<br />{{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br />{{Bad|'''Disallowed Inspirations:'''}} [[Mental inspiration#Shooting frenzy|Shooting frenzy]]<br />'''Required Work Tags:''' Violent<br />'''Conflicting [[Passion]]s:''' Shooting<br /><br /><!--
!   0.0
-->{{--|10}} mood penalty for wielding a ranged weapon
| neutral
| {{Icon Small|Knife|24}} [[Knife]]
| [[Shooting accuracy]], [[Wimp]]
!  2.4
|- id="Nimble" <!-- defName="Nimble" -->
| pretty
! Nimble
| -
!   5.0
| {PAWN_nameDef} has remarkable kinesthetic intelligence. {PAWN_pronoun} seems to dance around danger with preternatural grace.
| beautiful
| '''[[Melee Dodge Chance]]:''' {{+|15}}<br />'''Pawn [[Trap Spring Chance]]:''' {{Good|x10%}}
| -
| None
| very beautiful
|- id="Tough" <!-- defName="Tough" -->
! Tough
! 50.0
| 1.1
| extremely beautiful
| {PAWN_nameDef} has thick skin, dense flesh, and durable bones. {PAWN_pronoun} takes much less damage than other people from the same blows. {PAWN_pronoun} is extremely hard to kill.
| '''[[Incoming Damage Multiplier|Incoming Damage Factor]]:''' {{Good|x50%}}
! 100.0
* Stacks multiplicatively with other Incoming Damage Multiplier factors. See that page for further details.
| unbelievably beautiful
| -
| None
|- id="Wimp" <!-- defName="Wimp" -->
! Wimp<ref>With the exception of [[Genies]], hostiles cannot spawn with the Wimp trait.</ref>
| -
| {PAWN_nameDef} is weak and cowardly. Even a little pain will immobilize {PAWN_objective}.
| '''Allow On Hostile Spawn:''' false<br />'''[[Pain Shock Threshold]]:''' {{--|50%}}<br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Bad|x200%}}<br />'''[[Market Value]] Factor Offset:''' {{--|15%}}<br /><br /><!--
-->{{Bad|−}} ''':''' Negates [[Pain]] mood buffs from [[Ideoligion#Pain|Pain:Idealized]],{{IdeologyIcon}} reverting them to the default values.
| -
| [[Brawler]], [[Masochist]]
|- id="Delicate" <!-- defName="Delicate" -->
! Delicate{{BiotechIcon}}
| 1
| {PAWN_nameDef} has fragile skin and bones. {PAWN_pronoun} takes more damage than other people from the same blows.
| '''[[Incoming Damage Multiplier|Incoming Damage Factor]]:''' {{Bad|x115%}}
* Stacks multiplicatively with other Incoming Damage Multiplier factors. See that page for further details. Note that the [[Genes#Delicate|Delicate]] gene that can add this trait is incompatible with the [[Robust]] gene.{{BiotechIcon}}
| -
| [[Tough]]
<references />
|- id="Cleanliness" <!-- defName="Cleanliness" -->
* and see also [[Trigger-happy]] and [[Careful shooter]], below.
! Cleanliness
|<!-- Details -->
=== Skills ===
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_Cleanliness'''
When your colonists are ''not'' fighting for their lives...
* Update Priority: '''2'''
{| id="Skills" {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
* Roomless Score: '''0'''
! Name
| '''Score Stages:'''
! Commonality
{| {{STDT}}
! Description
! Min Score !! Label
! Effect
! Possessions
!     -
! Conflicting Traits
| very dirty
|- id="Too smart" <!-- defName="TooSmart" -->
! Too smart
! -1.1  
| -
| dirty
| {PAWN_nameDef} is too smart for {PAWN_possessive} own good. {PAWN_pronoun} learns everything much faster than everyone, but can be quite eccentric.
| '''[[Global Learning Factor]]:''' {{+|75%}}<br />'''[[Mental Break Threshold]]:''' {{++|12%}} <br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Good|x50}}%<br />'''Required Work Tags:''' Intellectual
! -0.4
| {{Icon Small|Schematic|24}} [[Schematic]]
| slightly dirty
| [[Traits#Nerves|Nerves]], [[Slow learner]]
|- id="Fast learner" <!-- defName="FastLearner" -->
! -0.05
! Fast learner
| clean
| -
| {PAWN_nameDef} has a knack for learning. {PAWN_pronoun} picks things up much faster than others.
! 0.4
| '''[[Global Learning Factor]]:''' {{+|75%}}
| sterile
| {{Icon Small|Textbook|24}} [[Textbook]]
| [[Slow learner]]
|- id="Slow learner" <!-- defName="SlowLearner" -->
! Slow learner
| -
| {PAWN_nameDef} is slow on the uptake. {PAWN_pronoun} learns much slower than others.
| '''[[Global Learning Factor]]:''' {{--|75%}}<br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Good|x50%}}
| -
| [[Too smart]], [[Fast learner]]
|- id="Great memory" <!-- defName="GreatMemory" -->
! Great memory
| 1.1
| {PAWN_nameDef} has a fantastic memory for detail. {PAWN_pronoun} will lose unused skills at half the rate of other people.
| {{Good|x50%}} Skill Decay
| -
| None
|- id="Quick sleeper" <!-- defName="QuickSleeper" -->
! Quick sleeper
| -
| {PAWN_nameDef} doesn't need as much sleep as the average person. Whether {PAWN_pronoun}'s sleeping on a bed or on the ground, {PAWN_pronoun} will be fully rested in about two thirds the usual time.
| '''[[Rest Rate Multiplier]]:''' {{+|50%}}
| -
| -
|- id="Tortured artist" <!-- defName="TorturedArtist" -->
! Tortured artist
| 0.6
| {PAWN_nameDef} feels alienated and misunderstood by other human beings. {PAWN_pronoun} will have a constant mood debuff, but gain a chance (50%) to get a creativity inspiration after a mental break.
| {{Good|'''Mental Break Inspiration Gain Set:'''}} [[File:IconsColonistBarInspired.png|x16px]][[Mental inspiration#Inspired creativity|Inspired creativity]]<br />'''Mental Break Inspiration Gain Reason Text:''' As a suffering tortured artist, [PAWN_nameIndef] has experienced an inspiration.<br />'''Mental Break Inspiration Gain Chance:''' 50%<br />{{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br />'''Forced [[Passion]]s:''' Artistic<br /><br /><!--
-->{{--|8}} Permanent mood<br><!--
-->{{Good|50%}} chance of receiving the [[mental inspiration]] "[[Inspired Creativity]]" after a [[mental break]] ends. Note that this does not include breaks from [[psychic insanity lance]]s, the [[berserk]] psycast,{{RoyaltyIcon}} [[pyrophobia]],{{BiotechIcon}} or [[Void terror]]{{AnomalyIcon}}
| 10~20x {{Icon Small|Dye|24}} [[Dye]]
| None
|- id="Reading bonus" <!-- defName="ReadingBonus" -->
=== Relationships ===
! Reading bonus
So... are you new on this rimworld?...
|<!-- Details -->
{| id="Relationships" {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_ReadingBonus'''
! Name
* Roomless Score: '''1'''
! Commonality (Female Commonality)
* Update Priority: '''0'''
! Description
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
! Effect
! -
! Possessions
<!--======= Dependent stats (calculated from other stats) =======-->
! Conflicting Traits
|- id="Infection chance factor" <!-- defName="InfectionChanceFactor" -->
|- id="Kind" <!-- defName="Kind" -->
! Infection chance factor
! Kind
|<!-- Details -->
| 2
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve'''
| {PAWN_nameDef} is an exceptionally agreeable and giving person. {PAWN_pronoun} rarely insults others or starts fights, and will sometimes offer kind words to brighten the moods of those around {PAWN_objective}. {PAWN_pronoun} also never judges people by their appearance.
* Update Priority: '''0'''
| '''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Bad|x200%}}<br /><br /><!--
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' Sometimes tells others Kind Words<br><!--
* Roomless Score: '''1.0'''
-->{{+|5}} mood bonus for anyone who has been told Kind Words by this colonist<br><!--
* Input Stat: '''[[Cleanliness]]'''
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' Will not Slight or Insult others<br><!--
| '''Curve Points:'''
-->{{Good|+}} ''':''' Opinion of other pawns not changed by [[beauty]], Annoying voice, Creepy breathing or [[disfigurement]]
{| {{STDT}}
| -
! Cleanliness !! Infection chance factor
| [[Traits#Abrasive|Abrasive]], [[Traits#Psychopath|Psychopath]]
|- id="Abrasive" <!-- defName="Abrasive" -->
! -5
! Abrasive
| 1.0 <!-- Never worse than no tending at all -->
| -
| {PAWN_nameDef} always says exactly what's on {PAWN_possessive} mind, especially if it's bugging {PAWN_objective}. That tends to rub people the wrong way.
! 0
| '''[[Market Value]] Factor Offset:''' {{--|15%}}<br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Good|x50%}}<br />'''Required Work Tags:''' Social<br /><br /><!--
-->{{Bad|−}} ''':''' Has a tendency to slight and insult people
| -
| None
|- id="Annoying voice" <!-- defName="AnnoyingVoice" -->
! Annoying voice
| 0.5
| 0.5
| {PAWN_nameDef}'s voice has a particularly grating, nasal quality to it, and {PAWN_pronoun} tends to talk in barked, garbled phrases. This predisposes others to dislike {PAWN_objective}.
| '''[[Market Value]] Factor Offset:''' {{--|20%}}<br /><br /><!--
! 1
-->{{--|25}} [[Social|opinion]] from other colonists. No opinion loss from kind or [[hearing|deaf]] pawns.
| -
| None
|- id="Creepy breathing" <!-- defName="CreepyBreathing" -->
! Creepy breathing
| 0.5
| {PAWN_nameDef} breathes heavily all the time, and sweats constantly. People find it creepy.
| '''[[Market Value]] Factor Offset:''' {{--|10%}}<br /><br /><!--
-->{{--|25}} [[Social|opinion]] from other colonists. No opinion loss from kind or [[hearing|deaf]] pawns.
| -
| None
|- id="Misandrist" <!-- defName="DislikesMen" -->
! Misandrist
| 0.3 (1.7)
| {PAWN_nameDef} really dislikes and distrusts men.
| {{--|25}} opinion of men.
| -
| None
|- id="Misogynist" <!-- defName="DislikesWomen" -->
! Misogynist
| 1.7 (0.3)
| {PAWN_nameDef} really dislikes and distrusts women.
| {{--|25}} opinion of women.
| -
| None
|- id="Gay" <!-- defName="Gay" -->
! Gay
| 0.3
| {PAWN_nameDef} is romantically attracted to people of {PAWN_possessive} own gender.
| '''+/- :''' Will only have romantic relationships with people of the same gender.
| -
| [[Bisexual]], [[Asexual]]
|- id="Bisexual" <!-- defName="Bisexual" -->
! Bisexual
| 0.2
| 0.2
| {PAWN_nameDef} is romantically attracted to both men and women.
| '''+/- :''' Will have romantic relationships with people from either gender.
| -
| [[Gay]], [[Asexual]]
|- id="Asexual" <!-- defName="Asexual" -->
! Asexual
| 0.2
| {PAWN_nameDef} has no sexual attraction to anyone at all.
| '''+/- :''' Will not have romantic relationships with people.
| -
| [[Gay]], [[Bisexual]]
|- id="Recluse" <!-- defName="Recluse" -->
! Recluse{{BiotechIcon}}
| 0.5
| The fewer people in {PAWN_nameDef}'s faction, the happier {PAWN_pronoun} is. Being alone is best of all.
| Mood buff or debuff from the number of human pawns, children, guests, or prisoners in the colony. Mechanoids, [[ghoul]]s {{AnomalyIcon}} and pets do not count. 100% chance for starting colonist in solo mechanitor scenario. Additionally, they will not get a mood debuff when pawns are rejected from joining the colony.
| -
| -
* Uniquely to them, Gay/Bisexual/Asexual sexuality traits are the only ones that can generate after 3 traits limit, resulting in rare pawns with 4 traits.  
|- id="Surgery success chance cleanliness factor" <!-- defName="SurgerySuccessChanceCleanlinessFactor" -->
* And see also the [[Beauty]] category of traits, below.
! Surgery success chance cleanliness factor
|<!-- Details -->
==== Recluse Mood {{BiotechIcon}} ====
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve'''
{| class="wikitable"
* Update Priority: '''0'''
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
* Roomless Score: '''0.6'''
* Input Stat: '''[[Cleanliness]]'''
| '''Curve Points:'''
{| {{STDT}}
! Cleanliness !! Surgery success chance cleanliness factor
! -5
| 0.6
!  0
| 1.0
!  5
| 1.15
|- id="Research speed factor" <!-- defName="ResearchSpeedFactor" -->
! Research speed factor
|<!-- Details -->
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve'''
* Update Priority: '''0'''
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
* Roomless Score: '''0.75'''
* Input Stat: '''[[Cleanliness]]'''
| '''Curve Points:'''
{| {{STDT}}
! Cleanliness !! Research speed factor
! -5.0
| 0.75
! Count !! Mood  !! Count !! Mood
! -2.5
| 0.85
| 1 || {{Good|+12}} || 11 || {{--|2}}
!  0.0
| 1.00
| 2 || {{Good|+8}} || 12 || {{--|3}}
!  1.0
| 1.15
|- id="Grave visiting recreation factor" <!-- defName="GraveVisitingJoyGainFactor" -->
! Grave visiting recreation factor
|<!-- Details -->
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve'''
* Update Priority: '''0'''
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
* Roomless Score: '''1'''
* Input Stat: '''[[Impressiveness]]'''
| '''Curve Points:'''
{| {{STDT}}
! Impressiveness !! Grave visiting recreation factor
| 3 || {{Good|+6}} || 13 || {{--|4}}
! -150
| 1.0
| 4 || {{Good|+4}} || 15 || {{--|6}}
!    0
| 1.0
| 5-10 || 0 || 16+ || {{--|8}}
!  150
| 1.4
|- id="Food poison chance" <!-- defName="FoodPoisonChance" -->
== Spectrum Traits ==
! Food poison chance
Theses are groups of related traits, that are inter-related and grouped by degree, creating a "spectrum" of good/bad/better/worse in that specific sphere of behaviour. A colonist can only have one trait from any single related spectrum for these traits, defining whether they are notably outside the norm for, for example, movement speed, or drug interest, or their physical (un)attractiveness.
|<!-- Details -->
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve'''
{| id="Commonality"  {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
* Update Priority: '''0'''
! Name
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
! Commonality
* Roomless Score: '''0.02'''
* Input Stat: '''[[Cleanliness]]'''
| '''Curve Points:'''
{| {{STDT}}
! Cleanliness !! Food poison chance
! -5 
| 0.05
! Speed offset
! -3.5
| 2
| 0.025
! Drug desire
! -2 
| 3
| 0
<!-- Ideology RoomStats.xml -->
|- id="Biosculpter pod speed factor" <!-- defName="BiosculpterPodSpeedFactor" -->
! Biosculpter pod speed factor
|<!-- Details -->
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve'''
* Update Priority: '''0'''
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
* Roomless Score: '''0.7''' <!-- outdoors etc same as dirty room -->
* Input Stat: '''[[Cleanliness]]'''
| '''Curve Points:'''
{| {{STDT}}
! Cleanliness !! Biosculpter pod speed factor
! Natural mood
! -5
| 2
| 0.7
! Nerves
! -1
| 2
| 0.9
! Neurotic
! 0
| 1
| 1
! Industriousness
! 1
| 2
| 1.25
<!-- Biotech RoomStats.xml -->
|- id="Assembly speed factor" <!-- defName="AssemblySpeedFactor" -->
! Assembly speed factor
|<!-- Details -->
* Worker Class: '''RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve'''
* Update Priority: '''0'''
* Is Hidden: {{Good|true}}
* Roomless Score: '''0.75'''
* Input Stat: '''[[Cleanliness]]'''
| '''Curve Points:'''
{| {{STDT}}
! Cleanliness !! Assembly speed factor
! Psychic sensitivity
! -5.0
| 2
| 0.75
! Shooting accuracy
! -2.5
| 2
| 0.85
! Beauty
! 0.0
| 2
| 1.00
! Immunity
! 1.0
| -
| 1.15
== Stats Nav Test ==
<div class="mw-collapsible">
=== All 230 Stats ===
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<!-- Capacities don't really belong being merged with a long list of stats that diverge from pawn related info, but it is such a small list that it doesn't necessarily warrant its own nav -->
:[[Pain]] &bull; [[Consciousness]] &bull; [[Moving]] &bull; [[Manipulation]] &bull; [[Talking]] &bull; [[Eating]] &bull; [[Sight]] &bull; [[Hearing]] &bull; [[Breathing]] &bull; [[Blood Filtration]]  &bull; [[Blood Pumping]] &bull; [[Digestion]]
<!-- 242 StatDefs: 230 Stats, 12 Bases, 233 defNames -->
;Basics - <small>Important</small><!--{1} 3 StatDefs
:[[Market Value]]<!--{ParentName="MarketValueBase", 2510}
--> &bull; [[Market Value Ignoring Hitpoints]]<!--{ParentName="MarketValueBase", 2510, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Honor Value]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}<!--{2508}
;Basics - <small>Non Pawn Important</small><!--{2} 4 StatDefs
--> &bull; [[Medical Potency]]<!--{4000}
--> &bull; [[Medical Tend Quality Maximum]]<!--{4010}
--> &bull; [[Max Hit Points]]<!--{99997}
;Basics - <small>Basics</small><!--{10} 9 StatDefs
--> &bull; [[Flammability]]<!--{3000}
--> &bull; [[Psychic Sensitivity Factor]]<!--{3500}
--> &bull; [[Psychic Sensitivity Offset]]<!--{3500}
--> &bull; [[Neural Heat Limit Offset]]<!--{May Require Any Of: Royalty, Biotech; 3525}
--> &bull; [[Neural Heat Recovery Rate Offset]]<!--{May Require Any Of: Royalty, Biotech; 3550}
--> &bull; [[Slave Suppression Offset]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{3600}
--> &bull; [[Terror (Source)]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{3600}
--> &bull; [[Max Install Count]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{4020, For Information Only}
;Basics - <small>[[Pawn]]</small><!--{11} 38 StatDefs
:[[Recreation Fall Rate]]<!--{-}
--> &bull; [[Sleep Fall Rate]]<!--{-}
--> &bull; [[Eating Speed]]<!--{1000}
--> &bull; [[Foraged Food Amount]]<!--{1000}
--> &bull; [[Minimum Handling Skill]]<!--{1500}
--> &bull; [[Mental Break Threshold]]<!--{2000}
--> &bull; [[Immunity Gain Speed]]<!--{2000}
--> &bull; [[Pain Shock Threshold]]<!--{2000}
--> &bull; [[Lifespan Factor]]<!--{2000}
--> &bull; [[Minimum Comfortable Temperature]]<!--{2010}
--> &bull; [[Maximum Comfortable Temperature]]<!--{2010}
--> &bull; [[Injury Healing Factor]]<!--{2201}
--> &bull; [[Caravan Riding Speed]]<!--{2203}
--> &bull; [[Carrying Capacity]]<!--{2203}
--> &bull; [[Filth Rate]]<!--{2205}
--> &bull; [[Crawl Speed]]<!--{2499}
--> &bull; [[Move Speed]]<!--{2500}
--> &bull; [[Max Nutrition]]<!--{2501}
--> &bull; [[Rest Rate Multiplier]]<!--{2501}
--> &bull; [[Toxic Environment Resistance]]<!--{3450}
--> &bull; [[Toxic Resistance]]<!--{3451}
--> &bull; [[Animals Learning Factor]]<!--{3500}
--> &bull; [[Global Learning Factor]]<!--{3500}
--> &bull; [[Neural Heat Limit]]<!--{May Require Any Of: Royalty, Biotech; 3500}
--> &bull; [[Psychic Sensitivity]]<!--{3500}
--> &bull; [[Leather Amount]]<!--{3551}
--> &bull; [[Meat Amount]]<!--{3552}
--> &bull; [[Neural Heat Recovery Rate]]<!--{4000}
--> &bull; [[Meditation Psyfocus Gain]]<!--{ParentName="MeditationFocusBase", May Require Any Of: Royalty, Biotech; 4010}
--> &bull; [[Neural Heat Gain (Factor)]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}<!--{4000}
--> &bull; [[Ideoligion Spread Chance]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{1899}
--> &bull; [[Global Certainty Loss Factor]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{1900}
--> &bull; [[Terror]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{3600}
--> &bull; [[Raw Nutrition Multiplier]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{1001}
--> &bull; [[Learning Rate Factor]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{1350}
--> &bull; [[Cancer Rate Factor]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{2100}
--> &bull; [[Fertility]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{-}
--> &bull; [[Hemogen Gain Multiplier]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{-}
;Basics - <small>Non Pawn</small><!--{12} 11 StatDefs
:[[Construction Speed (Material Factor)]]<!--{2500}
--> &bull; [[Deterioration Rate]]<!--{2500}
--> &bull; [[Sell Price Multiplier]]<!--{2509}
--> &bull; [[Beauty]]<!--{3000}
--> &bull; [[Outdoor Beauty]]<!--{ParentName="Beauty", 3000}
--> &bull; [[Cleanliness]]<!--{3000}
--> &bull; [[Comfort]]<!--{3000}
--> &bull; [[Work To Make]]<!--{3100}
--> &bull; [[Food Poison Chance (Food Stat)]]<!--{4000}
--> &bull; [[Shooting Accuracy (Turrets)]]<!--{4000}
--> &bull; [[Style Dominance]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{6000}
;[[Mechanoid]]<!--{13} 6 StatDefs
:[[EMP Resistance]]<!--{ParentName="MechStatBase", May Require Any Of: Biotech, Anomaly; 2030}
--> &bull; [[Bandwidth Cost]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{ParentName="MechStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Energy Usage Multiplier]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{ParentName="MechStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Wastepacks Per Recharge]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{ParentName="MechStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Control Taking Time]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{ParentName="MechStatBase", 2010}
--> &bull; [[Repair Energy Cost]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{ParentName="MechStatBase", 2020}
;[[Meditation]]<!--{13} 2 StatDefs
:[[Meditation Psyfocus Bonus]]<!--{ParentName="MeditationFocusBase", 4010}
--> &bull; [[Meditation Plant Growth Offset]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}<!--{4000}
;[[Terrain]]<!--{13} 2 StatDefs
:[[Cleaning Time Multiplier]]<!--{-}
--> &bull; [[Filth Multiplier]]<!--{-}
=== Speed Offsets ===
;[[Apparel]]<!--{30} 13 StatDefs
These traits affect a colonist's walk speed.
:[[Armor - Material effect multiplier]]<!--{1, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Insulation - Cold - Material effect multiplier]]<!--{2, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Insulation - Heat - Material effect multiplier]]<!--{3, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Equip Delay]]<!--{50}
--> &bull; [[Effect Radius]]<!--{60}
--> &bull; [[Shield Recharge Rate]]<!--{69}
--> &bull; [[Shield Max Energy]]<!--{70}
--> &bull; [[Insulation - Heat]]<!--{ParentName="InsulationBase", 89}
--> &bull; [[Insulation - Cold]]<!--{ParentName="InsulationBase", 90}
--> &bull; [[Armor - Heat]]<!--{ParentName="ArmorRatingBase", 98}
--> &bull; [[Armor - Blunt]]<!--{ParentName="ArmorRatingBase", 99}
--> &bull; [[Armor - Sharp]]<!--{ParentName="ArmorRatingBase", 100}
--> &bull; [[Jump Range]] {{RoyaltyIcon}}<!--{60}
{| id="Speed offsets" <!-- defName="SpeedOffset", commonality="2" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
;[[Weapon]] ([[Ranged weapons|Ranged]])<!--{44} 6 StatDefs
! Name
! Degree
:[[Damage Multiplier]]<!--{5105}
! Description
--> &bull; [[Ranged Cooldown]]<!--{5106}
! Effect
--> &bull; [[Accuracy (Long)]]<!--{ParentName="AccuracyBase", 5107}
! Possessions
--> &bull; [[Accuracy (Medium)]]<!--{ParentName="AccuracyBase", 5108}
! Conflicting Traits
--> &bull; [[Accuracy (Short)]]<!--{ParentName="AccuracyBase", 5109}
|- id="Slowpoke"
--> &bull; [[Accuracy (Close)]]<!--{ParentName="AccuracyBase", 5110}
! Slowpoke
| {{Bad|-1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is always falling behind the group whenever [PAWN_pronoun] goes anywhere.
;[[Weapon]] ([[Melee weapons|Melee]])<!--{48} 3 StatDefs
| '''[[Move Speed]]:''' {{--|0.2}} {{CS}}<br />{{Bad|'''Disallowed Inspirations:'''}} [[Mental inspiration#Go frenzy|Go frenzy]]
| -
:[[Melee Damage Multiplier]]<!--{5008}
| None
--> &bull; [[Melee Weapon Average Armor Penetration]]<!--{5009, For Information Only}
|- id="Fast walker"
--> &bull; [[Melee Damage Per Second]]<!--{5010, For Information Only}
! Fast walker
| {{Good|1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] likes to be where [PAWN_pronoun]'s going. [PAWN_pronoun] walks quicker than most people.
;[[Building]]<!--{50} 19 StatDefs
| '''[[Move Speed]]:''' {{+|0.2}} {{CS}}
| -
:[[Research Speed Factor]]<!--{1000}
| None
--> &bull; [[Max Power Output]]<!--{1000}
|- id="Jogger"
--> &bull; [[Medical Tend Quality Offset]]<!--{2000}
! Jogger
--> &bull; [[Work Speed Factor]]<!--{3000}
| {{Good|2}}
--> &bull; [[Work Efficiency Factor]]<!--{3000}
| [PAWN_nameDef] always moves with a sense of urgency - so much so that others often fail to keep up.
--> &bull; [[Work To Build]]<!--{3101}
| '''[[Move Speed]]:''' {{+|0.4}} {{CS}}
--> &bull; [[Door Opening Speed]]<!--{3102}
| -
--> &bull; [[Rest Effectiveness]]<!--{4000}
| None
--> &bull; [[Immunity Gain Speed Factor]]<!--{4000}
--> &bull; [[Recreation Power]]<!--{4010}
--> &bull; [[Surgery Success Chance Factor]]<!--{4100}
--> &bull; [[Reading Bonus]]<!--{4200}
--> &bull; [[Trap Spring Chance]]<!--{5000}
--> &bull; [[Trap Melee Damage]]<!--{5001}
--> &bull; [[Biosculpter Pod Speed Factor]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{4100}
--> &bull; [[Work Speed Factor (Gene Assembly)]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{1000}
--> &bull; [[Baby Play Power]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{4020}
--> &bull; [[Birth Quality Offset]] {{BiotechIcon}} <!--{4110}
--> &bull; [[Genetic Complexity Increase]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{4200, Always Hide}
;Ability<!--{60} 9 StatDefs
:[[Detection Chance]]<!--{996}
--> &bull; [[Goodwill Impact]]<!--{997}
--> &bull; [[Effect Radius]]<!--{998}
--> &bull; [[Duration]]<!--{999}
--> &bull; [[Range]]<!--{1001}
--> &bull; [[Psyfocus Cost]]<!--{1002}
--> &bull; [[Neural Heat Gain]]<!--{1003}
--> &bull; [[Casting Time]]<!--{1004}
--> &bull; [[Psylink Level]]<!--{1005}
;[[Stuff]] Stat Factors (Multipliers when made of this) <!--{74} 8 StatDefs
:[[Melee Cooldown]]<!--{4504}
--> &bull; [[Sharp Damage]]<!--{4505}
--> &bull; [[Blunt Damage]]<!--{4506}
--> &bull; [[Insulation - Heat (material factor)]]<!--{4506}
--> &bull; [[Insulation - Cold (material factor)]]<!--{4507}
--> &bull; [[Armor - Heat (material factor)]]<!--{4508}
--> &bull; [[Armor - Blunt (material factor)]]<!--{4509}
--> &bull; [[Armor - Sharp (material factor)]]<!--{4510}
;[[Mechanitor]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{105} 9 StatDefs
:[[Mech Bandwidth]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Mech Control Groups]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Mech Gestation Speed]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Mech Remote Repair Distance]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Mech Remote Shield Distance]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Mech Remote Shield Energy]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Mech Repair Speed]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Subcore Encoding Speed]]<!--{ParentName="MechanitorStatBase", 2000}
--> &bull; [[Mech Work Speed Offset]]<!--{5000}
=== Drug Desire ===
;[[Pawn]] - <small>Combat</small><!--{110} 31 StatDefs
These traits affect a colonist's likelihood to consume drugs.
:[[Stagger Time Multiplier]]<!--{1200}
--> &bull; [[Ranged Cooldown Multiplier]]<!--{1205}
--> &bull; [[Aiming Time]]<!--{4040}
--> &bull; [[Pawn Trap Spring Chance]]<!--{4047}
--> &bull; [[Incoming Damage Multiplier]]<!--{4048}
--> &bull; [[Accuracy Factor (Long)]]<!--{ParentName="ShootingAccuracyFactorBase", 4046}
--> &bull; [[Accuracy Factor (Medium)]]<!--{ParentName="ShootingAccuracyFactorBase", 4047}
--> &bull; [[Accuracy Factor (Short)]]<!--{ParentName="ShootingAccuracyFactorBase", 4048}
--> &bull; [[Accuracy Factor (Close)]]<!--{ParentName="ShootingAccuracyFactorBase", 4049}
--> &bull; [[Shooting Accuracy (People)]]<!--{4050}
--> &bull; [[Mortar Miss Radius Multiplier]]<!--{4060}
--> &bull; [[Melee Armor Penetration]]<!--{4100, For Information Only}
--> &bull; [[Melee Dodge Chance]]<!--{4100}
--> &bull; [[Melee Hit Chance]]<!--{4100}
--> &bull; [[Melee DPS]]<!--{5100, For Information Only}
--> &bull; [[Melee Damage Factor]]<!--{5200}
--> &bull; [[Melee Cooldown]]<!--{5201}
--> &bull; [[Melee Dodge Chance Indoors Dark]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Dodge Chance Indoors Lit]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Dodge Chance Outdoors Night]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Dodge Chance Outdoors Day]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Hit Chance Indoors Dark]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Hit Chance Indoors Lit]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Hit Chance Outdoors Dark]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Hit Chance Outdoors Lit]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Shooting Accuracy Indoors Dark]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Shooting Accuracy Indoors Lit]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Shooting Accuracy Outdoors Dark]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Shooting Accuracy Outdoors Lit]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="DarknessCombat", -, Always Hide}
--> &bull; [[Melee Door Damage Factor]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{5000}
--> &bull; [[Shooting Accuracy Multiplier (Child)]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{-, Always Hide}
Note that despite the common misconception, chemical fascination and interest pawns no longer randomly go on [[mental break|drug binges]] independent of [[mood]]. <!-- Dated but important to clarify that it was previously true so reliable evidence in the past doesn't show it as wrong, just since outdated. -->
;[[Pawn]] - <small>Social</small><!--{120} 13 StatDefs
{| id="Drug desire" <!-- defName="DrugDesire", commonality="3" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
! Name
:[[Bond Chance Factor]]<!--{1890}
! Degree
--> &bull; [[Train Animal Chance]]<!--{1900}
! Description
--> &bull; [[Tame Animal Chance]]<!--{1901}
! Effect
--> &bull; [[Arrest Success Chance]]<!--{2000}
! Possessions
--> &bull; [[Pawn Beauty]]<!--{2000}
! Conflicting Traits
--> &bull; [[Social Impact]]<!--{2000}
|- id="Chemical fascination"
--> &bull; [[Drug Sell Price Improvement]]<!--{2560}
! Chemical fascination
--> &bull; [[Trade Price Improvement]]<!--{2599}
| 2
--> &bull; [[Negotiation Ability]]<!--{2600}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is utterly fascinated with chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possibly drug binges. [PAWN_pronoun] will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person.
--> &bull; [[Suppression Power]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{-}
| '''[[Market Value]] Factor Offset:''' {{---|15%}}<br /><br /><!--
--> &bull; [[Conversion Power]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{1901}
-->Has [[Chemical need]], mood buff (up to {{+|6}}) when satisfied and mood debuff (up to {{--|12}}) when not
--> &bull; [[Slave Suppression Fall Rate]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{2200}
For Beer, Smokeleaf Joints, and Ambrosia only: functions as if "Take for Recreation" and "Take for Addiction" are checked on the Drug Assignment tab regardless of the players choices. They will otherwise follow the Drug Policy regarding drugs carried and scheduled.
--> &bull; [[Animal Products Price Improvement]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{2570}
NOTE: The colonist will still respect allowed areas and will not use forbidden stacks of any drug regardless of chemical need
;[[Pawn]] - <small>Misc</small><!--{130} 2 StatDefs
:[[Biosculpter Occupant Speed]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{1900}
--> &bull; [[Growth Vat Occupant Speed]] {{BiotechIcon}}<!--{1850}
{{IdeologyIcon}} Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from taking or administering drugs
;[[Pawn]] - <small>Work</small><!--{140} 36 StatDefs
:[[Cleaning Speed Multiplier]]<!--{2500}
--> &bull; [[Butchery Speed]]<!--{ParentName="ButcherySpeedBase", 4500}
--> &bull; [[Mechanoid Shredding Speed]]<!--{ParentName="ButcherySpeedBase", 4500}
--> &bull; [[Hunting Stealth]]<!--{4500}
--> &bull; [[Research Speed]]<!--{ParentName="IntellectualSkillBase", 4500}
--> &bull; [[Smelting Speed]]<!--{4500}
--> &bull; [[Smoothing Speed]]<!--{4500}
--> &bull; [[Animal Gather Speed]]<!--{4501}
--> &bull; [[Animal Gather Yield]]<!--{4502}
--> &bull; [[Drug Cooking Speed]]<!--{4510}
--> &bull; [[Drug Synthesis Speed]]<!--{4511}
--> &bull; [[Butchery Efficiency]]<!--{ParentName="ButcheryEfficiencyBase", 4520}
--> &bull; [[Mechanoid Shredding Efficiency]]<!--{ParentName="ButcheryEfficiencyBase", 4520}
--> &bull; [[Cooking Speed]]<!--{4541}
--> &bull; [[Food Poison Chance (Chance to poison a meal)]]<!--{4542}
--> &bull; [[Plant Work Speed]]<!--{4550}
--> &bull; [[Plant Harvest Yield]]<!--{4551}
--> &bull; [[Drug Crop Harvest Yield]]<!--{4552}
--> &bull; [[Reading Speed]]<!--{4600}
--> &bull; [[Repair Success Chance]]<!--{4600}
--> &bull; [[Construct Success Chance]]<!--{4601}
--> &bull; [[Construction Speed]]<!--{4602}
--> &bull; [[Medical Tend Speed]]<!--{4650}
--> &bull; [[Medical Tend Quality]]<!--{4651}
--> &bull; [[Medical Operation Speed]]<!--{4652}
--> &bull; [[Medical Surgery Success Chance]]<!--{4653}
--> &bull; [[Mining Speed]]<!--{4900}
--> &bull; [[Deep Drilling Speed]]<!--{4901}
--> &bull; [[Mining Yield]]<!--{4902}
--> &bull; [[General Labor Speed]]<!--{4999}
--> &bull; [[Global Work Speed]]<!--{5000}
--> &bull; [[Hacking Speed]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{4510}
--> &bull; [[Pruning Speed]] {{IdeologyIcon}}<!--{-}
--> &bull; [[Activity Suppression Speed]] {{AnomalyIcon}}<!--{209}
--> &bull; [[Study Efficiency]] {{AnomalyIcon}}<!--{210}
--> &bull; [[Entity Study Rate]] {{AnomalyIcon}}<!--{ParentName="IntellectualSkillBase", 211}
| -
;[[Psychic rituals|Psychic Ritual]] {{AnomalyIcon}}<!--{500} 2 StatDefs
| None
|- id="Chemical interest"
:[[Psychic Ritual Quality]]<!--{-}
! Chemical interest
--> &bull; [[Psychic Ritual Quality Offset]]<!--{-}
| 1
| [PAWN_nameDef] has an unusual interest in chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possible drug binges. [PAWN_pronoun] will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person.
| '''[[Market Value]] Factor Offset:''' {{---|10%}}<br /><br /><!--
-->Has [[Chemical need]], mood buff (up to {{+|3}}) when satisfied and mood debuff (up to {{--|6}}) when not
For Beer, Smokeleaf Joints, and Ambrosia only: functions as if "Take for Recreation" and "Take for Addiction" are checked on the Drug Assignment tab regardless of the players choices. They will otherwise follow the Drug Policy regarding drugs carried and scheduled.
NOTE: The colonist will still respect allowed areas and will not use forbidden stacks of any drug regardless of chemical need
;[[Containment]] {{AnomalyIcon}}<!--{600} 3 StatDefs
:[[Cold Containment Bonus]]<!--{-}
--> &bull; [[Containment Strength]]<!--{-}
--> &bull; [[Minimum Containment Strength]]<!--{9999}
{{IdeologyIcon}} Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from taking or administering drugs
;Hidden<!--{-} Not a game defined category, 1 StatDef
| -
| None
:[[Bed Hunger Rate Multiplier]]<!--{-, Always Hide}
|- id="Teetotaler"
! Teetotaler
| -1
| [PAWN_nameDef] abhors the idea of gaining pleasure from chemicals. [PAWN_pronoun] strictly avoids alcohol and recreational drugs.
| '''Disallowed Mental States:''' [[Mental_break#Hard_drug_binge|Hard drug binge]], [[Mental_break#Social_drug_binge|Social drug binge]]<br /><br /><!--
-->Will not go on binges
Cannot be directed to take non-medical drugs; force administering the drug will cause a {{--|20}} mood penalty<br><!--
{{--|25}} opinion of any pawns with chemical interest or fascination
| -
| None
=== Natural Mood ===
These traits affect the colonist's natural, constant mood.
{| id="Natural mood" <!-- defName="NaturalMood", commonality="2" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
! Name
! Degree
! Description
<div class="mw-collapsible">
! Effect
! Possessions
=== Stats Ask Query ===
! Conflicting Traits
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
|- id="Sanguine"
;Basics - <small>Important</small>
! Sanguine
| {{Good|2}}
[[Category:Stats - Basics Important]]
| [PAWN_nameDef] is just naturally upbeat about [PAWN_possessive] situation, pretty much all the time, no matter what it is.
| format = template
| Permanent {{+|12}} mood bonus<ref name="NotListed">Specific value not listed in flavor text.</ref>
| template = DLC Icons
| -
| link = none
| None
| sort by = From DLC
|- id="Optimist"
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
! Optimist
| {{Good|1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is naturally optimistic about life. It's hard to get [PAWN_objective] down.
;Basics - <small>Non Pawn Important</small>
| Permanent {{+|6}} mood bonus<ref name="NotListed"/>
| -
[[Category:Stats - Basics Non Pawn Important]]
| None
| format = template
|- id="Pessimist"
| template = DLC Icons
! Pessimist
| link = none
| {{Bad|-1}}
| sort by = From DLC
| [PAWN_nameDef] tends to look on the bad side of life.
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| Permanent {{--|6}} mood penalty<ref name="NotListed"/>
| -
| None
|- id="Depressive"
! Depressive
[[Category:Stats - Basics]]
| {{Bad|-2}}
| format = template
| [PAWN_nameDef] is perenially unhappy. [PAWN_pronoun] has trouble sustaining a good mood even when everything is fine.
| template = DLC Icons
| Permanent {{--|12}} mood penalty<ref name="NotListed"/>
| link = none
| -
| sort by = From DLC
| None
| limit = 200
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
;Basics - <small>Pawn</small>
[[Category:Stats - Pawn]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sort by = From DLC, Name
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
;Basics - <small>Non Pawn</small>
[[Category:Stats - Non Pawn]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sort by = From DLC, Name
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
[[Category:Stats - Mechanoid]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
[[Category:Stats - Meditation]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
[[Category:Stats - Terrain]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
[[Category:Stats - Apparel]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Weapon (Ranged)
[[Category:Stats - Weapon (Ranged)]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Weapon (Melee)
[[Category:Stats - Weapon (Melee)]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
[[Category:Stats - Building]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
[[Category:Stats - Ability]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Stuff Stat Factors (Multipliers when made of this)
[[Category:Stats - Stuff Stat Factors]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
[[Category:Stats - Mechanitor]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Pawn - Combat
[[Category:Stats - Pawn Combat]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Pawn - Social
[[Category:Stats - Pawn Social]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Pawn - Misc
[[Category:Stats - Pawn Misc]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Pawn - Work
[[Category:Stats - Pawn Work]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
;Psychic Ritual
[[Category:Stats - Psychic Ritual]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
[[Category:Stats - Containment]]
| format = template
| template = DLC Icons
| link = none
| sep = &#32;&bull;&#32;
| sort by = From DLC, Name
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
=== Stats Nav ===
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible">
==== normal ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible">
==== wide ====
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
== Merged Stat Subpages ==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| id="Merged Stat Subpages Table" {{STDT|sortable}}
! DefName<br />Label<br />Label For Full Stat List<br />Offset Label !! Description !! Category !! Parameters !! Complex<br />Parameters !! Display<br />Priority<br />In<br />Category
<!-- BasicsImportant -->
<!-- BasicsPawnImportant -->
<!-- BasicsNonPawnImportant -->
<!-- Basics -->
<!-- BasicsPawn -->
<!-- BasicsNonPawn -->
{{:Stat/Core Basics General}}
{{:Stat/Core Basics Special}}
<!-- AnimalProductivity -->
<!-- Terrain -->
<!-- Meditation -->
<!-- Mechanoid -->
<!-- Apparel -->
{{:Stat/Core Apparel}}
<!-- Implant -->
<!-- Drug -->
<!-- Weapon -->
<!-- Weapon_Ranged -->
{{:Stat/Core Weapons Ranged}}
<!-- Weapon_Melee -->
{{:Stat/Core Weapons Melee}}
<!-- Building -->
{{:Stat/Core Building Special}}
<!-- Ability -->
{{:Stat/Core Abilities}}
<!-- EquippedStatOffsets -->
<!-- StuffStatFactors -->
<!-- StuffStatOffsets -->
<!-- StuffOfEquipmentStatFactors -->
{{:Stat/Core Stuff}}
<!-- Surgery -->
<!-- CapacityEffects -->
<!-- Mechanitor -->
<!-- DrugAddiction -->
<!-- PawnCombat -->
{{:Stat/Core Pawns Combat}}
<!-- PawnSocial -->
{{:Stat/Core Pawns Social}}
<!-- PawnMisc -->
{{:Stat/Core Pawns General}}
<!-- PawnWork -->
{{:Stat/Core Pawns Work General}}
{{:Stat/Core Pawns Work Medical}}
{{:Stat/Core Pawns Work Recipes}}
<!-- Genetics -->
<!-- PsychicRituals -->
<!-- Containment -->
<!-- Serum -->
<!-- Source -->
=== Nerves ===
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
These traits affect the colonist's mental break threshold.
{| id="Nerves" <!-- defName="Nerves", commonality="2" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
== Stat Graphs ==
! Name
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
! Degree
=== Cooking Speed ===
! Description
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
! Effect
** '''Points:'''
! Possessions
*** (-20, 0.01)
! Conflicting Traits
*** (0, 0.4)
|- id="Iron-willed"
*** (20, 1.6)
! Iron-willed
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Cooking Skill Points|yAxisTitle=Cooking Speed Multiplier|type=line|x=-20, 0, 20|y=0.01, 0.4, 1.6|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
| {{Good|2}}
| [PAWN_nameDef]'s will is an iron shield. [PAWN_pronoun] keeps going through thick and thin, when others broke down long before.
| '''[[Mental Break Threshold]]:''' {{---|18%}} <br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Good|x25%}}
| -
| None
|- id="Steadfast"
! Steadfast
| {{Good|1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is mentally tough and won't break down under stresses that would crack most people.
| '''[[Mental Break Threshold]]:''' {{---|9%}} <br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Good|x50%}}
| -
| None
|- id="Nervous"
! Nervous
| {{Bad|-1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] tends to crack under pressure.
| '''[[Mental Break Threshold]]:''' {{++|8%}} <br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Bad|x200%}}
| -
| None
|- id="Volatile"
! Volatile
| {{Bad|-2}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is on a hair-trigger all the time. [PAWN_pronoun] is the first to break in any tough situation.
| '''[[Mental Break Threshold]]:''' {{++|15%}} <br />'''[[Global Certainty Loss Factor|Certainty Loss Factor]]{{IdeologyIcon}}:''' {{Bad|x300%}}
| -
| None
=== Neurotic ===
=== Market Value ===
These traits affect the colonist's [[Mental Break Threshold|mental break threshold]] and their [[Global Work Speed|global work speed]].
==== Item Hit Points ====
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Health:'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (0.0, 0.0)
***** (0.5, 0.1)
***** (0.6, 0.5)
***** (0.9, 1.0)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Hit Point Percentage|yAxisTitle=Sell Price Multiplier|type=line|x=0.0, 0.5, 0.6, 0.9|y=0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
{| id="Neurotic" <!-- defName="Neurotic", commonality="1" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
==== Pawn Age ====
! Name
* '''Parts:'''
! Degree
** '''StatPart_Age:''' {{BiotechIcon}}
! Description
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
! Effect
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
! Possessions
*** '''Curve:'''
! Conflicting Traits
**** '''Points:'''
|- id="Neurotic"
***** (3,0.5)
! Neurotic
***** (13,0.9)
| 1
***** (18,1)
| [PAWN_nameDef] likes to have things squared away. [PAWN_pronoun] will work harder than most to attain this state of affairs, but [PAWN_possessive] nerves can get the better of [PAWN_objective].
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Sell Price Multiplier|type=line|x=3, 13, 18|y=0.5, 0.9, 1|xAxisMin=3|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
| '''[[Global Work Speed]]:''' {{+|20%}}<br />'''[[Mental Break Threshold]]:''' {{++|8%}}
| -
| None
|- id="Very neurotic"
! Very neurotic
| 2
| [PAWN_nameDef] feels constantly nervous about everything that has to get done. [PAWN_pronoun] will work extremely hard to attain this state of affairs, but [PAWN_possessive] nerves can easily get the better of [PAWN_objective].
| '''[[Global Work Speed]]:''' {{+|40%}}<br />'''[[Mental Break Threshold]]:''' {{++|14%}}
| -
| None
=== Industriousness ===
=== Surgery Success Chance Factor ===
These traits affect the colonist's [[Global Work Speed]].
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Glow:'''
*** '''Factor From Glow Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (0,0.75)
***** (0.50,1.00)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Light Percentage|yAxisTitle=Surgery Success Chance Multiplier|type=line|x=0, 0.50|y=0.75, 1.00|yAxisMin=0.75|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
{| id="Industriousness" <!-- defName="Industriousness", commonality="2" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
=== Melee Hit Chance ===
! Name
==== Post Process Curve ====
! Degree
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
! Description
** '''Points:'''
! Effect
*** (-20, 0.05)
! Possessions
*** (-10, 0.10)
! Conflicting Traits
*** (0.0, 0.50)
|- id="Industrious"
*** (10, 0.80)
! Industrious
*** (20, 0.90)
| {{Good|2}}
*** (40, 0.96)
| [PAWN_nameDef] has an easy time staying on-task and focused, and gets things done much faster than the average person.
*** (60, 0.98)
| '''[[Global Work Speed]]:''' {{+|35%}}<br />{{--|5}} opinion of all colonists without the same trait
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Melee Skill Points|yAxisTitle=Melee Hit Chance Multiplier|type=line|x=-20, -10, 0.0, 10, 20, 40, 60|y=0.05, 0.10, 0.50, 0.80, 0.90, 0.96, 0.98|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
| -
| None
|- id="Hard worker"
! Hard worker
| {{Good|1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is a natural hard worker and will finish tasks faster than most.
| '''[[Global Work Speed]]:''' {{+|20%}}<br />{{--|5}} opinion of all colonists without the same or industrious trait
| -
| None
|- id="Lazy"
! Lazy
| {{Bad|-1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is a little bit lazy.
| '''[[Global Work Speed]]:''' {{--|20%}}
| -
| None
|- id="Slothful"
! Slothful
| {{Bad|-2}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] loves idleness and hates anything productive. [PAWN_pronoun] moves slowly and rarely stays focused on a task.
| '''[[Global Work Speed]]:''' {{--|35%}}
| -
| None
=== Psychic Sensitivity ===
==== Pawn Age ====
These traits influence how much a colonist is affected by psychic phenomena.
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Age:''' {{BiotechIcon}}
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (4,0.05)
***** (12,0.8)
***** (13,1)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Melee Hit Chance Multiplier|type=line|x=4, 12, 13|y=0.05, 0.8, 1|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
{| id="Psychic sensitivity" <!-- defName="PsychicSensitivity", commonality="2" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
=== Melee Dodge Chance ===
! Name
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
! Degree
** '''Points:'''
! Description
*** (5, 0)
! Effect
*** (20, 0.30)
! Possessions
*** (60, 0.50)
! Conflicting Traits
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Melee Skill Points|yAxisTitle=Melee Dodge Chance Percentage|type=line|x=5, 20, 60|y=0, 0.30, 0.50|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
|- id="Psychically hypersensitive"
! Psychically hypersensitive
| {{Good|2}}
| [PAWN_nameDef]'s mind is like a psychic tuning fork. [PAWN_pronoun] is extremely sensitive to psychic phenomena.
| '''[[Psychic Sensitivity]]:''' {{+|80%}}
| {{Icon Small|Psychic foil helmet|24}} [[Psychic foil helmet]]
| None
|- id="Psychically sensitive"
! Psychically sensitive
| {{Good|1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef]'s mind is unusually sensitive to psychic phenomena.
| '''[[Psychic Sensitivity]]:''' {{+|40%}}
| {{Icon Small|Psychic foil helmet|24}} [[Psychic foil helmet]]
| None
|- id="Psychically dull"
! Psychically dull
| {{Bad|-1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef]'s mind is psychically out of tune with others. [PAWN_pronoun] isn't as affected by psychic phenomena.
| '''[[Psychic Sensitivity]]:''' {{--|50%}}
| -
| None
|- id="Psychically deaf"
! Psychically deaf
| {{Bad|-2}}
| [PAWN_nameDef]'s mind works on a psychic frequency different from everyone else. [PAWN_pronoun] just isn't affected by psychic phenomena.
| '''[[Psychic Sensitivity]]:''' {{--|100%}}
| -
| None
=== Shooting Accuracy ===
=== Shooting Accuracy ===
These traits affect the colonist's [[Shooting Accuracy|accuracy]] in ranged combat, as well as [[Aiming Time|aiming time]]. Mutually exclusive with brawler.
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
** '''Points:'''
*** (-20, 0.70)
*** (-10, 0.80)
*** (-6, 0.83)
*** (-4, 0.85)
*** (-2, 0.87)
*** (0, 0.89)
*** (2, 0.93)
*** (4, 0.94)
*** (6, 0.95)
*** (8, 0.96)
*** (10, 0.97)
*** (12, 0.975)
*** (14, 0.98)
*** (16, 0.98333)
*** (18, 0.98666)
*** (20, 0.99)
*** (22, 0.9925)
*** (26, 0.995)
*** (30, 0.9965)
*** (40, 0.998)
*** (60, 0.999)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Shooting Skill Points|yAxisTitle=Shooting Accuracy Multiplier|type=line|x=-20, -10, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 30, 40, 60|y=0.70, 0.80, 0.83, 0.85, 0.87, 0.89, 0.93, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.975, 0.98, 0.98333, 0.98666, 0.99, 0.9925, 0.995, 0.9965, 0.998, 0.999|yAxisMin=0.70|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
=== Aiming Time ===
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Age:''' {{BiotechIcon}}
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (4,1.8)
***** (12,1.1)
***** (13,1)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Aiming Time Multiplier|type=line|x=4, 12, 13|y=1.8, 1.1, 1|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
=== Move Speed ===
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Glow:'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Factor From Glow Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (0,0.80)
***** (0.30,1.00)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Light Percentage|yAxisTitle=Move Speed Multiplier|type=line|x=0, 0.30|y=0.80, 1.00|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
=== Immunity Gain Speed ===
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Age:'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (0.65,1)
***** (0.8,0.95)
***** (1.0,0.9)
***** (1.2,0.8)
***** (1.5,0.5)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age / Life Expectancy (80 for Humans)|yAxisTitle= Immunity Gain Speed Multiplier|type=line|x=0.65, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5|y=1, 0.95, 0.9, 0.8, 0.5|xAxisMin=0.65|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
=== Meat Amount ===
==== Malnutrition ====
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Malnutrition:'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (0, 1)
***** (1, 0.4)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Malnutrition Percentage|yAxisTitle=Meat Amount Multiplier|type=line|xType=number|x=0, 1|y=1, 0.4|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
==== Post Process Curve ====
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
** '''Points:'''
*** (0,0)
*** (5,14)
*** (40,40)
*** (100000,100000)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Meat Amount Before Curve|yAxisTitle=Meat Amount After Curve|type=line|x=0, 5, 40, 100000|y=0, 14, 40, 100000|xAxisMax=100|yAxisMax=100|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
=== Leather Amount ===
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
** '''Points:'''
*** (0,0)
*** (5,14)
*** (40,40)
*** (100000,100000)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Leather Amount Before Curve|yAxisTitle=Leather Amount After Curve|type=line|x=0, 5, 40, 100000|y=0, 14, 40, 100000|xAxisMax=100|yAxisMax=100|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
=== Arrest Success Chance ===
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Age:''' {{BiotechIcon}}
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (3, 0.05)
***** (13, 0.8)
***** (18, 1)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Arrest Success Chance Multiplier|type=line|x=3, 13, 18|y=0.05, 0.8, 1|xAxisMin=3|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
=== Global Work Speed ===
==== Light Level ====
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Glow:'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Factor From Glow Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (0,0.80)
***** (0.30,1.00)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Light Percentage|yAxisTitle=Global Work Speed Multiplier|type=line|x=0, 0.30|y=0.80, 1.00|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
*** Ignore If Incapable Of Sight: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** Ignore If Prefers Darkness: '''{{Good|true}}'''
==== Pawn Age ====
** '''StatPart_Age:''' {{BiotechIcon}}
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (4,0.2)
***** (12,0.8)
***** (18,1)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Global Work Speed Multiplier|type=line|x=4, 12, 18|y=0.2, 0.8, 1|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
{| id="Shooting accuracy" <!-- defName="ShootingAccuracy", commonality="2" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
=== Hunting Stealth ===
! Name
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
! Degree
** '''Points:'''
! Description
*** (0.0, 0.0)
! Effect
*** (0.1, 0.5)
! Possessions
*** (0.2, 0.75)
! Conflicting Traits
*** (0.5, 0.80)
|- id="Careful shooter"
*** (1.0, 0.90)
! Careful shooter
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Hunting Stealth Before Curve|yAxisTitle=Hunting Stealth After Curve|type=line|x=0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0|y=0.0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.80, 0.90|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
| 1
| [PAWN_nameDef] takes more time to aim when shooting. [PAWN_pronoun] shoots less often than others, but with more accuracy.
| '''[[Aiming Time|Aiming Delay Factor]]:''' {{++|25%}}<br />'''[[Shooting Accuracy|Pawn Shooting Accuracy]]:''' {{+|5}}<br />'''Required Work Tags:''' Violent
[[Shooting Accuracy]] {{+|5}}
| {{Icon Small|Bolt action rifle|24}} [[Bolt action rifle]]
| [[Brawler]]
|- id="Trigger-happy"
! Trigger-happy
| -1
| Pew! Pew! Pew! [PAWN_nameDef] just likes pulling the trigger. [PAWN_pronoun] shoots faster than others, but less accurately.
| '''[[Aiming Time|Aiming Delay Factor]]:''' {{---|50%}}<br />'''[[Shooting Accuracy|Pawn Shooting Accuracy]]:''' {{--|5}}<br />'''Required Work Tags:''' Violent
| {{Icon Small|Autopistol|24}} [[Autopistol]]
| [[Brawler]]
=== Beauty ===
=== Reading Speed ===
{{Main|Beauty (Pawn)}}
* '''Parts:'''
These traits influence a colonist's appearance and how it affects other colonists' opinions of them - as well as sexual attractiveness.
** '''StatPart_Age:''' {{BiotechIcon}}
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (3,0.05)
***** (13,1)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Reading Speed Multiplier|type=line|x=3, 13|y=0.05, 1|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
Each point of beauty corresponds to +20 opinion from other colonists, e.g. a colonist with 2 beauty will have +40 opinion, while another with -1 beauty will have -20.
=== Medical Tend Quality ===
* '''Post Process Curve:'''
** '''Points:'''
*** (0, 0)
*** (1.0, 1.0)
*** (2.0, 1.5)
*** (4.0, 2.0)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Medical Tend Quality Before Curve|yAxisTitle=Medical Tend Quality After Curve|type=line|x=0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0|y=0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
{| id="Beauty" <!-- defName="Beauty", commonality="2" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
=== Meditation Plant Growth Offset ===
! Name
* '''Parts:'''
! Degree
** '''StatPart_ArtificialBuildingsNearbyOffset:'''
! Description
*** Radius: '''34.9'''
! Effect
*** '''Curve:'''
! Possessions
**** '''Points:'''
! Conflicting Traits
***** (0,  0.0)
|- id="Beautiful"
***** (5,  -0.08)
! Beautiful
***** (10, -0.15)
| {{Good|2}}
***** (50, -0.3)
| [PAWN_nameDef] is exceptionally beautiful, with an exotic-yet-familiar facial structure and an arresting gaze. People are attracted to [PAWN_objective] before [PAWN_pronoun] even opens [PAWN_possessive] mouth.
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Number of Nearby Artificial Buildings|yAxisTitle=Meditation Plant Growth Offset|type=line|x=0, 5, 10, 50|y=0.0, -0.08, -0.15, -0.3|yAxisMin=-0.3|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
| '''[[Beauty_(Pawn)|Pawn Beauty]]:''' {{+|2}}
| -
| None
|- id="Pretty"
! Pretty
| {{Good|1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] has a pretty face, which predisposes people to like [PAWN_objective].
| '''[[Beauty_(Pawn)|Pawn Beauty]]:''' {{+|1}}
| -
| None
|- id="Ugly"
! Ugly
| {{Bad|-1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is somewhat ugly. This subtly repels others during social interactions.
| '''[[Beauty_(Pawn)|Pawn Beauty]]:''' {{--|1}}
| -
| None
|- id="Staggeringly ugly"
! Staggeringly ugly
| {{Bad|-2}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] is staggeringly ugly. [PAWN_possessive] face looks like a cross between a drawing by an untalented child, a malformed fetus in a jar of formaldehyde, and a piece of modern art. Others must exert conscious effort to look at [PAWN_objective] while conversing.
| '''[[Beauty_(Pawn)|Pawn Beauty]]:''' {{--|2}}
| -
| None
=== Immunity ===
=== Slave Suppression Fall Rate ===
These traits influence how often colonists are infected by a disease.
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_Terror'''
** '''StatPart_GearStatOffset:'''
*** Apparel Stat: '''SlaveSuppressionOffset'''
*** Subtract: '''{{Good|true}}'''
** '''StatPart_AgeOffset{{BiotechIcon}}:'''
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
*** '''Curve:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (3, -0.5)
***** (13, -0.3)
***** (16, 0)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Slave Suppression Offset|type=line|x=3, 13, 16|y=-0.5, -0.3, 0|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
{| id="Immunity" <!-- defName="Immunity" --> {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
=== Shooting Accuracy Multiplier (Child) ===
! Name
* '''Parts:'''
! Degree
** '''StatPart_Age:'''
! Description
*** Use Biological Years: '''{{Good|true}}'''
! Effect
*** Humanlike Only: '''{{Good|true}}'''
! Possessions
*** '''Curve:'''
! Conflicting Traits
**** '''Points:'''
|- id="Super-immune"
***** (4,0.95)
! Super-immune
***** (12,0.98)
| {{Good|1}}
***** (13,1)
| [PAWN_nameDef] has a naturally powerful immune system. [PAWN_pronoun] will gain immunity much faster than a normal person would, and can survive illnesses that would kill others.
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Shooting Accuracy Multiplier|type=line|x=4, 12, 13|y=0.95, 0.98, 1|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
| '''[[Immunity Gain Speed]]:''' {{+|30%}}
| -
| None
|- id="Sickly"
! Sickly
| {{Bad|-1}}
| [PAWN_nameDef] has an awful immune system. [PAWN_pronoun] gets sick more often than usual, frequently with illnesses that nobody in the colony has been afflicted by.
| '''Random Disease {{MTB}} Days:''' 30<Ref>Randomly catch diseases independently from rest of the colony, on average once every 30 days</Ref><br />'''[[Skills#Medicine|Medicine Skill]]:''' {{+|4}}
| 2~5x {{Icon Small|Medicine|24}} [[Medicine]]<br />5~10x {{Icon Small|Penoxycyline|24}} [[Penoxycyline]]
| None
<References />
== Creepjoiner Traits ==
=== Fertility ===
==== Male ====
These traits are never randomly assigned to pawns. They are normally found on [[creepjoiner]]s, and therefore have powerful positive or negative effects to balance out the other strengths and weaknesses creepjoiners have.
* '''Parts:'''
** '''StatPart_FertilityByGenderAge:'''
*** '''Male Fertility Age Factor:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (14, 0)
***** (18, 1)
***** (50, 1)
***** (90, 0)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Male Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Fertility Multiplier|type=line|yType=number|x=14, 18, 50, 90|y=0, 1, 1, 0|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
Perfect memory, Occultist, Joyous, and Body mastery are considered benefits, to compensate whatever mysterious downside haunts the creepjoiner.
==== Female ====
** '''Female Fertility Age Factor:'''
**** '''Points:'''
***** (14, 0)
***** (20, 1)
***** (28, 1)
***** (35, 0.5)
***** (40, 0.1)
***** (45, 0.02)
***** (50, 0)
{{Graph:Chart|width=400|height=200|xAxisTitle=Female Age (Biological)|yAxisTitle=Fertility Multiplier|type=line|x=14, 20, 28, 35, 40, 45, 50|y=0, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.02, 0|interpolate=monotone|xGrid=|yGrid=}}
Disturbing and Void fascination are considered downsides, meant to counterblance the creepjoiner's powerful benefits. Note that, unlike most other creepjoiner drawbacks, these traits are never hidden; as such, you be assured there are no other nasty surprises waiting for you.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
{| id="Creepjoiner traits" {{STDT| sortable c_08 }}
== Stat Categories ==
! Name
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
! Commonality
{| id="Stat Categories" {{STDT|sortable}}
! Description
! Def Name !! Label !! Display<br />Order !! Display<br />All By<br />Default !! # Of Stats !! Source
! Effect
<!-- Core StatCategories -->
! Possessions
<!--================ General ================-->
! Conflicting Traits
|- id="Perfect memory" <!-- defName="PerfectMemory" -->
| Basics
! Perfect memory
! Basics
| 10
| {{Good|true}}
| 9
| Core - General
| BasicsImportant
! Basics
| 1
| {{Good|true}}
| 3
| Core - General
| BasicsPawnImportant
! Basics
| 2
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| 0
| {PAWN_nameDef} has outstanding memory, both in terms of retaining information but also muscle memory. {PAWN_possessive} skills will never decay.
| Core - General
| '''Skill Decay:''' {{Good|x0%}}
| BasicsNonPawnImportant
! Basics
| 2
| {{Bad|false}}
| 4
| Core - General
| BasicsPawn
! Basics
| 11
| {{Bad|false}}
| 38
| Core - General
| BasicsNonPawn
! Basics
| 12
| {{Bad|false}}
| 11
| Core - General
| AnimalProductivity
! animal productivity
| 13
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - General
| Source
! content source
| 999
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - General
<!--================ Non-pawn ================-->
| Apparel
! Apparel
| 30
| {{Bad|false}}
| 13
| Core - Non-pawn
| Implant
! Implant
| 30
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| Weapon
! Weapon
| 40
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| Weapon_Ranged
! Weapon (ranged)
| 44
| {{Bad|false}}
| 6
| Core - Non-pawn
| Weapon_Melee
! Weapon (melee)
| 48
| {{Bad|false}}
| 3
| Core - Non-pawn
| Building
! Building
| 50
| {{Bad|false}}
| 19
| Core - Non-pawn
| Ability
! Ability
| 60
| {{Bad|false}}
| 9
| Core - Non-pawn
| Drug
! Drug
| 30
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| DrugAddiction
! drug addiction
| 110
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Non-pawn
| Terrain
! terrain
| 13
| {{Bad|false}}
| 2
| Core - Non-pawn
<!--=============== Virtual categories ==============-->
| EquippedStatOffsets
! Offsets when equipped
| 70
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| StuffStatFactors
! Multipliers when made of this
| 74
| {{Good|true}}
| 8
| Core - Virtual category
| StuffStatOffsets
! Offsets when made of this
| 77
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| StuffOfEquipmentStatFactors
! Multipliers when equipment made of this
| 80
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| Surgery
! Surgical
| 90
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
| CapacityEffects
! effects
| 100
| {{Good|true}}
| 0
| Core - Virtual category
<!--================ Pawn ================-->
| PawnCombat
! Combat
| 110
| {{Bad|false}}
| 31
| Core - Pawn
| PawnSocial
! Social
| 120
| {{Bad|false}}
| 13
| Core - Pawn
| PawnMisc
! Misc
| 130
| {{Bad|false}}
| 2
| Core - Pawn
| PawnWork
! Work
| 140
| {{Bad|false}}
| 36
| Core - Pawn
<!--================ Misc ================-->
| Meditation
! Meditation
| 13
| {{Good|true}}
| 2
| Core - Misc
| Genetics
! Genetics
| 200
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Core - Misc
| Mechanoid
! Mechanoid
| 13
| {{Good|true}}
| 6
| Core - Misc
<!-- Biotech StatCategories -->
| Mechanitor
! Mechanitor
| 105
| {{Good|true}}
| 9
| Biotech
<!-- Anomaly Stats_PsychicRituals -->
| PsychicRituals
! Psychic ritual
| 500
| {{Bad|false}}
| 2
| Anomaly
<!-- Anomaly Stats_Containment -->
| Containment
! Containment
| 600
| {{Bad|false}}
| 3
| Anomaly
<!-- Anomaly Stats_Serum -->
| Serum
! Serum
| 700
| {{Bad|false}}
| 0
| Anomaly
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
== Stat Bases ==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
{| id="Stat Bases" {{STDT|sortable collapsible}}
! Name !! Category !! Parameters !! Additional !! Display<br />Priority<br />In<br />Category
|- id="ButcherySpeedBase"
! ButcherySpeedBase
| PawnWork
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|1}}'''
* Min Value: '''{{%|0.1}}'''
* To String Style: '''PercentZero'''
* ''Stat Factors:''
** '''[[Global Work Speed]]'''
* '''Capacity Factors:'''
** Capacity: '''[[Sight]]'''
*** Weight: '''{{%|0.4}}'''
*** Max: '''{{%|1}}'''
** Capacity: '''[[Manipulation]]'''
*** Weight: '''{{%|1}}'''
| 4500
|- id="ButcheryEfficiencyBase"
! ButcheryEfficiencyBase
| PawnWork
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|1}}'''
* Min Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* Max Value: '''{{%|1.5}}'''
* To String Style: '''PercentZero'''
* '''Capacity Factors:'''
** Capacity: '''[[Sight]]'''
*** Weight: '''{{%|0.4}}'''
*** Max: '''{{%|1}}'''
** Capacity: '''[[Manipulation]]'''
*** Weight: '''{{%|0.9}}'''
| 4520
|- id="ArmorRatingBase"
! ArmorRatingBase
| Apparel
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* Min Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* Hide At Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* Max Value: '''{{%|2}}'''
* To String Style: '''PercentOne'''
| ''StatParts'':
* '''''StatPart_Quality:'''''
** Factor Awful: '''{{%|0.60}}'''
** Factor Poor: '''{{%|0.80}}'''
** Factor Normal: '''{{%|1.00}}'''
** Factor Good: '''{{%|1.15}}'''
** Factor Excellent: '''{{%|1.30}}'''
** Factor Masterwork: '''{{%|1.45}}'''
** Factor Legendary: '''{{%|1.80}}'''
| -
|- id="InsulationBase"
! InsulationBase
| Apparel
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* Hide At Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* Min Value: '''{{%|-9999}}'''
* Max Value: '''{{%|9999}}'''
* To String Style: '''TemperatureOffset'''
* Show On Pawns: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
| ''StatParts'':
* '''''StatPart_Quality:'''''
** Factor Awful: '''{{%|0.8}}'''
** Factor Poor: '''{{%|0.9}}'''
** Factor Normal: '''{{%|1}}'''
** Factor Good: '''{{%|1.1}}'''
** Factor Excellent: '''{{%|1.2}}'''
** Factor Masterwork: '''{{%|1.5}}'''
** Factor Legendary: '''{{%|1.8}}'''
** Apply To Negative Values: '''{{Good|true}}'''
| -
|- id="MarketValueBase"
! MarketValueBase
| BasicsImportant
* Worker Class: '''StatWorker_MarketValue'''
* Min Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* To String Style: '''Money'''
* Round To Five Over: '''200'''
* Minified Thing Inherits: '''{{Good|true}}'''
* Show On Untradeables: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
* Scenario Randomizable: '''{{Good|true}}'''
| ''StatParts'':
* '''''StatPart_Quality:'''''
** Factor Awful: {{Bad|'''{{%|0.5}}'''}}
** Factor Poor: {{Bad|'''{{%|0.75}}'''}}
** Factor Normal: '''{{%|1}}'''
** Factor Good: {{Good|'''{{%|1.25}}'''}}
** Max Gain Good: {{+|'''500'''}}
** Factor Excellent: {{Good|'''{{%|1.5}}'''}}
** Max Gain Excellent: {{+|'''1000'''}}
** Factor Masterwork: {{Good|'''{{%|2.5}}'''}}
** Max Gain Masterwork: {{+|'''2000'''}}
** Factor Legendary: {{Good|'''{{%|5}}'''}}
** Max Gain Legendary: {{+|'''3000'''}}
* '''StatPart_WornByCorpse'''
* '''StatPart_IsCorpseFresh'''
* '''StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset'''
* '''StatPart_Biocoded'''
* '''StatPart_ReloadMarketValue'''
* '''StatPart_Genes{{BiotechIcon}}'''
| 2510
|- id="MeditationFocusBase"
! MeditationFocusBase{{RoyaltyIcon}}
| -
| -
* Format String: '''{0} / day'''
* Format String Unfinalized: '''{0} / day'''
* To String Style: '''PercentZero'''
* Show If Mods Loaded Any: '''Royalty{{RoyaltyIcon}}'''
| -
| -
|- id="Occultist" <!-- defName="Occultist" -->
! Occultist
| 0
| {PAWN_nameDef} has deep knowledge of the twisted patterns of dark psychic energy. {PAWN_pronoun} can study unnatural entities faster than others. {PAWN_pronoun} will also periodically teach this inhuman knowledge to others when {PAWN_pronoun} gets the chance.
| '''[[Study Efficiency]]:''' {{+|100%}} <br />'''[[Entity Study Rate]]:''' {{+|50%}}<br /><!--
-->Can share occult teachings during normal social interactions, giving +1 dark research per day
| -
| -
|- id="ShootingAccuracyFactorBase"
! ShootingAccuracyFactorBase
| PawnCombat
* Min Value: '''{{%|0.01}}'''
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|1}}'''
* Hide At Value: '''{{%|1}}'''
* To String Style: '''PercentZero'''
* Show On Animals: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
* Show Developmental Stage Filter: '''Child, Adult'''
| -
| -
|- id="Joyous" <!-- defName="Joyous" -->
! Joyous
| 0
| {PAWN_nameDef} has the ability to make everyone feel better and inspire them to be the best version of themselves.
| {{+|20}} opinion from other pawns<br><!--
-->While not imprisoned or enslaved, {{+|3}} mood to all other non-prisoner colonists on the same map who are not currently in a mental break. The effect does not stack even if there are multiple Joyous pawns present. Pawns not of the player's faction cannot receive the mood buff. A Joyous pawn will not grant its mood bonus to anyone it is currently hostile to.
| -
| -
|- id="MechStatBase"
! MechStatBase{{BiotechIcon}}
* '''May Require Any Of:'''
** Biotech{{BiotechIcon}}
** Anomaly{{AnomalyIcon}}
| Mechanoid
* Show On Animals: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
* Show On Humanlikes: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
* Show On Mechanoids: '''{{Good|true}}'''
| -
| -
|- id="Body mastery" <!-- defName="BodyMastery" -->
! Body mastery
| 0
| {PAWN_nameDef} doesn't have basic needs like eating, sleeping, or comfort. {PAWN_possessive} body is driven by some unknown mechanism, which has turned {PAWN_possessive} eyes completely white.
| {{Good|'''Disables Needs:'''}} [[Saturation|Food]], [[Sleep|Rest]], [[Comfort]]<br />'''Gray Eyes'''
| -
| -
|- id="IntellectualSkillBase"
! IntellectualSkillBase
| PawnWork
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|1}}'''
* To String Style: '''PercentZero'''
* Scenario Randomizable: '''{{Good|true}}'''
* Stat Factors:
** '''[[Global Work Speed]]'''
* Skill Need Factors:
** '''SkillNeed_BaseBonus:'''
*** Skill: '''[[Intellectual]]'''
*** Base Value: '''{{%|0.08}}'''
*** Bonus Per Level: '''{{+|{{%|0.115}}}}'''
* '''Capacity Factors:'''
** Capacity: '''[[Manipulation]]'''
*** Weight: '''{{%|0.5}}'''
*** Max: '''{{%|1.1}}'''
** Capacity: '''[[Sight]]'''
*** Weight: '''{{%|0.5}}'''
*** Max: '''{{%|1.1}}'''
| -
| -
|- id="Disturbing" <!-- defName="Disturbing" -->
|- id="AccuracyBase"
! Disturbing
! AccuracyBase
| 0
| Weapon_Ranged
| {PAWN_nameDef} is a peculiar person who seems fixated on horrendous ideas. Talking to {PAWN_objective} is often upsetting.
| {{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Morbid|Morbid]]<br /><!--
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|1}}'''
-->When randomly interacting with other pawns, will perform a disturbing chat instead of any other interaction type, giving the recipient {{--|4}} mood and {{--|3}} opinion of the disturbing pawn for 24 hours (stacks up to 10 times)
* Min Value: '''{{%|0.01}}'''
* Max Value: '''{{%|1}}'''
* To String Style: '''PercentZero'''
* Show If Undefined: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
| ''StatParts'':
* '''''StatPart_Quality:'''''
** Factor Awful: '''{{%|0.8}}'''
** Factor Poor: '''{{%|0.9}}'''
** Factor Normal: '''{{%|1}}'''
** Factor Good: '''{{%|1.1}}'''
** Factor Excellent: '''{{%|1.2}}'''
** Factor Masterwork: '''{{%|1.35}}'''
** Factor Legendary: '''{{%|1.5}}'''
| -
| -
<!-- Darkness combat -->
|- id="DarknessCombat"
! DarknessCombat{{IdeologyIcon}}
| PawnCombat
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|0}}'''
* To String Style: '''PercentZero'''
* Show On Animals: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
* Always Hide: '''{{Good|true}}'''
| -
| -
|- id="Void fascination" <!-- defName="VoidFascination" -->
! Void fascination
| 0
| {PAWN_nameDef} is strangely intrigued by unnatural entities and is easily enthralled by them.
| {{Good|'''Allowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Good|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Void|Void]]<br />{{Bad|'''Disallowed Meditation'''}}<br />'''{{Bad|Focus Types}}{{RoyaltyIcon}}:''' [[Psyfocus#Artistic|Artistic]]<br />{{Good|'''Disallowed Thoughts:'''}} Imprisoned With Entity, Entity In Room<br />'''The Only Allowed Mental Breaks:''' [[Mental break#Entity liberator|Entity liberator]]<br />'''Random Mental State {{MTB}} Days Mood Curve:''' (0, 60)<Ref>Will attempt to release captured entities (regardless of mood) once per year, on average</Ref>
| -
| -
<!-- Mechanitor -->
|- id="MechanitorStatBase"
! MechanitorStatBase{{BiotechIcon}}
| Mechanitor
* Worker Class: '''StatWorker_Mechanitor'''
* Default Base Value: '''{{%|0}}
* Min Value: '''{{%|0}}
* Show On Animals: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
* Show On Humanlikes: '''{{Good|true}}'''
* Show On Mechanoids: '''{{Bad|false}}'''
* Show If Undefined: '''{{Good|true}}'''
| -
| -
| 2000
<References />
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
== List of Stats by defName ==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* Ability_CastingTime
* Ability_DetectChancePerEntropy
* Ability_Duration
* Ability_EffectRadius
* Ability_EntropyGain
* Ability_GoodwillImpact
* Ability_PsyfocusCost
* Ability_Range
* Ability_RequiredPsylink
* AccuracyLong
* AccuracyMedium
* AccuracyShort
* AccuracyTouch
* ActivitySuppressionRate
* AimingDelayFactor
* AnimalGatherSpeed
* AnimalGatherYield
* AnimalProductsSellImprovement
* AnimalsLearningFactor
* ArmorRating_Blunt
* ArmorRating_Heat
* ArmorRating_Sharp
* ArrestSuccessChance
* AssemblySpeedFactor
* BabyPlayGainFactor
* BandwidthCost
* Beauty
* BeautyOutdoors
* BedHungerRateFactor
* BedRestEffectiveness
* BiosculpterOccupantSpeed
* BiosculpterPodSpeedFactor
* BirthRitualQualityOffset
* BluntDamageMultiplier
* BondAnimalChanceFactor
* ButcheryFleshEfficiency
* ButcheryFleshSpeed
* ButcheryMechanoidEfficiency
* ButcheryMechanoidSpeed
* CancerRate
* CaravanRidingSpeedFactor
* CarryingCapacity
* CertaintyLossFactor
* CleaningSpeed
* CleaningTimeFactor
* Cleanliness
* ColdContainmentBonus
* Comfort
* ComfyTemperatureMax
* ComfyTemperatureMin
* ConstructSuccessChance
* ConstructionSpeed
* ConstructionSpeedFactor
* ContainmentStrength
* ControlTakingTime
* ConversionPower
* CookSpeed
* CrawlSpeed
* DeepDrillingSpeed
* DeteriorationRate
* DoorOpenSpeed
* DrugCookingSpeed
* DrugHarvestYield
* DrugSellPriceImprovement
* DrugSynthesisSpeed
* EMPResistance
* EatingSpeed
* EnergyShieldEnergyMax
* EnergyShieldRechargeRate
* EntityStudyRate
* EquipDelay
* Fertility
* FilthMultiplier
* FilthRate
* FixBrokenDownBuildingSuccessChance
* Flammability
* FoodPoisonChance
* FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman
* ForagedNutritionPerDay
* GeneralLaborSpeed
* GeneticComplexityIncrease
* GlobalLearningFactor
* GrowthVatOccupantSpeed
* HackingSpeed
* HemogenGainFactor
* HuntingStealth
* ImmunityGainSpeed
* ImmunityGainSpeedFactor
* IncomingDamageFactor
* InjuryHealingFactor
* Insulation_Cold
* Insulation_Heat
* JoyFallRateFactor
* JoyGainFactor
* JumpRange
* LearningRateFactor
* LeatherAmount
* LifespanFactor
* MarketValue
* MarketValueIgnoreHp
* Mass
* MaxHitPoints
* MaxInstallCount
* MaxNutrition
* MeatAmount
* MechBandwidth
* MechControlGroups
* MechEnergyLossPerHP
* MechEnergyUsageFactor
* MechFormingSpeed
* MechRemoteRepairDistance
* MechRemoteShieldDistance
* MechRemoteShieldEnergy
* MechRepairSpeed
* MedicalOperationSpeed
* MedicalPotency
* MedicalQualityMax
* MedicalSurgerySuccessChance
* MedicalTendQuality
* MedicalTendQualityOffset
* MedicalTendSpeed
* MeditationFocusGain
* MeditationFocusStrength
* MeditationPlantGrowthOffset
* MeleeArmorPenetration
* MeleeCooldownFactor
* MeleeDPS
* MeleeDamageFactor
* MeleeDodgeChance
* MeleeDodgeChanceIndoorsDarkOffset
* MeleeDodgeChanceIndoorsLitOffset
* MeleeDodgeChanceOutdoorsDarkOffset
* MeleeDodgeChanceOutdoorsLitOffset
* MeleeDoorDamageFactor
* MeleeHitChance
* MeleeHitChanceIndoorsDarkOffset
* MeleeHitChanceIndoorsLitOffset
* MeleeHitChanceOutdoorsDarkOffset
* MeleeHitChanceOutdoorsLitOffset
* MeleeWeapon_AverageArmorPenetration
* MeleeWeapon_AverageDPS
* MeleeWeapon_CooldownMultiplier
* MeleeWeapon_DamageMultiplier
* MentalBreakThreshold
* MinimumContainmentStrength
* MinimumHandlingSkill
* MiningSpeed
* MiningYield
* MortarMissRadiusFactor
* MoveSpeed
* NegotiationAbility
* Nutrition
* PackRadius
* PainShockThreshold
* PawnBeauty
* PawnTrapSpringChance
* PlantHarvestYield
* PlantWorkSpeed
* PowerPlantMaxPowerOuput
* PruningSpeed
* PsychicEntropyGain
* PsychicEntropyMax
* PsychicEntropyMaxOffset
* PsychicEntropyRecoveryRate
* PsychicEntropyRecoveryRateOffset
* PsychicRitualQuality
* PsychicRitualQualityOffset
* PsychicSensitivity
* PsychicSensitivityFactor
* PsychicSensitivityOffset
* RangedCooldownFactor
* RangedWeapon_Cooldown
* RangedWeapon_DamageMultiplier
* RawNutritionFactor
* ReadingSpeed
* ResearchSpeed
* ResearchSpeedFactor
* RestFallRateFactor
* RestRateMultiplier
* RoomReadingBonus
* RoyalFavorValue
* SellPriceFactor
* SharpDamageMultiplier
* ShootingAccuracyChildFactor
* ShootingAccuracyFactor_Long
* ShootingAccuracyFactor_Medium
* ShootingAccuracyFactor_Short
* ShootingAccuracyFactor_Touch
* ShootingAccuracyIndoorsDarkOffset
* ShootingAccuracyIndoorsLitOffset
* ShootingAccuracyOutdoorsDarkOffset
* ShootingAccuracyOutdoorsLitOffset
* ShootingAccuracyPawn
* ShootingAccuracyTurret
* SlaveSuppressionFallRate
* SlaveSuppressionOffset
* SmeltingSpeed
* SmoothingSpeed
* SocialIdeoSpreadFrequencyFactor
* SocialImpact
* StaggerDurationFactor
* StudyEfficiency
* StuffEffectMultiplierArmor
* StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Cold
* StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Heat
* StuffPower_Armor_Blunt
* StuffPower_Armor_Heat
* StuffPower_Armor_Sharp
* StuffPower_Insulation_Cold
* StuffPower_Insulation_Heat
* StyleDominance
* SubcoreEncodingSpeed
* SuppressionPower
* SurgerySuccessChanceFactor
* TameAnimalChance
* Terror
* TerrorSource
* ToxicEnvironmentResistance
* ToxicResistance
* TradePriceImprovement
* TrainAnimalChance
* TrapMeleeDamage
* TrapSpringChance
* WastepacksPerRecharge
* WorkSpeedGlobal
* WorkTableEfficiencyFactor
* WorkTableWorkSpeedFactor
* WorkToBuild
* WorkToMake
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
== Stat Statistics ==
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
* 242 <StatDef
** 175 <StatDef>
* 35 <StatCategoryDef>
** 35 <displayOrder>
** 10 <displayAllByDefault>
* 265 <defName>
* 266 <label>
* 224 <description>
* 192 <category>
* 193 <displayPriorityInCategory>
=== Level 2 ===
* 61 <parts>
* 39 <capacityFactors>
* 38 <skillNeedFactors>
* 20 <statFactors>
* 8 <postProcessCurve>
* 7 <skillNeedOffsets>
* 5 <capacityOffsets>
* 3 <postProcessStatFactors>
* 3 <showOnPawnKind>
=== Types ===
242 Total
* 35 Categories
* 207 Stats
==== Bases ====
# ButcherySpeedBase
# ButcheryEfficiencyBase
# ArmorRatingBase
# InsulationBase
# MarketValueBase
# MeditationFocusBase
# ShootingAccuracyFactorBase
# MechStatBase
# IntellectualSkillBase
# AccuracyBase
# DarknessCombat
# MechanitorStatBase
1 Non Base Parents
* Beauty
=== Classes ===
* 39 SkillNeed_BaseBonus
* 8 SkillNeed_Direct
==== Stat Parts ====
* 1 StatPart_AddedBodyPartsMass
* 9 StatPart_Age
* 1 StatPart_AgeOffset
* StatPart_ArtificialBuildingsNearbyOffset
* StatPart_BedStat
* StatPart_Biocoded
* StatPart_BiosculptingSpeedFactor
* StatPart_BlindPsychicSensitivityOffset
* StatPart_BodySize
* StatPart_ContentsBeauty
* StatPart_CorpseCasket
* StatPart_Deathresting
* StatPart_Difficulty_ButcherYield
* StatPart_EnvironmentalEffects
* StatPart_FertilityByGenderAge
* StatPart_FertilityByHediffs
* StatPart_Food
* StatPart_GearAndInventoryMass
* 6 StatPart_GearStatOffset
* 2 StatPart_Genes
* 3 StatPart_Glow
* 1 StatPart_GrowthVatSpeedFactor
* StatPart_HasRelic
* 1 StatPart_Health
* StatPart_Hyperlinks
* StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
* StatPart_IsFlesh
* StatPart_LifeStageMaxFood
* StatPart_Malnutrition
* StatPart_MaxChanceIfRotting
* StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
* StatPart_NearHarbingerTree
* StatPart_NotCarefullySlaughtered
* StatPart_NoxiousHaze
* 3 StatPart_Outdoors
* StatPart_OverseerStatOffset
* 1 StatPart_Pain
* StatPart_PlantGrowthNutritionFactor
* StatPart_PlayerFactionLeader
* StatPart_Pollution
* StatPart_Quality
* StatPart_Quality_Offset
* StatPart_ReloadMarketValue
* StatPart_Rest
* StatPart_Resting
* StatPart_RevenantSpeed
* StatPart_RoleConversionPower
* StatPart_RoomStat
* StatPart_ShamblerCorpse
* StatPart_ShamblerCrawling
* StatPart_SightPsychicSensitivityOffset
* StatPart_Slave
* 5 StatPart_Stuff
* StatPart_Terror
* StatPart_ToxicFallout
* StatPart_UnfinishedThingIngredientsMass
* StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset
* 1 StatPart_WildManOffset
* 1 StatPart_WorkTableOutdoors
* 2 StatPart_WorkTableTemperature
* 1 StatPart_WorkTableUnpowered
* 1 StatPart_WornByCorpse

Latest revision as of 06:11, 20 September 2024

Virtual Stats, Properties / Parameters, and Categories[edit]

List of Categories for reference[edit]

Def Name Label Display
All By
# Of StatDefs Source
Basics Basics 10 true 9 Core - General
BasicsImportant Basics 1 true 3 Core - General
BasicsPawnImportant Basics 2 false 0 Core - General
BasicsNonPawnImportant Basics 2 false 4 Core - General
BasicsPawn Basics 11 false 38 Core - General
BasicsNonPawn Basics 12 false 11 Core - General
AnimalProductivity animal productivity 13 false 0 Core - General
Source content source 999 false 0 Core - General
Apparel Apparel 30 false 13 Core - Non-pawn
Implant Implant 30 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
Weapon Weapon 40 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
Weapon_Ranged Weapon (ranged) 44 false 6 Core - Non-pawn
Weapon_Melee Weapon (melee) 48 false 3 Core - Non-pawn
Building Building 50 false 19 Core - Non-pawn
Ability Ability 60 false 9 Core - Non-pawn
Drug Drug 30 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
DrugAddiction drug addiction 110 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
Terrain terrain 13 false 2 Core - Non-pawn
EquippedStatOffsets Offsets when equipped 70 false 0 Core - Virtual category
StuffStatFactors Multipliers when made of this 74 true 8 Core - Virtual category
StuffStatOffsets Offsets when made of this 77 true 0 Core - Virtual category
StuffOfEquipmentStatFactors Multipliers when equipment made of this 80 true 0 Core - Virtual category
Surgery Surgical 90 true 0 Core - Virtual category
CapacityEffects effects 100 true 0 Core - Virtual category
PawnCombat Combat 110 false 31 Core - Pawn
PawnSocial Social 120 false 13 Core - Pawn
PawnMisc Misc 130 false 2 Core - Pawn
PawnWork Work 140 false 36 Core - Pawn
Meditation Meditation 13 true 2 Core - Misc
Genetics Genetics 200 false 0 Core - Misc
Mechanoid Mechanoid 13 true 6 Core - Misc
Mechanitor Mechanitor 105 true 9 Biotech
PsychicRituals Psychic ritual 500 false 2 Anomaly
Containment Containment 600 false 3 Anomaly
Serum Serum 700 false 0 Anomaly

Categories are listed by order of appearance in xml, and labeled as "defName - (label)" unless the two are identical:



Basics - (Basics)[edit]
BasicsImportant - (Basics)[edit]
BasicsPawnImportant - (Basics)[edit]
BasicsNonPawnImportant - (Basics)[edit]
BasicsPawn - (Basics)[edit]
BasicsNonPawn - (Basics)[edit]

AnimalProductivity - (animal productivity)[edit]

Source - (content source)[edit]




Weapon_Ranged - (Weapon (ranged))[edit]

Weapon_Melee - (Weapon (melee))[edit]




DrugAddiction - (drug addiction)[edit]

Terrain - (terrain)[edit]

Virtual categories[edit]

EquippedStatOffsets - (Offsets when equipped)[edit]

StuffStatFactors - (Multipliers when made of this)[edit]

StuffOfEquipmentStatFactors - (Multipliers when equipment made of this)[edit]

Surgery - (Surgical)[edit]

CapacityEffects - (effects)[edit]


PawnCombat - (Combat)[edit]

PawnSocial - (Social)[edit]

PawnMisc - (Misc)[edit]

PawnWork - (Work)[edit]





Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC[edit]


Anomaly Content added by the Anomaly DLC[edit]

PsychicRituals - (Psychic ritual)[edit]



Room Stats[edit]

Name Details Score Stages / Curve
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_Impressiveness
  • Update Priority: 1
  • Display Rounded: true
  • Roomless Score: 0
Score Stages:
Min Score Label
- awful
20 dull
30 mediocre
40 decent
50 slightly impressive
65 somewhat impressive
85 very impressive
120 extremely impressive
170 unbelievably impressive
240 wondrously impressive
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_Wealth
  • Update Priority: 2
  • Display Rounded: true
  • Roomless Score: 0
Score Stages:
Min Score Label
- impoverished
500 somewhat poor
700 mediocre
2000 somewhat rich
4000 rich
10000 luxurious
40000 very luxurious
100000 extremely luxurious
1000000 unbelievably luxurious
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_Space
  • Update Priority: 2
  • Display Rounded: true
  • Roomless Score: 350
Score Stages:
Min Score Label
- cramped
12.5 rather tight
29 average-sized
55 somewhat spacious
70 quite spacious
130 very spacious
349.5 extremely spacious
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_Beauty
  • Update Priority: 2
  • Roomless Score: 0
Score Stages:
Min Score Label
- hideous
-3.5 ugly
0.0 neutral
2.4 pretty
5.0 beautiful
15.0 very beautiful
50.0 extremely beautiful
100.0 unbelievably beautiful
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_Cleanliness
  • Update Priority: 2
  • Roomless Score: 0
Score Stages:
Min Score Label
- very dirty
-1.1 dirty
-0.4 slightly dirty
-0.05 clean
0.4 sterile
Reading bonus
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_ReadingBonus
  • Roomless Score: 1
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
Infection chance factor
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
  • Roomless Score: 1.0
  • Input Stat: Cleanliness
Curve Points:
Cleanliness Infection chance factor
-5 1.0
0 0.5
1 0.2
Surgery success chance cleanliness factor
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
  • Roomless Score: 0.6
  • Input Stat: Cleanliness
Curve Points:
Cleanliness Surgery success chance cleanliness factor
-5 0.6
0 1.0
5 1.15
Research speed factor
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
  • Roomless Score: 0.75
  • Input Stat: Cleanliness
Curve Points:
Cleanliness Research speed factor
-5.0 0.75
-2.5 0.85
0.0 1.00
1.0 1.15
Grave visiting recreation factor
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
  • Roomless Score: 1
  • Input Stat: Impressiveness
Curve Points:
Impressiveness Grave visiting recreation factor
-150 1.0
0 1.0
150 1.4
Food poison chance
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
  • Roomless Score: 0.02
  • Input Stat: Cleanliness
Curve Points:
Cleanliness Food poison chance
-5 0.05
-3.5 0.025
-2 0
Biosculpter pod speed factor
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
  • Roomless Score: 0.7
  • Input Stat: Cleanliness
Curve Points:
Cleanliness Biosculpter pod speed factor
-5 0.7
-1 0.9
0 1
1 1.25
Assembly speed factor
  • Worker Class: RoomStatWorker_FromStatByCurve
  • Update Priority: 0
  • Is Hidden: true
  • Roomless Score: 0.75
  • Input Stat: Cleanliness
Curve Points:
Cleanliness Assembly speed factor
-5.0 0.75
-2.5 0.85
0.0 1.00
1.0 1.15

Stats Nav Test[edit]

All 230 Stats[edit]

PainConsciousnessMovingManipulationTalkingEatingSightHearingBreathingBlood Filtration  • Blood PumpingDigestion
Basics - Important
Market ValueMarket Value Ignoring HitpointsHonor Value Content added by the Royalty DLC
Basics - Non Pawn Important
NutritionMedical PotencyMedical Tend Quality MaximumMax Hit Points
Basics - Basics
MassFlammabilityPsychic Sensitivity FactorPsychic Sensitivity OffsetNeural Heat Limit OffsetNeural Heat Recovery Rate OffsetSlave Suppression Offset Content added by the Ideology DLCTerror (Source) Content added by the Ideology DLCMax Install Count Content added by the Biotech DLC
Basics - Pawn
Recreation Fall RateSleep Fall RateEating SpeedForaged Food AmountMinimum Handling SkillMental Break ThresholdImmunity Gain SpeedPain Shock ThresholdLifespan FactorMinimum Comfortable TemperatureMaximum Comfortable TemperatureInjury Healing FactorCaravan Riding SpeedCarrying CapacityFilth RateCrawl SpeedMove SpeedMax NutritionRest Rate MultiplierToxic Environment ResistanceToxic ResistanceAnimals Learning FactorGlobal Learning FactorNeural Heat LimitPsychic SensitivityLeather AmountMeat AmountNeural Heat Recovery RateMeditation Psyfocus GainNeural Heat Gain (Factor) Content added by the Royalty DLCIdeoligion Spread Chance Content added by the Ideology DLCGlobal Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLCTerror Content added by the Ideology DLCRaw Nutrition Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLCLearning Rate Factor Content added by the Biotech DLCCancer Rate Factor Content added by the Biotech DLCFertility Content added by the Biotech DLCHemogen Gain Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLC
Basics - Non Pawn
Construction Speed (Material Factor)Deterioration RateSell Price MultiplierBeautyOutdoor BeautyCleanlinessComfortWork To MakeFood Poison Chance (Food Stat)Shooting Accuracy (Turrets)Style Dominance Content added by the Ideology DLC
EMP ResistanceBandwidth Cost Content added by the Biotech DLCEnergy Usage Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLCWastepacks Per Recharge Content added by the Biotech DLCControl Taking Time Content added by the Biotech DLCRepair Energy Cost Content added by the Biotech DLC
Meditation Psyfocus BonusMeditation Plant Growth Offset Content added by the Royalty DLC
Cleaning Time MultiplierFilth Multiplier
Armor - Material effect multiplierInsulation - Cold - Material effect multiplierInsulation - Heat - Material effect multiplierEquip DelayEffect RadiusShield Recharge RateShield Max EnergyInsulation - HeatInsulation - ColdArmor - HeatArmor - BluntArmor - SharpJump Range Content added by the Royalty DLC
Weapon (Ranged)
Damage MultiplierRanged CooldownAccuracy (Long)Accuracy (Medium)Accuracy (Short)Accuracy (Close)
Weapon (Melee)
Melee Damage MultiplierMelee Weapon Average Armor PenetrationMelee Damage Per Second
Research Speed FactorMax Power OutputMedical Tend Quality OffsetWork Speed FactorWork Efficiency FactorWork To BuildDoor Opening SpeedRest EffectivenessImmunity Gain Speed FactorRecreation PowerSurgery Success Chance FactorReading BonusTrap Spring ChanceTrap Melee DamageBiosculpter Pod Speed Factor Content added by the Ideology DLCWork Speed Factor (Gene Assembly) Content added by the Biotech DLCBaby Play Power Content added by the Biotech DLCBirth Quality Offset Content added by the Biotech DLCGenetic Complexity Increase Content added by the Biotech DLC
Detection ChanceGoodwill ImpactEffect RadiusDurationRangePsyfocus CostNeural Heat GainCasting TimePsylink Level
Stuff Stat Factors (Multipliers when made of this)
Melee CooldownSharp DamageBlunt DamageInsulation - Heat (material factor)Insulation - Cold (material factor)Armor - Heat (material factor)Armor - Blunt (material factor)Armor - Sharp (material factor)
Mechanitor Content added by the Biotech DLC
Mech BandwidthMech Control GroupsMech Gestation SpeedMech Remote Repair DistanceMech Remote Shield DistanceMech Remote Shield EnergyMech Repair SpeedSubcore Encoding SpeedMech Work Speed Offset
Pawn - Combat
Stagger Time MultiplierRanged Cooldown MultiplierAiming TimePawn Trap Spring ChanceIncoming Damage MultiplierAccuracy Factor (Long)Accuracy Factor (Medium)Accuracy Factor (Short)Accuracy Factor (Close)Shooting Accuracy (People)Mortar Miss Radius MultiplierMelee Armor PenetrationMelee Dodge ChanceMelee Hit ChanceMelee DPSMelee Damage FactorMelee CooldownMelee Dodge Chance Indoors Dark Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Dodge Chance Indoors Lit Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Dodge Chance Outdoors Night Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Dodge Chance Outdoors Day Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Hit Chance Indoors Dark Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Hit Chance Indoors Lit Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Hit Chance Outdoors Dark Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Hit Chance Outdoors Lit Content added by the Ideology DLCShooting Accuracy Indoors Dark Content added by the Ideology DLCShooting Accuracy Indoors Lit Content added by the Ideology DLCShooting Accuracy Outdoors Dark Content added by the Ideology DLCShooting Accuracy Outdoors Lit Content added by the Ideology DLCMelee Door Damage Factor Content added by the Biotech DLCShooting Accuracy Multiplier (Child) Content added by the Biotech DLC
Pawn - Social
Bond Chance FactorTrain Animal ChanceTame Animal ChanceArrest Success ChancePawn BeautySocial ImpactDrug Sell Price ImprovementTrade Price ImprovementNegotiation AbilitySuppression Power Content added by the Ideology DLCConversion Power Content added by the Ideology DLCSlave Suppression Fall Rate Content added by the Ideology DLCAnimal Products Price Improvement Content added by the Ideology DLC
Pawn - Misc
Biosculpter Occupant Speed Content added by the Ideology DLCGrowth Vat Occupant Speed Content added by the Biotech DLC
Pawn - Work
Cleaning Speed MultiplierButchery SpeedMechanoid Shredding SpeedHunting StealthResearch SpeedSmelting SpeedSmoothing SpeedAnimal Gather SpeedAnimal Gather YieldDrug Cooking SpeedDrug Synthesis SpeedButchery EfficiencyMechanoid Shredding EfficiencyCooking SpeedFood Poison Chance (Chance to poison a meal)Plant Work SpeedPlant Harvest YieldDrug Crop Harvest YieldReading SpeedRepair Success ChanceConstruct Success ChanceConstruction SpeedMedical Tend SpeedMedical Tend QualityMedical Operation SpeedMedical Surgery Success ChanceMining SpeedDeep Drilling SpeedMining YieldGeneral Labor SpeedGlobal Work SpeedHacking Speed Content added by the Ideology DLCPruning Speed Content added by the Ideology DLCActivity Suppression Speed Content added by the Anomaly DLCStudy Efficiency Content added by the Anomaly DLCEntity Study Rate Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Psychic Ritual Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Psychic Ritual QualityPsychic Ritual Quality Offset
Containment Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Cold Containment BonusContainment StrengthMinimum Containment Strength
Bed Hunger Rate Multiplier

Stats Ask Query[edit]

Basics - Important
Basics - Non Pawn Important
Animals Learning FactorBeautyCancer Rate Factor Content added by the Biotech DLCCaravan Riding SpeedCarrying CapacityCrawl SpeedDeterioration RateEating SpeedFertility Content added by the Biotech DLCFilth RateFlammabilityForaged Food AmountGlobal Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLCGlobal Learning FactorHemogen Gain Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLCHonor ValueIdeoligion Spread Chance Content added by the Ideology DLCImmunity Gain SpeedInjury Healing FactorLearning Rate FactorLeather AmountLifespan FactorMarket ValueMassMax Hit PointsMax Install Count Content added by the Biotech DLCMax NutritionMaximum Comfortable TemperatureMeat AmountMedical PotencyMedical Tend Quality MaximumMeditation Psyfocus GainMental Break ThresholdMinimum Comfortable TemperatureMinimum Handling SkillMove SpeedNeural Heat LimitNeural Heat Limit OffsetNeural Heat Recovery RateNeural Heat Recovery Rate OffsetOutdoor BeautyPain Shock ThresholdPsychic SensitivityPsychic Sensitivity FactorPsychic Sensitivity OffsetRaw Nutrition Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLCRecreation Fall RateRest Rate MultiplierSell Price MultiplierSlave Suppression Offset Content added by the Ideology DLCSleep Fall RateStyle Dominance Content added by the Ideology DLCTerror (Source) Content added by the Ideology DLCToxic Environment ResistanceToxic ResistanceWork To Make
Basics - Pawn
Animals Learning FactorCancer Rate Factor Content added by the Biotech DLCCaravan Riding SpeedCarrying CapacityCrawl SpeedEating SpeedFertility Content added by the Biotech DLCFilth RateForaged Food AmountGlobal Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLCGlobal Learning FactorHemogen Gain Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLCIdeoligion Spread Chance Content added by the Ideology DLCImmunity Gain SpeedInjury Healing FactorLearning Rate FactorLeather AmountLifespan FactorMax NutritionMaximum Comfortable TemperatureMeat AmountMeditation Psyfocus GainMental Break ThresholdMinimum Comfortable TemperatureMinimum Handling SkillMove SpeedNeural Heat LimitNeural Heat Recovery RatePain Shock ThresholdPsychic SensitivityRaw Nutrition Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLCRecreation Fall RateRest Rate MultiplierSleep Fall RateToxic Environment ResistanceToxic Resistance
Basics - Non Pawn
BeautyDeterioration RateOutdoor BeautySell Price MultiplierStyle Dominance Content added by the Ideology DLCWork To Make
Bandwidth Cost Content added by the Biotech DLCControl Taking Time Content added by the Biotech DLCEMP ResistanceRepair Energy Cost Content added by the Biotech DLCWastepacks Per Recharge Content added by the Biotech DLC
Meditation Psyfocus Bonus
Cleaning Time MultiplierFilth Multiplier
Armor - BluntArmor - HeatArmor - SharpInsulation - ColdInsulation - HeatShield Max EnergyShield Recharge Rate
Weapon (Ranged)
Ranged Cooldown
Weapon (Melee)
Door Opening SpeedRecreation PowerRest EffectivenessSurgery Success Chance FactorTrap Spring ChanceWork Efficiency FactorWork Speed Factor
Neural Heat Gain
Stuff Stat Factors (Multipliers when made of this)
Melee Cooldown
Mech Bandwidth Content added by the Biotech DLCMech Control Groups Content added by the Biotech DLCMech Gestation Speed Content added by the Biotech DLCMech Remote Repair Distance Content added by the Biotech DLCMech Remote Shield Distance Content added by the Biotech DLCMech Remote Shield Energy Content added by the Biotech DLCMech Repair Speed Content added by the Biotech DLCMech Work Speed Offset Content added by the Biotech DLCSubcore Encoding Speed Content added by the Biotech DLC
Pawn - Combat
Aiming TimeIncoming Damage MultiplierMelee Armor PenetrationMelee DPSMelee Damage FactorMelee Dodge ChanceMelee Hit ChanceMortar Miss Radius MultiplierRanged Cooldown Multiplier Content added by the Biotech DLCStagger Time Multiplier
Pawn - Social
Animal Products Price Improvement Content added by the Ideology DLCArrest Success ChanceBeauty (Pawn)Bond Chance FactorConversion PowerDrug Sell Price ImprovementNegotiation AbilitySlave Suppression Fall Rate Content added by the Ideology DLCSocial ImpactSuppression PowerTame Animal ChanceTrade Price ImprovementTrain Animal Chance
Pawn - Misc
Biosculpter Occupant Speed Content added by the Ideology DLCGrowth Vat Occupant Speed Content added by the Biotech DLC
Pawn - Work
Activity Suppression Speed Content added by the Anomaly DLCAnimal Gather SpeedAnimal Gather YieldButchery EfficiencyButchery SpeedCleaning Speed MultiplierConstruct Success ChanceConstruction SpeedCooking SpeedDeep Drilling SpeedDrug Cooking SpeedDrug Crop Harvest YieldDrug Synthesis SpeedEntity Study Rate Content added by the Anomaly DLCFood Poison ChanceGeneral Labor SpeedGlobal Work SpeedHacking Speed Content added by the Ideology DLCHunting StealthMechanoid Shredding EfficiencyMechanoid Shredding SpeedMedical Operation SpeedMedical Surgery Success ChanceMedical Tend QualityMedical Tend SpeedMining SpeedMining YieldPlant Harvest YieldPlant Work SpeedPruning Speed Content added by the Ideology DLCReading SpeedRepair Success ChanceResearch SpeedShooting AccuracySmelting SpeedSmoothing SpeedStudy Efficiency Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Psychic Ritual
Psychic Ritual Quality Content added by the Anomaly DLCPsychic Ritual Quality Offset Content added by the Anomaly DLC
Cold Containment Bonus Content added by the Anomaly DLCContainment Strength Content added by the Anomaly DLCMinimum Containment Strength Content added by the Anomaly DLC

Stats Nav[edit]



Merged Stat Subpages[edit]

Label For Full Stat List
Offset Label
Description Category Parameters Complex
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    max hit points
The maximum hit points of an object.

This represents how much damage it can take before being destroyed.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 100%
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Round To Five Over: 200
  • Show Non Abstract: true
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Show On Pawns: false
- 99997
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
The physical mass of an object.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatTwoOrThree
  • Format String: {0} kg
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
  • Show On Unhaulables: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
    • StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
    • StatPart_GearAndInventoryMass
    • StatPart_UnfinishedThingIngredientsMass
    • StatPart_AddedBodyPartsMass
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    market value
The market value of an object.

The actual trade price will be adjusted by negotiation skill, relationship status, and other contextual factors.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MarketValue
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Money
  • Round To Five Over: 200
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
  • Show On Untradeables: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 50%
    • Factor Poor: 75%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 125%
    • Max Gain Good: +500
    • Factor Excellent: 150%
    • Max Gain Excellent: +1000
    • Factor Masterwork: 250%
    • Max Gain Masterwork: +2000
    • Factor Legendary: 500%
    • Max Gain Legendary: +3000
  • StatPart_WornByCorpse
  • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset
  • StatPart_Biocoded
  • StatPart_ReloadMarketValue
  • StatPart_GenesContent added by the Biotech DLC
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Health:
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0.0, 0.0)
          • (0.5, 0.1)
          • (0.6, 0.5)
          • (0.9, 1.0)
    • StatPart_AgeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3,0.5)
          • (13,0.9)
          • (18,1)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    market value ignoring hitpoints
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MarketValue
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Money
  • Round To Five Over: 200
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
  • Show On Untradeables: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Always Hide: true


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 50%
    • Factor Poor: 75%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 125%
    • Max Gain Good: +500
    • Factor Excellent: 150%
    • Max Gain Excellent: +1000
    • Factor Masterwork: 250%
    • Max Gain Masterwork: +2000
    • Factor Legendary: 500%
    • Max Gain Legendary: +3000
  • StatPart_WornByCorpse
  • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset
  • StatPart_Biocoded
  • StatPart_ReloadMarketValue
  • StatPart_GenesContent added by the Biotech DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    sell price multiplier
A multiplier on the price at which you can sell items.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Untradeables: false
- 2509
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    honor value
The amount of honor your trader will earn for giving this to a tribute collector.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatMaxThree
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
- 2508
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
How easily an object catches fire and how quickly a fire will grow as it burns.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 2
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
- 3000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    work to make
The base amount of work it takes to make an item, once all materials are gathered.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: WorkAmount
  • Round To Five Over: 300
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
- 3100
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    deterioration rate
The rate at which this item deteriorates when left outside, in average hit points per day.

Deterioration rate is also affected by things like weather, roofs, toxic fallout, or being left in shallow water.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Format String: {0} / day
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 200%
      • Factor Poor: 150%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 80%
      • Factor Excellent: 60%
      • Factor Masterwork: 30%
      • Factor Legendary: 10%
    • StatPart_EnvironmentalEffects:
      • Factor Offset Unroofed: +50%
      • Factor Offset Outdoors: +50%
      • Protected By Edifice Factor: 0%
    • StatPart_PollutionContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Multiplier: 150%
    • StatPart_NoxiousHazeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Multiplier: 300%
    • StatPart_ToxicFallout:
      • Multiplier: 300%
    • StatPart_NearHarbingerTreeContent added by the Anomaly DLC:
      • Multiplier: 200%
    • StatPart_ShamblerCorpseContent added by the Anomaly DLC:
      • Multiplier: 500%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
How enjoyable an object is to look at.

Beautiful objects fulfill characters' need for beauty.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Round To Five Over: 100
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: −10%
      • Factor Poor: 50%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 200%
      • Factor Excellent: 300%
      • Factor Masterwork: 500%
      • Factor Legendary: 800%
    • StatPart_ContentsBeauty
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    outdoor beauty
How enjoyable something is to look at if it's outside.

Beautiful objects fulfill peoples' need for beauty.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Round To Five Over: 100
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: −10%
      • Factor Poor: 50%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 200%
      • Factor Excellent: 300%
      • Factor Masterwork: 500%
      • Factor Legendary: 800%
    • StatPart_ContentsBeauty
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
How much an object contributes to an area's cleanliness score.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1000
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatOne
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
- 3000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
How comfortable an object is to sit or lay on.

Using comfortable objects fulfills a character's need for comfort.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1000
  • Min Value: -100000%
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Apply Factors If Negative: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 76%
      • Factor Poor: 88%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 112%
      • Factor Excellent: 124%
      • Factor Masterwork: 145%
      • Factor Legendary: 170%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
How nutritious this food is.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
    • StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
    • StatPart_PlantGrowthNutritionFactor
    • StatPart_IsFlesh
    • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    food poison chance
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    food poison chance (food stat)
The chance this food will cause food poisoning.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_MaxChanceIfRotting
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    shooting accuracy
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    shooting accuracy (turrets)
Base chance to not miss per cell of shot distance.

Chance to hit is also affected by many other factors. A hit chance explanation for any shot can be seen by selecting a shooter and mousing over a target.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_ShootingAccuracy
  • Default Base Value: 96%
  • To String Style: PercentOne
  • To String Style Unfinalized: FloatOne
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4000

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    medical potency
How effective this is when used to tend wounds and diseases, or do surgery.

Higher medical potency improves the quality of tending, and acts as a multiplier on the chance of success during surgery.
Medical potency is just one factor in medical outcomes, among many others, including doctor ability, equipment, cleanliness, and luck.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 20%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    medical tend quality maximum
The maximum quality of medical tending that can be achieved while using this.

Better tend quality allows skilled doctors to treat wounds better, as well as more reliably.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4010
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    construction speed
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    construction speed (material factor)
The speed at which buildings made of this are constructed is multiplied by this value.

Some materials, like stone, are slow to build from, while others, like wood, are fast.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Hide At Value: 100%
- 2500
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    meditation psyfocus bonus
The amount of extra psyfocus someone gains by focusing on this object during meditation, in addition to their own base rate of meditation psyfocus gain.

For some objects, this number can change depending on the surroundings and the person doing the meditating.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Format String: {0} / day
  • Format String Unfinalized: {0} / day
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any: RoyaltyContent added by the Royalty DLC
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_PossibleCompOffsets
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show Zero Base Value: true
- 4010
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    psychic sensitivity offset
An offset applied to the user's psychic sensitivity.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • Cacheable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 50%
      • Factor Poor: 66%
      • Factor Normal: 83%
      • Factor Good: 100%
      • Factor Excellent: 116%
      • Factor Masterwork: 132%
      • Factor Legendary: 150%
      • apply To Negative Values: true
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    psychic sensitivity factor
A factor applied to the user's psychic sensitivity.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show On Pawns: false
- 3500
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    neural heat limit offset
An offset applied to the user's neural heat limit.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatOne
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
    • Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    neural heat recovery rate offset
An offset applied to the user's neural heat recovery rate.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Format String: {0}/s
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
    • Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    filth multiplier
How susceptible this surface is to filth. If this is less than 100%, some of the filth deposited here will disappear on contact. This only applies to organic filth.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • To String Style: PercentZero
- -
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    cleaning time multiplier
A multiplier on how long it takes to clean filth from this surface.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0.1%
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • To String Style: PercentZero
- -

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Armor - Material effect multiplier
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Always Hide: true
- 1
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Insulation - Cold - Material effect multiplier
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Always Hide: true
- 2
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Insulation - Heat - Material effect multiplier
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Always Hide: true
- 3
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Armor - Sharp
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Armor - Sharp (armor stat)
The protection given against sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, explosions, and animal bites.

Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value. The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100. - If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly. - If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt. - If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect. For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage. Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.

  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 200%
  • To String Style: PercentOne


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 60%
    • Factor Poor: 80%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 115%
    • Factor Excellent: 130%
    • Factor Masterwork: 145%
    • Factor Legendary: 180%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Stuff:
      • Priority: 100
      • Stuff Power Stat: StuffPower_Armor_Sharp
      • Multiplier Stat: StuffEffectMultiplierArmor
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Armor - Blunt
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Armor - Blunt (armor stat)
The protection given against blunt damage like fists, club impacts and rock falls.

Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value. The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100. - If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly. - If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt. - If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect. For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage. Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.

  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 200%
  • To String Style: PercentOne


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 60%
    • Factor Poor: 80%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 115%
    • Factor Excellent: 130%
    • Factor Masterwork: 145%
    • Factor Legendary: 180%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Stuff:
      • Priority: 100
      • Stuff Power Stat: StuffPower_Armor_Blunt
      • Multiplier Stat: StuffEffectMultiplierArmor
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Armor - Heat
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Armor - Heat (armor stat)
The protection given against temperature-related damage like burns.

Upon taking damage, first this armor rating is reduced by the attack's armor penetration value. The remaining armor rating is then compared against a random number from 0 to 100. - If the random number is under half the armor rating, the damage deflects harmlessly. - If the random number is over half the armor rating, but not higher than the armor rating, the damage is reduced by half and changed to blunt. - If the random number is greater than the armor rating, the armor has no effect. For example, at 90% armor rating against an attack with 10% armor penetration, there is a 40% chance of deflecting the attack harmlessly, and a 40% chance of mitigating the damage. Each layer of armor is applied separately, from the outside in.

  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 200%
  • To String Style: PercentOne


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 60%
    • Factor Poor: 80%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 115%
    • Factor Excellent: 130%
    • Factor Masterwork: 145%
    • Factor Legendary: 180%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Stuff:
      • Priority: 100
      • Stuff Power Stat: StuffPower_Armor_Heat
      • Multiplier Stat: StuffEffectMultiplierArmor
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Insulation - Cold
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Insulation - Cold (armor stat)
How much this apparel improves a wearer's minimum comfortable temperature.

Greater values allow surviving in colder temperatures.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Min Value: -999900%
  • Max Value: 999900%
  • To String Style: TemperatureOffset
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • Cacheable: true


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 150%
    • Factor Legendary: 180%
    • Apply To Negative Values: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Stuff:
      • Priority: 100
      • Stuff Power Stat: StuffPower_Insulation_Cold
      • Multiplier Stat: StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Cold
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Insulation - Heat
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Insulation - Heat (armor stat)
How much this apparel improves a wearer's maximum comfortable temperature.

Greater values allow surviving in warmer temperatures.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Min Value: -999900%
  • Max Value: 999900%
  • To String Style: TemperatureOffset
  • Show On Pawns: false


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 150%
    • Factor Legendary: 180%
    • Apply To Negative Values: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Stuff:
      • Priority: 100
      • Stuff Power Stat: StuffPower_Insulation_Heat
      • Multiplier Stat: StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Heat
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Shield max energy
The maximum energy a shield can have at one time.

More energy absorbs more damage.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 60%
      • Factor Poor: 80%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 120%
      • Factor Excellent: 140%
      • Factor Masterwork: 170%
      • Factor Legendary: 210%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Shield recharge rate
The rate at which a shield gains energy as long as it is not broken.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Default Base Value: 45%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Format String: {0}/s
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 90%
      • Factor Poor: 95%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 105%
      • Factor Excellent: 110%
      • Factor Masterwork: 120%
      • Factor Legendary: 130%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Effect radius
The area affected when this pack detonates.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatOne
  • Format String: {0} c
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 84%
      • Factor Poor: 92%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 108%
      • Factor Excellent: 116%
      • Factor Masterwork: 130%
      • Factor Legendary: 150%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    equip delay
The time it takes to equip and unequip this item.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatMaxOne
  • Format String: {0} s
  • Show On Pawns: false
- 50

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Accuracy (close)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 3 cells or less.

An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (ranged)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 135%
    • Factor Legendary: 150%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Accuracy (short)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 12 cells.

An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (ranged)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 135%
    • Factor Legendary: 150%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Accuracy (medium)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 25 cells.

An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (ranged)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 135%
    • Factor Legendary: 150%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Accuracy (long)
The weapon's accuracy at a distance of 40 cells or more.

An actual shot's chance to hit will also be affected by other factors.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (ranged)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false


  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 135%
    • Factor Legendary: 150%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    ranged cooldown
How long it takes to recover after firing this weapon.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (ranged)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Format String: {0} s
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
- 5106
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    damage multiplier
A damage multiplier applied to projectiles fired from this weapon.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (ranged)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 90%
      • Factor Poor: 100%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 100%
      • Factor Excellent: 100%
      • Factor Masterwork: 125%
      • Factor Legendary: 150%

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee damage per second
Average damage dealt per second in melee combat, if all attacks hit.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (melee)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MeleeAverageDPS
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • For Information Only: true
- 5010
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee armor penetration
Average armor penetration in melee combat.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (melee)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MeleeAverageArmorPenetration
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • For Information Only: true
- 5009
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee damage multiplier
A damage multiplier applied to melee combat.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Weapon (melee)
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 80%
      • Factor Poor: 90%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 110%
      • Factor Excellent: 120%
      • Factor Masterwork: 145%
      • Factor Legendary: 165%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee cooldown
A multiplier on attack delay for weapons made of this material.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 5%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4504
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    sharp damage
A multiplier on damage from sharp-type attacks for weapons made of this material.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 5%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4505
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    blunt damage
A multiplier on damage from blunt-type attacks for weapons made of this material.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 5%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4506

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    work to build
The base amount of work it takes to build a structure, once all materials are gathered.

The work required to deconstruct the structure is also based on this.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: WorkAmount
  • Round To Five Over: 300
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
- 3101
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    door opening speed
The speed at which the door opens when unpowered.

Slow doors will slow down everyone who uses them.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 20%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
- 3102
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    rest effectiveness
How fast people sleeping on this gain rest.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 40%
  • Value If Missing: 0.8
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 86%
      • Factor Poor: 92%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 108%
      • Factor Excellent: 114%
      • Factor Masterwork: 125%
      • Factor Legendary: 160%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    trap melee damage
How much damage this trap does on average per hit. Each trap hits multiple times.

The actual damage in any instance will vary randomly.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MeleeDamageAmountTrap
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 100%
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 5001
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    trap spring chance
The likelihood that the trap will spring when an unaware creature passes over it.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 5000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    research speed factor
The speed at which people do research is multiplied by this value.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 25%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Outdoors:
      • Factor Indoors: 100%
      • Factor Outdoors: 75%
    • StatPart_WorkTableTemperature
    • StatPart_RoomStat:
    • StatPart_RoomStat:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    medical tend quality offset
Medical tend quality is offset by this value.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Hide At Value: 0%
- 2000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    immunity gain speed factor
Immunity gain speed is multiplied by this value.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 50%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Hide At Value: 100%
- 4000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    max power output
The maximum power that this generator can output in ideal conditions.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MaxPowerOutput
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Show On Non Power Plants: false
- 1000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    work speed factor
Work speed is multiplied by this value.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Non Work Tables: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_WorkTableUnpowered
    • StatPart_WorkTableTemperature
    • StatPart_WorkTableOutdoors
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    work efficiency factor
Work efficiency is multiplied by this value.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Non Work Tables: false
  • Hide At Value: 100%
- 3000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    recreation power
How effectively this item entertains people and fulfills the need for recreation.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 30%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 76%
      • Factor Poor: 88%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 112%
      • Factor Excellent: 124%
      • Factor Masterwork: 140%
      • Factor Legendary: 180%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    surgery success chance factor
A multiplier to the chance that a surgery will succeed when performed here.

Surgery success chances are also affected by many other factors, including the surgeon's ability and medicine used.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_SurgerySuccessChanceFactor
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
      • Ignore If Incapable Of Sight: true
      • Ignore If Prefers Darkness: true
    • StatPart_Outdoors:
      • Factor Indoors: 100%
      • Factor Outdoors: 85%
    • StatPart_Quality:
      • Factor Awful: 90%
      • Factor Poor: 95%
      • Factor Normal: 100%
      • Factor Good: 105%
      • Factor Excellent: 110%
      • Factor Masterwork: 115%
      • Factor Legendary: 130%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    reading bonus
Provides a bonus to research speed, XP gained from reading, and recreation gained from reading in the same room as the bookcase. This is increased by placing more and higher quality books in the bookcase.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_RoomReadingBonus
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_RoomStat:

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    casting time
How long it takes to perform this ability.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Format String: {0} s
  • To String Style: FloatOne
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    neural heat gain
How much neural heat will be added as a result of performing this ability.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 500%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    psyfocus cost
How much psyfocus must be spent to perform this ability.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_PsyfocusCost
  • To String Style: PercentOne
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
The maximum distance to a target of this ability, or to the center of the target location.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 2500%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 1001
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
How long the effects of this ability last.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Format String: {0} s
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 999
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    effect radius
The radius of the area of effect of this ability.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 998
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    goodwill impact
How casting this ability on someone will impact relations with their faction.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 997
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    detection chance
The likelihood of this psychic power being detected when it is used.

Some factions try to enforce laws which restrict some powers to those holding specific titles. When you use a power, there is a chance that the psychic signature will be detected at a distance, which leads to diplomatic consequences.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Armor - Sharp
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Armor - Sharp (material factor)
Armor against sharp damage like bullets, knife stabs, and animal bites.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4510
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Armor - Blunt
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Armor - Blunt (material factor)
Armor against blunt damage like club impacts, rock falls, and explosions.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4509
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Armor - Heat
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Armor - Heat (material factor)
Armor against temperature-related damage like burns.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4508
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Insulation - Cold
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Insulation - Cold (material factor)
How much an apparel made of this material improves a wearer's minimum comfortable temperature when worn.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: TemperatureOffset
- 4507
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Insulation - Heat
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Insulation - Heat (material factor)
How much an apparel made of this material improves a wearer's maximum comfortable temperature when worn.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Multipliers when made of this
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: TemperatureOffset
- 4506

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee DPS
Average damage per second in melee combat.

This stat ignores target defenses like dodging and armor.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MeleeDPS
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • For Information Only: true
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
- 5100
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee damage factor
A multiplier on the amount of melee damage inflicted by this person.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0.01%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_ShamblerCrawlingContent added by the Anomaly DLC:
      • Factor: 75%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee cooldown
A multiplier on the time this creature takes to recover after making a melee attack.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 5%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 5201
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee armor penetration
Average armor penetration of all attacks in melee combat.

This stat includes currently used weapon.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MeleeArmorPenetration
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • For Information Only: true
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
- 4100
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee hit chance
Chance to hit a target in melee.

The target can still dodge even if we would've hit.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • To String Style Unfinalized: FloatOne
  • Finalize Equipped Stat Offset: false
  • No Skill Offset: 4
  • Skill Need Offsets:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Melee
      • Base Value: 0
      • Bonus Per Level: +1
  • Capacity Offsets:
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (-20, 0.05)
      • (-10, 0.10)
      • (0.0, 0.50)
      • (10, 0.80)
      • (20, 0.90)
      • (40, 0.96)
      • (60, 0.98)
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_AgeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (4,0.05)
          • (12,0.8)
          • (13,1)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    melee dodge chance
Chance to dodge a melee attack that would've otherwise hit.

Characters will not dodge while aiming or firing a ranged weapon.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • To String Style Unfinalized: FloatOne
  • No Skill Offset: 0
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
  • Skill Need Offsets:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Melee
      • Base Value: 0
      • Bonus Per Level: +1
  • Capacity Offsets:
    • Capacity: Moving
      • Scale: 18
    • Capacity: Sight
      • Scale: 8
      • Max: 140%
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (5, 0)
      • (20, 0.30)
      • (60, 0.50)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    ranged cooldown multiplier
A multiplier on the cooldown between bursts when using a ranged weapon.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
- 1205
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    shooting accuracy
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    shooting accuracy (people)
Base chance to not miss per cell of shot distance.

Chance to hit is also affected by many other factors.

A hit chance explanation for any shot can be seen by selecting a shooter and mousing over a target.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_ShootingAccuracy
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentOne
  • To String Style Unfinalized: FloatOne
  • Finalize Equipped Stat Offset: false
  • No Skill Offset: 8
  • Skill Need Offsets:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Shooting
      • Base Value: 0
      • Bonus Per Level: +1
  • Capacity Offsets:
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (-20, 0.70)
      • (-10, 0.80)
      • (-6, 0.83)
      • (-4, 0.85)
      • (-2, 0.87)
      • (0, 0.89)
      • (2, 0.93)
      • (4, 0.94)
      • (6, 0.95)
      • (8, 0.96)
      • (10, 0.97)
      • (12, 0.975)
      • (14, 0.98)
      • (16, 0.98333)
      • (18, 0.98666)
      • (20, 0.99)
      • (22, 0.9925)
      • (26, 0.995)
      • (30, 0.9965)
      • (40, 0.998)
      • (60, 0.999)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    accuracy factor (close)
A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 3 cells or less.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
- 4049
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    accuracy factor (short)
A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 12 cells.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
- 4048
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    accuracy factor (medium)
A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 25 cells.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
- 4047
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    accuracy factor (long)
A multiplier on accuracy at a distance of 40 cells or more.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
- 4046
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    aiming time
How long it takes to shoot after choosing a target.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_AgeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (4,1.8)
          • (12,1.1)
          • (13,1)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Mortar miss radius multiplier
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    Mortar miss radius multiplier
A multiplier on the miss radius of a mortar used by this person. Smaller numbers means more accurate mortar shells.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • To String Style Unfinalized: FloatOne
  • Finalize Equipped Stat Offset: false
  • No Skill Offset: 0
  • Skill Need Offsets:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Shooting
      • Base Value: 20%
      • Bonus Per Level: +-2.5%
  • Capacity Offsets:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    trap spring chance
Chance to spring a trap the character is unaware of.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 4047
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    incoming damage multiplier
A multiplier on all incoming damage.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
- 4048
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    stagger time multiplier
A multiplier on the duration of the stagger-slowdown that occurs when damage is taken.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
- 1200

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    negotiation ability
How effective this person is as a negotiator.

This affects the speed of prisoner recruitment, impact on faction relations when giving gifts, and the outcome of peace talks.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 40%
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Social
      • Base Value: 40%
      • Bonus Per Level: +7.5%
  • Capacity Factors:
    • Capacity: Talking
      • Weight: 90%
      • Allowed Defect: 5%
      • Max: 100%
    • Capacity: Hearing
      • Weight: 90%
      • Allowed Defect: 20%
      • Max: 100%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
How physically attractive this person is. This affects social interactions.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatOne
- 2000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    Arrest success chance
How effective this person is in arresting people. This affects chance that this person will be able to arrest someone without resistance.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 60%
  • Max Value: 1
  • Value If Missing: 0.4
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Social
      • Base Value: 60%
      • Bonus Per Level: +7.5%
  • Capacity Factors:
    • Capacity: Manipulation
      • Weight: 90%
      • Allowed Defect: 5%
      • Max: 100%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_AgeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3, 0.05)
          • (13, 0.8)
          • (18, 1)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    trade price improvement
When this person acts as a trade negotiator, buy and sell prices are improved by this percentage.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 0.395
  • Display Max When Above Or Equal: true
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Social
      • Base Value: 0%
      • Bonus Per Level: +1.5%
  • Capacity Factors:
    • Capacity: Talking
      • Weight: 90%
      • Allowed Defect: 5%
      • Max: 100%
    • Capacity: Hearing
      • Weight: 90%
      • Allowed Defect: 20%
      • Max: 100%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_PlayerFactionLeader:
      • Offset: +2%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    drug sell price improvement
When this person sells non-medical drugs, prices are improved by this percentage.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Disable If Skill Disabled: Social
- 2560
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    social impact
A multiplier on how much other people are affected by this person's social interactions.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 20%
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Social
      • Base Value: 82%
      • Bonus Per Level: +2.75%
  • Capacity Factors:
    • Capacity: Talking
      • Weight: 90%
      • Allowed Defect: 5%
      • Max: 100%
    • Capacity: Hearing
      • Weight: 30%
      • Allowed Defect: 5%
      • Max: 100%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    tame animal chance
The base chance this person will successfully tame an animal on any given attempt.

The actual chance is also affected by the animal's wildness.
Failed tame attempt can induce animal attacks, especially for more vicious animals.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Animals
      • Base Value: 4%
      • Bonus Per Level: +3%
  • Capacity Factors:
    • Capacity: Talking
      • Weight: 90%
      • Allowed Defect: 20%
      • Max: 100%
    • Capacity: Hearing
      • Weight: 30%
      • Allowed Defect: 5%
      • Max: 100%
    • Capacity: Manipulation
      • Weight: 50%
      • Allowed Defect: 20%
      • Max: 100%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    train animal chance
The base chance this person will make progress training an animal on a given attempt.

The actual chance for a given attempt will also depend on the animal's wildness, whether it is bonded with the trainer, and so on.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Animals
      • Base Value: 10%
      • Bonus Per Level: +5%
  • Capacity Factors:
    • Capacity: Talking
      • Weight: 70%
      • Allowed Defect: 20%
      • Max: 100%
    • Capacity: Hearing
      • Weight: 30%
      • Allowed Defect: 5%
      • Max: 100%
    • Capacity: Manipulation
      • Weight: 50%
      • Allowed Defect: 20%
      • Max: 100%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    bond chance factor
A multiplier on the chance to bond with an animal when interacting with it.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
- 1890

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    move speed
Speed of movement in cells per second.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 3.0
  • Min Value: 0.15
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Format String: {0} c/s
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Glow:
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Factor From Glow Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0,0.80)
          • (0.30,1.00)
      • Ignore If Incapable Of Sight: true
      • Ignore If Prefers Darkness: true
    • StatPart_RevenantSpeed Content added by the Anomaly DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    crawl speed
Speed of crawling in cells per second.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0.6
  • Min Value: 0
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Format String: {0} c/s
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mental break threshold
As long as someone's mood is below this level, they are in danger of having a mental break.

The severity of the mental break will depend on how far below the threshold they are.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 35%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 0.50
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
- 2000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    psychic sensitivity
More sensitive people suffer more from negative psychic effects, and benefit more from positive ones. Higher psychic sensitivity also increases neural heat limit.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Cacheable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_GearStatOffset:
      • Apparel Stat: PsychicSensitivityOffset
      • Include Weapon: true
    • StatPart_GearStatFactor:
      • Apparel Stat: PsychicSensitivityFactor
      • Include Weapon: true
    • StatPart_SightPsychicSensitivityOffset
    • StatPart_BlindPsychicSensitivityOffset Content added by the Ideology DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    toxic resistance
How well this creature resists toxic buildup.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1
  • To String Style: PercentZero
- 3451
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    global learning factor
A multiplier on the learning rate for all skills.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
- 3500
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    bed hunger rate multiplier
- -
  • Always Hide: true
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 100%
- -
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    rest rate multiplier
A multiplier on how quickly a creature rests while sleeping.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 5%
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    eating speed
A multiplier on eating speed.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 15%
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    min comfortable temperature
Below this temperature, characters will be unhappy.

Significantly below this temperature, they will develop hypothermia and frostbite and eventually die.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Temperature
  • Min Value: -200000%
  • Max Value: 2000
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Cacheable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_GearStatOffset:
      • Apparel Stat: Insulation_Cold
      • Subtract: true
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    max comfortable temperature
Above this temperature, characters will be unhappy.

Significantly above this temperature, they will develop heatstroke and eventually die.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 4000%
  • To String Style: Temperature
  • Min Value: -200000%
  • Max Value: 2000
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Cacheable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_GearStatOffset:
      • Apparel Stat: Insulation_Heat
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    immunity gain speed
The speed at which this character gains immunity to diseases.

If this is too slow, the character will die from a disease before developing immunity.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Food:
      • Factor Urgently Hungry: 90%
      • Factor Starving: 70%
    • StatPart_Rest:
      • Factor Tired: 96%
      • Factor Very Tired: 92%
      • Factor Exhausted: 80%
    • StatPart_BedStat:
    • StatPart_Resting:
      • Factor: 110%
    • StatPart_Age:
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0.65,1)
          • (0.8,0.95)
          • (1.0,0.9)
          • (1.2,0.8)
          • (1.5,0.5)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    injury healing factor
The multiplier applied to a person's injury healing rate.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_DeathrestingContent added by the Biotech DLC
      • Factor: 500%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    carrying capacity
The amount of stuff this creature can carry in its hands, mouth, or other manipulators.

This is separate from the ability to carry cargo on long cross-world trips.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Default Base Value: 7500%
  • Min Value: 100%
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    meat amount
The amount of meat yielded when butchering this creature. This value is reduced if the creature is not slaughtered cleanly, or if it is wounded when killed.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MeatAmount
  • Default Base Value: 14000%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
    • StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
    • StatPart_NotCarefullySlaughtered:
      • Factor: 66%
    • StatPart_Difficulty_ButcherYield
    • StatPart_Malnutrition:
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0, 1)
          • (1, 0.4)
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0,0)
      • (5,14)
      • (40,40)
      • (100000,100000)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    leather amount
The amount of leather yielded when butchering this creature. This value is reduced if the creature is not slaughtered cleanly, or if it is wounded when killed.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_LeatherAmount
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
    • StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
    • StatPart_NotCarefullySlaughtered:
      • Factor: 66%
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0,0)
      • (5,14)
      • (40,40)
      • (100000,100000)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    minimum handling skill
This creature cannot be tamed, trained, or commanded by anyone with less than this skill in animals.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MinimumHandlingSkill
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Round Value: true
  • To String Style: Integer
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Show On Non Wild Man Humanlikes: false
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_WildManOffset:
      • Offset: +7
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    pain shock threshold
The pain level at which this creature is downed from pain.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 0.99
  • Default Base Value: 80%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
- 2000
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    foraged food amount
The amount of nutrition this person will automatically forage per day while traveling by caravan.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatMaxTwo
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Skill Need Offsets:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Plants
      • Base Value: 0%
      • Bonus Per Level: +9%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    filth rate
How much filth this creature produces.

It's best to keep filth-producing animals outdoors or on straw matting where their filth won't be a problem.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatOne
- 2205
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    animals learning factor
A multiplier on the learning rate for animals skill.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
- 3500
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    caravan riding speed
The multiplier applied to a person's movement speed when they ride this animal as part of a caravan. Animals can only be ridden in caravans.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_CaravanRidingSpeedFactor
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Min Value: 100%
- 2203
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    max nutrition
The amount of nutrition needed to completely fill this creature's stomach.
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: FloatMaxTwo
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Cacheable: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_BodySize
    • StatPart_LifeStageMaxFood
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    lifespan factor
Lifespan factor alters the effective lifespan of a creature by shortening or lengthening the time until they develop age-related diseases. A lifespan factor over 100% delays disease onset and increases overall lifespan, while a lifespan factor under 100% speeds up disease onset and reduces lifespan.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
- 2000
  • Def Name:
    MeditationFocusGainContent added by the Royalty DLC,Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Label:
    meditation psyfocus gain
The amount of psyfocus a person gains per day of meditation, ignoring bonuses from focus objects.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Format String: {0} / day
  • Format String Unfinalized: {0} / day
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any: RoyaltyContent added by the Royalty DLC
  • Default Base Value: 50%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show On Entities: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any:
    • Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    neural heat limit
The maximum amount of neural heat individual can tolerate safely.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 3000%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • To String Style: FloatOne
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • Show If Hediffs Present:
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
    • Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Stat Factors:
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_GearStatOffsetContent added by the Royalty DLC,Content added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Apparel Stat: PsychicEntropyMaxOffset
      • Include Weapon: true
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    neural heat recovery rate
The rate at which this person reduces neural heat.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Min Value: 0
  • Hide At Value: 0
  • Default Base Value: 0.54
  • To String Style: FloatTwo
  • Format String: {0}/s
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show If Mods Loaded:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
  • Show If Hediffs Present:
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any:
    • Royalty Content added by the Royalty DLC
    • Biotech Content added by the Biotech DLC
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Pain:
      • Factor: 300%
    • StatPart_GearStatOffsetContent added by the Royalty DLC,Content added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Apparel Stat: PsychicEntropyRecoveryRateOffset
      • Include Weapon: true
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    toxic environment resistance
How resistant this creature is to the effects of environmental toxins. This protects against toxic fallout and rot stink exposure, but not against direct attacks with venom or injected poison.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1
- 3450
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    sleep fall rate
A multiplier on the speed that a person's sleep need falls.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0.01%
  • Show On Animals: false
- -
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    EMP resistance
This mechanoid has special shielding and shock-dissipation filaments that reduce the effect of EMP damage by this percentage. This reduces the duration of stuns caused by EMP.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • May Require Any Of:
    • BiotechContent added by the Biotech DLC
    • AnomalyContent added by the Anomaly DLC
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Humanlikes: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: true
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
- 2030
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    recreation fall rate
A multiplier on the speed that a person's recreation need falls.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0.01%
  • Show On Animals: false
- -

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    global work speed
A multiplier on a character's speed at doing any kind of work.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 30%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Show On Player Mechanoids: true
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Glow:
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Factor From Glow Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0,0.80)
          • (0.30,1.00)
      • Ignore If Incapable Of Sight: true
      • Ignore If Prefers Darkness: true
    • StatPart_SlaveContent added by the Ideology DLC:
      • Factor: 85%
    • StatPart_OverseerStatOffsetContent added by the Biotech DLC:
    • StatPart_AgeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (4,0.2)
          • (12,0.8)
          • (18,1)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mining speed
A speed at which this person mines away walls.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Mining
      • Base Value: 4%
      • Bonus Per Level: +12%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    deep drilling speed
A speed at which this person uses a deep drill to extract underground resources.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Mining
      • Base Value: 4%
      • Bonus Per Level: +12%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mining yield
The percentage of mined resources a miner will produce.

This applies to both wall mining and deep drill mining.
This doesn't affect the production rate of rock chunks from deep drills.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1.25
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_Direct:
      • Skill: Mining
      • Values Per Level:
        • 0.6
        • 0.7
        • 0.8
        • 0.85
        • 0.9
        • 0.925
        • 0.95
        • 0.975
        • 1
        • 1.01
        • 1.02
        • 1.03
        • 1.04
        • 1.05
        • 1.06
        • 1.07
        • 1.08
        • 1.09
        • 1.10
        • 1.12
        • 1.13
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    smoothing speed
A multiplier on the speed at which this person smooths rough stone floors and walls.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    research speed
How fast this person performs research and how quickly they can find things using scanning equipment.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Min Value: 10%

  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    animal gather speed
The speed at which this person milks, shears, and otherwise gathers resources from animals.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Animals
      • Base Value: 4%
      • Bonus Per Level: +12%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    animal gather yield
The percentage yield someone receives when they shear, milk, or otherwise gather resources from a living animal.

Higher percentages reduce the chance of wasting the product.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_Direct:
      • Skill: Animals
      • Values Per Level:
        • 0.6
        • 0.7
        • 0.75
        • 0.8
        • 0.85
        • 0.90
        • 0.95
        • 0.975
        • 1
        • 1.01
        • 1.02
        • 1.03
        • 1.04
        • 1.05
        • 1.06
        • 1.07
        • 1.08
        • 1.09
        • 1.10
        • 1.12
        • 1.13
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    plant work speed
The speed at which this person sows and harvests plants.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Plants
      • Base Value: 8%
      • Bonus Per Level: +11.5%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    plant harvest yield
The yield this person gets when harvesting plants.

Low yields give a chance that this person will accidentally waste the harvest.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1.5
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_Direct:
      • Skill: Plants
      • Values Per Level:
        • 0.6
        • 0.7
        • 0.75
        • 0.8
        • 0.85
        • 0.90
        • 0.95
        • 0.975
        • 1
        • 1.01
        • 1.02
        • 1.03
        • 1.04
        • 1.05
        • 1.06
        • 1.07
        • 1.08
        • 1.09
        • 1.10
        • 1.12
        • 1.13
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    drug crop harvest yield
The yield this person gets when harvesting drug crops.

Low yields give a chance that this person will accidentally waste the harvest. High yields increase the yield from each plant.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1.5
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    hunting stealth
This stat reduces the chance of hunted animals attacking the hunter.

A 0% score means no reduction.
A 100% score means animals never attack.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Shooting
      • Base Value: 0%
      • Bonus Per Level: +5%
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Animals
      • Base Value: 0%
      • Bonus Per Level: +5%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0.0, 0.0)
      • (0.1, 0.5)
      • (0.2, 0.75)
      • (0.5, 0.80)
      • (1.0, 0.90)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    construction speed
The speed at which this person constructs and repairs buildings.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    construct success chance
The chance that this person will succeed in constructing something.
Failing means wasting time and resources.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_Direct:
      • Skill: Construction
      • Values Per Level:
        • 0.75
        • 0.80
        • 0.85
        • 0.875
        • 0.90
        • 0.925
        • 0.95
        • 0.975
        • 1
        • 1.01
        • 1.02
        • 1.03
        • 1.04
        • 1.05
        • 1.06
        • 1.07
        • 1.08
        • 1.09
        • 1.10
        • 1.12
        • 1.13
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    repair success chance
The chance that this person will successfully repair a broken down building using a component.

Failing means wasting time and resources.
Note that this only applies to repairing breakdowns, which is different from repairing damage.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 1
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_Direct:
      • Skill: Construction
      • Values Per Level:
        • 0.75
        • 0.80
        • 0.85
        • 0.875
        • 0.90
        • 0.925
        • 0.95
        • 0.975
        • 1
        • 1.01
        • 1.02
        • 1.03
        • 1.04
        • 1.05
        • 1.06
        • 1.07
        • 1.08
        • 1.09
        • 1.10
        • 1.12
        • 1.13
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    cleaning speed multiplier
A multiplier on how fast this cleans up filth from the ground.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
  • Show On Player Mechanoids: true
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    reading speed
A multiplier on how fast this person can read.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
  • Default Base Value: 80%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Intellectual
      • Base Value: 100%
      • Required: false
      • Bonus Per Level: +2%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Parts:
    • StatPart_AgeContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3,0.05)
          • (13,1)

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    medical tend speed
Speed at which the character tends to wounds and illnesses.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Medicine
      • Base Value: 40%
      • Bonus Per Level: +6%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    medical tend quality
The base quality of tending given when tending wounds and illnesses.

The actual tend quality will also be affected by factors like medicine used, facilities, luck, and so on.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Never Disabled: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Medicine
      • Base Value: 20%
      • Bonus Per Level: +10%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0, 0)
      • (1.0, 1.0)
      • (2.0, 1.5)
      • (4.0, 2.0)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    medical operation speed
The speed at which the character performs medical operations.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Medicine
      • Base Value: 40%
      • Bonus Per Level: +6%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    medical surgery success chance
The base chance that a character will succeed when performing a medical operation.

The actual success chance is also affected by factors like facilities, room cleanliness, medicine used, the difficulty of the surgery, and inspirations.

No matter how high this stat is, there is always a small chance of failure on any operation.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_Direct:
      • Skill: Medicine
      • Values Per Level:
        • 0.10
        • 0.20
        • 0.30
        • 0.40
        • 0.50
        • 0.60
        • 0.70
        • 0.75
        • 0.80
        • 0.85
        • 0.90
        • 0.92
        • 0.94
        • 0.96
        • 0.98
        • 1.00
        • 1.02
        • 1.04
        • 1.06
        • 1.08
        • 1.10
  • Capacity Factors:

  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    smelting speed
The speed at which this person smelts things.

Since smelting is dumb labor, smelting speed is not affected by any skill.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    general labor speed
The speed at which this person carries out general labor like making stone blocks, making chemfuel at a refinery, burning items, tailoring clothes, creating art, smithing armor and weapons or smelting slag. This stat applies both to activities that involve no skill, as well as those where the skill affects the quality of the product instead of the speed of production.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    drug synthesis speed
How fast this character synthesizes complex chemical drugs.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Supress Disabled Error: true
  • Disable If Skill Disabled: Crafting
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Intellectual
      • Base Value: 30%
      • Bonus Per Level: +8.75%
      • Required: false
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    cooking speed
The speed at which this person cooks meals.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • No Skill Offset: 20
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • To String Style Unfinalized: FloatOne
  • Post Process Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Offsets:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Cooking
      • Base Value: 0
      • Bonus Per Level: +1
  • Capacity Offsets:
  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (-20, 0.01)
      • (0, 0.4)
      • (20, 1.6)
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    food poison chance
  • Label For Full Stat List:
    food poison chance (chance to poison a meal)
The probability that this character will inadvertently poison a meal they cook.

Anyone who eats a food-poisoned meal will be temporarily debilitated with pain, weakness, and vomiting.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentTwo
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_Direct:
      • Skill: Cooking
      • Values Per Level:
        • 0.050
        • 0.040
        • 0.030
        • 0.020
        • 0.015
        • 0.010
        • 0.005
        • 0.0025
        • 0.0015
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
        • 0.001
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    drug cooking speed
The speed at which this person brews beer and tea, or makes simple drug products like smokeleaf joints.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Supress Disabled Error: true
  • Stat Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Cooking
      • Base Value: 40%
      • Bonus Per Level: +6%
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    butchery speed
The speed at which this person butchers flesh creatures.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Stat Factors:
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Cooking
      • Base Value: 40%
      • Bonus Per Level: +6%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mechanoid shredding speed
The speed at which this person can shred a mechanoid for resources.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Stat Factors:
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Crafting
      • Base Value: 40%
      • Bonus Per Level: +6%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    butchery efficiency
The amount of meat produced when butchering flesh creatures.

The actual amount is also related to the creature's size.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 150%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Cooking
      • Base Value: 75%
      • Bonus Per Level: +2.5%
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
    mechanoid shredding efficiency
The amount of materials yielded when this person shreds a dead mechanoid for resources.

The actual amount is also related to the mechanoid's size.
  • Display Order:
  • Def Name:
  • Label:
  • Display All By Default:
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 150%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Capacity Factors:
  • Skill Need Factors:
    • SkillNeed_BaseBonus:
      • Skill: Crafting
      • Base Value: 75%
      • Bonus Per Level: +2.5%

Stat Graphs[edit]

Cooking Speed[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (-20, 0.01)
      • (0, 0.4)
      • (20, 1.6)

Market Value[edit]

Item Hit Points[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Health:
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0.0, 0.0)
          • (0.5, 0.1)
          • (0.6, 0.5)
          • (0.9, 1.0)

Pawn Age[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Age: Content added by the Biotech DLC
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3,0.5)
          • (13,0.9)
          • (18,1)

Surgery Success Chance Factor[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Glow:
      • Factor From Glow Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0,0.75)
          • (0.50,1.00)

Melee Hit Chance[edit]

Post Process Curve[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (-20, 0.05)
      • (-10, 0.10)
      • (0.0, 0.50)
      • (10, 0.80)
      • (20, 0.90)
      • (40, 0.96)
      • (60, 0.98)

Pawn Age[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Age: Content added by the Biotech DLC
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (4,0.05)
          • (12,0.8)
          • (13,1)

Melee Dodge Chance[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (5, 0)
      • (20, 0.30)
      • (60, 0.50)

Shooting Accuracy[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (-20, 0.70)
      • (-10, 0.80)
      • (-6, 0.83)
      • (-4, 0.85)
      • (-2, 0.87)
      • (0, 0.89)
      • (2, 0.93)
      • (4, 0.94)
      • (6, 0.95)
      • (8, 0.96)
      • (10, 0.97)
      • (12, 0.975)
      • (14, 0.98)
      • (16, 0.98333)
      • (18, 0.98666)
      • (20, 0.99)
      • (22, 0.9925)
      • (26, 0.995)
      • (30, 0.9965)
      • (40, 0.998)
      • (60, 0.999)

Aiming Time[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Age: Content added by the Biotech DLC
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (4,1.8)
          • (12,1.1)
          • (13,1)

Move Speed[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Glow:
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Factor From Glow Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0,0.80)
          • (0.30,1.00)

Immunity Gain Speed[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Age:
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0.65,1)
          • (0.8,0.95)
          • (1.0,0.9)
          • (1.2,0.8)
          • (1.5,0.5)

Meat Amount[edit]


  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Malnutrition:
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0, 1)
          • (1, 0.4)

Post Process Curve[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0,0)
      • (5,14)
      • (40,40)
      • (100000,100000)

Leather Amount[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0,0)
      • (5,14)
      • (40,40)
      • (100000,100000)

Arrest Success Chance[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Age: Content added by the Biotech DLC
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3, 0.05)
          • (13, 0.8)
          • (18, 1)

Global Work Speed[edit]

Light Level[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Glow:
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Factor From Glow Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0,0.80)
          • (0.30,1.00)
      • Ignore If Incapable Of Sight: true
      • Ignore If Prefers Darkness: true

Pawn Age[edit]

    • StatPart_Age: Content added by the Biotech DLC
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (4,0.2)
          • (12,0.8)
          • (18,1)

Hunting Stealth[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0.0, 0.0)
      • (0.1, 0.5)
      • (0.2, 0.75)
      • (0.5, 0.80)
      • (1.0, 0.90)

Reading Speed[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Age: Content added by the Biotech DLC
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3,0.05)
          • (13,1)

Medical Tend Quality[edit]

  • Post Process Curve:
    • Points:
      • (0, 0)
      • (1.0, 1.0)
      • (2.0, 1.5)
      • (4.0, 2.0)

Meditation Plant Growth Offset[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_ArtificialBuildingsNearbyOffset:
      • Radius: 34.9
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (0, 0.0)
          • (5, -0.08)
          • (10, -0.15)
          • (50, -0.3)

Slave Suppression Fall Rate[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Terror
    • StatPart_GearStatOffset:
      • Apparel Stat: SlaveSuppressionOffset
      • Subtract: true
    • StatPart_AgeOffsetContent added by the Biotech DLC:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (3, -0.5)
          • (13, -0.3)
          • (16, 0)

Shooting Accuracy Multiplier (Child)[edit]

  • Parts:
    • StatPart_Age:
      • Use Biological Years: true
      • Humanlike Only: true
      • Curve:
        • Points:
          • (4,0.95)
          • (12,0.98)
          • (13,1)



  • Parts:
    • StatPart_FertilityByGenderAge:
      • Male Fertility Age Factor:
        • Points:
          • (14, 0)
          • (18, 1)
          • (50, 1)
          • (90, 0)


    • Female Fertility Age Factor:
        • Points:
          • (14, 0)
          • (20, 1)
          • (28, 1)
          • (35, 0.5)
          • (40, 0.1)
          • (45, 0.02)
          • (50, 0)

Stat Categories[edit]

Def Name Label Display
All By
# Of Stats Source
Basics Basics 10 true 9 Core - General
BasicsImportant Basics 1 true 3 Core - General
BasicsPawnImportant Basics 2 false 0 Core - General
BasicsNonPawnImportant Basics 2 false 4 Core - General
BasicsPawn Basics 11 false 38 Core - General
BasicsNonPawn Basics 12 false 11 Core - General
AnimalProductivity animal productivity 13 false 0 Core - General
Source content source 999 false 0 Core - General
Apparel Apparel 30 false 13 Core - Non-pawn
Implant Implant 30 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
Weapon Weapon 40 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
Weapon_Ranged Weapon (ranged) 44 false 6 Core - Non-pawn
Weapon_Melee Weapon (melee) 48 false 3 Core - Non-pawn
Building Building 50 false 19 Core - Non-pawn
Ability Ability 60 false 9 Core - Non-pawn
Drug Drug 30 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
DrugAddiction drug addiction 110 false 0 Core - Non-pawn
Terrain terrain 13 false 2 Core - Non-pawn
EquippedStatOffsets Offsets when equipped 70 false 0 Core - Virtual category
StuffStatFactors Multipliers when made of this 74 true 8 Core - Virtual category
StuffStatOffsets Offsets when made of this 77 true 0 Core - Virtual category
StuffOfEquipmentStatFactors Multipliers when equipment made of this 80 true 0 Core - Virtual category
Surgery Surgical 90 true 0 Core - Virtual category
CapacityEffects effects 100 true 0 Core - Virtual category
PawnCombat Combat 110 false 31 Core - Pawn
PawnSocial Social 120 false 13 Core - Pawn
PawnMisc Misc 130 false 2 Core - Pawn
PawnWork Work 140 false 36 Core - Pawn
Meditation Meditation 13 true 2 Core - Misc
Genetics Genetics 200 false 0 Core - Misc
Mechanoid Mechanoid 13 true 6 Core - Misc
Mechanitor Mechanitor 105 true 9 Biotech
PsychicRituals Psychic ritual 500 false 2 Anomaly
Containment Containment 600 false 3 Anomaly
Serum Serum 700 false 0 Anomaly

Stat Bases[edit]

Name Category Parameters Additional Display
ButcherySpeedBase PawnWork
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 10%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
ButcheryEfficiencyBase PawnWork
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 150%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Capacity Factors:
ArmorRatingBase Apparel
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Max Value: 200%
  • To String Style: PercentOne
  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 60%
    • Factor Poor: 80%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 115%
    • Factor Excellent: 130%
    • Factor Masterwork: 145%
    • Factor Legendary: 180%
InsulationBase Apparel
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Hide At Value: 0%
  • Min Value: -999900%
  • Max Value: 999900%
  • To String Style: TemperatureOffset
  • Show On Pawns: false
  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 150%
    • Factor Legendary: 180%
    • Apply To Negative Values: true
MarketValueBase BasicsImportant
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_MarketValue
  • Min Value: 0%
  • To String Style: Money
  • Round To Five Over: 200
  • Minified Thing Inherits: true
  • Show On Untradeables: false
  • Scenario Randomizable: true
  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 50%
    • Factor Poor: 75%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 125%
    • Max Gain Good: +500
    • Factor Excellent: 150%
    • Max Gain Excellent: +1000
    • Factor Masterwork: 250%
    • Max Gain Masterwork: +2000
    • Factor Legendary: 500%
    • Max Gain Legendary: +3000
  • StatPart_WornByCorpse
  • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset
  • StatPart_Biocoded
  • StatPart_ReloadMarketValue
  • StatPart_GenesContent added by the Biotech DLC
MeditationFocusBaseContent added by the Royalty DLC -
  • Format String: {0} / day
  • Format String Unfinalized: {0} / day
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Mods Loaded Any: RoyaltyContent added by the Royalty DLC
- -
ShootingAccuracyFactorBase PawnCombat
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Hide At Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show Developmental Stage Filter: Child, Adult
- -
MechStatBaseContent added by the Biotech DLC
  • May Require Any Of:
    • BiotechContent added by the Biotech DLC
    • AnomalyContent added by the Anomaly DLC
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Humanlikes: false
  • Show On Mechanoids: true
- -
IntellectualSkillBase PawnWork
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Scenario Randomizable: true

  • Capacity Factors:
AccuracyBase Weapon_Ranged
  • Default Base Value: 100%
  • Min Value: 1%
  • Max Value: 100%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show If Undefined: false
  • StatPart_Quality:
    • Factor Awful: 80%
    • Factor Poor: 90%
    • Factor Normal: 100%
    • Factor Good: 110%
    • Factor Excellent: 120%
    • Factor Masterwork: 135%
    • Factor Legendary: 150%
DarknessCombatContent added by the Ideology DLC PawnCombat
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • To String Style: PercentZero
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Always Hide: true
- -
MechanitorStatBaseContent added by the Biotech DLC Mechanitor
  • Worker Class: StatWorker_Mechanitor
  • Default Base Value: 0%
  • Min Value: 0%
  • Show On Animals: false
  • Show On Humanlikes: true
  • Show On Mechanoids: false
  • Show If Undefined: true
- 2000

List of Stats by defName[edit]

  • Ability_CastingTime
  • Ability_DetectChancePerEntropy
  • Ability_Duration
  • Ability_EffectRadius
  • Ability_EntropyGain
  • Ability_GoodwillImpact
  • Ability_PsyfocusCost
  • Ability_Range
  • Ability_RequiredPsylink
  • AccuracyLong
  • AccuracyMedium
  • AccuracyShort
  • AccuracyTouch
  • ActivitySuppressionRate
  • AimingDelayFactor
  • AnimalGatherSpeed
  • AnimalGatherYield
  • AnimalProductsSellImprovement
  • AnimalsLearningFactor
  • ArmorRating_Blunt
  • ArmorRating_Heat
  • ArmorRating_Sharp
  • ArrestSuccessChance
  • AssemblySpeedFactor
  • BabyPlayGainFactor
  • BandwidthCost
  • Beauty
  • BeautyOutdoors
  • BedHungerRateFactor
  • BedRestEffectiveness
  • BiosculpterOccupantSpeed
  • BiosculpterPodSpeedFactor
  • BirthRitualQualityOffset
  • BluntDamageMultiplier
  • BondAnimalChanceFactor
  • ButcheryFleshEfficiency
  • ButcheryFleshSpeed
  • ButcheryMechanoidEfficiency
  • ButcheryMechanoidSpeed
  • CancerRate
  • CaravanRidingSpeedFactor
  • CarryingCapacity
  • CertaintyLossFactor
  • CleaningSpeed
  • CleaningTimeFactor
  • Cleanliness
  • ColdContainmentBonus
  • Comfort
  • ComfyTemperatureMax
  • ComfyTemperatureMin
  • ConstructSuccessChance
  • ConstructionSpeed
  • ConstructionSpeedFactor
  • ContainmentStrength
  • ControlTakingTime
  • ConversionPower
  • CookSpeed
  • CrawlSpeed
  • DeepDrillingSpeed
  • DeteriorationRate
  • DoorOpenSpeed
  • DrugCookingSpeed
  • DrugHarvestYield
  • DrugSellPriceImprovement
  • DrugSynthesisSpeed
  • EMPResistance
  • EatingSpeed
  • EnergyShieldEnergyMax
  • EnergyShieldRechargeRate
  • EntityStudyRate
  • EquipDelay
  • Fertility
  • FilthMultiplier
  • FilthRate
  • FixBrokenDownBuildingSuccessChance
  • Flammability
  • FoodPoisonChance
  • FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman
  • ForagedNutritionPerDay
  • GeneralLaborSpeed
  • GeneticComplexityIncrease
  • GlobalLearningFactor
  • GrowthVatOccupantSpeed
  • HackingSpeed
  • HemogenGainFactor
  • HuntingStealth
  • ImmunityGainSpeed
  • ImmunityGainSpeedFactor
  • IncomingDamageFactor
  • InjuryHealingFactor
  • Insulation_Cold
  • Insulation_Heat
  • JoyFallRateFactor
  • JoyGainFactor
  • JumpRange
  • LearningRateFactor
  • LeatherAmount
  • LifespanFactor
  • MarketValue
  • MarketValueIgnoreHp
  • Mass
  • MaxHitPoints
  • MaxInstallCount
  • MaxNutrition
  • MeatAmount
  • MechBandwidth
  • MechControlGroups
  • MechEnergyLossPerHP
  • MechEnergyUsageFactor
  • MechFormingSpeed
  • MechRemoteRepairDistance
  • MechRemoteShieldDistance
  • MechRemoteShieldEnergy
  • MechRepairSpeed
  • MedicalOperationSpeed
  • MedicalPotency
  • MedicalQualityMax
  • MedicalSurgerySuccessChance
  • MedicalTendQuality
  • MedicalTendQualityOffset
  • MedicalTendSpeed
  • MeditationFocusGain
  • MeditationFocusStrength
  • MeditationPlantGrowthOffset
  • MeleeArmorPenetration
  • MeleeCooldownFactor
  • MeleeDPS
  • MeleeDamageFactor
  • MeleeDodgeChance
  • MeleeDodgeChanceIndoorsDarkOffset
  • MeleeDodgeChanceIndoorsLitOffset
  • MeleeDodgeChanceOutdoorsDarkOffset
  • MeleeDodgeChanceOutdoorsLitOffset
  • MeleeDoorDamageFactor
  • MeleeHitChance
  • MeleeHitChanceIndoorsDarkOffset
  • MeleeHitChanceIndoorsLitOffset
  • MeleeHitChanceOutdoorsDarkOffset
  • MeleeHitChanceOutdoorsLitOffset
  • MeleeWeapon_AverageArmorPenetration
  • MeleeWeapon_AverageDPS
  • MeleeWeapon_CooldownMultiplier
  • MeleeWeapon_DamageMultiplier
  • MentalBreakThreshold
  • MinimumContainmentStrength
  • MinimumHandlingSkill
  • MiningSpeed
  • MiningYield
  • MortarMissRadiusFactor
  • MoveSpeed
  • NegotiationAbility
  • Nutrition
  • PackRadius
  • PainShockThreshold
  • PawnBeauty
  • PawnTrapSpringChance
  • PlantHarvestYield
  • PlantWorkSpeed
  • PowerPlantMaxPowerOuput
  • PruningSpeed
  • PsychicEntropyGain
  • PsychicEntropyMax
  • PsychicEntropyMaxOffset
  • PsychicEntropyRecoveryRate
  • PsychicEntropyRecoveryRateOffset
  • PsychicRitualQuality
  • PsychicRitualQualityOffset
  • PsychicSensitivity
  • PsychicSensitivityFactor
  • PsychicSensitivityOffset
  • RangedCooldownFactor
  • RangedWeapon_Cooldown
  • RangedWeapon_DamageMultiplier
  • RawNutritionFactor
  • ReadingSpeed
  • ResearchSpeed
  • ResearchSpeedFactor
  • RestFallRateFactor
  • RestRateMultiplier
  • RoomReadingBonus
  • RoyalFavorValue
  • SellPriceFactor
  • SharpDamageMultiplier
  • ShootingAccuracyChildFactor
  • ShootingAccuracyFactor_Long
  • ShootingAccuracyFactor_Medium
  • ShootingAccuracyFactor_Short
  • ShootingAccuracyFactor_Touch
  • ShootingAccuracyIndoorsDarkOffset
  • ShootingAccuracyIndoorsLitOffset
  • ShootingAccuracyOutdoorsDarkOffset
  • ShootingAccuracyOutdoorsLitOffset
  • ShootingAccuracyPawn
  • ShootingAccuracyTurret
  • SlaveSuppressionFallRate
  • SlaveSuppressionOffset
  • SmeltingSpeed
  • SmoothingSpeed
  • SocialIdeoSpreadFrequencyFactor
  • SocialImpact
  • StaggerDurationFactor
  • StudyEfficiency
  • StuffEffectMultiplierArmor
  • StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Cold
  • StuffEffectMultiplierInsulation_Heat
  • StuffPower_Armor_Blunt
  • StuffPower_Armor_Heat
  • StuffPower_Armor_Sharp
  • StuffPower_Insulation_Cold
  • StuffPower_Insulation_Heat
  • StyleDominance
  • SubcoreEncodingSpeed
  • SuppressionPower
  • SurgerySuccessChanceFactor
  • TameAnimalChance
  • Terror
  • TerrorSource
  • ToxicEnvironmentResistance
  • ToxicResistance
  • TradePriceImprovement
  • TrainAnimalChance
  • TrapMeleeDamage
  • TrapSpringChance
  • WastepacksPerRecharge
  • WorkSpeedGlobal
  • WorkTableEfficiencyFactor
  • WorkTableWorkSpeedFactor
  • WorkToBuild
  • WorkToMake

Stat Statistics[edit]

  • 242 <StatDef
    • 175 <StatDef>
  • 35 <StatCategoryDef>
    • 35 <displayOrder>
    • 10 <displayAllByDefault>
  • 265 <defName>
  • 266 <label>
  • 224 <description>
  • 192 <category>
  • 193 <displayPriorityInCategory>

Level 2[edit]

  • 61 <parts>
  • 39 <capacityFactors>
  • 38 <skillNeedFactors>
  • 20 <statFactors>
  • 8 <postProcessCurve>
  • 7 <skillNeedOffsets>
  • 5 <capacityOffsets>
  • 3 <postProcessStatFactors>
  • 3 <showOnPawnKind>


242 Total

  • 35 Categories
  • 207 Stats


  1. ButcherySpeedBase
  2. ButcheryEfficiencyBase
  3. ArmorRatingBase
  4. InsulationBase
  5. MarketValueBase
  6. MeditationFocusBase
  7. ShootingAccuracyFactorBase
  8. MechStatBase
  9. IntellectualSkillBase
  10. AccuracyBase
  11. DarknessCombat
  12. MechanitorStatBase

1 Non Base Parents

  • Beauty


  • 39 SkillNeed_BaseBonus
  • 8 SkillNeed_Direct

Stat Parts[edit]

  • 1 StatPart_AddedBodyPartsMass
  • 9 StatPart_Age
  • 1 StatPart_AgeOffset
  • StatPart_ArtificialBuildingsNearbyOffset
  • StatPart_BedStat
  • StatPart_Biocoded
  • StatPart_BiosculptingSpeedFactor
  • StatPart_BlindPsychicSensitivityOffset
  • StatPart_BodySize
  • StatPart_ContentsBeauty
  • StatPart_CorpseCasket
  • StatPart_Deathresting
  • StatPart_Difficulty_ButcherYield
  • StatPart_EnvironmentalEffects
  • StatPart_FertilityByGenderAge
  • StatPart_FertilityByHediffs
  • StatPart_Food
  • StatPart_GearAndInventoryMass
  • 6 StatPart_GearStatOffset
  • 2 StatPart_Genes
  • 3 StatPart_Glow
  • 1 StatPart_GrowthVatSpeedFactor
  • StatPart_HasRelic
  • 1 StatPart_Health
  • StatPart_Hyperlinks
  • StatPart_IsCorpseFresh
  • StatPart_IsFlesh
  • StatPart_LifeStageMaxFood
  • StatPart_Malnutrition
  • StatPart_MaxChanceIfRotting
  • StatPart_NaturalNotMissingBodyPartsCoverage
  • StatPart_NearHarbingerTree
  • StatPart_NotCarefullySlaughtered
  • StatPart_NoxiousHaze
  • 3 StatPart_Outdoors
  • StatPart_OverseerStatOffset
  • 1 StatPart_Pain
  • StatPart_PlantGrowthNutritionFactor
  • StatPart_PlayerFactionLeader
  • StatPart_Pollution
  • StatPart_Quality
  • StatPart_Quality_Offset
  • StatPart_ReloadMarketValue
  • StatPart_Rest
  • StatPart_Resting
  • StatPart_RevenantSpeed
  • StatPart_RoleConversionPower
  • StatPart_RoomStat
  • StatPart_ShamblerCorpse
  • StatPart_ShamblerCrawling
  • StatPart_SightPsychicSensitivityOffset
  • StatPart_Slave
  • 5 StatPart_Stuff
  • StatPart_Terror
  • StatPart_ToxicFallout
  • StatPart_UnfinishedThingIngredientsMass
  • StatPart_WeaponTraitsMarketValueOffset
  • 1 StatPart_WildManOffset
  • 1 StatPart_WorkTableOutdoors
  • 2 StatPart_WorkTableTemperature
  • 1 StatPart_WorkTableUnpowered
  • 1 StatPart_WornByCorpse