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[[Category: Harakoni page]]
==Demo royalty template==
Example banner. It contains the royalty icon (which links to the DLC), an example of explatory text and a obvious direct link to the dlc page
<span style="font-size: small; border: 0.2em solid; border-color: #DDD #BBB #BBB #DDD; padding: 0 0.4em; background: #EEE; white-space: nowrap; border-radius: 2px;">*</span>
== Player created pawns ==
| name = royalty
{| {{STDT| sortable c_17}}
| type = warning
! Pawn name !! Title <br/> (Short Title) !! Description !! Skill Modifications !! Work types !! Traits !! Tribal !! Outlander !! Pirate !! Offworld !! Outsider !! Imperial<br>Common !! Imperial<br>Fighter !! Imperial<br>Royal !! Bodytype
| small = {{{small|no}}}
|- id="James Grey"
| image = [[File:RoyaltyIcon.png|40px|link=Royalty DLC|Royalty DLC]]
! rowspan=2 | James 'Doc' Grey<br>[[File:Male.png|frameless|32px]]<br>[[File:Crown.png|24px|frameless|Pirate King - Can be a faction leader]]
| text = '''This information relates to content added by the [[Royalty DLC]].''' Please note that it will not be present without the DLC enabled. </div>
! Fallen prodigy <br/> (Prodigy)
| cat = Royalty
| | [PAWN_nameDef] was born on a glitterworld falling into chaos. [PAWN_possessive] father was killed in action.
[PAWN_pronoun] struggled for a scholarship at Utmaior Academy and had to prove [PAWN_possessive] right to be there. A child genius, [PAWN_pronoun] was bullied as a charity case and couldn't make friends with the other kids.
* [[Construction]]: {{+|2}}
* [[Plants]]: {{+|2}}
* [[Intellectual]]: {{+|5}}
* [[Medicine]]: {{+|3}}
* [[Crafting]]: {{+|2}}
* {{--|Social}}
| [[Traits#Too smart|Too smart]]
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Check}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}  
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | [[File:Naked Thin south.png|32px|frameless]]
! Mad scientist <br/> (Scientist)
| | Stripped of [PAWN_possessive] life’s work and exiled after [PAWN_possessive] unethical experiments on the survivors of the Callos IX incident were published, [PAWN_nameDef] learned the skills necessary to survive in the outer rim.
Continuing [PAWN_possessive] research with nothing left to lose, [PAWN_pronoun] made minions to carry out the tasks that bored him.
* [[Intellectual]]: {{+|5}}
* [[Shooting]]: {{+|5}}
* [[Medicine]]: {{+|4}}
* [[Crafting]]: {{+|2}}
* {{--|Hauling}}
* {{--|Mining}}
| -
|- id="Yiyang Jiang"
! rowspan=2 | Yiyang 'Mitsuya' Jiang<br>[[File:Male.png|frameless|32px]]/[[File:Female.png|frameless|32px]]
! Transfer student <br/> (Student)
| A midworld child, [PAWN_nameDef]'s wealthy parents sent [PAWN_objective] to a nearby glitterworld to receive a better education.
[PAWN_nameDef] was a talented student. However, due to [PAWN_possessive] family's wealth, [PAWN_pronoun] never had to do dumb labor.
* [[Intellectual]]: {{+|3}}
* [[Social]]: {{+|2}}
* {{--|Dumb labor}}
| -
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Check}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Check}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | {{Cross}}
| rowspan=2 | [[File:Naked Male south.png|32px|frameless]]/[[File:Naked Female south.png|32px|frameless]]
! Politician <br/> (Politician)
| [PAWN_nameDef] was an activist in a powerful political faction. There [PAWN_pronoun] learned the art of persuasion and speech.
[PAWN_pronoun] had many enemies, so [PAWN_pronoun] took secret courses in shooting and hand-to-hand combat.
* [[Shooting]]: {{+|2}}
* [[Melee]]: {{+|2}}
* [[Social]]: {{+|5}}
* {{--|Plants}}
* {{--|Mining}}
| -
== Weapon DPS comparator ==
{{#vardefine: y1weapon|Heavy SMG}}
{{#vardefine: y2weapon|Assault rifle}}
{{#vardefine: y3weapon|Chain shotgun}}
{{#vardefine: y4weapon|Minigun}}
{{#vardefine: y1quality|Normal}}
{{#vardefine: y2quality|Normal}}
{{#vardefine: y3quality|Normal}}
{{#vardefine: y4quality|Normal}}
{{#vardefine: string | {{Weapon DPS Iterator|{{#var: y1weapon}}|{{lc:{{#var: y1quality}}}}|0.98167}} }}
{{#vardefine: y | {{#explode: {{#var: string }} | && |1 }} }}
{{#vardefine: string | {{Weapon DPS Iterator|{{#var: y2weapon}}|{{lc:{{#var: y2quality}}}}|0.98167}} }}
{{#vardefine: x | {{#explode: {{#var: string }} | && |0 }} }}
{{#vardefine: y2 | {{#explode: {{#var: string }} | && |1 }} }}
{{#vardefine: string | {{Weapon DPS Iterator|{{#var: y3weapon}}|{{lc:{{#var: y3quality}}}}|0.98167}} }}
{{#vardefine: y3 | {{#explode: {{#var: string }} | && |1 }} }}
{{#vardefine: string | {{Weapon DPS Iterator|{{#var: y4weapon}}|{{lc:{{#var: y4quality}}}}|0.98167}} }}
{{#vardefine: y4 | {{#explode: {{#var: string }} | && |1 }} }}
|xAxisTitle=Range (Cells)
|xAxisMin = 0
|xAxisMax = 38
|yAxisMin = 1
|yAxisMax = {{#ifeq: {{Q|{{{1|}}}|Maximum DPS}}|100|100|30}}
|yAxisTitle= DPS
|x= {{#var: x}}
|y1= {{#var: y}}
|y2= {{#var: y2}}
|y3= {{#var: y3}}
|y4= {{#var: y4}}
|y1Title = 1. {{#var: y1quality}} {{#var: y1weapon}}
|y2Title = 2. {{#var: y2quality}} {{#var: y2weapon}}
|y3Title = 3. {{#var: y3quality}} {{#var: y3weapon}}
|y4Title = 4. {{#var: y4quality}} {{#var: y4weapon}}
Side note: I think the <nowiki>{{#invoke:Namespace detect|main}}</nowiki> is something to do with doing this not on its own template page. I think it would resolve itself if we moved ahead.
== Tradeable items ==
{{#ask: [[Market Value Base::>15]] [[Type::!Animal]] [[Type2::!Armor]] [[Type2::!Clothing]] [[Type2::!Medicine]] [[Type2::!Weapons]] [[Type::!Drug]] | ?Market Value Base | ?Type |?Type2 | limit =500 | sort = Type, Type2}}
==Nutrition math sanity check==
Assuming an arbitrarily large number of females all serviced by one male, nutritional efficiency per offspring assuming they're slaughtered as an adult can be summarized as:
Food produced/Food consumed
Food consumed = Food consumed to raise 1 animal to adulthood = Food eaten as baby + food eaten as juvenile + food eaten by mother during gestation - food created by mother during gestation
Food produced = Food produced by slaughtering that animal = adult meat yield * 0.05
{{#expr: (60*{{Q|Cow|Juvenile Age}}*0.4*{{Q|Cow|Base Hunger Rate}}*1.6) + (60*({{Q|Cow|Maturity Age}}-{{Q|Cow|Juvenile Age}})*0.75*{{Q|Cow|Base Hunger Rate}}*1.6) + ({{Q|Cow|Gestation Period Days}}*{{Q|Cow|Base Hunger Rate}}*1.6) - ({{Q|Cow|Gestation Period Days}}*{{Q|Milk|Nutrition}}*{{Q|Cow|Milk Amount}}/{{Q|Cow|Milking Interval Days}})}}
{{#expr: {{Q|Cow|Meat Yield}}*0.05}}
{{#expr: (60*{{Q|Horse|Juvenile Age}}*0.4*{{Q|Horse|Base Hunger Rate}}*1.6) + (60*({{Q|Horse|Maturity Age}}-{{Q|Horse|Juvenile Age}})*0.75*{{Q|Horse|Base Hunger Rate}}*1.6) + ({{Q|Horse|Gestation Period Days}}*{{Q|Horse|Base Hunger Rate}}*1.6)}}
{{#expr: {{Q|Horse|Meat Yield}}*0.05}}
== Banner consistency ==
{{Page Under Construction}}
{{Image wanted}}
{{Documentation wanted}}
{{Safe to delete}}
== Operations ==
{| {{STDT| c_10}}
! Operation !! Description !! Operation Success Rate Multiplier (%) !!  Violation !! Anesthetize !! XP Factor !!  Work !! Medicine required !! Skill required
! Administer ''[[Drugs|Drug]]''
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| ''Can't fail'' ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
! [[Anesthetic|Anesthetize]]
| ''Render a creature unconscious by administering general anesthetic.''
Mechanical desc
| 200 ||  Violation || {{Check}} || 16x || {{Ticks|0}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||1}}  || -
! Euthanize by cut
| ''Euthanize a creature by cutting.''
Mechanical desc
| 500 || {{Check}} || Anesthetize || 16 || {{Ticks|500}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||1}} || Skill required
! Remove (''[[Artificial body part]]'')
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| 120 ||  {{Check}} || Anesthetize || 16 || {{Ticks|2500}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||1}} || [[Medical]] 5
! Install (''[[Body Parts|body part]]'')
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| 120 ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|2500}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||2}} || [[Medical]] 5
! Harvest (''[[Body Parts|body part]]'')
| ''Remove a body part.''
Mechanical desc
| 120 ||  Violation || Anesthetize || 16 ||  {{Ticks|2000}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||1}} || -
! Terminate [[pregnancy]] {{BiotechIcon}}
| Terminate the pregnancy of an animal or human.
Mechanical desc
2% death on fail chance
| 200 ||  {{Check}} || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|1500}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||2}} || Skill required
! Extract [[ovum]] for IVF {{BiotechIcon}}
| ''Extract an ovum into a storage capsule. It can then be fertilized by a man, and finally implanted into a mother to start a pregnancy.''
Mechanical desc
Requires Fertility proceedures researched
must be 15+
Mst be fertile
must be female
| 500 ||  {{Check}} || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|500}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||1}} || Skill required
! Implant [[embryo]] {{BiotechIcon}}
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| 500 ||  {{Check}} || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|500}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||1}} || Skill required
! Extract hemogen pack
| ''Extract a hemogen pack from the target. The operation will fail to produce a hemogen pack if the target does not have enough blood. <br> Hemogen packs can be administered to others to reduce blood loss or to satiate those who feed on blood.''
* Creates {{Icon Small|Hemogen pack||1}} [[hemogen pack]]
* Increases target [[blood loss]] by {{++|45%}}
| Chance ||  {{Check}} || {{Cross}} || 2x || {{Ticks|500}} || - || -
! Implant xenogerm
| ''Implant a xenogerm into a patient. This replaces any previous xenogerm they may have had.''
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  {{Check}} || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|2000}} || {{Icon Small|Herbal medicine||4}} || -
! Perform tubal ligation
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
! Perform vasectomy
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
! Reverse vasectomy
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
! Implant IUD
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
! Remove IUD
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
! Blood transfusion
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
Also we can potentially standardize on the means of displaying the source for things. Atm there's multiple implementations on the wiki. [[Psycasts#Psycaster_Equipment]] uses the DLC tag, and [[Template:Nav/weapons]] with the carrots. We could replace them both this an icon template that would be something like
! Excise carcinoma
| In-game description
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|9999999999}} || Medicine required || Skill required
* [[Persona plasmasword]] <sup>[[File:RoyaltyIcon.png|frameless|16px|link=Royalty DLC| Content added by the Royalty DLC]]</sup>
* [[Persona plasmasword|<span style="color:#D4AF37;>Persona plasmasword</span>]] <sup>[[File:RoyaltyIcon.png|frameless|16px|link=Royalty DLC| Content added by the Royalty DLC]]</sup>
* [[Persona plasmasword|<span style="color:#FFD700;>Persona plasmasword</span>]] <sup>[[File:RoyaltyIcon.png|frameless|16px|link=Royalty DLC| Content added by the Royalty DLC]]</sup>
* [[Persona plasmasword|<span style="color:gold;>Persona plasmasword</span>]] <sup>[[File:RoyaltyIcon.png|frameless|16px|link=Royalty DLC| Content added by the Royalty DLC]]</sup>
* [[Persona plasmasword|'''Persona plasmasword''']] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
! Cure [[scaria]]
* [[Persona plasmasword|'''<span style="color:#EEC43E;>Persona plasmasword</span>''']] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| This special medical operation cures scaria.
* [[Persona plasmasword|'''<span style="color:#D4AF37;>Persona plasmasword</span>''']] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
* [[Persona plasmasword|'''<span style="color:#E1CF6B;>Persona plasmasword</span>''']] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
Mechanical desc
* [[Persona plasmasword|'''<span style="color:gold;>Persona plasmasword</span>''']] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
| Chance ||  Violation || Anesthetize || 16 || {{Ticks|4500}} || {{Icon Small|Medicine||3}} || [[Medical]] 8
* [[Persona plasmasword|'''<span style="color:#FFEE1D;>Persona plasmasword</span>''']] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
* [[Persona plasmasword|'''<span style="color:#F5E776;>Persona plasmasword</span>''']] {{RoyaltyIcon}}
The image is a link, and it has an explanatory mouse over.
! Sterilize
| ''Sterilize a creature so it can no longer reproduce.''
Mechanical desc
surgeryIgnoreEnvironment true
| Chance ||  {{Check}} || Anesthetize || 16 || {{Ticks|500}} || Medicine required || [[Medical]] 3
! Cure [[blood rot]]{{RoyaltyIcon}}
| ''This special medical operation cures blood rot by a massive infusion of bacteriophage mechanites.''
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  {{Cross}} || Anesthetize || 16 || {{Ticks|2000}} || {{Icon Small|Glitterworld medicine||10}} || [[Medical]] 5
! Anti-[[abasia]] mechanite infusion{{RoyaltyIcon}}
| ''This special medical operation uses a massive dose of mechanites to saturate brain tissue and execute a coordinated restructure of neural activity without damaging the brain. It permanently cures a patient's abasia-induced paralysis, but consumes a large amount of glitterworld medicine.''
Mechanical desc
| Chance ||  {{Cross}} || Anesthetize || XP Factor || {{Ticks|2000}} || {{Icon Small|Glitterworld medicine||10}} || [[Medical]] 5
{{#vardefine: loopedString |{{padright:{{{2}}}|{{#expr: {{#len:{{{2}}}}} + {{{1}}} - 1 }}|Ž}} }}
{{#replace:{{#var: loopedString}}|Ž|{{{2}}}}}
== remove linkng==
{{#vardefine:linkingtest | [[Knife]] }}
{{#explode: {{#var:linkingtest}} |[|1}}
{{#replace:{{#explode: [[Knife]] |{{!}}|1}}|]|}}
| icon = Wood.png
| type = Heading goes here
| info =  Information goes heere and the box expadns to fit it
| border = blue
| style = bold
| type  = protect
| text  = Rimworld Wiki suggests this page to be protected. If you think this is wrong, please add a topic to <TALK PAGE>
| type      = protection
| style    = width: 400px;
| textstyle = color: gray; font-weight: bold; font-style: bold;
| text      = Rimworld Wiki suggests this page to be protected. If you think this is wrong, please add a topic to <TALK PAGE>
| type      = protection
| style    = width: 400px;
| textstyle = color: gray; font-weight: bold; font-style: bold;
| text      = Rimworld Wiki suggests this page to be protected. If you think this is wrong, please add a topic to <TALK PAGE>
| type      = protection
| style    = width: 400px;
| textstyle = color: gray; font-weight: bold; font-style: bold;
| text      = Rimworld Wiki suggests this page to be protected. If you think this is wrong, please add a topic to <TALK PAGE>.
==Page existence==
The image is a link, and it has an explanatory mouse over.
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*[[Persona plasmasword|{{#ifexist:Persona plasmasword|<span style="color:FFEE1D;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]
*[[Persona plasmasword|{{#ifexist:Persona plasmasword|<span style="color:FFEE1D;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]
*[[Persona fishstick|{{#ifexist:Persona fishstick|<span style="color:FFEE1D;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]
*[[Test Broken Link|{{#ifexist:Test Broken Link|<span style="color:FFEE1D;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]
== Animal nutrition table ==
<div><li style="display: inline-table;"> {{#vardefine: pagename|Cow}}
{| {{STDT| c_08 text-center}}
! rowspan="2"|Products !! colspan="3"| [[Nutrition]]/[[Time|Day]] when eaten as:
! Raw !! [[Simple meal]] !! [[Nutrient paste meal]]
|{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}}|{{#expr:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Eggs Per Clutch Average}}/{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}}}}x{{icon small|{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Name}} egg (unfert.)}}/[[Time|Day]]}}<!--
-->{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}}|{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}}x{{icon small|Milk}}/[[Time|Day]]}}
|{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}}|{{#expr:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}} egg (unfert.)|Nutrition}}*{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Eggs Per Clutch Average}}/{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}} * 1.0}}}}{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}}|{{#expr:{{Q|Milk|Nutrition}}*{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}} * 1.0}}}}
|{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}}|{{#expr:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}} egg (unfert.)|Nutrition}}*{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Eggs Per Clutch Average}}/{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}} * 1.8}}}}{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}}|{{#expr:{{Q|Milk|Nutrition}}*{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}} * 1.8}}}}
|{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}}|{{#expr:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}} egg (unfert.)|Nutrition}}*{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Eggs Per Clutch Average}}/{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Egg Laying Interval}} * 3.0}}}}{{#if:{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}}|{{#expr:{{Q|Milk|Nutrition}}*{{Q|{{#var: pagename}}|Daily Milk Average}} * 3.0}}}}
===Market Value Calculated, not set ===
{{#ask:[[Calculated Market Value::true]]
| limit = 10
==Animal DPS==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Name !! DPS !! AP
|Alpaca ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Alpaca}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Bison ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Bison}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Boomalope||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Boomalope}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Capybara||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Capybara}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Caribou||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Caribou}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Cassowary ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Cassowary}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Chicken ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Chicken}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Chinchilla||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Chinchilla}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Cow ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Cow}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Deer||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Deer}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Donkey||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Donkey}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Dromedary||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Dromedary}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Duck||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Duck}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Elephant||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Elephant}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Elk||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Elk}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Emu||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Emu}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Gazelle ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Gazelle}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Goat ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Goat}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Goose ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Goose}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Guinea pig ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Guinea pig}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Hare||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Hare}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Horse||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Horse}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Ibex||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Ibex}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Megasloth||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Megasloth}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Muffalo||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Muffalo}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Ostrich||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Ostrich}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Rhinoceros||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Rhinoceros}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Sheep||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Sheep}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Snowhare||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Snowhare}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Squirrel||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Squirrel}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Turkey||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Turkey}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Yak||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Yak}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Alphabeaver||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Alphabeaver}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Thrumbo||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Thrumbo}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Boomrat||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Boomrat}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Grizzly bear||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Grizzly bear}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Human||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Human}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Husky||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Husky}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Iguana||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Iguana}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Labrador retriever||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Labrador retriever}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Megascarab||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Megascarab}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Megaspider||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Megaspider}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Monkey||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Monkey}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Pig||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Pig}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Polar bear||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Polar bear}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Spelopede||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Spelopede}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Raccoon||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Raccoon}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Rat||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Rat}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Tortoise||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Tortoise}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Wild boar||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Wild boar}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
|Yorkshire terrier ||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Yorkshire terrier}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Arctic fox||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Arctic fox}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Arctic wolf||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Arctic wolf}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Cat||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Cat}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Cobra||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Cobra}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Cougar||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Cougar}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Fennec fox||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Fennec fox}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Lynx||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Lynx}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Panther||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Panther}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Red fox||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Red fox}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Timber wolf||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Timber wolf}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Warg||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Warg}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Barkskin||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Barkskin}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Berrymaker||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Berrymaker}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Carrier||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Carrier}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Clawer||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Clawer}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Gaumaker||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Gaumaker}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Immature dryad||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Immature dryad}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Medicinemaker||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Medicinemaker}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Woodmaker||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Woodmaker}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Centipede||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Centipede}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Lancer||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Lancer}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Pikeman||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Pikeman}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Scyther||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Scyther}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
| Termite||{{True Melee DPS Calculator|Termite}} || {{#var:trueAP}}
==Weapon Table==
==Weapon Table==
Line 271: Line 834:
| {{Q|{{#var:currentweapon|}}|Market Value Base}}
| {{Q|{{#var:currentweapon|}}|Market Value Base}}
Line 297: Line 860:
==Example way to display outdated data page==
{{#ask: [[Category:Animals]]  [[Verified For::!Version/{{Current Version}}]]
This displays all pages in a category that aren't Verified for the current version using [[Template: Verified]]. Animals is used here for function testing but all that would be required would be for the pages to atuomatically have
<nowiki>[[Category: Data Pages]] {{Verified|<version number here>}}</nowiki>
When tehy're created and then we could have the
<nowiki>{{#ask: [[Category:Data Pages]]  [[Verified For::!Version/{{Current Version}}]]}}</nowiki>
On the To-Do page to remind people to update the data pages as needed.
{{#ask: [[Name::!~*spot]] [[Name::!~*meat]] [[Type::!Plant]] [[Type::!Animal]] [[Type2::!Egg]]
| limit = 2
| sort = Type, Type2, Name
{{#ask: [[~*rifle]] [[Modification date::+]]}}
{{#ask: [[Name::Fine carpet||Gold tile||Silver tile||Fine stone tile||Hex tile||Spikecore plates||Totemic boards||Morbid stone tile||Spikecore stone tile||Totemic stone tile||Morbid carpet||Hex carpet||Mindbend carpet]]}}
{{#ask: [[Category:Fine floor]]}}
{{#ask: [[Type::Buildings]]}}
{{#ask: [[sowTags::~*Decorative*]] [[sowTags::!~*DecorativeTree*]]}}
{{#ask:[[Category:Stone Blocks]]
|?Max Hit Points Factor=HP Factor
|?Beauty Offset
|?Beauty Factor
|?Work To Build Factor
|?Work To Make Factor
|?Market Value Base=Market Value
|class=sortable c_01 text-center table
{| {{STDT|sortable c_08 text-center}}
{{#ask: [[Resource 1::+]] [[:+]]
! Name !! Sharp !! Blunt !! Heat !! HP !! Effects !! Coverage !! data-sort-type="number"| Value {{icon|silver|}}{{ref label|Assumption|A|A}}
| ?Required Research
| ?Type
| ?Type2
| sort = Required Research, Type, Type2
| limit = 500
{{#ask: [[Type2::Ruins]]
| ?Image#32px
| ? = Building
| limit=5
{{#if: {{#pos: {{Q|Corset|Category}} | Royalty}}| {{Check}} | {{Cross}} }}
{{#if: {{#pos: {{Q|Warg|Category}} | Royalty}}| {{Check}} | {{Cross}} }}
{| {{STDT|sortable c_03 text-center}}
! Name !! Stuff amount !! Work To Make !! Value/Textile
! style='text-align: left !important;'| {{Icon Small|Simple helmet|}} Gold [[Simple helmet]]  
{{#ask: [[Stuff Tags::~*Fabric*]] OR [[Stuff Tags::~*Leathery*]]
| {{ #expr: 0.72*0.5*100}}%
| named args=yes
| {{ #expr: 0.36*0.5*100}}%
| ?Name=?Name
| {{ #expr: 0.36*0.5*100}}%
| ?Resource 1 Amount=?Resource 1 Amount
| {{ #expr: 0.6*80}}
| ?Work To Make=?Work To Make
| ''None''
| limit = 500
| Head, Left Ear, Right Ear
| format=template
| {{icon|silver|{{ #expr: 10*146}}}}
| template=User:Harakoni/OptimumTextiles
:{{note label|Hat|A|A}} Hat includes [[Bowler hat]]s, [[Cowboy hat]], [[Tribal headdress]]es, [[Tuque]]s and [[War veil]]s"
<div style='-webkit-column-count: {{{columns|1}}}; -moz-column-count: {{{columns|1}}}; column-count: {{{columns|1}}}'>
{{#ask: [[Category:Clothing]]
| ?Resources to Make
 [[Name::~*econ*]] OR [[Name::~*ataphract*]] OR [[Name::~*arine*]]
| ?Work to Make
| limit = 500
| ?# = Name
| ?Image
| ?Description
| ?Note
| ?Tags
| format    = template
| named args = yes
| link      = none
| template  = {{{item |Ask/Item}}}
| limit      = {{{limit|50}}}
| sort      = {{{sort |}}}
| order      = {{{order|}}}
| userparam  = {{{param|}}}
*Stuffable tag on items? Need some way to automate knowing which materials to apply and can't trust the [[:Category:Armor]], [[:Category:Clothing]] system - war veil is armor but takes textiles. A stuffable tag saying "Metallic" "Leathery" "Fabric" "Woody" would allow you to check if the var contains the tag, and display the relevant information. [[Template: Armor material table]] and [[Template: Clothing material table]] could be merged and the right variants could be displayed on the Comparison table (e.g. devilstrand, thrumbofur, hyperweave, plainleather for clothing, plasteel and steel for metallic armor)
**This same method could be used for automatic weapon materials tables. Maybe merged quality/material table.
**Example of ask command that could do whats needed: {{#ask:[[Coverage::~*Left Shoulder*]]}}
{{#ask: [[Resource 1::+]] [[!Category:Building]] [[!Category:Furniture]]  [[!Category:Miscellaneous]] [[!Category:Security]] [[!Category:Production]] [[!Category:Floor]]
| ?Production Facility 1
| ?Type
| ?Type2
| sort = Production Facility 1
| columns = 3
| limit = 5
{{#ask: [[Category:Animals]] [[Health Scale::+]]
| ?Health Scale
| sort = Health Scale
| limit = 80
{{#ask: [[Category:Insectoid]] [[!Megaspider]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Insectoid]] OR [[Category:Mechanoids]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Clothing]] [[Resource 1::+]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Weapons]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Clothing]] [[Resource 1::>]]
| ?Damage Base
| ?ArmorPenetration
| ?Resources to Make
| limit = 500
{{#ask: [[Category:Animals]] [[Leather Name::{{PAGENAME}}]]
{{#ask: [[Resource 1::Stuff]]
| ?Leather Yield
| limit = 500
Line 339: Line 994:
| limit = 500
| limit = 500
{{#ask: [[Category:Animals]]
| ?Leather Yield
| ?Leather Name
| limit = 500
{{#ask: [[Category:Helmet]]
{{#ask: [[Category:Helmet]]
| ?Armor - Sharp Factor
| ?Armor Factor - Sharp
| ?Armor - Blunt Factor
| ?Armor Factor - Blunt
| ?Armor - Heat Factor
| ?Armor Factor - Heat
| ?Insulation - Cold Factor = Insulation - Cold (&deg;C)
| ?Insulation Factor - Cold = Insulation - Cold (&deg;C)
| ?Insulation - Heat Factor = Insulation - Heat (&deg;C)
| ?Insulation Factor - Heat = Insulation - Heat (&deg;C)
| ?Market Value Base = Market Value
| ?Market Value Base = Market Value
| link = subject
| link = subject
| limit = 100
| limit = 100
| format = ul
| format = ul
Line 419: Line 1,065:
== Non-official 1.0 update changelong ==
<noinclude>[[Category: Harakoni page]]</noinclude>
[1.0] Complete Changelog since initial 1.0 unstable release
== Table test ==
Aggregated from Tynan's post on the official Ludeon forums. Changelogs through June 28th 11am EST.
<div class="usermessage mw-customtoggle-CustomNameIJustThoughtUp">Click here to toggle the table.</div>
June 20th
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Header text !! Header text <th class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-CustomNameIJustThoughtUp">I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!</th>
| Example || Example <td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-CustomNameIJustThoughtUp">I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!</td>
| Example || Example <td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-CustomNameIJustThoughtUp">I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!</td>
| Example || Example <td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-CustomNameIJustThoughtUp">I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!</td>
Fix: Blueprint graphics for wall/sandbags/door don't match the edge detect shader properly (missing inner solid transparent field)
<div class="usermessage mw-customtoggle-myTable">Click here to toggle the table.</div>
Removed some text that doesn't pluralize well.
Unified table style so all tables fit the cell more precisely.
A bit more text content.
Added multicount silver graphics.
Adjust some apparel draw sizes. Won't be visible in-game until we fix bug that causes drawSize to do nothing on apparel items.
Added new multicount graphics for steel.
Multi-stackcount graphics for stone blocks.
Various item art improvements.
Add wood log full stack graphic.
Adjust smokeleaf joint graphics for size.
Refined wood log graphics.
Unified health item graphics.
Simplyify body part item graphics.
Uranium is no longer a small-volume ingredient.
Precious lump more likely to form with uranium, less likely with jade.
Made StatPart_Difficulty more sensible (though it's not actually used anywhere :/)
Buff flak vest and flak pants.
Start with flak vest, flak pants, plasteel helmet.
Food poisoning chance is now affected by difficulty.
Wanderer joins letter text specifically notes that you can’t question the pawn.
Fill in some text_todo for new body parts.
Wall smoothing work amount 9000 -> 6500.
Changed "abandon" gizmo order.
When RegionTraverser finds a small region, put it to the front of the queue instead of the back.
When health tab is empty, instead of writing "(no injuries)" we now write "(no health conditions)" in the center.
Fix: "Show what will buy" gizmo overlaps "choose landing location" buttons.
Fix: Index out of bounds exception in ToTitleCaseSmart() while generating names.
We no longer warn about proximity goodwill change when settling near permanent enemies because it's pointless.
Fix: "Romance attempt" interaction repetitive text.
Some minor changes to string.Flatten() and string.MergeMultipleSpaces().
GrammarResolver is now more careful while removing excessive whitespace. This fixes issues with incorrect linebreaks in letters.
Rebalanced some prosthetics-related thoughts.
Refine shadow data for buildings.
Clean up some shooting accuracy code, collected constants together.
Clarified refugee pod crash letter and made it specific to the pawn who is crashing. Added _title text output from pawns. So now you can use [PAWN_title] in any text.
Fix minigun and charge blaster balance. Minimum accuracy for ranged weapons changed to 0.01.
Fix: Missing translation tags for direct hit chance and miss radius.
-Balance down watermill 1400 -> 1200 watts. -Healroot grow time 10 -> 7 (crop version only, wild version remains at 10). -Flak pants occupy middle layer (can’t be worn under power armor).
Tie forcedMissRadius to whether a weapon is explosive; remove it from non-explosive weapons and adjust accuracy.
Fix: Adjusted forced miss is not applied properly.
Move verb-related ConfigErrors into VerbProperties.
Pass a little extra information into ApplyPatches.
Abstract mod loading into a variety of overridable functions.
Fix: Phrasing mistake.
Fix: Typo.
Added stat minValue where appropriate.
Raiders are no longer allowed to self-tend.
Fix 3443: Colonist with low Animals skill gets 'Product Wasted' when shearing alpaca, but alpaca still has 100% wool
Fix 3439: Item stash contains Silver, Silver, Silver, Silver, and Silver
Fixed back compatibility issue with ScenPart_IncidentBase.
Fix 3435: Backwards compatibility: Issues with missing/changed defs edition
Allow tribalwear for all starts (for naked brutality scenario, mostly).
More content for interaction descriptions.
Fixed issues with hediffs B18 back compatibility.
Fixed some B18 back compatibility issues.
Reduced predator prevalence in most biomes about 30%.
Balance prevalence of harvestable wild plants (mostly reducing raspberries).
Goodwill daily gain and fall for factions reduced 0.5 -> 0.25
Adjusted and added some content for world feature name generation.
Fix: Semi-frequent errors on world generation from name use checking by text generators.
RulePack refactoring. Fix: Tribe factions use outlander union names for name generation.
Rulepacks refactor and naming consistency.
Some minor rule pack refactors.
Fix: Waterwheels don't rotate the right direction.
Integrate backstory translations using the same fuzzy-match logic used for loading.
Improved tribal name generators. Removed various duplicate rules in favor of probability markers.
More naming content for trade ships.
More content for world name generator.
Update string replacement symbols for Tynan easter egg backstory.
More random naming content for pirate factions.
Fix: Some world text still clips with the planet.
Adjust mortar description to explain its inaccuracy.
Exclude wav and png files from VSCode.
Name generation tests now inject the name "Smithee" for ANYPAWN. This is so that rules which require a pawn name (e.g. art titles relating to a Tale about a pawn) get tested as well.
A bit more content for weapon art namer.
Refactor some naming data into global to reduce duplication.
Added more variations to art name generation, and restructured for greater re-use between art types.
Syllables are now global for text generation and renamed to SylE (English) and SylG (Galician).
More content for artwork naming.
Rename some RulePack XML files.
Fix: Art namers don't appear on namer test rulepack list (since their names didn't start with Namer). Renamed them to NamerArtXXX. Fix: Some bracket mistakes from last commit.
Reorganized and renamed various art generation text symbols. Removed a bunch of redundant references (re-defining things already defined in global utility def).
Increase deep counts per cell somewhat (this is balanced because we now have drill-caused infestations)
Credits update (testers)
Delete two meta files that Unity keeps deleting.
Display “(various) x5” instead of just “(various)” when various things are selected.
Grayscale-out disabled Commands.
Fix 3436: Exception while saving Maneuver_Smash_MeleeHit
Fix 3441: Gray turns into __Gray__ when drafted. (Underline on entire textbox rather than name) (maybe)
Fix another smattering of old text-replacement tokens.
June 21st -
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-myTable"
! Hello
! World
| Content
| Goes
| In
| Here
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-myTable"
! Hello
! World
| Content
| Goes
| In
| Here
<div style="clear:both"></div>
Differentiated colors of different variants of the same faction type.
== Research ==
Remove uranium cost from shield belt.
{| {{STDT| sortable c_07 text-center}}
Applied Jon's new properly-aligned wood floor texture, and made the burned version for it. Applied Jon's proper headless projectile graphics for firefoam and incendiary shells that match the item graphics (e.g. no head).
! Name
Rebalanced deep resources: More resources per cell, smaller but more numerous lumps, plasteel and uranium more common, silver moved to same low commonality as jade and gold.
! Description
Revert some recent increases to sowing time.
! Base cost
Reduce food poison chances significantly.
! Industrial start cost
Adjusted poker table graphics to standard table style (filling the cells).
! Tribal start cost
Solve a quirk where some items are faster to craft at crafting spot than on proper benches (e.g. tribalwear). Solution: -Set crafting spot to 50% speed. -Crafting spot and butcher spot are both now subject to temperature and outdoors work speed penalties. -Made smokeleaf joint and pekoe makeable at drug lab. -Adjusted work speed penalties, outdoors 80%->90%, bad temperature 60%->70%.
! Required Research
Group melee-related stats away from ranged-related stats.
! Required Research Bench & Addon
Group Miss Radius and Direct Hit Chance stats.
Add Direct Hit Chance to shot report.
Fixed bugs, made a debug output for, and rebalanced the code that adjusts backstory selection chances to try to achieve a relatively even spread of work disable commonalities.
Fix 3442: Typo in Mini-Turret's description
Intercept_Object_HitChancePerFillPercent 0.10 -> 0.15
-Random intercept chance for wild projectiles is now the same as hitting cover for world objects adjacent to the target. This solves issues where if two people are hunkered behind sandbags, it can be weirdly likely to hit the neighbor of your true target since the sandbags don’t protect him at all, while they do protect your true target. Unfortunately this doesn’t perfectly solve the issue when the shooter misses *behind* the target since the sandbags aren’t adjacent to the target point. Still have to work on that. -Fix: Shots can randomly intercept targets who are inside the destination cell (now it only hits using the target cell impact code). -Improve on-map shooting debug output. -Increased chance factor for randomly intercepting world objects for wild shots 0.07 -> 0.10. -Intercept_Pawn_HitChanceFactor_LayingDown 0.10 -> 0.15. -Condense shooting-related tunable constants into ShootTunings
Fix: If a hunt target gets up after being downed, it still gets slaughtered in melee.
Added XML translation handles so it's easier to translate list elements.
Added RulePack.rulesFiles field which just instantiates specially formatted Rule_Files so translators can add more Rule_Files. Added MayTranslate attribute.
Fix 3448: Buildings marked for deconstruction yield no resources, so colonists should not refuel them
Added translation repos clone/push scripts.
Minor clarity text changes in bill config dialog.
Open doors no longer always intercept stray bullets. Chance reduced to 5%
June 22nd
|- id="Complex clothing"
! Complex clothing
| ''Tailor complicated [[Clothing|garments]] like [[pants]], [[duster]]s, and [[cowboy hat]]s.''
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
|+ style=white-space:nowrap | The following are unlocked by this research:
! {{#ask: [[Required Research::Complex clothing]] [[:+]] | ?Image}}
| 600
| 600 {{ref label|Classic Start|B}}
| 900
| None
| Simple
Caravan BaseJoyGainPerHour 0.31 -> 0.35
|- id="Complex clothing"
Fix: Smoothed stone floors have no market value.
! Complex clothing
Condensed all the dependent RoomStats into a single worker class driven by a SimpleCurve in the def instead of using complex case-specific math. Adjusted a few numbers. Renamed defaultScore -> roomlessScore to be clearer.
| ''Tailor complicated [[Clothing|garments]] like [[pants]], [[duster]]s, and [[cowboy hat]]s.''
Refactor cleanliness calculations into a SimpleCurve.
Reviewed heat generation from buildings game-wide. Made a new debug output to help analyze it. Some buildings produce heat that didn’t before (stoves, etc).
The following are unlocked by this research: <span class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">{{#ask: [[Required Research::Complex clothing]] [[:+]]}}</span>
Multi-analyzer advanced component cost 2->1.
| 600
Fix: Various recipes have no work speed stat, and so work speed is unaffected by injury or traits. -Make chemfuel at organic bench. -Make stone blocks. -Burn drugs/apparel, cremate corpse. To fix, added a UnskilledProductionSpeed stat that is affected by health conditions only.
| 600 {{ref label|Classic Start|B}}
Reworked brewing speed into drug cooking speed, applied it to brewing, pekoe and smokeleaf. Smokeleaf making is no longer weirdly divorced from all health conditions. Renamed drug production speed to drug synthesis speed to distinguish it better from drug cooking. Reworked recipe skill debug output into a table.
| 900
Incendiary launcher can now target locations. Minigun can no longer target locations.
| None
Reduced various infection chances (around 25%).
| Simple
Watermill cost 340/20/1 -> 280 wood, 80 steel, 3 components.
Increase animal gestation times roughly 20% game-wide.
Adjusted some constructionSkillPrerequisites and UI icon draw sizes. Campfire no longer has a construction skill requirement. Short bow crafting skill requirement 3->2.
Saguaro cactus wood yield 10 -> 20.
Minor text fixes.
Added TranslationHandle attributes where appropriate. Translation handles are now sanitized properly.
Added translation report syntax suggestion for helpTexts.0. Moved some code from Pawn_RotationTracker to FaceTarget() so it can be reused by e.g. JobDriver_SitFacingBuilding which fixes some rotation issues.
Finished working on translation handles. Moved translation handles code to a separate file. Fixed some issues. Translation report now suggests using translation handles instead of raw indexes.
Fix 3451: Faction Kinship of Abetra of def TribeRough has no usable PawnGroupMakers
Added a sound that plays when the build script is finished.
June 23rd -
|- id="Complex clothing"
! Complex clothing
| ''Tailor complicated [[Clothing|garments]] like [[pants]], [[duster]]s, and [[cowboy hat]]s.''
The following are unlocked by this research: {{#ask: [[Required Research::Complex clothing]] [[:+]]}}
| 600
| 600 {{ref label|Classic Start|B}}
| 900
| None
| Simple
Text adjustments on prosthetic appreciation/disgust (since prosthophile/phobe was renamed).
|- id="Complex clothing"
Fix: All character art in the game is slightly offset to the left by one pixel on the north and south view. Corrected apparel. Also resized some oversized art and made minor art fixes.
! Complex clothing
Wild men now show up in the Wildlife tab.
| ''Tailor complicated [[Clothing|garments]] like [[pants]], [[duster]]s, and [[cowboy hat]]s.''
Fix: All character art in the game is slightly offset to the left by one pixel on the north and south view. Corrected bodies.
Fix: All character art in the game is slightly offset to the left by one pixel on the north and south view. Corrected head and hair art. Also made some minor art corrections (some fuzzy/bright pixels around hair edges).
For a full list of what is unlocked by this research see {{#ask: [[Required Research::IEDs]] | ?Type | ?Type2 | sort = From DLC, Type, Type2, Name | limit = 0| searchlabel = here}}.
Add ProstheticAppreciation/Disgust thoughts for Transhumanist/BodyPurist.
| 600
Reduce PSD size: Tribal headdress. Centered it (I intend to center the rest of the character art so we don't need a weird offset forever).
| 600 {{ref label|Classic Start|B}}
Fix: Stuff offsets not applied if stat value is zero or below because of accidental interaction with applyFactorsIfNegative. Also, moved stuff stat offset application after stat factors, since there’s no sense in multiplying a stat’s offset but its own factor. Adjusted gold, and silver beauty stat offsets. Result: Walls made of super expensive materials now have beauty.
| 900
Resized ship AI core building (3,3)->(2x2) to make symmetrical ships possible. Resized art to standard size per cell as well and cleaned it up a bit.
| None
Reduce centipede health, armor, and melee attack power. Increase scyther armor.
| Simple
PointsPer1000Wealth 7.8 -> 7.5
Fix: Shooting small-size targets makes people spray bullets more widely.
Fix: Shot spread suddenly becomes a lot wider if the target lays down (this problem still exists for target size).
Allow multiselect of wild healroot.
Tuned shooting spread curves. Moved shooting spread curves into ShootTunings.
Allow running conduit through smoothed walls.
Set a minimum aimon chance at 2%.
Refactor some shot accuracy code; moved accuracy variables into ShootTunings.
Remove meleeshoot functionality.
Add debug output to tune wild miss results.
Implement new wild-miss behavior.
June 25th -
|- id="Complex clothing"
! Complex clothing
| ''Tailor complicated [[Clothing|garments]] like [[pants]], [[duster]]s, and [[cowboy hat]]s.''
| 600
| 600 {{ref label|Classic Start|B}}
| 900
| None
| Simple
Watermill generator requires a 5-wide line of moving water instead of 3-wide.
== Reminder ==
Fix: Def direction of watermill generator is reversed.
<span title="This is the hover text" style="border-bottom:1px dotted">This is the inline text</span>
Corrected nutrient paste dispenser def direction and cleaned up some of the art.
Watermill size (4,5) -> (5,6). Including art upscale.
Reordered skills and defined the order in defs so mods can insert skills anywhere.
Fix: Packaged survival meal now has no research prerequisite.
Rename skill: “growing” -> “plants”.
Reduced soaking wet thought impact 10 -> 6. Adjusted text to hint about bridges.
Minor trait commonality adjustments.
Add hediff debug command now shows all HediffDefs on the first page.
Reduced food poisoning impact to no longer down the pawn, but rather slow him and put him in pain.
Fix 3458: Damaged graphic for side-rotated 1x2 table is offset from the table graphic
Humans can now drop their terrain-source filth several times.
Added trash as a variant of human filth.
Change difficulty labels to the traditional ones.
Rearranged construction work priorities. Repair is below construct, and other changes.
Crashlanded scenario now starts with 10 wake-up.
Adjust GiveUpExit mental break text.
Gift silver for one goodwill 20 -> 25.
Nutrient paste dispenser no longer requires research.
Adjusted multi-analyzer art match other table types in style (i.e. tabletop fills cells).
Mining against constructed structures is now much slower than mining against natural walls. This will slow down sappers and insects when they’re digging through your defenses.
Remove construction skill requirement for passive cooler.
Allow opportunistic haul for pawns with hauling work disabled. Loosed up distance limits on opportunistic hauling. Refactor opportunistic haul tunings into new AITuning class.
Rename some classes Tunings -> Tuning
Reduce max world feature text size. When there are giant oceans it was making insanely huge text that Z-fights. Slightly reduced mid-tier feature size as well.
Minor rebalances to trade requests.
Fix: Unnecessary decimals on money amounts in trade request letter.
Debuff trade quest rewards 200%~300% -> 180%~260%.
Buff sandbags 60%->65% coverage.
Clarify skill descriptions.
Marble now has +1 beauty offset. So marble walls have 1 beauty. It’s still the weakest stone type.
Increase theshold for bionic uneasiness from 2 parts to 3 parts.
June 25th v2 -
<abbr title="abbreviation" tabindex="0">abbr</abbr> in it.
Fix: Stats window displays armor penetration even for weapons that don't interact with armor (e.g. EMP)
== Test ==
Rebalanced several weapons to increase damage per-shot (and thus armor rating) without changing DPS much: -Assault rifle -LMG -Minigun -Charge rifle
{{#vardefineecho: dusterMaterial | Thrumbofur}}
Adjusted mining speed vs walls.
{{#vardefineecho: competitor | Marine armor}}
Armor penetration stat now has an explanatory description when you select it in the stats page.
Bloodlust social fight chance factor 2x -> 4x.
Heart attack adjustments.
Remove some erroneous newlines in messages.
Crashlanded no longer starts with wake-up.
Rename SimpleCurve2D -> SimpleSurface.
Reduced soaking wet thought impact to -3. Slightly slowed down movement through water. Marsh now counts as a form of shallow water.
Changed steel graphics to be more visible.
Art cleanup: Ship parts.
Change some armor categories (mainly bomb blunt -> sharp)
Reduces armor penetration on some specific weapons.
Fix: Armor stats’ post-process curves are tuned assuming 100% is perfect protection.
Fix 3444: Wide rivers can spawn with unsupported overhead mountains
Fix 3455: Extreme slowdown while right-click prioritize float menu is open
Implemented three-way roll armor system.
Improved art for dessicated animals somewhat.
Made special dessicated version of thin body type and applied it to female/thin bodies. This fixes a bug where clothed dessicated corpses that are thin or female draw the skeleton past the edge of the clothes. Also refactored and simplified body graphic loading code a bit and adjusted head stump graphics.
Fix: Human skin shader is applied to dessicated skull, making it reddish.
Improved art for dessicated humans.
Transport pods now write their contents on the inspect pane.
Tightened up meal graphics.
Changed letter dismissal option text from “OK” to “dismiss”. Thanks, Apple human interface guidelines.
Inspirations are now associated with skills and are more likely if a pawn has passions in those skills. Reduced inspiration skill level requirements.
Non-tribal colonies start with nutrient paste researched. (this is so tribals don’t get it automatically as well).
Revert "Nutrient paste dispenser no longer requires research."
Brawlers can no longer get shooting inspirations.
Animal infection chance factor 0.20 -> 0.10.
Watermill generator now requires heavy terrain, so it can't be built on bridges.
Power armor research cost 1600 -> 3000.
June 26th -
{| class="wikitable"
! Awful  Poor  Normal  Good  Excellent  Masterwork  Legendary
Building watermills too close together now makes them less effective (water turbulence).
Adjust naked brutality description.
Reduced “soaking wet” duration and made it happen in rain as well as water.
<td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-collapseAwful>
Fix: Minor issues with time speed slowing in combat.
{{Apparel Protection Chart
Autocannon turret is now significantly more powerful and somewhat more expensive.
| set1name  = Flak Vest and {{#var:dusterMaterial}} Duster
Fix: Pawns who are incapable of hauling can still do opportunistic hauling jobs.
| set1armor1 = {{#expr: 0.60 * {{Q|Flak vest|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Multi-analyzer no longer requires advanced components. Plasteel is enough.
| set1armor2 = {{#expr: 0.60 * {{Q|Duster|Armor Factor - Sharp}} * {{Q|{{#var:dusterMaterial}}|Armor - Sharp Factor}}}}
Buffed wind turbine power output 15%.
| set2name  = {{#var:competitor}}
Insect meat is now priced lower than other meat.
| set2armor1 = {{#expr: 0.60 * {{Q|{{#var:competitor}}|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Fix: Some text still uses the term “joy” instead of “recreation”.
June 27th -
Added cocoa tree, for growing your own chocolate. This is a useful recreation source at high expectations levels. It takes a lot of grower skill and sowing time, as well as research.
Explain armor system better in armor rating stat.
Adjusted population intent balance slightly to not be so aggressive about adding people at very low populations.
<td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-collapsePoor>
Increase shotgun stagger, slightly buff autopistol and slightly debuff revolver.
{{Apparel Protection Chart
When a recreation tolerance hits 50%, we now disable taking job of that recreation type until it falls to 30%. "Bored". So instead of endlessly doing the same recreation activity which they aren't getting anything from, pawns will have an unfulfilled recreation need instead until more variety of recreation is available.
| set1name  = Flak Vest and {{#var:dusterMaterial}} Duster
On recreation tooltip, we now mention the recreation types available current expectations and tolerance fall rate.
| set1armor1 = {{#expr: 0.80 * {{Q|Flak vest|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Need recreation variety alert now lists kinds from items (chemical, gluttonous).
| set1armor2 = {{#expr: 0.80 * {{Q|Duster|Armor Factor - Sharp}} * {{Q|{{#var:dusterMaterial}}|Armor - Sharp Factor}}}}
Added more detail to “need recreation variety” alert. It mentions current expectations level. It lists the recreation kinds extant on the current map, and which building they come from. It says you can check a building’s recreation kinds in its stats.
| set2name  = {{#var:competitor}}
Expectations and joy tolerance rework. Recreation tolerance drop per day now varies based on expectations. "Need recreation sources" alert now activates whenever there are not enough recreation sources for the specific expectations level on any PlayerHome map. Expectations levels are now defined by defs and queried from a central utility class.
| set2armor1 = {{#expr: 0.80 * {{Q|{{#var:competitor}}|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Adjusted quest reward item quality generation.
We explain how to reorder colonist bar in a tooltip now.
Increase centipedes points cost (since their weapons are a bit better now). Sped up centipedes a bit.
Bomb explosion now has stopping power.
Fix 3460: Doe graphics look unusually big
Fix 3462: Watermill generator 'turbulence from another watermill' updating issues
<td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-collapseNormal>
Added flak jacket. Still using jacket art.
{{Apparel Protection Chart
Refugees now get "Rescued" thought on rescued.
| set1name  = Flak Vest and {{#var:dusterMaterial}} Duster
Reduced frequency of family members of colonists by 50%.
| set1armor1 = {{#expr: 1.00 * {{Q|Flak vest|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Trade quests now only accept normal or better quality items.
| set1armor2 = {{#expr: 1.00 * {{Q|Duster|Armor Factor - Sharp}} * {{Q|{{#var:dusterMaterial}}|Armor - Sharp Factor}}}}
Fix: TryAppendRelationsWithColonistsInfo() doesn't append newlines correctly (no newlines before relationship info).
| set2name  = {{#var:competitor}}
Bomb and Flame now have defaultArmorPenetration 0.05. Added DamageDef.defaultStoppingPower.
| set2armor1 = {{#expr: 1.00 * {{Q|{{#var:competitor}}|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Animals tab now accepts nameless animals as a workaround for nameless animals bug.
Fix 3452: Memory leak detected: map (Map-0) is still live when it shouldn't be; this map will not be mentioned again
Caravan interface: "pause" -> "rest".
Overall armor calculations now correctly handle >100% armor ratings.
June 28th -
<td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-collapseGood>
{{Apparel Protection Chart
Remove unnecessary meta file.
| set1name  = Flak Vest and {{#var:dusterMaterial}} Duster
Reversed def directionality of comms console to make sense and match B18 again.
| set1armor1 = {{#expr: 1.15 * {{Q|Flak vest|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Reversed def directionality of dresser.
| set1armor2 = {{#expr: 1.15 * {{Q|Duster|Armor Factor - Sharp}} * {{Q|{{#var:dusterMaterial}}|Armor - Sharp Factor}}}}
Fix: Ship engine graphic reversed east/west.
| set2name  = {{#var:competitor}}
Fix: Comms console has chair graphic on interaction spot but doesn’t use it.
| set2armor1 = {{#expr: 1.15 * {{Q|{{#var:competitor}}|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Plate armor research cost 1800 -> 1400. Plate armor armor rating reduced ~3%.
Relations shifts over time are a bit slower (0.25/day -> 0.20/day)
Exclude Photoshop .psd files from VSCode.
Armor rebalance: Double armor of devilstrand, hyperweave, thrumbofur. Increase other leathers’ armor ratings. Reduce flak pants/jacket to 40/10/10. Thrumbo now has natural armor, but reduced health (thus fewer permanent injuries over long-term use).
Changed Thing.SpecialDisplayStats from a property to a method.
Costed up autocannon turret and made it no longer stuffed.
<td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-collapseExcellent>
Royal bed gold cost 10 -> 50
{{Apparel Protection Chart
Fix: Some armor can be made on the wrong table.
| set1name  = Flak Vest and {{#var:dusterMaterial}} Duster
Reset the minimum ticks until mental break upon mental state recovery. MinTicksBelowToBreak 1500 -> 3000.
| set1armor1 = {{#expr: 1.30 * {{Q|Flak vest|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Improve transport pod contents output to show stack counts and combine same-def items.
| set1armor2 = {{#expr: 1.30 * {{Q|Duster|Armor Factor - Sharp}} * {{Q|{{#var:dusterMaterial}}|Armor - Sharp Factor}}}}
Display manhunter chance even if it's zero.
| set2name  = {{#var:competitor}}
Less heart attacks for young people.
| set2armor1 = {{#expr: 1.30 * {{Q|{{#var:competitor}}|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Adjusted pyro and gourmand special mental break rates. No longer related to mood.
Add special requested name to get around tech problem on website.
Settlement -> SettlementBase, FactionBase -> Settlement
Escape ship map is now considered a PlayerHome.
Fix: Ship quest's computer core is disconnected from the rest of the ship.
Fix 3459: Randomly-generated player faction name is invalid
<td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-collapseMasterwork>
Fix 3466: Obedience-training an animal doesn't auto-assign master
{{Apparel Protection Chart
Fix 3467: Pawn faces the opposite direction when burying a corpse
| set1name  = Flak Vest and {{#var:dusterMaterial}} Duster
Fix 3470: ToWild bullets can damage conduits that are underneath walls
| set1armor1 = {{#expr: 1.45 * {{Q|Flak vest|Armor - Sharp}} }}
Fix 3461: Escape pod notification befriending text is still present if there's a pirate inside
| set1armor2 = {{#expr: 1.45 * {{Q|Duster|Armor Factor - Sharp}} * {{Q|{{#var:dusterMaterial}}|Armor - Sharp Factor}}}}
Fix 3468: Back compatibility-related errors with new joy boredom state.
| set2name  = {{#var:competitor}}
Fix 3464: Exception filling window for Verse.Dialog_InfoCard: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
| set2armor1 = {{#expr: 1.45 * {{Q|{{#var:competitor}}|Armor - Sharp}} }}
June 28th v2 -
Fix: Deep drilling gold is insanely fast since portion size is determined by stack size. Fixed by defining deep portion size directly per-def (for steel it changed from 38 to 35).
Rebalanced to make late game production less grindy: -Allow reinstall of deep drills. -Deep drill health 140 -> 300. -Deep drill work per lump 16000 -> 13000. -Deep drill cost 200 steel + 3 components -> 300 steel + 4 components. -Deep drill work to make 5000 -> 10000. -Deep drill power consumption 250 -> 300. -Deep drill research cost 1500 -> 2400. -Deep drill infestations size increased (if player has the points for it) and more randomness to the raid size. -Deep drill infestations cooldown per drill group 8 days -> 7 days. -Long-range mineral scanner MTB 30 days -> 18 days.
Wording changes in a few places.
The player can now research and build flatscreen televisions.
Increased poison ship part radius maximum 50 tiles -> 100 tiles.
Moved pekoe production from crafting spot to campfire and stoves. Normalized the way campfire work speed works; it’s automatically 50% of normal, which allowed removing the custom campfire-only recipes for simple meal, pemmican, burn drugs, and burn apparel.
Fix: Deep drill doesn't give comfort but still has a chair icon for the interaction spot.
Decrease quest start frequency a bit, normalize it between storytellers.
== Test ==
{| {{STDT|sortable c_03 text-center}}
! Quality
!{{H:title|link=no|Damage Per Second assuming all shots hit|DPS<br/>(Optimal)}}  
!{{H:title|link=no|DPS x Accuracy at Touch Range assuming perfect shooter accuracy|DPS<br/>(Touch)}}  
!{{H:title|link=no|DPS x Accuracy at Short Range assuming perfect shooter accuracy|DPS<br/>(Short)}}  
!{{H:title|link=no|DPS x Accuracy at Medium Range assuming perfect shooter accuracy|DPS<br/>(Medium)}}  
!{{H:title|link=no|DPS x Accuracy at Long Range assuming perfect shooter accuracy|DPS<br/>(Long)}}
! Market Value
{{User:Harakoni/RangedQuality|Assault rifle}}
{{User:Harakoni/RangedQuality|Charge rifle}}
<td class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-collapseLegendary>
{{User:Harakoni/RangedQuality|Heavy SMG}}
{{Apparel Protection Chart
| set1name  = Flak Vest and {{#var:dusterMaterial}} Duster
| set1armor1 = {{#expr: 1.80 * {{Q|Flak vest|Armor - Sharp}} }}
| set1armor2 = {{#expr: 1.80 * {{Q|Duster|Armor Factor - Sharp}} * {{Q|{{#var:dusterMaterial}}|Armor - Sharp Factor}}}}
| set2name  = {{#var:competitor}}
| set2armor1 = {{#expr: 1.80 * {{Q|{{#var:competitor}}|Armor - Sharp}} }}

Latest revision as of 10:22, 16 June 2024




Player created pawns[edit]

Pawn name Title
(Short Title)
Description Skill Modifications Work types Traits Tribal Outlander Pirate Offworld Outsider Imperial
James 'Doc' Grey
Pirate King - Can be a faction leader
Fallen prodigy
[PAWN_nameDef] was born on a glitterworld falling into chaos. [PAWN_possessive] father was killed in action.

[PAWN_pronoun] struggled for a scholarship at Utmaior Academy and had to prove [PAWN_possessive] right to be there. A child genius, [PAWN_pronoun] was bullied as a charity case and couldn't make friends with the other kids.

  • −Social
Too smart Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Thin south.png
Mad scientist
Stripped of [PAWN_possessive] life’s work and exiled after [PAWN_possessive] unethical experiments on the survivors of the Callos IX incident were published, [PAWN_nameDef] learned the skills necessary to survive in the outer rim.

Continuing [PAWN_possessive] research with nothing left to lose, [PAWN_pronoun] made minions to carry out the tasks that bored him.

  • −Hauling
  • −Mining
Yiyang 'Mitsuya' Jiang
Transfer student
A midworld child, [PAWN_nameDef]'s wealthy parents sent [PAWN_objective] to a nearby glitterworld to receive a better education.

[PAWN_nameDef] was a talented student. However, due to [PAWN_possessive] family's wealth, [PAWN_pronoun] never had to do dumb labor.

  • −Dumb labor
- Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Naked Male south.png/Naked Female south.png
[PAWN_nameDef] was an activist in a powerful political faction. There [PAWN_pronoun] learned the art of persuasion and speech.

[PAWN_pronoun] had many enemies, so [PAWN_pronoun] took secret courses in shooting and hand-to-hand combat.

  • −Plants
  • −Mining

Weapon DPS comparator[edit]

Tradeable items[edit]

 Market Value BaseTypeType2
Biomutation pulser800ArtifactUtility
Electroharvester160BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Holding platform76BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Bioferrite harvester141BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Sleep suppressor545BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Serum lab725BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Atmospheric heater1,385BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Shard beacon425BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Electric inhibitor133BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Proximity detector65BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Frenzy inducer495BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Bioferrite shaper200BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Shard inhibitor430BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
Deathrest casket295BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mechband dish795BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Growth vat440BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Deathrest accelerator710BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mech booster345BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Wastepack atomizer2,440BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Gene processor510BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Large mech recharger570BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mech recharger300BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mechband antenna250BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Hemopump360BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Subcore softscanner985BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Gene bank145BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Glucosoid pump515BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Large mech gestator820BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Gene assembler550BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Gene extractor670BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Psychofluid pump1,225BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Mech gestator410BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Subcore encoder315BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Subcore ripscanner1,925BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Hemogen amplifier550BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Band node535BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Pollution pump189BuildingBiotech (Buildings)
Rustic rug (medium)154BuildingFloor
Spikecore floor-star (broad)290BuildingFloor
Spikecore floor-star (medium)194BuildingFloor
Rustic rug (broad)230BuildingFloor
Wall torch lamp18BuildingFurniture
Sun lamp77BuildingFurniture
Standing lamp39BuildingFurniture
Animus stone5,000BuildingFurniture
Torch lamp24BuildingFurniture
Fungus darktorch22BuildingFurniture
Wall lamp39BuildingFurniture
Flood light97BuildingFurniture
Blood torch24BuildingFurniture
Neural supercharger245BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Effigy107BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Incense shrine163BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Loudspeaker220BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Cannibal platter132BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Christmas tree158BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Burnbong310BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Biosculpter pod455BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Sleep accelerator275BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Ideogram185BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Pyre138BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Lightball93BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Sacrificial flag119BuildingIdeology (Buildings)
Tool cabinet385BuildingMisc
Long-range mineral scanner1,010BuildingMisc
Orbital trade beacon111BuildingMisc
Ground-penetrating scanner655BuildingMisc
Vitals monitor215BuildingMisc
Ship landing beacon111BuildingMisc
Moisture pump275BuildingMisc
Firefoam popper180BuildingMisc
Comms console365BuildingMisc
Transport pod152BuildingMisc
Cryptosleep casket710BuildingMisc
Pod launcher138BuildingMisc
Wood-fired generator265BuildingPower
Geothermal generator945BuildingPower
Wind turbine265BuildingPower
Chemfuel powered generator295BuildingPower
Power switch61BuildingPower
Bioferrite generator740BuildingPower
Waterproof conduit19BuildingPower
Watermill generator600BuildingPower
Toxifier generator360BuildingPower
Solar generator295BuildingPower
Nutrient paste dispenser340BuildingProduction
Deep drill290BuildingProduction
Electric stove225BuildingProduction
Machining table455BuildingProduction
Fueled stove159BuildingProduction
Fueled smithy200BuildingProduction
Hydroponics basin230BuildingProduction
Electric smelter400BuildingProduction
Electric smithy295BuildingProduction
Fabrication bench1,180BuildingProduction
Biofuel refinery390BuildingProduction
Fermenting barrel57BuildingProduction
Megascreen television2,000BuildingRecreation
Tube television315BuildingRecreation
Flatscreen television920BuildingRecreation
IED firefoam trap115BuildingSecurity
IED trap115BuildingSecurity
Rocketswarm launcher1,075BuildingSecurity
IED EMP trap115BuildingSecurity
IED antigrain warhead trap1,205BuildingSecurity
IED tox trap115BuildingSecurity
IED smoke trap115BuildingSecurity
Uranium slug turret1,445BuildingSecurity
IED incendiary trap115BuildingSecurity
IED deadlife trap100BuildingSecurity
Autocannon turret1,270BuildingSecurity
Ship cryptosleep casket1,035BuildingShip
Ship engine3,555BuildingShip
Ship structural beam1,065BuildingShip
Sensor cluster1,805BuildingShip
Ship reactor5,440BuildingShip
Ship computer core5,845BuildingShip
Infinite chemreactor1,500BuildingSpecial
Psychic emanator1,300BuildingSpecial
Mech node200BuildingSpecial
Vanometric power cell1,200BuildingSpecial
Unstable power cell400BuildingSpecial
Security door535BuildingStructure
Passive cooler61BuildingTemperature
Firefoam shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Incendiary shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
High-explosive shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Deadlife shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Smoke shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Tox shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
EMP shell55Crafted resourcesMortar shell
Tome250Exotic itemBook
Novel160Exotic itemBook
Schematic150Exotic itemBook
Textbook160Exotic itemBook
Packaged survival meal24FoodMeal
Carnivore fine meal20FoodMeal
Vegetarian lavish meal40FoodMeal
Carnivore lavish meal40FoodMeal
Fine meal20FoodMeal
Simple meal15FoodMeal
Vegetarian fine meal20FoodMeal
Lavish meal40FoodMeal
Cassowary egg (fert.)19FoodRaw Food
Tortoise egg (fert.)23FoodRaw Food
Cobra egg (fert.)40FoodRaw Food
Iguana egg (fert.)25FoodRaw Food
Ostrich egg (fert.)23FoodRaw Food
Emu egg (fert.)18FoodRaw Food
Jump pack645GearUtility
Control pack395GearUtility
Orbital power beam targeter1,200GearUtility
Psychic insanity lance650GearUtility
Tornado generator800GearUtility
Deadlife pack445GearUtility
Bandwidth pack1,360GearUtility
Firefoam pop pack143GearUtility
Smokepop pack166GearUtility
Biomutation lance850GearUtility
Tox pack132GearUtility
Shard shock lance510GearUtility
Disruptor flare pack80GearUtility
Psychic shock lance550GearUtility
Orbital mech cluster targeter1,200GearUtility
Shield belt390GearUtility
Low-shield pack430GearUtility
Turret pack235GearUtility
Shard insanity lance530GearUtility
Orbital bombardment targeter1,200GearUtility
Joywire220Medical ItemsBody Parts
Metalblood heart95Medical ItemsBody Parts
Remote shielder1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Coagulator830Medical ItemsBody Parts
Love enhancer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Mechlink500Medical ItemsBody Parts
Nuclear stomach1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic tongue565Medical ItemsBody Parts
Mindscrew210Medical ItemsBody Parts
Liver1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Power claw385Medical ItemsBody Parts
Lung1,000Medical ItemsBody Parts
Hand talon355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Field hand425Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic arm1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Corrosive heart95Medical ItemsBody Parts
Repair probe1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Gastro-analyzer830Medical ItemsBody Parts
Death acidifier400Medical ItemsBody Parts
Reprocessor stomach1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Immunoenhancer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Mech gestation processor1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic spine1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Elbow blade355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Drill arm425Medical ItemsBody Parts
Adrenal heart95Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psylink neuroformer2,600Medical ItemsBody Parts
Circadian assistant1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Sterilizing stomach1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Aesthetic nose585Medical ItemsBody Parts
Control sublink (standard)1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Flesh tentacle385Medical ItemsBody Parts
Revenant vertebrae1,895Medical ItemsBody Parts
Ghoul barbs48Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic heart1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Detoxifier kidney1,080Medical ItemsBody Parts
Knee spike355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Prosthetic heart230Medical ItemsBody Parts
Kidney900Medical ItemsBody Parts
Archotech eye2,800Medical ItemsBody Parts
Learning assistant1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Circadian half-cycler1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Painstopper220Medical ItemsBody Parts
Ghoul plating85Medical ItemsBody Parts
Control sublink (high)1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Stoneskin gland1,920Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic leg1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Prosthetic arm260Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic eye1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic ear785Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psychic sensitizer1,000Medical ItemsBody Parts
Venom fangs355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Xenogerm100Medical ItemsBody Parts
Archotech leg2,800Medical ItemsBody Parts
Neurocalculator1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic jaw1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Cochlear implant220Medical ItemsBody Parts
Remote repairer1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Aesthetic shaper830Medical ItemsBody Parts
Healing enhancer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Prosthetic leg260Medical ItemsBody Parts
Toughskin gland1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Heart1,200Medical ItemsBody Parts
Bionic stomach785Medical ItemsBody Parts
Armorskin gland1,475Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psychic reader1,000Medical ItemsBody Parts
Venom talon355Medical ItemsBody Parts
Detoxifier lung925Medical ItemsBody Parts
Archotech arm2,800Medical ItemsBody Parts
Psychic harmonizer1,030Medical ItemsBody Parts
Antigrain warhead1,200ResourcesMortar shell
Polux seed1,200ResourcesPlant matter
Harbinger seed600ResourcesPlant matter
Gauranlen seed70ResourcesPlant matter

Nutrition math sanity check[edit]

Assuming an arbitrarily large number of females all serviced by one male, nutritional efficiency per offspring assuming they're slaughtered as an adult can be summarized as:

Food produced/Food consumed 
Food consumed = Food consumed to raise 1 animal to adulthood = Food eaten as baby + food eaten as juvenile + food eaten by mother during gestation - food created by mother during gestation
Food produced = Food produced by slaughtering that animal = adult meat yield * 0.05 

Cow: 10.27092

for 16.8

Horse 11.1486

for 16.8



Operation Description Operation Success Rate Multiplier (%) Violation Anesthetize XP Factor Work Medicine required Skill required
Administer Drug In-game description

Mechanical desc

Can't fail Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Anesthetize Render a creature unconscious by administering general anesthetic.

Mechanical desc

200 Violation Check.png 16x ticks (0 secs) Herbal medicine 1 -
Euthanize by cut Euthanize a creature by cutting.

Mechanical desc

500 Check.png Anesthetize 16 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Skill required
Remove (Artificial body part) In-game description

Mechanical desc

120 Check.png Anesthetize 16 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Medical 5
Install (body part) In-game description

Mechanical desc

120 Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 2,500 ticks (41.67 secs) Herbal medicine 2 Medical 5
Harvest (body part) Remove a body part.

Mechanical desc

120 Violation Anesthetize 16 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 -
Terminate pregnancy Content added by the Biotech DLC Terminate the pregnancy of an animal or human.

Mechanical desc

2% death on fail chance

200 Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 1,500 ticks (25 secs) Herbal medicine 2 Skill required
Extract ovum for IVF Content added by the Biotech DLC Extract an ovum into a storage capsule. It can then be fertilized by a man, and finally implanted into a mother to start a pregnancy.

Mechanical desc Requires Fertility proceedures researched must be 15+ Mst be fertile must be female

500 Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Skill required
Implant embryo Content added by the Biotech DLC In-game description

Mechanical desc

500 Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Herbal medicine 1 Skill required
Extract hemogen pack Extract a hemogen pack from the target. The operation will fail to produce a hemogen pack if the target does not have enough blood.
Hemogen packs can be administered to others to reduce blood loss or to satiate those who feed on blood.

Chance Check.png Ex.png 2x 500 ticks (8.33 secs) - -
Implant xenogerm Implant a xenogerm into a patient. This replaces any previous xenogerm they may have had.

Mechanical desc

Chance Check.png Anesthetize XP Factor 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Herbal medicine 4 -
Perform tubal ligation In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Perform vasectomy In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Reverse vasectomy In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Implant IUD In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Remove IUD In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Blood transfusion In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Excise carcinoma In-game description

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize XP Factor 9,999,999,999 ticks (2,777,777.78 mins) Medicine required Skill required
Cure scaria This special medical operation cures scaria.

Mechanical desc

Chance Violation Anesthetize 16 4,500 ticks (1.25 mins) Medicine 3 Medical 8
Sterilize Sterilize a creature so it can no longer reproduce.

Mechanical desc

surgeryIgnoreEnvironment true

Chance Check.png Anesthetize 16 500 ticks (8.33 secs) Medicine required Medical 3
Cure blood rotContent added by the Royalty DLC This special medical operation cures blood rot by a massive infusion of bacteriophage mechanites.

Mechanical desc

Chance Ex.png Anesthetize 16 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Glitterworld medicine 10 Medical 5
Anti-abasia mechanite infusionContent added by the Royalty DLC This special medical operation uses a massive dose of mechanites to saturate brain tissue and execute a coordinated restructure of neural activity without damaging the brain. It permanently cures a patient's abasia-induced paralysis, but consumes a large amount of glitterworld medicine.

Mechanical desc

Chance Ex.png Anesthetize XP Factor 2,000 ticks (33.33 secs) Glitterworld medicine 10 Medical 5



remove linkng[edit]



Page existence[edit]

The image is a link, and it has an explanatory mouse over.

  • [[example|{{#ifexist: example|<span style="color:green;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]
  • [[exampl|{{#ifexist: exampl|<span style="color:green;">This page exists.</span>|This page does not exist.}}]]

Animal nutrition table[edit]

  • Products Nutrition/Day when eaten as:
    Raw Simple meal Nutrient paste meal
    14xMilk/Day 0.7 1.26 2.1
  • Market Value Calculated, not set[edit]

    Adrenal heart, Airwire headset, Array headset, Atmospheric heater, Autocannon turret, Band node, Bandwidth pack, Battery, Bioferrite generator, Bioferrite harvester... further results

    Animal DPS[edit]

    Name DPS AP
    Alpaca 3.74 11.25
    Bison 5.14 20.25
    Boomalope 4.63 13.5
    Capybara 4.21 13
    Caribou 5 15.6
    Cassowary 4.46 10.5
    Chicken 1.47 3.75
    Chinchilla 2.55 6
    Cow 3.81 12.25
    Deer 3.63 10.5
    Donkey 4.07 16.35
    Dromedary 4.63 13.5
    Duck 2 5
    Elephant 9.38 34
    Elk 5 15.6
    Emu 5.08 12.25
    Gazelle 3.62 8.5
    Goat 3.49 10.5
    Goose 2.64 7
    Guinea pig 2.55 6
    Hare 1.7 5
    Horse 3.26 10
    Ibex 3.97 12.45
    Megasloth 9.88 31.5
    Muffalo 5 15.6
    Ostrich 6.77 16
    Rhinoceros 8.84 28
    Sheep 4.52 18.15
    Snowhare 1.7 5
    Squirrel 2.13 6.25
    Turkey 3.23 7.5
    Yak 3.81 12.25
    Alphabeaver 3.76 11.5
    Thrumbo 11.1 33.67
    Boomrat 3.25 7.75
    Grizzly bear 8.67 27.5
    Human 4.1 12
    Husky 5.03 16.5
    Iguana 3.95 12.75
    Labrador retriever 4.73 15.67
    Megascarab 2.5 7
    Megaspider 4.62 18
    Monkey 2.28 5.25
    Pig 3.49 10.5
    Polar bear 8.67 27.5
    Spelopede 3.5 10
    Raccoon 3.13 9.25
    Rat 2.58 6
    Tortoise 3.08 12
    Wild boar 4.7 14.5
    Yorkshire terrier 1.95 5.5
    Arctic fox 4.17 12.33
    Arctic wolf 5.86 17.5
    Cat 3.85 9.25
    Cobra 6 18
    Cougar 7.54 18
    Fennec fox 4.17 12.33
    Lynx 6 14.25
    Panther 7.54 18
    Red fox 4.17 12.33
    Timber wolf 5.86 17.5
    Warg 8.31 19.75
    Barkskin 4.17 12.33
    Berrymaker 4.17 12.33
    Carrier 4.17 12.33
    Clawer 12 80
    Gaumaker 4.17 12.33
    Immature dryad 4.17 12.33
    Medicinemaker 4.17 12.33
    Woodmaker 4.17 12.33
    Centipede 6.54 25
    Lancer 6 18
    Pikeman 6 18
    Scyther 10 30
    Termite 6.54 25

    Weapon Table[edit]

    Name Average DPS Damage type Average AP Value Silver
    Axe Axe 6.71 20
    Wood Wood 5 15 1.2
    Beer Beer 4.5 13 12
    Bionic arm Bionic arm 6 18 1,030
    Club Club 6.27 19
    Elephant tusk Elephant tusk 6.89 27 80
    Gladius Gladius 7.52 23
    Ikwa Ikwa 6.71 20
    Jade knife Jade knife 5.35 19 159
    Knife Knife 6.5 18
    Longsword Longsword 8.6 33
    Mace Mace 7.02 21
    Monosword Monosword 12.08 83 2,000
    Persona monosword Persona monosword 16.03 84 3,000
    Plasmasword Plasmasword 7.85 30 2,000
    Persona plasmasword Persona plasmasword 11.11 33 3,000
    Eltex staff Eltex staff 4.62 18 2,000
    Spear Spear 7.35 38
    Thrumbo horn Thrumbo horn 800
    Warhammer Warhammer 6.89 27
    Zeushammer Zeushammer 9.95 42 2,000
    Persona zeushammer Persona zeushammer 13.4 42 3,000
    Archotech arm Archotech arm 7 21 2,800
    Power claw Power claw 11 33 385
    Prosthetic arm Prosthetic arm 4.1 12 260
    Drill arm Drill arm 6.5 20 425
    Elbow blade Elbow blade 9 27 355
    Field hand Field hand 4.5 13 425
    Hand talon Hand talon 10 15 355
    Venom talon Venom talon 7.33 15 355
    Venom fangs Venom fangs 7.5 22 355
    Knee spike Knee spike 8.46 38 355

    This article is about the base weapon, for the persona weapon, see Persona zeushammer

    This article is about the Persona weapon, for the base weapon, see Zeushammer

    AP = flat scalar

    Does this armor occupy the middle layer Ex.png Check.png


    Middle, Outer 0



    Example way to display outdated data page[edit]

    Alpaca, Alphabeaver, Arctic fox, Arctic wolf, Barkskin, Berrymaker, Bison, Boomalope, Boomrat, Capybara, Caribou, Carrier, Cassowary, Cat, Chicken, Chinchilla, Clawer, Cougar, Cow, Deer, Donkey, Dromedary, Duck, Elephant, Elk, Emu, Fennec fox, Gaumaker, Gazelle, Goat, Goose, Grizzly bear, Guinea pig, Hare, Horse, Human, Husky, Ibex, Iguana, Immature dryad, Labrador retriever, Lynx, Medicinemaker, Megascarab, Megascarab cocoon, Megasloth, Megaspider, Megaspider cocoon, Monkey, Muffalo... further results

    This displays all pages in a category that aren't Verified for the current version using Template: Verified. Animals is used here for function testing but all that would be required would be for the pages to atuomatically have

    [[Category: Data Pages]] {{Verified|<version number here>}}

    When tehy're created and then we could have the

    {{#ask: [[Category:Data Pages]]  [[Verified For::!Version/{{Current Version}}]]}}

    On the To-Do page to remind people to update the data pages as needed.


    Biomutation pulser, Atmospheric heater... further results

    Assault rifle, Bolt-action rifle, Charge rifle, Hellcat rifle, Sniper rifle

    Fine carpet, Fine stone tile, Gold tile, Hex carpet, Hex tile, Mindbend carpet, Morbid carpet, Morbid stone tile, Silver tile, Spikecore plates, Spikecore stone tile, Totemic boards, Totemic stone tile

    Fine carpet, Fine stone tile, Gold tile, Hex carpet, Hex tile, Mindbend carpet, Morbid carpet, Morbid stone tile, Silver tile, Spikecore plates, Spikecore stone tile, Totemic boards, Totemic stone tile

    Daylily, Rose

    MaterialDescriptionHP FactorBeauty OffsetBeauty FactorWork To Build FactorWork To Make FactorMarket Value
    Granite blocksBlocks of solid granite. Granite is a very hard stone.1.70161.30.9
    Limestone blocksBlocks of solid limestone.1.550161.30.9
    Marble blocksBlocks of solid marble. Marble is a soft, beautiful stone, known for being easy to sculpt.1.211.355.51.150.9
    Sandstone blocksBlocks of solid sandstone. Sandstone is a relatively soft rock and chips easily.1.401.151.10.9
    Slate blocksBlocks of solid slate. A dull-looking rock that chips easily.1.301.161.30.9
     Required ResearchTypeType2
    High subcore
    Standard subcore
    Grand sculptureArt
    Terror sculptureArt
    Large sculptureArt
    Small sculptureArt
    Shard beaconBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Rustic rug (medium)BuildingFloor
    Animalist slab (broad)BuildingFloor
    Spikecore floor-star (broad)BuildingFloor
    Animalist slab (medium)BuildingFloor
    Spikecore floor-star (medium)BuildingFloor
    Totemic slab (broad)BuildingFloor
    Totemic slab (medium)BuildingFloor
    Rustic rug (broad)BuildingFloor
    Double bedrollBuildingFurniture
    Torch lampBuildingFurniture
    Table (2x2)BuildingFurniture
    Fungus darktorchBuildingFurniture
    Table (1x2)BuildingFurniture
    Wall torch lampBuildingFurniture
    Table (2x4)BuildingFurniture
    Table (3x3)BuildingFurniture
    Animal sleeping boxBuildingFurniture
    Plant potBuildingFurniture
    Animal bedBuildingFurniture
    DrumBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    PyreBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    ReliquaryBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Medium altarBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Kneel pillowBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    IdeogramBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    SkullspikeBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Styling stationBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Small altarBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    BurnbongBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Gibbet cageBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Cannibal platterBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Incense shrineBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Christmas treeBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    EffigyBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Grand altarBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    PewBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Sacrificial flagBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    LecternBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Large altarBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Kneel sheetBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Crashed mechanitor shipBuildingMisc
    Grand steleBuildingMisc
    Egg boxBuildingMisc
    Small nature shrineBuildingMisc
    Large nature shrineBuildingMisc
    Pen markerBuildingMisc
    Butcher tableBuildingProduction
    Fueled stoveBuildingProduction
    Simple research benchBuildingProduction
    Art benchBuildingProduction
    Horseshoes pinBuildingRecreation
    Game-of-Ur boardBuildingRecreation
    Hoopstone ringBuildingRecreation
    Spike trapBuildingSecurity
    Tactical turretBuildingSecurity
    Fence gateBuildingStructure
    Animal flapBuildingStructure
    ComponentCrafted resources
    WortCrafted resources
    BeerDrugSocial Drug
    Smokeleaf jointDrugSocial drug
    Short bowEquipmentWeapons
    Wood floorFloor
    Straw mattingFloor
    Totemic boardsFloor
    Hex tileFloor
    Spikecore platesFloor
    Baby foodFood
    Simple mealFoodMeal
    Lavish mealFoodMeal
    Vegetarian fine mealFoodMeal
    Fine mealFoodMeal
    Nutrient paste mealFoodMeal
    Carnivore fine mealFoodMeal
    Vegetarian lavish mealFoodMeal
    Carnivore lavish mealFoodMeal
    Tribal headdressGearClothing
    Authority capGearClothing
    Visage maskGearClothing
    Slave collarGearClothing
    Stellic crownGearClothing
    Slave body strapGearClothing
    Torture crownGearClothing
    Kid tribalwearGearClothing
    War maskGearClothing
    Sandstone blocksMaterialStone
    Limestone blocksMaterialStone
    Marble blocksMaterialStone
    Granite blocksMaterialStone
    Slate blocksMaterialStone
    Peg legMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Wooden handMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Wooden footMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Advanced componentAdvanced fabricationCrafted resources
    Flood lightAdvanced lightsBuildingFurniture
    CoolerAir conditioningBuildingTemperature
    Nuclear stomachArtificial metabolismMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Reprocessor stomachArtificial metabolismMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Sterilizing stomachArtificial metabolismMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Atmospheric heaterAtmospheric heaterBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Autocannon turretAutocannon turretBuildingSecurity
    Basic subcoreBasic mechtech
    Mech rechargerBasic mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Band nodeBasic mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Subcore encoderBasic mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Mech gestatorBasic mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Airwire headsetBasic mechtechGearClothing
    Control packBasic mechtechGearUtility
    ConstructoidBasic mechtechMechanoid
    AgrihandBasic mechtechMechanoid
    CleansweeperBasic mechtechMechanoid
    MilitorBasic mechtechMechanoid
    LifterBasic mechtechMechanoid
    BreweryBeer brewingBuildingProduction
    Fermenting barrelBeer brewingBuildingProduction
    Bioferrite generatorBioferrite generatorBuildingPower
    Bioferrite harvesterBioferrite harvestingBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Bioferrite shaperBioferrite shapingBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Nerve spikerBioferrite shapingEquipmentWeapons
    Bioferrite plateBioferrite shapingFloor
    Ritual maskBioferrite shapingGearClothing
    Ceremonial hoodBioferrite shapingGearClothing
    IncineratorBioferrite weaponryEquipmentWeapons
    Hellcat rifleBioferrite weaponryEquipmentWeapons
    Biofuel refineryBiofuel refiningBuildingProduction
    Biomutation pulserBiomutation weaponryArtifactUtility
    Bionic armBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic earBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic spineBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic eyeBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic tongueBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic stomachBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic legBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic heartBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Bionic jawBionic replacementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Biosculpter podBiosculptingBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Machine pistolBlowback operationEquipmentWeapons
    AutopistolBlowback operationEquipmentWeapons
    MindscrewBrain wiringMedical ItemsBody Parts
    PainstopperBrain wiringMedical ItemsBody Parts
    JoywireBrain wiringMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Fine carpetCarpet makingFloor
    CarpetCarpet makingFloor
    Morbid carpetCarpet makingFloor
    Hex carpetCarpet makingFloor
    Mindbend carpetCarpet makingFloor
    Cataphract helmetCataphract armorGearArmor
    Prestige cataphract helmetCataphract armorGearArmor
    Phoenix armorCataphract armorGearArmor
    Prestige cataphract armorCataphract armorGearArmor
    Cataphract armorCataphract armorGearArmor
    Circadian half-cyclerCircadian influenceMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Circadian assistantCircadian influenceMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Elbow bladeCompact weaponryMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Knee spikeCompact weaponryMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Hand talonCompact weaponryMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Electric tailor benchComplex clothing
    Hand tailor benchComplex clothingBuildingProduction
    TuqueComplex clothingGearClothing
    Cowboy hatComplex clothingGearClothing
    Face maskComplex clothingGearClothing
    Lab coatComplex clothingGearClothing
    T-shirtComplex clothingGearClothing
    ShadeconeComplex clothingGearClothing
    Kid romperComplex clothingGearClothing
    DusterComplex clothingGearClothing
    Heavy bandolierComplex clothingGearClothing
    TailcapComplex clothingGearClothing
    PantsComplex clothingGearClothing
    Kid shirtComplex clothingGearClothing
    Bowler hatComplex clothingGearClothing
    ParkaComplex clothingGearClothing
    Kid pantsComplex clothingGearClothing
    JacketComplex clothingGearClothing
    SashComplex clothingGearClothing
    FlophatComplex clothingGearClothing
    Kid parkaComplex clothingGearClothing
    Button-down shirtComplex clothingGearClothing
    Dining chairComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    BookcaseComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Double bedComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Darklight brazierComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Baby decorationComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    CouchComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Small bookcaseComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Meditation throneComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    School deskComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Slab bedComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    ShelfComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Small shelfComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    BrazierComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    BlackboardComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Slab double bedComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    ArmchairComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    End tableComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    DrapeComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    BedComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Grand meditation throneComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    DresserComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Toy boxComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Royal bedComplex furnitureBuildingFurniture
    Tool cabinetComplex furnitureBuildingMisc
    SarcophagusComplex furnitureBuildingMisc
    Large steleComplex furnitureBuildingMisc
    Poker tableComplex furnitureBuildingRecreation
    Chess tableComplex furnitureBuildingRecreation
    Billiards tableComplex furnitureBuildingRecreation
    Ornate doorComplex furnitureBuildingStructure
    VentComplex furnitureBuildingTemperature
    Cryptosleep casketCryptosleep casketBuildingMisc
    Deadlife shellDeadlife dustCrafted resourcesMortar shell
    Deadlife packDeadlife dustGearUtility
    Psychofluid pumpDeathrestBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    HemopumpDeathrestBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Hemogen amplifierDeathrestBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Deathrest casketDeathrestBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Glucosoid pumpDeathrestBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Deathrest acceleratorDeathrestBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Deep drillDeep drillingBuildingProduction
    Disruptor flare packDisruptor flaresGearUtility
    Drug labDrug productionBuildingProduction
    Pollution pumpElectricityBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Wall lampElectricityBuildingFurniture
    Standing lampElectricityBuildingFurniture
    Sun lampElectricityBuildingFurniture
    LoudspeakerElectricityBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    LightballElectricityBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Ship landing beaconElectricityBuildingMisc
    Wood-fired generatorElectricityBuildingPower
    Power switchElectricityBuildingPower
    Waterproof conduitElectricityBuildingPower
    Hidden conduitElectricityBuildingPower
    Wind turbineElectricityBuildingPower
    Power conduitElectricityBuildingPower
    Chemfuel powered generatorElectricityBuildingPower
    Electric stoveElectricityBuildingProduction
    Electric crematoriumElectricityBuildingProduction
    Electric smelterElectricityBuildingProduction
    Electric smithyElectricity
    ElectroharvesterElectroharvesterBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Electric inhibitorEntity containmentBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Holding platformEntity containmentBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Shard inhibitorEntity containmentBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Fabrication benchFabricationBuildingProduction
    Firefoam popperFirefoamBuildingMisc
    Firefoam shellFirefoamCrafted resourcesMortar shell
    Firefoam pop packFirefoamGearUtility
    Flak helmetFlak armorGearArmor
    Flak vestFlak armorGearArmor
    Flak jacketFlak armorGearArmor
    Flak pantsFlak armorGearArmor
    Flatscreen televisionFlatscreen televisionBuildingRecreation
    Aesthetic noseFlesh shapingMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Love enhancerFlesh shapingMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Aesthetic shaperFlesh shapingMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Foam turretFoam turretBuildingSecurity
    Frenzy inducerFrenzy inducerBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Heavy SMGGas operationEquipmentWeapons
    LMGGas operationEquipmentWeapons
    Chain shotgunGas operationEquipmentWeapons
    Gene processorGene processorBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Geothermal generatorGeothermal powerBuildingPower
    Ghoul barbsGhoul enhancementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Metalblood heartGhoul enhancementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Adrenal heartGhoul enhancementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Corrosive heartGhoul enhancementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Ghoul platingGhoul enhancementsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Ghoul resurrection serumGhoul resurrectionDrugSerum
    Go-juiceGo-juice productionDrugHard Drug
    Ground-penetrating scannerGround-penetrating scannerBuildingMisc
    Growth vatGrowth vatsBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Mini-turretGun turretsBuildingSecurity
    Incendiary launcherGunsmithingEquipmentWeapons
    Pump shotgunGunsmithingEquipmentWeapons
    Smoke launcherGunsmithingEquipmentWeapons
    Bolt-action rifleGunsmithingEquipmentWeapons
    CoagulatorHealing factorsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Healing enhancerHealing factorsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Subcore ripscannerHigh mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Mech boosterHigh mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Mechband dishHigh mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Integrator headsetHigh mechtechGearArmor
    Centipede burnerHigh mechtechMechanoid
    FabricorHigh mechtechMechanoid
    LancerHigh mechtechMechanoid
    DiabolusHigh mechtechMechanoid
    ParamedicHigh mechtechMechanoid
    Centipede gunnerHigh mechtechMechanoid
    Control sublink (high)High mechtechMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Remote repairerHigh mechtechMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Remote shielderHigh mechtechMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Hospital bedHospital bedBuildingFurniture
    Hydroponics basinHydroponicsBuildingProduction
    IED smoke trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    IED trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    IED EMP trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    IED incendiary trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    IED firefoam trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    IED antigrain warhead trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    IED deadlife trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    IED tox trapIedsBuildingSecurity
    Shard animal pulserInsanity weaponryArtifact
    Shard shock lanceInsanity weaponryGearUtility
    Shard insanity lanceInsanity weaponryGearUtility
    Ship engineJohnson-tanaka driveBuildingShip
    Juggernaut serumJuggernaut serumDrugSerum
    Locust armorJump packs
    Recon armor
    Jump packJump packsGearUtility
    LongswordLong bladesEquipmentWeapons
    SpearLong bladesEquipmentWeapons
    WarhammerLong bladesEquipmentWeapons
    Long-range mineral scannerLong-range mineral scannerBuildingMisc
    Ship computer coreMachine persuasionBuildingShip
    Machining tableMachiningBuildingProduction
    Frag grenadesMachiningEquipmentWeapons
    Molotov cocktailsMachiningEquipmentWeapons
    Gas maskMachiningGearClothing
    Marine helmetMarine armorGearArmor
    Grenadier armorMarine armorGearArmor
    Marine armorMarine armorGearArmor
    Prestige marine helmetMarine armorGearArmor
    Prestige marine armorMarine armorGearArmor
    MedicineMedicine productionMedical ItemsMedicine
    Metalblood serumMetalblood serumDrugSerum
    AutobongMicroelectronicsBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Sleep acceleratorMicroelectronicsBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    Orbital trade beaconMicroelectronicsBuildingMisc
    Comms consoleMicroelectronicsBuildingMisc
    Hi-tech research benchMicroelectronicsBuildingProduction
    EMP shellMicroelectronicsCrafted resourcesMortar shell
    EMP grenadesMicroelectronicsEquipmentWeapons
    EMP launcherMicroelectronicsEquipmentWeapons
    Mind-numb serumMind-numb serumDrugSerum
    Moisture pumpMoisture pumpBuildingMisc
    Gastro-analyzerMolecular analysisMedical ItemsBody Parts
    ImmunoenhancerMolecular analysisMedical ItemsBody Parts
    High-explosive shellMortarsCrafted resourcesMortar shell
    Incendiary shellMortarsCrafted resourcesMortar shell
    Smoke shellMortarsCrafted resourcesMortar shell
    MinigunMultibarrel weaponsEquipmentWeapons
    Biomutation lanceMutation weaponryGearUtility
    NeurocalculatorNeural computationMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Learning assistantNeural computationMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Neural superchargerNeural superchargerBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    BeretNoble apparelGearClothing
    Formal shirtNoble apparelGearClothing
    Formal vestNoble apparelGearClothing
    Ladies hatNoble apparelGearClothing
    CorsetNoble apparelGearClothing
    Top hatNoble apparelGearClothing
    Nutrient paste dispenserNutrient pasteBuildingProduction
    HopperNutrient pasteBuildingProduction
    Packaged survival mealPackaged survival mealFoodMeal
    Passive coolerPassive coolerBuildingTemperature
    PenoxycylinePenoxycyline productionDrugMedical Drug
    Plate armorPlate armorGearArmor
    Venom talonPoison synthesisMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Venom fangsPoison synthesisMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Sniper riflePrecision riflingEquipmentWeapons
    Assault riflePrecision riflingEquipmentWeapons
    Prosthetic armProstheticsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Cochlear implantProstheticsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Prosthetic legProstheticsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Prosthetic heartProstheticsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Proximity detectorProximity detectorBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    FlakePsychite refiningDrugHard Drug
    YayoPsychite refiningDrugHard Drug
    Psychite teaPsychoid brewingDrugSocial drug
    Charge lancePulse charged munitionsEquipmentWeapons
    Charge riflePulse charged munitionsEquipmentWeapons
    Prestige recon helmetRecon armorGearArmor
    Recon helmetRecon armorGearArmor
    Prestige recon armorRecon armorGearArmor
    Recon armorRecon armorGearArmor
    Recurve bowRecurve bowEquipmentWeapons
    Revenant vertebraeRevenant invisibilityMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Rocketswarm launcherRocketswarm launcherBuildingSecurity
    CrownRoyal apparelGearClothing
    Prestige robeRoyal apparelGearClothing
    CoronetRoyal apparelGearClothing
    Security doorSecurity doorBuildingStructure
    Serum labSerum synthesisBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Voidsight serumSerum synthesisDrugSerum
    Shield beltShieldsGearUtility
    Low-shield packShieldsGearUtility
    Armorskin glandSkin hardeningMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Stoneskin glandSkin hardeningMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Toughskin glandSkin hardeningMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Sleep suppressorSleep suppressorBuildingAnomaly (Buildings)
    Fueled smithySmithingBuildingProduction
    Breach axeSmithingEquipmentWeapons
    Steel tileSmithingFloor
    Silver tileSmithingFloor
    Gold tileSmithingFloor
    Kid helmetSmithingGearArmor
    Simple helmetSmithingGearArmor
    Smokepop packSmokepop packsGearUtility
    Solar generatorSolar panelBuildingPower
    Drill armSpecialized limbsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Field handSpecialized limbsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Power clawSpecialized limbsMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Subcore softscannerStandard mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Mechband antennaStandard mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Large mech rechargerStandard mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Large mech gestatorStandard mechtechBuildingBiotech (Buildings)
    Mechcommander helmetStandard mechtechGearArmor
    Array headsetStandard mechtechGearClothing
    Bandwidth packStandard mechtechGearUtility
    PikemanStandard mechtechMechanoid
    ScytherStandard mechtechMechanoid
    TunnelerStandard mechtechMechanoid
    ScorcherStandard mechtechMechanoid
    Control sublink (standard)Standard mechtechMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Mech gestation processorStandard mechtechMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Ship structural beamStarflight basicsBuildingShip
    Sensor clusterStarflight sensorsBuildingShip
    Ship reactorStarship reactorBuildingShip
    Sterile tileSterile materialsFloor
    Morbid slab (broad)StonecuttingBuildingFloor
    Morbid slab (medium)StonecuttingBuildingFloor
    Stonecutter's tableStonecuttingBuildingProduction
    Spikecore stone tileStonecuttingFloor
    Stone tileStonecuttingFloor
    Totemic stone tileStonecuttingFloor
    Paved tileStonecuttingFloor
    Morbid stone tileStonecuttingFloor
    Fine stone tileStonecuttingFloor
    Tox shellTox gasCrafted resourcesMortar shell
    Toxbomb launcherTox gasEquipmentWeapons
    Tox grenadesTox gasEquipmentWeapons
    Tox packTox gasGearUtility
    Toxifier generatorToxifier generatorBuildingPower
    Detoxifier kidneyToxin filtrationMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Detoxifier lungToxin filtrationMedical ItemsBody Parts
    Transport podTransport podBuildingMisc
    Pod launcherTransport podBuildingMisc
    Bonsai potTree sowingBuildingFurniture
    Tube televisionTube televisionBuildingRecreation
    Turret packTurret packGearUtility
    Mechlord suitUltra mechtechGearArmor
    Mechlord helmetUltra mechtechGearArmor
    War urchinUltra mechtechMechanoid
    LegionaryUltra mechtechMechanoid
    CenturionUltra mechtechMechanoid
    Centipede blasterUltra mechtechMechanoid
    TesseronUltra mechtechMechanoid
    War queenUltra mechtechMechanoid
    ... further results
    Ancient ATM.pngAncient ATM
    Ancient air conditioner.pngAncient air conditioner
    Ancient band node.pngAncient band node
    AncientBarrelA.pngAncient barrel
    Ancient basic recharger south.pngAncient basic recharger
    ... further results

    Check.png Ex.png

    Name Stuff amount Work To Make Value/Textile
    Animal bed 40 400 1.525
    Animal flap 25 850 1.64
    Armchair 110 14,000 1.9545454545455
    Authority cap 25 1,500 1.72
    Bedroll 40 600 1.55
    Beret 35 4,000 1.9142857142857
    Blindfold 20 1,200 1.7
    Bowler hat 20 1,800 1.85
    Broadwrap 30 1,800 1.7333333333333
    Burka 60 4,000 1.7333333333333
    Button-down shirt 45 2,700 1.7111111111111
    Cape 80 16,000 2.225
    Ceremonial hood 20 2,000 2.25
    Corset 45 12,000 2.4666666666667
    Couch 200 20,000 1.85
    Cowboy hat 25 1,800 1.76
    Double bedroll 85 1,100 1.5529411764706
    Drape 150 2,000 1.9333333333333
    Drum 30 800 3.6
    Duster 80 10,000 1.95
    Face mask 10 800 1.8
    Flophat 20 1,200 1.7
    Formal shirt 65 6,000 1.8307692307692
    Formal vest 45 12,000 2.4666666666667
    Headwrap 20 1,400 1.75
    Heavy bandolier 75 3,500 1.6666666666667
    Hood 50 6,000 1.94
    Jacket 70 7,000 1.8571428571429
    Kid pants 20 1,280 1.75
    Kid parka 40 6,400 2.075
    Kid romper 30 2,000 1.7333333333333
    Kid shirt 20 1,280 1.75
    Kid tribalwear 30 1,400 1.6666666666667
    Kneel pillow 25 2,400 1.84
    Kneel sheet 80 2,400 1.6125
    Lab coat 70 5,000 1.7571428571429
    Ladies hat 50 6,000 1.94
    Pants 40 1,600 1.65
    Parka 80 8,000 1.8625
    Patchleather 50 900 0.03
    Prestige robe 100 20,000 2.2
    Robe 80 5,000 1.725
    Sandbags 5 180 1.62
    Sash 25 1,000 1.64
    Shadecone 25 1,800 1.76
    Slave body strap 70 7,000 1.8571428571429
    Slave collar 25 1,800 1.76
    T-shirt 40 1,600 1.65
    Tailcap 20 1,400 1.75
    Top hat 50 6,000 1.94
    Tribal headdress 50 6,000 1.94
    Tribalwear 60 1,800 1.6166666666667
    Tuque 20 1,200 1.7
    Veil 20 1,400 1.75

    Cataphract armor

    A suit of heavy powered armor, built for maximum protection at the cost of mobility. Heavy layered plasteel-weave plates with solid ablative coatings stop all but the most well-aimed or powerful attacks. Neuro-memetic assistors prevent the suit's massive weight from immobilizing the wearer entirely, but the suit is still quite cumbersome. Armor like this is used by imperial cataphracts to break heavily fortified positions in frontal assaults when no other option is available.


    Cataphract helmet

    A heavily-armored high-tech helmet, with a solid plasteel-weave shell and indirect visual system for non-frontal view angles. It protects against all but the most powerful or luckily-aimed shots. Armor like this is used by imperial cataphracts to break heavily fortified positions in frontal assaults when no other option is available.


    Marine armor

    A suit of powered armor. Layered plasteel-weave plates are very effective at stopping attacks, with few vulnerable joint sections. Neuro-memetic assistors allow a human to wear the armor and still move easily.
    Armor like this is often used by rapid-incursion space marines.


    Marine helmet

    A marine armor helmet, with a built-in status computer and layered plasteel-weave plates. Armor like this is often used by rapid-incursion space marines.


    Prestige cataphract armor

    A suit of heavy powered armor, built for maximum protection at the cost of mobility. Heavy layered plasteel-weave plates with solid ablative coatings stop all but the most well-aimed or powerful attacks. Neuro-memetic assistors prevent the suit's massive weight from immobilizing the wearer entirely, but the suit is still quite cumbersome.
    Expensive and beautiful, prestige armor like this is usually made for those of high status. Embedded eltex threads also enhance the wearer's psychic sensitivity.


    Prestige cataphract helmet

    A heavily-armored high-tech helmet, with a solid plasteel-weave shell and indirect visual system for non-frontal view angles. It protects against all but the most powerful or luckily-aimed shots.
    Expensive and beautiful, prestige armor like this is usually made for those of high status. Embedded eltex threads also enhance the wearer's psychic sensitivity.


    Prestige marine armor

    A suit of powered armor. Layered plasteel-weave plates are very effective at stopping attacks, with few vulnerable joint sections. Neuro-memetic assistors allow a human to wear the armor and still move easily.
    Expensive and beautiful, prestige armor like this is usually made for those of high status. Embedded eltex threads also enhance the wearer's psychic sensitivity.


    Prestige marine helmet

    A marine armor helmet, with a built-in status computer and layered plasteel-weave plates.
    Expensive and beautiful, prestige armor like this is usually made for those of high status. Embedded eltex threads also enhance the wearer's psychic sensitivity.


    Prestige recon armor

    A suit of light partially-powered armor, designed to permit quick movement. Plasteel-weave plates block attacks without compromising mobility, and neuro-memetic assistors in the lower body allow a human to wear the armor and still move easily.
    Expensive and beautiful, prestige armor like this is usually made for those of high status. Embedded eltex threads also enhance the wearer's psychic sensitivity.


    Prestige recon helmet

    A high-tech armored helmet with a built-in status computer and a protective plasteel-weave plate.
    Expensive and beautiful, prestige armor like this is usually made for those of high status. Embedded eltex threads also enhance the wearer's psychic sensitivity.


    Recon armor

    A suit of light partially-powered armor, designed to permit quick movement. Lightweight plasteel-weave plates block attacks without compromising mobility, and neuro-memetic assistors in the lower body allow a human to wear the armor and still move easily. Armor like this is often used by imperial scout troops and glitterworld police forces.


    Recon helmet

    A high-tech armored helmet with a built-in status computer and a protective plasteel-weave plate. Armor like this is often used by imperial scout troops or glitterworld police forces.



    A conical woven hat. Good for keeping cool during long hours in the sun.

     Production Facility 1TypeType2
    Kneel sheetBuildingIdeology (Buildings)
    IED EMP trapBuildingSecurity
    Crashed mechanitor shipBuildingMisc
    Tube televisionBuildingRecreation
    Animalist slab (broad)BuildingFloor
    ... further results
     Health Scale
    Waste rat0.29
    Guinea pig0.4
    Yorkshire terrier0.4
    Arctic fox0.7
    Fennec fox0.7
    Red fox0.7
    Wild boar0.7
    Immature dryad0.8
    Timber wolf0.99
    Arctic wolf0.99
    Labrador retriever1
    Polar bear2.5
    Grizzly bear2.5

    Megascarab, Megascarab cocoon, Megaspider cocoon, Spelopede, Spelopede cocoon

    Agrihand, Apocriton, Auto charge turret, Auto inferno turret, Auto mortar, Centipede, Centipede blaster, Centipede burner, Centipede gunner, Centurion, Cleansweeper, Constructoid, Diabolus, Fabricor, Lancer, Legionary, Lifter, Megascarab, Megascarab cocoon, Megaspider, Megaspider cocoon, Militor, Mini-slugger turret, Paramedic, Pikeman, Scorcher, Scyther, Spelopede, Spelopede cocoon, Termite, Tesseron, Tunneler, War queen, War urchin

    Airwire headset, Array headset, Authority cap, Beret, Blindfold, Bowler hat, Broadwrap, Burka, Button-down shirt, Cape, Ceremonial hood, Coronet, Corset, Cowboy hat, Crown, Duster, Face mask, Flophat, Formal shirt, Formal vest, Gas mask, Headwrap, Heavy bandolier, Hood, Jacket, Kid pants, Kid parka, Kid romper, Kid shirt, Kid tribalwear, Lab coat, Ladies hat, Pants, Parka, Prestige robe, Ritual mask, Robe, Sash, Shadecone, Slave body strap, Slave collar, Slicecap, Stellic crown, T-shirt, Tailcap, Top hat, Torture crown, Tribal headdress, Tribalwear, Tuque... further results

    Airwire headset, Array headset, Authority cap, Beret, Blindfold, Bowler hat, Broadwrap, Burka, Button-down shirt, Cape, Ceremonial hood, Coronet, Corset, Cowboy hat, Crown, Duster, Face mask, Flophat, Formal shirt, Formal vest, Gas mask, Headwrap, Heavy bandolier, Hood, Jacket, Kid pants, Kid parka, Kid romper, Kid shirt, Kid tribalwear, Lab coat, Ladies hat, Pants, Parka, Prestige robe, Ritual mask, Robe, Sash, Shadecone, Slave body strap, Slave collar, Slicecap, Stellic crown, T-shirt, Tailcap, Top hat, Torture crown, Tribal headdress, Tribalwear, Tuque... further results

    Animal bed, Animal flap, Animal sleeping box, Animalist slab (broad), Animalist slab (medium), Armchair, Art bench, Authority cap, Autobong, Autodoor, Axe, Baby decoration, Barricade, Bed, Bedroll, Beret, Billiards table, Blackboard, Blindfold, Bonsai pot, Bookcase, Bowler hat, Brazier, Breach axe, Broadwrap, Burka, Butcher table, Button-down shirt, Cape, Ceremonial hood, Chess table, Club, Column, Coronet, Corset, Couch, Cowboy hat, Crib, Crown, Darklight brazier, Dining chair, Door, Double bed, Double bedroll, Drape, Dresser, Drug lab, Drum, Duster, Egg box... further results

    | format = ul

    Armor Table[edit]

    Armor - Insulation -
    Name Sharp Blunt Heat Heat Cold Coverage Occupies Skin Occupies Middle Occupies Shell Occupies Head Value Silver
    Cataphract armor Cataphract armor 120 50 60 12 36 Torso, Neck, Left Shoulder, Left Arm, Right Shoulder, Right Arm, Left Leg, Right Leg Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png 3,120

    Focus types lore[edit]

       Dignified: This can be used by psycasters with Empire royal titles. They meditate on meditation thrones, and gain more focus for more grand and dignified thronerooms. This is part of a shift in emphasis for the Empire, somewhat away from the pampered noble image, and more towards the quasi-religious psychic order aspect that they’ve always had. You’ll note that this kind of meditation is a direct replacement for the old ’authority’ need that your titled pawns would have. Now, instead of sitting on the throne to boost their own ego, they do it to meditate and regain psyfocus. The throneroom is a social gathering place, but it is also a meditation temple expressing deep traditions of an honor-bound culture.
       Natural: This focus type is used by those with tribal childhood backstories - whether you started as a tribal faction, or simply recruited someone with a tribal backstory. Natural meditation foci all need to be in nature - they lose their power if there are artifical structures too close by. The concept here is that they want to go away from people and do a psychic practice by communing with the stillness and eternity of the natural world.
       The most important meditation focus for the natural focus is the anima tree. One of these unique trees spawns on every map with a biome where it’s at all feasible. The tree glows with bioluminescent micro-organisms and has a connection with the surrounding psychic field. Anima trees are powerful foci for building up psyfocus, but also serve another purpose - they can actually upgrade your psycasters. When meditated to, the anima tree slowly develops anima grass around its base. Once enough is grown, you can send someone to link with the tree through a tribal ritual and gain a new level of psylink. This gives a reason to have lots of people meditate to the tree sometimes - possibly even the whole tribe - to grow the grass faster. Anima trees are not vulnerable to toxic fallout and animal will respect them and not eat them (except the jerk alphabeavers). If it’s destroyed, a new one will spawn some time later.
       Besides anima trees, you can also build nature shrines or acquire ancient animus stones and place them in nature to meditate to them. These won’t give new psylink levels like the tree, but it can be useful if you’re on an ice sheet and there is no tree, or you feel you want a meditation focus in a specific spot (though they still lose power if too close to artificial buildings). Raiders won’t see or attack the hidden nature shrines and animus stone.
       Morbid: This focus type is used by those with certain traits like psychopath, cannibal, or blood list. They draw psyfocus by meditating on death. To that end, graves and sarcophagi are a meditation focus for them. This kind of meditation is more powerful with a corpse inside the grave, and even more powerful if the corpse is related to the meditator.
       Minimal: This focus type is used by ascetics. They want the absolute minimum, so they meditate to blank walls. It’s a powerful type of meditation, but only ascetics can use it, and they can’t use some other types.
       Artistic: This type of meditation is usable by most people. The psycaster will meditate to art. Higher-quality art builds psyfocus faster. This kind of focus object is very accessible, but not quite as powerful as other methods.
       The above all means that the Empire no longer needs to have laws against psychic powers - so they don’t. If you want to be tribal psychics drawing power from the anima tree, while being friendly with the Empire, you can. The Empire also no longer tries to prevent anyone from using bladelink weapons (renamed to persona weapons), again, simply because it wasn’t worth restricting players this way. Such weapons are still very hard to get, so if you get one, use it.

    Marine armor test[edit]

    VS SHARP ONLY, too wordy to put in as is.

    Compared a flak vest and duster, the marine armor offers strictly superior protection to the arms and legs when all items are the same quality, regardless of duster material. The interactions of two layers are dictated by the games Armor Rating calculations, and the result is that marine armor provides torso, neck and shoulders protection dependent on the quality and materials of the items compared.

    • All items of Awful Quality: Marine armor is comparable or superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest for all weapons, and significantly inferior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all but the highest AP weapons in the game.
    • All items of Poor Quality: Marine armor is comparable to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and significantly inferior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all but the highest AP weapons in the game.
    • All items of Normal Quality: Marine armor is superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and significantly inferior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.
    • All items of Good Quality: Marine armor is superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and comparable to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.
    • All items of Excellent Quality: Marine armor is significant superior to a devilstrand duster and flak vest and superior to both hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.
    • All items of Masterwork or Legendary Quality: Marine armor is significant superior to a devilstrand, hyperweave and thrumbofur duster and flak pairings for all weapons in the game.

    Table test[edit]

    Click here to toggle the table.
    Header text Header text I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!
    Example Example I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!
    Example Example I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!
    Example Example I'm the mw-collapsible cell content!
    Click here to toggle the table.
    Hello World
    Content Goes
    In Here
    Hello World
    Content Goes
    In Here


    Name Description Base cost Industrial start cost Tribal start cost Required Research Required Research Bench & Addon
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.
    The following are unlocked by this research:
    Bowler hatBowlerHat.png
    Button-down shirtButton-Down Shirt.png
    Cowboy hatCowboyHat.png
    Electric tailor benchTable tailor electric north.png
    Face maskClothMask.png
    Hand tailor benchTable tailor hand north.png
    Heavy bandolierHeavyBandolier.png
    Kid pantsKidPants.png
    Kid parkaKidParka.png
    Kid romperKidRomper.png
    Kid shirtKidShirt.png
    Lab coatLab coat.png
    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.

    The following are unlocked by this research: Bowler hat, Button-down shirt, Cowboy hat, Duster, Electric tailor bench, Face mask, Flophat, Hand tailor bench, Heavy bandolier, Jacket, Kid pants, Kid parka, Kid romper, Kid shirt, Lab coat, Pants, Parka, Sash, Shadecone, T-shirt, Tailcap, Tuque

    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.

    The following are unlocked by this research: Bowler hat, Button-down shirt, Cowboy hat, Duster, Electric tailor bench, Face mask, Flophat, Hand tailor bench, Heavy bandolier, Jacket, Kid pants, Kid parka, Kid romper, Kid shirt, Lab coat, Pants, Parka, Sash, Shadecone, T-shirt, Tailcap, Tuque

    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats.

    For a full list of what is unlocked by this research see here.

    600 600 [B] 900 None Simple
    Complex clothing Tailor complicated garments like pants, dusters, and cowboy hats. 600 600 [B] 900 None Simple


    This is the inline text

    abbr in it.


    Thrumbofur Marine armor

    Awful Poor Normal Good Excellent Masterwork Legendary